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<20> <20> Bulletin Boards and Internet Providers in the RI calling area <20> <20>
J U L Y 1 9 9 5 S U M M A R Y E D I T I O N
{Extracted from 401JUL95.ZIP}
The sixth annual BBS Potluck Picnic will be held Saturday, July 8 at the
home of Richard Walton, 1 & 5 Grenore St, in the Pawtuxet section of Warwick.
That's off Narragansett Parkway, just south of Pawtuxet Village. Time: 2pm
Bring plenty of good food and drink. For further information, call Richard
at 781-7504 or see the detailed invitation posted on various local networks.
------------ --------------------- ------------ ------------------------
401-232-0088 Springboard BBS Smithfield John Flood
401-245-6142 Stronghold Barrington Michael Donnelly
401-253-0367 Sailboat BBS Bristol Bob Francis
401-274-0162 Ultrasonic BBS Johnston UltraMan
401-294-4630 North On-Line BBS N Kingstown R.H./T.R./D.H.
401-294-5779 IDS World Network So RI # Please see 401-884-9002
401-295-5734 B.o.B.B. Exeter Happy the Clown
401-322-9162 Elvis & UFO Sightings Charlestown Ron Hassey
401-331-0217 The Dark Realm BBS Johnston M Stepka/W Lane
401-331-2604 Chowdanet BBS Providence Brad Shipp
401-331-6416 Bishop of Battle BBS Providence Mike Burgio
401-333-6424 Gambit BBS Cumberland Bill Pommenville
401-334-3096 Prime Cut BBS Lincoln Peter Tarpy
401-348-0833 DS-9 Westerly Bob Gordon
401-351-2305 S.A.S.S. BBS Providence Royal Preston
401-353-0833 The Road House BBS N Providence The Mechanic
401-364-7768 Sports Den BBS Charlestown David Christiansen
401-364-9788 The South Shore BBS Richmond Jack Gordon
401-397-3966 Computer Work$hops Coventry Jeffrey/Janelle
401-421-2218 Art of the Possible Providence Lennon/Whitehouse
401-423-2964 ddbbs.hoi.com Jamestown Edward J. Beaulieu
401-433-2036 Sword of the Spirit Riverside Joel Donelson
401-433-4011 Cosmos BBS E Providence Bill Fontes
401-435-6759 Coherent Spectrum BBS E Providence Rob Mooney
401-459-6200 Log On America, Inc Providence LOA Support Staff
401-463-6973 Behind Enemy Lines Cranston Scott Nerney
401-463-8889 Soth's Domain BBS Warwick Marshall Votta
401-521-6456 Information Exchange Providence Robert Gregory
401-539-0344 Jason's Lair Richmond Al Simone
401-539-0788 Arcadia BBS Wyoming Clarence Donath
401-539-8728 LPC BBS W Kingston Al Paille
401-539-8730 G&A Software Carolina Russell/Donald
401-596-1999 RIconneCT Westerly John Sulima
401-596-3502 Dimensions Westerly Chris Arnold
401-598-2916 Harborside BBS Providence K Price/J Wright
401-621-4600 E*Nest BBS Providence Stan/Sally/Bob/Jim/Dave
401-621-5359 R.I.A.C.E. Providence Mike Burgio
401-624-1748 Tiverton BBS Tiverton Paul Menard
401-624-4295 Poverty Swamp BBS Tiverton Ronald Rego
401-624-8744 The Meeting House Tiverton # Please see 401-848-2200
401-647-0668 The Earth's End BBS Scituate The Duke
401-658-2735 Mom & Pop BBS Cumberland Paul Seifert
401-683-5961 Ups and Downs BBS Portsmouth J. Barrett
401-722-3267 PC Services BBS Pawtucket John Mota
401-723-0725 South Seas BBS Pawtucket Bill Dryer
401-724-1326 IDS World Network No RI # Please see 401-884-9002
401-724-1864 Playtime Adult BBS Pawtucket Alan Ouellette
401-724-3063 Mainframe BBS Pawtucket Frank Gagne
401-725-2616 The Brewery N Providence Chris Rao
401-728-5796 Nite Moves BBS N Providence George Peters
401-732-0258 Cyberzone BBS Warwick Moorehead/Fayne
401-732-5687 Danger Zone BBS Warwick Robert Kircher
