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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
>>> Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems List # 57 <<<
>>> 12/16/84 revision by Steve Sanders <<<
The Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems List is a collaborative
work of Jud Newell, Kim Levitt, and Steve Sanders. Editors and pub-
lishers please note this list is (c) 1984 and the authors must be con-
tacted prior to any reproduction (partial or whole) of this list in
any book, magazine, or periodical that is sold on a COMMERCIAL basis.
A summary of all operating Remote CP/M software exchange systems which
use Christensen protocol, (XMODEM), for file transfers and are
available to the general public for the exchange of public domain
software. (This list also includes PC/MS-DOS, Unix and other non-CP/M
systems, provided that they support XMODEM protocol for file transfers
and have public domain software available for downloading.) (Packet
radio based systems which support file transfers of public domain
software and text files are also listed, although they do not support
XMODEM protocol (as packet radio protocol makes XMODEM unecessary).)
NOTE: This list is updated monthly, please use the most recent to
avoid ill-placed calls. Lists are published on a rotating schedule
beginning with the current author (see above) and continuing to the
next on the list: Jud Newell, Kim Levitt, Steve Sanders, Jud, etc...
Lists are usually put out around the 15th-20th of each month, but the
actual date may be different, check with the next scheduled author.
NEXT TWO LISTS >>> #58 - Jud Newell 01-85 / #59 - Kim Levitt 02-85
SPECIAL NOTICE TO SYSOPS: Please inform Kim, Jud or Steve of any
changes in your system to avoid being removed from the list, which is
verified periodically. If your system is no longer functioning, please
have a friend modem a message so your system can be deleted. ALL
SYSTEM OPERATORS, see note number 8 at the end of this file for
important details on maintaining your spot on this list.
Send update information to:
Kim Levitt - MBBS HEADQUARTERS RCP/M - (213) 653-6398
[Upload a text file using XMODEM and/or leave comment on exiting]
(416) 232-0442, 232-0269, 232-0269, 231-0538, 231-1262, 232-1470
[Leave comments on exiting system]
Steve Sanders - DataCom Network RCP/M Systems -
(813) 937-3608, (813) 937-6829, (404) 632-2109
[Leave comments on exiting system]
(See file NEW-SYS.OPS on most RCP/M Systems for required information.)
Unless indicated otherwise, all systems are up 24 hours/7 days with no
callback. Non-24 hour systems have hours of operation listed after
sysop's name, callback systems have a "cb" before phone number. (NOTE:
"(no ans if in use)" for "hours" means system is up 24 hrs unless in
in use by the system operator locally.)
Systems charging fees have a dollar sign "$" after phone number. Some
systems may restrict "first-time" users, be sure to read the opening
info files when accessing a new system.
Baud Rates: (shown after sysop name/hrs)
1=110 / 3=300 / 4=450 / 6=600 / 7=710
B=Bell 212A 1200 / V=Vadic 1200 / C=CCITT V.22 bis 2400
(e.g.: PMMI = 1-7 (110 thru 710 baud), 300/1200 212A = 3B, 300 = 3)
Disk Capacity: (total disk space shown after baud rates)
K=Kilobytes / M=Megabytes
Verification Codes: (shown at end of entries which have been verified)
V=Verified / NA=No Answer / NN=New Number (date verified follows)
(systems verified by carrier or busy, no answer systems removed
from next list unless system existance is re-confirmed)
(See notes at end of list for more information)
Xerox East RCP/M RBBS ............................... (203) 232-3180
Dave Shefelbine; (3B;10M); General Interest and Xerox 820-II
programs. (Hartford) (V:10/84)
Connecticut Micro Decision UG ....................... (203) 445-5019
Steven Landers; (3;800K); CP/M software, CPMUG, Osborne, Morrow,
technical help (V:10/84)
Lower Naugatuck Valley RCP/M-BBS .................... (203) 736-6801
Jim McGuire & Tony Bunosso; Sun-Thur 7a-11p, Fri+Sat 24 hrs
(3;1960K); Mbasic games, online adventure game, RCPM programs;
Must have Sysop approval for CP/M access. (Derby) (V:10/84)
Bath-Brunswick RCP/M ................................ (207) 443-4657
Henry Trujillo; (3;20M); Apple CP/M public domain, dBase II,
TURBO PASCAL; all systems tech assistance BBS->free, must
register first before acessing CP/M. (V:10/84)
Heathkit RCP/M ...................................... (617) 237-1511
