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National Room-oriented Systems List
July 1987
(Legend and explanations are at the end of this file)
System name Phone number Baud Software Sysop Date
28th Precinct 609-877-4719 c 1200 K2NE Gary Alan Owens 87Mar
5150 Citadel 414-353-5062 o 1200 Cit86 2.17
ATKeep I # 916-726-4989 o 1200 Cit 3.0 Brent Barrett 87Jun
Acropolis # 916-967-5817 o 1200 Acropolis
AfterImages System A 516-661-9284 o 2400 Cit286 Joe Tomasone 87May
Anarchy Alley 617-975-5610 o 1200 STadel Judge Dredd 87May
Arcadia 206-523-6133 o 1200 Henge
BOA! 902-465-4953 o 1200 STadel3.0b Bruce MacKay 87May
Babble 206-363-8969 o 2400 Cit2.29 Bob Perigo 87Jun
BackFence 612-429-5001 p 2400 Cit86 2.17 Jimbo 87May
Bad Sector 612-788-2741 o 1200 Cit86 2.17 Biko Mack 87Jun
Bauhaus BBS 206-672-0956 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Big Bang Burger Bar 206-486-2717 o 1200 Henge Ford Prefect 87Jun
Bit Bucket 609-888-4811 c 1200 K2NE Bea & Al Brough 87Mar
Brick Citadel 201-477-7263 o 2400 Cit2.51 Ted Mozer 87Jun
CKMCMS StoneHenge # 206-329-0436 o 1200 v2.30ax.08 David Bonn 87Jun
Cafe Dionysus & Co. 206-523-8874 o 300 Cit
Camelot II 315-865-5650 o 1200 STadel3.0a 87Apr
Caves of Chaos 206-867-1480 o 1200 Henge 2.30b Major Chaos 87Jun
Caves of Shadows 206-542-7499 o 1200 Henge 2.26 Ziinx 87Jun
Central City 701-776-6400 c 300 Cit Mark Fossum
Cheryl's Velvet Touch 206-937-2957 o 1200 MiniBin
Citadel-86 Test Sys # 612-866-1804 o 2400 Cit86 2.17 Hue, Jr. 87May
City of Draxillia 206-228-9816 o 1200 Cit
City of Greyhawk 206-644-8232 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Tom Johnson 87Jun
City of Lankhmar 206-885-5266 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Grey Mouser 87Jun
Closet of Anxieties 609-953-9215 c 300 Cit64
Cobra Citadel, The 314-429-3189 o 1200 K2NE Ray Bacon 87May
Command Five 609-758-3529 1200 Cit64 86Dec
Compucations 805-967-0895 o 2400 Cit68k Craig Lindstrom 87Jun
Concourse 202-328-9737 o 2400 Cit68k 2.14 87May
Crown Hill Carrier 206-784-0647 o 1200 MiniBin
CyWorld 916-966-2704 c 1200 Cit2.53 Cy 87Apr
Dalis Car 206-488-7496 o 1200 STadel3.0a 87Apr
Dark Caves 206-542-7499 o 1200 Henge
Dark Side 612-588-2304 o 1200 Citadel Rambler 87May
Dark Tower 206-244-1766 o 1200 Cit
Data Dogs 503-935-4605 o 1200 STadel3.0b Terry Jenkins 87May
Delta 612-696-2972 o 1200 Cit86 2.16 Joshua York 87May
Diane's Place 206-643-9129 o 300 MiniBin 86Jun
Diane's Place (alt) 206-783-3843 o 300 MiniBin 86Jun
Dog House BBS, The $ 612-432-7668 c 2400 Cit86 2.17 K-9 87Jun
Earl's Castle 916-967-1643 o 1200 Cit2.56 87Apr
Electronic New York # 914-735-9362 o 1200 Cit286 Farokh Irani 86Aug
Empire of Darkness 415-793-1393 o 1200 Cit68k 2.14 87Apr
Epson Citadel 216-351-5385 p 300 Cit2.15 Brett Kollar 87Mar
Exotic 206-367-8242 c 1200 Henge 2.26 The Ninja 87Jun
Fifth Dimension, The 214-416-6833 o 2400 CitGrem Maher Maso 87Jun
Flat Earth, The 612-222-3926 o 1200 Cit86 2.16 Chris 87May
Forge, The 206-827-1817 o 1200 Cit1.26
Fountain, The 609-461-6039 o 1200 Cit86 2.17 Alan Bowen 87Jun
Galactic Keep 609-654-7468 c 1200 Cit86 2.16 87Apr
Gates of Mordecai 214-416-6382 p 2400 Cit2.40b Maher Maso 87Jun
Gateway 801-562-1587 o 1200 STadel3.0a 87Apr
