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From pozar@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:19:34 2002
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:20:09 -0800
From: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>
To: tomj@wps.com
Cc: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>, zorch@repairnet.com, zorch@zorch.net
Subject: First mention of Fidonet on USENET...
First mention of Fidonet on USENET...
From: Jon_Tara@Wayne-MTS
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 84 23:55:30 EST
From: Jon_Tara%Wayne-MTS%UMich-MTS.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
To: telecom-request%BBNCCA@MIT-Multics.ARPA
The information that appeared here on Allnet was a bit misleading.
Yes, they have six-second billing, but they also have a 1-minute
minimum. They also charge more for the first minute than they do
for subsequent minutes. Their salesman told me that they don't bill
for calls under 1 minute at all, but they same salesman told me that
the first minute was NOT loaded, which turned out not to be true.
(I haven't gotten a bill yet, so I don't know about not billing
under 1 minute - I'll report back - my FIDOnet system should give
*that* a good test...).
First mention of a Fidonet BBS on USENET...
DEC-Ware II Fido BBS ...........................(201)-750-3748
David Horowitz;;(3B,5M);Dec Rainbow 100B+; MS-DOS 2.05 Public Domain
for Rainbow, generic MS-DOS, generic CP/M 80 and 86. Most recent SIG/M
and CP/M available on request. 24hrs 300/1200. FidoNet mail
First hand cross post of Fido -> USENET...
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site hadron.UUCP
From: klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler)
Newsgroups: net.startrek,net.tv,net.sf-lovers
Subject: Star Trek Clippings for Sale
Message-ID: <188@hadron.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 17-May-85 00:54:44 EDT
Article-I.D.: hadron.188
Posted: Fri May 17 00:54:44 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 19-May-85 00:29:09 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: Hadron, Inc., Fairfax, VA
Lines: 30
The following "ad" was posted to one of my FIDO systems, and I thought
the population of the USENET might be interested. You can respond to
the ad directly, or to me at ..!seismo!hadron!klr, and I will send them
along to Larry via FIDO:
----------------------------[ Clip here ]-------------------------------
Attention Star Trek Fans:
I have a collection of authentic Star Trek Film Clips for sale.
These are original clips rescued from the cutting room floor by
Lincoln Enterprises. I have about 120 different clips, each
one to four frames long. Most shots are of the Enterprise crew
and guest stars. They can be mounted in half-frame slide
mounts for projection. This is as close as you'll ever come to
owning a real piece of Star Trek.
Prices: all 120 clips for $75.00
or a random sampling of 10 clips for $10.00
Contact: Larry Rice
3015 4th St. NE
Washington, DC 20017-1199
(202) 832-6262
[ May 25 - Aug 7 ]
2010 University Ave.
Austin, TX 78705
or through FidoNet node #74 or SourceMail #STH876. LLAP.
Fist mention of Tom...
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
From: w8sdz%brl@sri-unix.UUCP
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: MSDOS BBS and file transfer system
Message-ID: <16156@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 29-Jan-84 18:22:29 EST
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.16156
Posted: Sun Jan 29 18:22:29 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 5-Feb-84 04:00:04 EST
Lines: 21
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@brl>
The following is relayed from TCBBS Dearborn, MI, for those interested
Date: 1/25/84
From: Tom Jennings
To: All
Re: MSDOS Technical BBS
There is a generic MSDOS oriented BBS in Sanfrancisco: Fido:
(415)-864-1418 - 1200/300 baud 24 hrs. The usual msg base, file up and
download via XMODEM, MODEM batch mode, extended TELINK mode. 10 Mb
space, about 2 M files. Trying to keep mostly generic MSDOS utils and
sources; about 75:25 Generic:PC. BBS software is new (not in BASIC)
and is available for FREE for downloading. No time limits, etc (yet!)
CP/M software is OK too; not too much there yet, except some stuff for
BDS (Unix file i/o system, utilities). Mostly C and assembly; only one
(1) program in basic.