Dan Gentile; (3B;10M); software for H-8, H/Z89, H/Z100, H/Z150,
ZCPR2, MSDOS, IBM; (system is H120); (Wellesley) (V:10/84)
Andover Cnode ....................................... (617) 470-2548
Layne DuBose; (1-7;18M); All C User's Group volumes on-line,
plus best of CPMUG. Also some Osborne, RS M100, 8088/8086
software; (Andover) (V:10/84)
WayStar Fido BBS .................................... (617) 481-7147
Kevin Porter; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow system; MS-DOS 2.05; public
domain software for DEC and IBM users; support for TELINK, MDM7,
and XMODEM protocols; (Marlborough) (V:10/84)
Daves-FIDO .......................................... (617) 632-1861
David Rene; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow system w/MSDOS 2.05.02;
software for DEC and some IBM; running v10A of FIDO (V:11/84)
[New York]
New York Apple CP/M Group (NYACPMG) RCPM ............ (212) 989-2696 $
Larry Clive; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Apple/Vanilla CP/M,
dBase II; BBS free, RCP/M has $15 fee; (Manhattan) (V:10/84)
Remote CP/M Facility of Dolgeville, NY ........... cb (315) 429-8185
Peter A. Polansky; (346B;500K); 8086, 68000; (system is down
temporarily due to hard disk problems as of 11/18/84)
CNY Technical RCP/M ................................. (315) 437-4890
Mark Howard; M-F 5P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;52M); CP/M Plus User's
Group (CP-PLUG) host system; also Apple & Kaypro software;
technical assistance RBBS; (Syracuse) (V:10/84)
CNY RBBS/RCP/M ...................................... (315) 446-7793
Thomas Karkowski; (3B;10M). New users may log on to apply for
password & will be notified of password within 1 week. 1000's of
public domain programs available. (Syracuse) (V:10/84)
LIKUG (Long Island Kaypro User's Group) RCP/M ....... (516) 328-7181
Murray Simsolo; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 system w/ZCPR3; interests
in ZCPR3 (most avail), Kaypro and Osborne s/w. (NN:12/84)
Connection-80 TPM (RTPM) ............................ (516) 567-8267
Tom Vande-Stouwe; (3B;20M); Epson QX-10 and Osborne software
(FOG Library on line); also the message base for the Long Island
Osborne Network; (Long Island) (V:10/84)
Johnson City, NY SJBBS .............................. (607) 797-6416
Charles ?last name?; Eves, etc.; (3;2M); (Upstate NY) (V:10/84)
Sparrow CBBS ........................................ (716) 377-1113
Jim Dunn; (3B;2.3M); on Lobo Max-80, ZCPR2; Interests: MAX-80,
Xerox 820-II, BDS C, utilities; Rochester area computer access
info; (Fairport) (V:10/84)
C U R A #2 IBM RBBS-PC .............................. (718) 624-9141
Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); PCDOS, MSDOS, running RBBS-PC 1.22c;
(NOTE: New 718 area code!) (Fort Greene, Brooklyn) (V:10/84)
C U R A #3 NY Kaypro Users Group BBS ............... (718) 624-9148
Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); (Fort Greene) (V:10/84)
C U R A #1 RBBS-RCP/M ............................... (718) 625-5931
Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne, Zram, Softbox;
(Fort Greene, Brooklyn) (V:10/84)
Bearsville Town SJBBS ............................... (914) 679-6559
Hank Szyszka; (1-7;4M); (Upstate NY) (V:10/84)
Woodstock RCP/M RBBS ................................ (914) 679-8734
John Doak; (3B;17M); 14 Software categories can be USER mounted
on Drive D:; Osborne, Heath, IBMPC, dBase, Modem, Utils, etc;
In continuous operation since 8/81. (SE NY) (V:10/84)
S.D.V. RBBS RCP/M ................................... (914) 769-2970
Richie Cawley; (3B;20M); logical drives A-F, user areas 0-5
available; (Osborne 1 w/ext. 20MB disk); (Downstate NY) (V:10/84)
Unix Bulletin Board ................................. (914) 786-3705
Bruce Boardman, John Walsh; (3B;15M); Break key toggles baud rate
at login. System supports xmodem. All interested in 'C' and Unix
are welcome. (Stony Point) (V:10/84)
[Ontario, Canada]
Willowdale CBBS ..................................... (416) 226-9260 $
Vic Kass; (3BV;50M); SIG/M, CP/M UG Library PC-SIG, other IBM
Software; (Toronto) (V:10/84)
Toronto Ontario RCP/M Systems ..... (416) 232-0442 232-1149 232-0269 $
231-0538 231-1262 232-1470; Jud Newell; (3BV;150M); has limited
access if not registered; (6 systems available: Systems 1-3 & 5
for CP/M users, Systems 4 & 6 for IBM PC-DOS users, System 3 is
Kaypro network system); Annual $30 fee allows access to all 6.
