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;A HSAnet Nodelist for Friday, May 19, 1995 -- Day number 139 : 11516
;S Copyright 1995, Jason Englander, All rights reserved.
;S <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20>
;S <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20> <20> <20> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20>
;S <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> <20>
;S <20><> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><> <20><> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD>
;S -=- The Hashbrown Society of America Network -=-
;S Founded January 3, 1993 by Jason Englander and Gerry Busardo
;S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
;S o FDNC and XlaxNode are confirmed to work with our HSALIST and HSADIFF
;S files. We will be processing under MAKENL v2.51.
;S o You may FREQ the "magic name" of HSALIST for the most recent nodelist,
;S HSADIFF for the most recent nodediff, and HSAINFO for the HSAnet info
;S packet from any Regional Coordinator, Net Coordinator, or Hub.
;S o If you'd like to join our Barren Realms Elite league, contact me in the
;S H-BRE666 echo or send me a NetMail for more information.
;S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
;S [- Message Echos -]
;S H-4SALE For Sale or Trade
;S H-ANSI Miscellaneous ANSI Files
;S H-AUDIO Audio Equipment
;S H-BBSADS Bulletin Board System Ads (A)
;S H-BRE666 Barren Realms Elite League 666 (B) [Jason Englander]
;S H-COMRCL Commercial Advertisements (A)
;S H-DOORS Door Support/Discussion
;S H-FILEAN File Announcements (R)
;S H-FILFND Allfix FileFind Requests
;S H-GEN General Chatter (!)
;S H-GMUSIC General Music Echo
;S H-GRIND Death Metal/Grindcore
;S H-HORROR Horror Books/Movies [Matt Williams]
;S H-LIFE Life and Death Discussions
;S H-METAL Metalheads Anonymous
;S H-MOVIES Movies
;S H-MSCIAN Musicians Discussion [Tony Antoniou]
;S H-OS Operating Systems [Tony Antoniou]
;S H-OTHRNT Networks Other Than HSAnet
;S H-PROG Programmer's Echo
;S H-SUPP BBS Software Support
;S H-TAGLN Tagline Echo
;S H-TEEN Teen Discussion Echo [Andy Rosen]
;S H-TKBC The Kill Barney Club (L)
;S H-TOONS Cartoons
;S H-VIDGAM Video Games
;S H-WAR Warboard/Flame Echo (18+,A,H,L) [Nobody ;>]
;S Administrative Echos
;S --------------------
;S H-ADMIN Administrative Nodes (ZC/RC/NC) [Jason Englander]
;S H-SYSOPS SysOp Conference (!,S) [Jason Englander]
;S H-ZONE Zone Level Administration (ZC/ZEC) [Jason Englander]
;S H-ZONE13 Echo Proposals & Statistics (!,S) [Andy Rosen]
;S Adult Echos
;S -----------
;S H-ADULT Adult General Chatter (18+,H,L)
;S H-AHUMOR Adult Jokes, Riddles, & Stories (18+,H,L)
;S H-FANT Adult Fantasies (18+,H,L)
;S H-SINGLE Adult Singles Ads & Discussion (18+,H,L)
;S Symbols
;S -------
;S ! = Mandatory For All Systems
;S 18+ = 18 and Over Only (21 in AL, MS, NE, WY)
;S A = ANSI is Allowed
;S B = Mandatory for BRE League 666 Nodes
;S H = Handles Are Allowed
;S L = 'Bad' language is ok
;S R = Set to Read Only
;S S = Restricted to SysOps Only
;S -= We need moderators! If you're interested in moderating any of =-
;S -= the above echos, please contact me for more info =-
;S [- File Echos -]
;S HDS-DOOR HSAnet Doors HDS-OS2 HSAnet OS/2 Files
;S HDS-SOFT HSAnet General Software HDS-TEXT HSAnet Text Files
;S HDS-UTIL HSAnet General Utilities HSADIFF HSAnet Nodediffs
;S HSAINFO Information on HSAnet HSALIST HSAnet Nodelists
;S HSAREGUP HSAnet Nodelist Updates
;S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
;S The following flags define special operating conditions:
;S Flag Meaning
;S CM Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
;S MO Node does not accept human callers
;S LO Node accepts calls Only from Listed
;S HSAnet addresses
;S The following flags define modem capabilities supported:
;S Flag Meaning
;S V21 ITU-T V21 300 bps full duplex
;S V22 ITU-T V22 1200 bps full duplex
;S V29 ITU-T V29 9600 bps half duplex
;S V32 ITU-T V32 9600 bps full duplex
;S V32b ITU-T V32bis 14400 bps full duplex
;S V33 ITU-T V33
;S V34 ITU-T V34
;S V42 LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP
;S V42b ITU-T V42bis
;S MNP Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
;S H96 Hayes V9600
;S HST USR Courier HST
;S H14 USR Courier HST 14.4
;S H16 USR Courier HST 16.8
;S MAX Microcom AX/96xx series
;S PEP Packet Ensemble Protocol
;S CSP Compucom Speedmodem
;S ZYX Zyxel series
;S VFC V.Fast Class
;S V32T V.32 Terbo
;S NOTE: Many V22 modems also support Bell 212A.
;S If no modem flag is given, Bell 212A is assumed for 1200 bps
;S systems, ITU-T V22bis is assumed for 2400 bps systems.