Gateway I 206-672-0956 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Gateway, The 609-931-3014 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Generic BBS 201-389-8473 o 1200 Cit286 87May
Golf Distraction Dim. 206-839-8670 o 1200 Stadel2.12 87Mar
Greenlake Connection 206-782-6669 o 1200 Cit
Guild Hall 615-832-5512 o 2400 Cit286 Richard Maurer 87Jun
H-I-T-E-C 206-285-3382 o 1200 Henge
Hatzlacha 213-466-3861 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Roger Tuttle 87Jun
Health On Line 206-367-8726 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Rob C. 87Jun
House of Rising Sun 612-881-0142 o 1200 CitGrem Sunrise 87May
Icon City 916-961-0692 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Apr
Ideal Logic BBS 414-784-1417 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Peter Ozolins 87Jun
Illusions... 612-470-0093 o 2400 Cit86 2.17 Mary Mary 87May
Images at Twilight 612-884-7951 o 1200 Cit68k 2.14 Sy Borg 87May
Inner Sanctum 206-363-8592 o 1200 STadel3.0 Ganelius 87Jun
Intervenue 206-643-8232 o 1200 Cit2.15a 86Jun
Invisible Seattle 206-784-7685 p 1200 IdeaTree Mehitabel
Island, The 615-321-8801 o 1200 Cit86 2.12 86Dec
Jersey Devil, The # 609-726-1565 c 1200 K2NE v86.12 Vince Quaresima 87Apr
KAOS 315-735-0545 c 300 Cit2.2 KAOS Sysop 87Jan
Lake, The 612-426-1374 o 1200 Cit68 3.0b George Jetson 87May
Library 206-641-7978 o 1200 Henge 2.30 The Flying Kiwi 87Jun
Library II 206-643-9965 o 2400 Henge
Lost Planet, The 206-743-7977 o 1200 Henge 2.30 Commander Cody 87Jun
MUON 616-534-7149 o 1200 STadel3.0b Doug Gosciak 87Jun
Macross City 805-964-9125 o 1200 Henge 2.26 Oreo Cat 87May
MainFrame 609-586-1823 o 1200 K2NE 86Nov
Marsupial Grove 916-481-8649 o 1200 Cit2.55 87Apr
Mayday I 206-523-0462 o 1200 Cit
Mayday II 206-523-0509 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Micro-Systems & 609-546-7839 c 300 Cit86 2.03 86Jan
MicroMagic 206-863-1713 c 300 Cit Jason Ward
MorningStar Keep 609-268-9597 c 2400 Cit86 2.17 Brian Riley 87Jun
New Frontier 615-360-8365 o 300 Cit2.26a 86Dec
Nightwing's Realm 206-784-5913 o 2400 STadel3.0c Shade Nightwing 87Jun
Nybble 916-487-2604 o 2400 Nybble v4
OSUNY 914-725-4060 o 2400 Cit86 2.17 Frank Roberts 87Jun
Onion Fields 916-723-7719 o Cit86 Onion Head 87Jun
Orbiter 206-631-4381 o 1200 MiniBin 86Apr
Outer Limits 206-285-3210 o 300 OLBBS The Great Zod 87Jun
PUD 313-433-3164 o 1200 Cit86 2.17 Peter Pez 87Jun
Pavilion of Dreams & 612-439-9656 o 1200 pseudo The Saint 87Jun
Pell # 612-377-9239 o 1200 STadel3.0c orc 87May
Phantasie Land 206-874-2545 o 1200 Cit
Phase Computing 602-258-7205 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Phase Computing 602-849-1287 o 1200 STadel2.12 87May
Phoenix, The # 612-459-8095 o 2400 Cit68K 2.14 Jay Johnson 87May
PolarServ $ 206-782-4986 o 1200 Babel T'an T'u 87Apr
PolarServ $ 206-782-5022 o 300 Babel T'an T'u 87Apr
Polaris 214-750-6374 c 1200 Cit Clint Wheelock 87Jun
Power Alley 315-732-8948 c 1200 Cit 3.11 87Jun
Primordial Ooze 801-966-1302 o 1200 Cit86 2.17 87Jun
ProtoSoft # 206-932-7125 o 1200 IdeaTree
Rubber Crutch 916-685-3614 o 1200 Cit2.55
ST Wizard 609-627-4556 o 1200 STadel 2.12 87May
STuBBS 902-826-7882 o 1200 STadel3.0b 87May
SVBBS (C64 room sys?) 214-570-3930 o 1200 ?