Over 15,000 programs on-line, with limited membership. New 92MB
hard disk now up. 9 major user groups available on these systems.
(SYSOPS: See NEW-SYS.OPS for information on to obtain access to
these systems at no charge.) (V:10/84)
Toronto CBBS ........................................ (416) 461-2110 $
Dennis Breckenridge; (3BV,20M); Users can change to MS-DOS, CP/M
or Unix once connected. (V:10/84)
E-MX RCP/M .......................................... (416) 484-9663
Simon Ewins; (3B;3.4M); Osborne software; distribution point for
e-mx mail system series of programs; Interest in text files,
assembly language programs. (Toronto) (V:10/84)
[Quebec, Canada]
Montreal RCP/M ...................................... (514) 481-6329
Pierre Benard; M-F 6P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3;1M) (V:10/84)
[Rhode Island]
Providence RCP/M ................................. cb (401) 751-5025
Mark Rippe; 10A Sat-10P Sun; (3;1.2M); Msg system down. (V:10/84)
Waitsfield RBBS/RTPM ................................ (802) 496-4123
Ted Jerome; (3B;760K); Epson QX-10 sys; TPM-II interest (V:10/84)
Cambridge, Maryland RBBS/RCPM ....................... (301) 228-4621
Al Waller; (3;5M); Software Exchange, Ham Radio, Communications;
(Maryland's Eastern Shore) (V:10/84)
Pikesville RBBS/RCPM ................................ (301) 484-2831
John Madill; (3?;??); DEC, Rainbow, IBM-PC; Sponsored by local
Computerland store; (Baltimore) (V:10/84)
BHEC RBBS/RCPM ...................................... (301) 661-2175
Walt Jung, Charlie Schnepf; (34B;10M); Now Semi-Private. Need
prior authorization for full access. (Baltimore) (V:10/84)
St. Mary's College RCP/M ............................ (301) 863-7165
Jonathan Crawford; (3B;20M); Epson QX10 system; Features special
interest sections for different computers, educational programs;
(St. Mary's City) (V:11/84)
Southern Maryland RBBS/RCPM System .................. (301) 884-2395
Kurt & Lyn Vonder Hulls; (3B;??K); (Mechanicsville) (V:10/84)
Microcomputer Electronic Information Exchange ....... (301) 948-5718
John Junod, Lynne Rosenthal; (3;64K); (Gaithersburg) (V:10/84)
Laurel Supersystem .................................. (301) 953-3753
Wayne M. Hammerly; (3B;70M); Runs on Molecular Supermicro, 6
lines into processor. Menu driven with a number of subsystms.
