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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Terminal Identifiers
The following tables matches Terminal numerical IDs (telenet parmater 23)
Generic and Specific Terminal Identifiers.
ID # Generic Term ID Terminal Type (note)
---- ------- ------- ---------------------------
0 Unknown or Synch. Host
1 B1 AJ63 Anderson Jacobson 630
2 B5 AJ86 Anderson Jacobson 860 (9)
3 A2 CD30 CDI 1030
4 D1 DP22 Datapoint 2200
5 D2 DP30 Datapoint 3000 & 3300
6 D3 HP21 Hewlett-Packard 2100s (9)
7 A2 CT30 CT Execuport 300
9 A4 GE30 GE Terminet 300
10 A3 GE12 GE Terminet 1200
11 D1 HZ20 Hazeltine 2000
12 E1 IBM1 2741 EBCD (5)
13 E2 IBM2 2741 EBCD (6)
14 E3 IBM3 2741 EBCD (7)
15 E4 IBM4 2741 EBCD (8)
16 C1 IBM5 2741 Correspondence (1)
17 C2 IBM6 2741 Correspondence (2)
18 C3 IBM7 2741 Correspondence (3)
19 C4 IBM8 2741 Correspondence (4)
20 D1 T4/2 Special Terminal
26 A1 TT33 Teletype 33
27 A1 TT35 Teletype 35
30 D1 TT40 Teletype 40
32 A7 TI25 TI 725
33 A2 TI33 TI 733 (Default)
34 A6 TI45 TI 735
35 B2 UV50 Univac DCT 500
38 D1 IFVD Infoton Vistar Display
39 D1 RI34 Teleray 3300-3700
40 A5 TN30 GE Terminet 30
41 A8 DECW DEC LA35/36 Decwriter II
43 A3 TN12 GE Terminet 120
44 A9 CT12 CT Execuport 1200
45 A1 Generic Terminal
46 A2 Generic Terminal
47 A3 Generic Terminal
48 A4 Generic Terminal
49 A5 Generic Terminal
50 A6 Generic Terminal
51 A7 Generic Terminal
52 A8 Generic Terminal
53 A9 Generic Terminal
54 D1 ADDS ADDS 520, 580, 980
55 B3 AJ83 AJ 830 & 832
56 B1 Generic Terminal
57 B2 Generic Terminal
59 D1 BHMB Beehive MiniBee 2
60 C1 Generic Terminal
61 C2 Generic Terminal
62 C3 Generic Terminal
63 C4 Generic Terminal
64 D1 CD11 CDI 1132
65 A2 CD12 CDI 1202 & 1203
66 D1 Generic Terminal
67 D2 Generic Terminal
68 D1 DECV DEC VT50 & VT52
69 D1 DGLG Digi-Log 33, Telecomputer I
70 A1 DPPT Data Products Portaterm
71 B3 DS16 Diablo 1550 & 1620
72 E1 Generic Terminal
73 E2 Generic Terminal
74 E3 Generic Terminal
75 E4 Generic Terminal
76 B3 GS30 Gen-Comm Systems 300
77 D1 HP26 HP 2640, 2644, 2645
78 D1 LSAM Lear Siegler ADM1, 2, 3
79 A2 NC60 NCR 260
80 B1 TD40 Trendata 4000
81 D1 TI45 TI 745
82 D2 TI65 TI 763, 765 (10)
83 D1 TK40 Tektronix 4002-4023
84 B3 TT43 Teletype 43
85 A3 WU30 Western Union EDT 30
86 A4 WU12 Western Union EDT 1200
87 B3 DT30 Data Term & Comm DCT 300-30 2
88 B3 Generic Terminal
89 B4 Generic Terminal
90 B5 Generic Terminal (9)
91 D3 Generic Terminal (9)
127 Asynchronous Hosts
The following are terminal models with corresponding generic terminal
types supported by the terminal handler.