401-732-8622 Hacker's Paradise Warwick Bryan/Scott
401-737-0199 Viltronics Warwick Karl Vilbig
401-737-6228 The Roundtable Warwick Bob Kircher
401-738-1437 Hack & Slash Warwick Robert Hurst
401-738-4119 Master Warwick Tom Gallaghan
401-738-6643 The Radical Exchange Warwick Michael Bonenfant
401-739-5846 Music Express BBS Warwick Wayne Lisi
401-751-1606 The Meeting House Prov # Please see 401-848-2200
401-766-5149 Rojack BBS Woonsocket Roger Cournoyer
401-766-5192 The Dragon BBS N Smithfield Jeff Roy
401-767-2505 The American Eagle BBS Woonsocket Dean & Laura Jarry
401-782-3460 Power Scoop BBS Wakefield Ron Hassey
401-783-0329 Mr Jones and the BBS Matunuck Joe Caparco
401-783-6709 Swords & Sorcery BBS Narragansett Steve Lamphiere
401-783-7559 Information Resources Wakefield Chuck Jacques
401-792-0027 Turner's Funhouse Narragansett The Lamp
401-821-8652 Shadow Communications Fiskeville Sutton/Bianco
401-822-3060 ImageNet BBS Coventry Steve Medeiros
401-823-7126 The Arena BBS W Warwick Marc Pallante
401-823-8859 The Parthenon BBS W Warwick Ray Walsh
401-823-9752 The Black Hole BBS W Warwick Randy Fortin
401-826-8419 DarkRaven Tower Coventry Jason Carpenter
401-828-8062 The Continuum BBS W Warwick Mark Moore
401-841-3990 Naval Justice BBS Newport Robert Fuentes
401-846-0031 IDS World Network Newport # Please see 401-884-9002
401-846-1763 NCCBBS Newport Bill Fink
401-848-0141 Astral Plan o/Genius Newport Charles E. O'Rourke
401-848-2200 The Meeting House Newport John O'Donnell
401-848-7225 Auskunfte Einbahnstras Middletown Jason Caminiti
401-848-9069 Terminal Madness BBS Middletown Chris Mathis
401-849-5017 Camelot BBS Middletown George Warch
401-861-4666 IDS World Network Providence # Please see 401-884-9002
401-884-3500 Communications BBS E Greenwich Charles Bare
401-884-8129 Acidic Domain E Greenwich Jonathan Fortes
401-884-9002 IDS World Network E Greenwich Andy Green
401-886-4578 The Lair N Kingstown Michael Smith
401-943-2581 Milliways BBS Cranston Matt Hull/Russell Hull
401-943-3446 Ministry of Knowledge Cranston Dave W. Costantino
401-943-7093 LeisureTyme Travel Johnston Bob Centracchio
401-944-8498 N1BEE BBS Cranston Mike Bilow
401-949-0891 Dragnet BBS Pascoag Don Messier
508-222-4709 Data Express BBS Seekonk,MA Gil Gomes
508-222-6329 King's Castle Attleboro,MA Ray King
508-399-7536 The Bloom Beacon S Attleboro,M Mark Montminy
508-675-8503 Swat BBS Swansea,MA Greg Isadore
508-761-5398 Data Express BBS Prov # Please see 508-222-4709
508-761-9812 CommPort USA BBS Seekonk,MA John Robin
508-883-2247 The Dark Side BBS Blackstone,MA Matt & Mark Neville
We make every effort to assure that the entries listed here are correct, but
will not be responsible for mistakes, typographical errors, or ommisions. If
you have changes or corrections, please use the application found within the
archive. Apps received and confirmed before the 26th will be included with
the next edition. May be freely distributed, photocopied, and posted in its
ENTIRETY, without modification, providing NO charge is made specifically for
viewing this publication. No editing or unauthorized reproduction (magazine,
newspaper, etc) is permitted without express written permission.
For free 1pg printed version, send SASE: RI BBS List
* Computer Stores C/O E*Nest BBS
* User Groups & Clubs PO Box 23392
* Computer Shows & Demos Providence, RI 02903
(c)1995 Eagles Nest Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.