Formerly known as Laurel RCP/M System. (V:10/84)
[New Jersey]
CP/M-NET(tm) EAST ................................... (201) 249-0691
Harry & Al; (3B;40M); If database is full, call back the next
day; (NOTE: No message system) (Piscataway) (V:10/84)
RIBBS of Cranford, New Jersey ....................... (201) 272-1874
Bruce Ratoff; (1-7,B on request;3M); bulletin board of SIG/M,
(Special Interest Group/Microcomputers, ACGNJ) (V:10/84)
KUGNJ1 RBBS Atlantic Highlands, NJ .................. (201) 291-8319
George Frankle; (3B;400K,(10M soon)); RBBS of Kaypro User Group
of New Jersey; Password="KUGNJ1"; (Atlantic Highlands) (V:10/84)
Flanders, NJ RCPM ................................... (201) 584-9227
Ken Stritzel; (3B,1-7 on request;26M); Latest SIG/M releases
The C-Line .......................................... (201) 625-1797
David Fiedler; M-F 8P-9A, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;2M); UNIX/UNIX-like
systems, C software; (Northwest NJ) (V:11/84)
Lyra Information Exchange ........................... (201) 625-5728
Alex Sass; (3B;366k); Osborne I; interests: Osborne, Kaypro,
IBM-PC, C, UNIX, technical help on above; more storage soon;
(Rockaway) (V:10/84)
Allentown RBBS/RCPM System .......................... (215) 398-3937
Bill Earnest; (1-7BV;35M); Distribution point for SIG/M software,
& BBS for Computer Club of New Jersey (V:10/84)
Compusers RCP/M/BBS ................................. (215) 666-5381
Mark Rodenhausen, George Ligowski; (3B;10M); Part of Compusers
Users Group of Valley Forge, PA; Xerox related files, all
are welcome; (Valley Forge) (V:10/84)
ChurchBoard BBS ..................................... (215) 932-8829
Byl Levering; (3B;??); Church related messages (V:10/84)
Greensburg RBBS-RCP/M ............................... (412) 836-8407
Doug Borko; (3;??); Kaypro related files; (Greensburg) (V:10/84)
State College, PA. CUG-NODE ......................... (814) 238-4857
Joe Shannon; (3;3M) (V:10/84)
BCIS RCP/M & RBBS ................................... (703) 281-7907
Bruce Childers; (3B;1.2M); S-100, Kaypro; (Oakton, Wash DC area)
Springfield RCP/M ................................... (703) 644-2299
Roger Donais; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne, Morrow (V:10/84)
The Flying Circus RCP/M ............................. (703) 759-6627
Mike Levy; (3B;10M); Kaypro, SIGM, CPMUG; (Great Falls) (V:10/84)
RCP/M-EOV ........................................... (804) 480-5846
Steve Read; M-F 6P-11P, (try anytime wknds); (3B;22M); CompuPro,
Dbase, ZCPR2, ZCPR3, RCP/M interests (Norfolk) (V:10/84)
PENsula Kaypro Users Group RBBS ..................... (804) 838-1645
Robert Dix; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR2; access limited
until verified (free); active BBS & downloads (Hampton) (V:10/84)
OxGate-007 Grafton VA ............................... (804) 898-7493
Dave Holmes; (1-7;5.2M); CP/M, TRS-80 & Apple; (Tidewater)
[Washington D.C.]