Terminal Model ID (note)
------------------------------------- ---------
ADDS Consul 520, 580, 980 D1 (1)
ADDS Envoy 620, Regent D1 (1)
Alanthus Data Terminal T-133 A1
T-300 A8
T-1200 A3
Alanthus Miniterm A2
AM-Jacquard Amtext 425 D1 (1)
Anderson Jacobsen 510 D1 (1)
Anderson Jacobsen 630 B1
Anderson Jacobsen 830 & 832 B3 (2)
Anderson Jacobsen 860 B5
Apple II D1 (1)
Atari 400, 800 D1 (1)
AT&T Dataspeed 40/1, 40/2, 40/3 D1 (1)
Beehive MiniBee, MicroBee D1 (1)
Centronics 761 A8
Commodore Pet D1 (1)
Compu-Color II D1 (1)
Computer Devices CDI 1030 A2
Computer Devices Teleterm 1132 A8
Computer Devices Miniterm 1200 series A2
Computer Transceiver Execuport 300 A2
Computer Transceiver Execuport 1200 A2
Computer Transceiver Execuport 4000 A2
CPT 6000, 8000 D1 (1)
Datamedia Elite D1 (1)
Datapoint 1500, 1800, 2200, 3000, 3300,
3600, 3800 D1 (1)
Data Products Portaterm A1
Data Terminal & Comm DTC 300, 302 B3 (2)
Diablo Hyterm B3 (2)
Digi-log 33 & Telecomputer II D1 (1)
DEC (LA 35-36) Decwriter II A8
DEC (LA 120) Decwriter III A8
DEC VT50, VT52, VT100, WS78, WS200 D1 (1)
Gen-Comm Systems 300 B3 (2)
GE Terminet 30 A5
GE Terminet 120, 1200 A3
GE Terminet 300 A4
General Terminal GT-100A, GT-101, GT-110,
GT-400, GT-400B D1 (1)
Hazeltine 1500, 1400, 2000 D1 (1)
Hewlett Packard 2621 D3
Hewlett Packard 2640 series D1 (1)
IBM PC (and compatibles) D1 (1)
IBM 3101 D1 (1)
Informer I304, D304 D1 (1)
Infoton 100, 200, 400, Vistar D1 (1)
Intelligent Systems Intecolor D1 (1)
Intertex Intertube II D1 (1)
Lanier Word Processor D1 (1)
Lear Siegler ADM series D1 (1)
Lexitron 1202, 1303 D1 (1)
Memorex 1240 A2
Micom 2000, 2001 D1 (1)
NBI 3000 D1 (1)
NCR 260 A2
Perkin-Elmer Model 110, Owl, Bantam D1 (1)
Perkin-Elmer Carousel 300 Series A8
Radio Shack TRS 80 D1 (1)
Research Inc. Teleray D1 (1)
Tektronix 4002-4023 D1 (1)
Teletype Model 33, 35 A1
Teletype Model 40 D1 (1)
Teletype Model 43 B3 (2)
Teletype Model 40/1, 40/2, 40/3 D1 (1)
Texas Instrument 725 A7
733 A2
735 A6
743, 745, 763, 765 D1 (1)
820 B3 (2)
99/4 D1 (1)
Trendata 4000 (ASCII) B1
Tymshare 110, 212 A2
315 A8
325 B3 (2)
Univac DCT 500 B4
WANG 20, 25, 30, 105, 130, 145 D1 (1)
Western Union EDT 30, 35 A1
300 A4
1200 A4
XEROX 800, 850, 860 D1 (1)
XEROX 1700 B3 (2)
Notes: (1) Use D3 if you wish Telenet to respond to XON/XOFF
flow control.
(2) Use B5 if you wish Telenet to respond to XON/XOFF
flow control.
The following are the major characteristics of the generic terminal
types supported by the terminal handler:
Generic Tab LF CR Pad CR Pad Line Code
Pad Pad Fixed Var'bl Size Type (note)
------- --- --- ------ ------ ---- -----------------------
A1 0 1 0 0 72 ASCII
A2 0 2 7 0 80 ASCII
A3 0 0 0 0 120 ASCII - Printer
A4 0 6 0 0 120 ASCII
A5 0 5 5 0 120 ASCII
A6 0 0 1 1 80 ASCII
A7 0 4 0 2 80 ASCII
A8 2 0 1 0 132 ASCII
A9 12 10 16 6 132 ASCII
B1 1 0 2 1 132 ASCII--BUFFERED
B2 0 2 6 0 132 ASCII--BUFFERED
B3 0 0 0 0 132 ASCII--BUFFERED
B4 0 2 10 0 132 ASCII--BUFFERED
B5 0 0 0 0 132 ASCII--BUFFERED (9)
C1 1 1 4 1 130 2741 Correspondence (1)
C2 1 1 4 1 130 2741 Correspondence (2)
C3 1 1 4 1 130 2741 Correspondence (3)
C4 1 1 4 1 130 2741 Correspondence (4)
D1 0 0 0 0 80 ASCII--CRT
D2 0 0 0 0 72 ASCII--CRT
D3 0 0 0 0 80 ASCII--CRT (9)
E1 1 1 4 1 130 2741 EBCD (5)
E2 1 1 4 1 130 2741 EBCD (6)
E3 1 1 4 1 130 2741 EBCD (7)
E4 1 1 4 1 130 2741 EBCD (8)
(1) Corresponds with Ball Types: 001, 005, 007, 008, 012, 020, 030,
050, 053, 067, 070, and 085. Ball Type code can be found
underneath the locking tab of the ball on an IBM 2741 terminal.
(2) Corresponds with Ball Types: 006, 010, 015, 019, 059, and 090.
(3) Corresponds with Ball Types: 021, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 031,
032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 029, 060, 068, 086, 123, 129,
130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 146, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 144, 145, 156, and 161.
(4) Corresponds with Ball Types: 043 and 054.
(5) Corresponds with Ball Types: 963, 996, and 998.
(6) Corresponds with Ball Types: 938, 939, 961, 962, and 997.
(7) Corresponds with Ball Types: 942 and 943.
(8) Corresponds with Ball Types: 947 and 948.
(9) Terminal Types D3 and B5 enable Terminal-to-PAD flow control in
the Terminal PAD (TFLOW).
(10) The specific Terminal ID, TI65, incorrect maps to the generic
ID, D2. Since TI 763 and 765 print 80 character per line, users
with these terminals should specify a generic TERM ID of either
D3 (TFLOW enabled) or D1 (TFLOW not specified).