Sanctuary 206-747-6839 o 1200 Henge 2.30a Tempus 87Jun
Satellite System 206-762-5141 o 1200 MiniBin Jimbo Ryan 86Apr
Second City 612-533-9103 o 1200 pseudo Shadow Warrior 87Jun
Signals' 206-545-4343 o 1200 Henge John Shannon
Skinner Park 206-282-9915 c 1200 Henge 2.30a 87Jun
Skyline 206-628-3811 o 1200 Cit Gremlin
Sony Technical 201-930-6483 o 1200 Cit2.16s Andy Meyer 87May
Southern Pass 915-821-6003 o 1200 Cit86 2.03
Spectrum 206-355-4340 o 1200 Cit
Spies In The Wire 914-941-2890 o 1200 Cit86 2.17 Andy Rubin 87Jun
Strange Encounters.. 201-247-1952 o 2400 STadel3.0c Chris Tuttle 87Jun
Suburbia 206-488-7496 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Apr
SuperComp II # 612-431-1107 o 2400 neoCit Hue, Sr. 87May
TUG ECS 206-763-3116 o 1200 MiniBin
Tapestry 206-784-9014 o 1200 Cit Inyanna
Tardis ][ 609-893-8041 o 1200 STadel2.12 87Mar
Terminal Station 703-860-2718 o 1200 Cit86 2.08 86Dec
Times, The 206-743-7977 o 300 Henge
Todos Santos 612-870-7028 o 1200 Cit86 2.16 Tony Rand 87May
Touch Me Two 206-938-8234 o 1200 MiniBin
Tour de Force 817-666-4824 o 1200 STadel 3.0c Patrick Hykkonen 87Jun
Trader Jack's 401-941-4857 o 1200 Cit68k 2.14 87May
Tranquility Base 206-525-0497 o 300 MiniBin
Tukwila Station 206-244-0125 c 1200 Henge 2.30a Bob Hagen 87Jun
Underground Network 609-275-8582 c 1200 K2NE 87Mar
Underworld 206-244-6252 o 2400 Henge 2.30 Grim Reaper 87Jun
Unknown Citadel 916-923-9754 o 1200 Cit 2.56 87Apr
Utica College 315-792-3187 c 2400 Cit86 2.17 Thom Brown 87Jun
Utopia BBS 516-669-8885 o 1200 Cit286 Jim Silvia 87May
V'ger 214-727-8056 o 1200 CitGrem Malcolm Petcher 87Jun
Valley Base 916-969-0384 o 1200 AtKeep7.5 Andrew Studer 87Jun
Video Connection 201-886-7218 o 1200 Cit86 2.08 David Mandala 87Jun
Westside Citadel 817-244-3885 o 1200 Cit
Wolf's Den 612-432-7929 o 1200 pseudo Cryo Ruggie 87Jun
XAKEPOBO MECTO 206-324-0830 c 1200 Henge 2.30 M.Aichlmayr 87Jun
Xanadu 206-762-8667 c 1200 Henge 2.30 The Muse 87Jun
^ ^ ^
/ | /
Misc. codes: System access: Date of
# - headquarter system c - controlled (Mail to Sysop) latest
$ - pay fee for access o - open contact
& - strange hours p - private (nominations)
Systems above are assumed to be up 24 hours unless otherwise noted.
Be careful not to call systems with "strange hours" at, say, 2am.
Consult the front of your local phonebook about areacodes!
* * * * *
Since the "area coordinator" idea seems to have flopped miserably, I will
take updates directly under the following conditions - read them carefully!
Due to the volume of mail I receive, I must ignore any requests which do
not meet these requirements:
1. You must be the Sysop of the system in question. (If you are not
the Sysop, ask him/her to send the information.)
2. I need *all* the information at once! (System name, phone number,
maximum baud, system software, and Sysop's name). If you can format it
to look the way it does in the list, that helps me too. (I currently
spend an awful lot of time re-formatting.)
3. Deadline for submissions is the 20th of every month. Send your update
to me at one of the following addresses:
Bitnet: ameyer%sir-alan@pitt.UUCP
Citadel-86 net: Andy Meyer @ Spies
FidoNet: 107/35, Andy Meyer
StoneHenge net: Andy Meyer @ Tukwila Station
UseNet: ..decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!peng!sir-alan!ameyer
As usual, constructive comments, suggestions, and ideas are welcomed.
* * * * *
Acropolis Turbo Pascal room system.
ATKeep Atari 800XL room system.
Babel runs under Unix on a Charles River Data Systems SuperBox V,
by T'an T'u of Seattle, WA. (multi-user?)
Cit the original CP/M version 2.1x written by Cynbe ru Taren,
or some derivative there of. (catch-all category)
Cit286 Citadel-286 for MS-DOS machines by Farokh Irani
Cit64 Citadel on Commodore 64? Need more input on this one.
Cit68k Citadel for the Amiga by Stallion.
Cit86 Citadel-86 for MS-DOS systems, by Hue, Jr. of Minneapolis, MN
(Zenith Z-100 and PC clones) v2.xx indicates network capable.
CitGrem Citadel for MS-DOS by Gremlin.
Henge StoneHenge for MS-DOS systems, by David Bonn of Seattle, WA
IdeaTree for MS-DOS systems? by ProtoSoft, Inc.
K2NE Citadel-128 for Commodore 128 by Vince Quaresima.
MiniBin room system (in BASIC?) by Glenn Gorman of Seattle, WA
neoCit neoCitadel, written in Turbo Pascal by Hue, Sr.
STadel Citadel for the Atari ST by orc.
pseudo Pseudodel for Apple
* * * * *
Seattle area information from a list by Grim Reaper and Scar Face.
Minneapolis area information from CITADELS.LST and others.
Many thanks to *everyone*. You know who you are!
* * * * *
This list is provided for reference purposes only, and carries no
guarantees, implied or otherwise, with regard to the accuracy of the
information contained herein. After all, we're only human.
* * * * *
Have you picked up this month's issue of CitaNews yet?