;S A separate modem capability flag should not be used when it can be
;S determined by the modem flag. For instance, a modem flag of HST
;S implies MNP. V32b implies V32 and V42b implies V42. MNP,HST and
;S V32,V32b and V42,V42b flag pairs are unnecessary.
;S The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
;S packets supported.
;S Flag Meaning
;S MN No compression supported
;S NOTE: The only compression method standard in
;S HSAnet is archiving, using one of the following
;S formats: ARC, ARJ, or ZIP, with archive names
;S defined by the specification for ARCMail 0.6. The
;S absence of the MN flag indicates that ARCMail 0.6
;S compression is supported by this node.
;S The following flags define the type of software used for file requests.
;S File Req Flag Software Package
;S XA Frontdoor 1.99b and lower
;S Frontdoor 2.01 and higher
;S Dutchie 2.90c
;S Binkleyterm 2.1 and higher
;S D'Bridge 1.2 and lower
;S XB Binkleyterm 2.0
;S Dutchie 2.90b
;S XC Opus 1.1
;S XP Seadog
;S XR Opus 1.03
;S XT VFIDO <Virtual BBS Fido Interface>
;S XW Fido 12N and higher
;S Tabby
;S XX D'Bridge 1.30
;S Frontdoor 1.99c/2.0
;S InterMail 2.01
;S None QMM
;S The following flags indicate the types of
;S file/update requests supported.
;S |--------------------------------------------------|
;S | | Bark | WaZOO |
;S | |---------------------|---------------------|
;S | | File | Update | File | Update |
;S | Flag | Requests | Requests | Requests | Requests |
;S |------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
;S | XA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
;S | XB | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
;S | XC | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
;S | XP | Yes | Yes | No | No |
;S | XR | Yes | No | Yes | No |
;S | XW | No | No | Yes | No |
;S | XX | No | No | Yes | Yes |
;S |--------------------------------------------------|
;S The following flag defines gateways to other domains (networks).
;S Flag Meaning
;S Gx..x Gateway to domain 'x..x', where 'x..x` is a string
;S of alphanumeric characters. Valid values for 'x..x'
;S are assigned by the HSAnet International Coordinator.
;S This flag is not authorized for use by any node
;S unless specifically authorized by the IC. Currently,
;S there are no registered domain gateways.
;S The following flags define the dedicated mail periods supported.
;S They have the form "#nn" or !nn where nn is the UTC hour the mail
;S period begins, # indicates Bell 212A compatibility, and !
;S indicates incompatibility with Bell 212A.
;S Flag Meaning
;S #09 Zone 13 mail hour (09:00 - 10:00 UTC)
;S #18 Zone 14 mail hour (18:00 - 19:00 UTC)
;S NOTE: When applicable, the mail period flags may
;S be strung together with no intervening commas, eg.
;S "#09#18". Only mail hours other than that standard
;S within a node's zone should be given. Since
;S observance of mail hour within one's zone is
;S mandatory, it should not be indicated.
;S The following flag defines user-specific values. If present, this
;S flag MUST be the last flag present in a nodelist entry.
;S Flag Meaning
;S Ux..x
;S A user-specified string, which may contain any
;S alphanumeric character except blanks. This string may
;S contain one to thirty-two characters of information that
;S may be used to add user-defined data to a specific
;S nodelist entry. The character "U" should NOT be
;S repeated, eg, ",UXXX,YYY,ZZZ" not ",UXXX,UYYY,UZZZ".
;S It is recommended that the initial "U" is not followed by
;S a comma and that flags following the first entry be
;S separated by a comma, as in the above example.
;S Entries following the "U" flag must be of a technical or
;S administrative nature. While experimentation of new
;S software functions using this flag is encouraged,
;S advertisement is strictly prohibited.
;S For applications other than those shown, or if you have
;S questions concerning the use of this field, please
;S contact your Regional or Zone Coordinator.
;S HSAnet authorized 'user' flags:-
;S EchoMail Coordination:
;S ZEC Zone EchoMail Coordinator. Not more than one entry
;S in the zone 13 segment may carry this flag and that entry
;S must be the current Zone EchoMail Coordinator.
;S BBS Software:
;S AG Amiga FC First Class RO RoboBBS
;S AM 2 AM-BBS FR Force! SB SuperBBS
;S AN AnsiBBS GA GAP SC Syncronet BBS
;S AP Apple Oriented KI Kitten SK Ski*Net
;S AT Auntie MG Magpie SL Searchlight
;S BB Bread Board MB MajorBBS SP Spitfire
;S BP BBS-PC MX Maximus SX Simplex
;S CE Celerity OB Obliveon TA Tag
;S CN Cnet-Amiga OP Opus TB TriBBS
;S CM Commodore PB ProBoard TG Telegard
;S CT Citadel PC PCBoard UL Ultra BBS
;S DL DLG Software PH Phoenix VT Virtual BBS
;S DS DSoft QK QuickBBS VX Vision-X
;S EB ElectronicBBS RA Remote Access WC Wildcat
;S EX Express RB RBBS-PC WF Waffle
;S EZ EZYcom RG Renegade WW WWIV
;S ZZ Miscellaneous
;S Other User Flags Currently Authorized for use in Zone 13:
;S FAX This number accepts incoming faxes
;S FIX This node supports Allfix FileFind
;S Z19 Zyxel 19,200 modem protocol
;S ==========================================================================