First posting of Fidonews on USENET [Volume 3, Number 37 - 29 September 1986]
First thread where USENET folks are concerned about PC's connecting...
First mention of UFGATE...
From pozar@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:19:47 2002
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:27:12 -0800
From: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>
To: tomj@wps.com
Cc: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>, zorch@repairnet.com, zorch@zorch.net
Subject: Why in my day...
Times have changed..
Back when I was in the top 20 posters on USENET... :-)
From stemish@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:45:52 2002
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:49:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>
To: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>, tomj@wps.com, edgar@zeitgeist.net
Subject: earliest mention of TLG in Usenet
...that I can find...
From: John Frost (frost@netcom.com)
Subject: Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture - 3.14.94 - p2/5
Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace
Date: 1994-03-14 19:42:30 PST
"I remember thinking that Windows 1.0 was a joke.
Of course, that hasn't changed... the joke has only become more sinister."
-- from IRC
From pozar@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:46:01 2002
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:49:50 -0800
From: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>
To: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>
Cc: tomj@wps.com, edgar@zeitgeist.net
Subject: Re: earliest mention of TLG in Usenet
:-) Back when we are listed as an *.org.
On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:49:35PM -0800, Brian Clayton wrote:
> ...that I can find...
> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=the+little+garden+tlg+1994&start=10&selm=frostCMosyv.Jyy%40netcom.com&rnum=11
> From: John Frost (frost@netcom.com)
> Subject: Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture - 3.14.94 - p2/5
> Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace
> Date: 1994-03-14 19:42:30 PST
> BC
> --
> "I remember thinking that Windows 1.0 was a joke.
> Of course, that hasn't changed... the joke has only become more sinister."
> -- from IRC
Snail: Tim Pozar / LNS / 1978 45th Ave / San Francisco CA 94116 / USA
POTS: +1 415 665 3790 Radio: KC6GNJ / KAE6247
"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
- Andrew Jackson
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite." - Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays"
From pozar@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:46:15 2002
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 21:56:11 -0800
From: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>
To: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>
Cc: tomj@wps.com, edgar@zeitgeist.net
Subject: Re: earliest mention of TLG in Usenet
I got an earlier one...
It is a post from Wolfgang but it quotes my post from October...
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht (wolfgang@wsrcc.com)
Subject: Re: Internet In A Box
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Date: 1993-11-30 00:18:56 PST
Newsgroups: ba.internet
From: pozar@kumr.lns.com (Tim Pozar)
Subject: TLGnet Information Sheet
Organization: Late Night Software (San Francisco)
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1993 01:56:09 GMT
On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:49:35PM -0800, Brian Clayton wrote:
> ...that I can find...
> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=the+little+garden+tlg+1994&start=10&selm=frostCMosyv.Jyy%40netcom.com&rnum=11
> From: John Frost (frost@netcom.com)
> Subject: Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture - 3.14.94 - p2/5
> Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace
> Date: 1994-03-14 19:42:30 PST
> BC
> --
> "I remember thinking that Windows 1.0 was a joke.
> Of course, that hasn't changed... the joke has only become more sinister."
> -- from IRC
Snail: Tim Pozar / LNS / 1978 45th Ave / San Francisco CA 94116 / USA
POTS: +1 415 665 3790 Radio: KC6GNJ / KAE6247
"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
- Andrew Jackson
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite." - Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays"
From pozar@lns.com Wed Jan 16 09:46:24 2002
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 22:02:49 -0800
From: Tim Pozar <pozar@lns.com>
To: Brian Clayton <stemish@lns.com>
Cc: tomj@wps.com, edgar@zeitgeist.net
Subject: Re: earliest mention of TLG in Usenet
Woops... Too quick... Found one with me flaming Vincent Poy and
mentioning TLG at the same time!
From: Tim Pozar (pozar@kumr.lns.com)
Subject: Re: InterNet Feed
Newsgroups: alt.bbs
Date: 1992-12-05 12:59:13 PST