Computer Connections RCP/M .......................... (202) 547-2008
Robert Blacher; (3B;15.4M); Morrow MD2 w/15mb hard drive;
interests in communications, word proc, disk utils, UNIX and
MS-DOS software on-line (V:10/84)
Executive Communications Microcomputer Network ...... (202) 633-0804
633-0805, 633-0806; Bruce Childers, Jon Albers; (3B;15M); three
CompuStars running CP/M 2.2 w/ZCPR & sharing 15MB of 96MB EMDACS
system. 0804 & 0806 have CP/M-80, 0805 has CP/M-86, MS-DOS & UNIX
Logan Square RCP/M .................................. (312) 252-2136
Earl Bockenfeld; (1-7;1M); Special interest databases. Daily
change on B; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
RCP/M PLUS .......................................... (312) 326-4392
Dick Lieber; (3B;??M); ???? (V:10/84)
Palatine RCP/M ...................................... (312) 359-8080
Tim Cannon; (3B;4.8M); Disks on B, C & D are changed daily;
(Chicago area) (V:10/84)
Xerox Midwest RCPM/RBBS ............................. (312) 384-0013
David Lowy; (12A-6P, other hrs no ans if in use); (3B;980K);
Mainly for Xerox PC users, but all welcome. Password required
for system access; (Xerox 820-II system); (Chicago) (V:10/84)
Chicago Attache' User's Group RCP/M ................. (312) 397-6888
Donald Larson; (no ans if in use); (3B;1.54M); communications,
Otrona Attache' software. (V:10/84)
C.A.S.A.T. CBBS ..................................... (312) 443-3744
John Manning; (3;2.5M); Art, sound synthesis, video, analog &
digital image processing, telecommunications, robotics; Located
at the Center for Advanced Studies in Art and Technology at the
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, this CBBS has been
created to promote exchange between artists and all interested
parties in the use of technology in art.; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
Glen Ellyn West Suburban RCP/M ...................... (312) 469-2597
Jim Mills; (36B;3.6M); (Chicago area) (V:10/84)
Morton Grove RCP/M RBBS ............................. (312) 470-0017
Mark Stein; (3B:183K); Latest Utilties plus RECIPES (V:10/84)
AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill ................................. (312) 789-0499
Mark Pulver; (1-7B;10M); running PMMI & Hayes 1200 modems, 1200
detect at 2nd CR then 3 sec to switch modems; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
Smokin' Silicon RCP/M ............................... (312) 941-0049
John Sojak; (3B;45M); (Chicago area) (V:10/84)
Bloomington RCPM/RBBS ............................... (812) 334-0609
Bob Jacobs; (3B;2M); (4 c/rs to bring up sys); public domain
software, amateur radio (satellite). (V:10/84)
Wichita RBBS/RCPM ................................... (316) 682-9093
George Winters; 8P Fri-11P Sun; (3B;300K); member of FOG OPEK
(Osborne Portable Enthusiasts of Kansas) chapter. (V:10/84)
Mission, KA RCPM .................................... (913) 362-9583
Bill Parrott; (3B;7M); Heath/DG Super 89 system (V:10/84)
Epson-Net Kansas City ............................... (913) 642-8479
Mike Russell; M-F 6P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;??K); affiliated with
EpsonNet International User's Group; Running RBBS/RTPM on QX-
10. (Leawood) (V:10/84)
AlphaNet RCP/M RBBS ................................. (913) 843-4259
Larry Miller; 6P-9A daily; (3;700K); B drive changes daily;
(Lawrence) (V:10/84)
SBC's Channel 85 RBBS ............................... (313) 360-2050
Mike Buffmyer, Russ Glover; (3B;780K); Kaypro IV; system is
operated by Small Business Computers, Inc.; Union Lake (Detroit
area) (Now supporting 1200 baud as of 10/24/84) (V:11/84)
PCUTILboard (FIDOnode #92) .......................... (313) 393-0527
Jon Tara; (no ans if in use); (3B;40M); Utilities and UNIX-like
tools for IBM-PC/MS-DOS. ARPA digests available for download.
Usenet gateway planned. Separate PCGAMESboard, PCAPPboard are
planned. (Detroit area) (V:11/84)
MINICBBS/Sorcerer's Apprentice Group ................ (313) 535-9186
Bob Hageman; (1-7;500K); Sorcerer software and hardware;
(Detroit area) (V:10/84)
Birmingham MI RCP/M ................................. (313) 646-1565
Harold Blaisdell; (3B;900K); primarily Xerox-820 users (V:11/84)
Tony's Corner RBBS .................................. (313) 754-1131
Tony Bauman; (3B;???K); TRS-80 Model I system (V:10/84)
Royal Oak CP/M ...................................... (313) 759-6569
Bob Clyne, Keith Petersen; (346BV;26M); MiniCBBS available but
main purpose is file transfer; (Detroit area) (V:10/84)
Technical CBBS ...................................... (313) 846-6127
Dave Hardy; (1-7;3M); RCPM sysops desiring access to passworded
RCPM Clearinghouse sys should leave msg here; (Detroit) (V:11/84)
Kalamazoo RCP/M ..................................... (616) 342-4062
Eric Schreur; (3;??); North Star Horizon system; interests
Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography, and Meteorology;
After first login users can access CP/M. (V:10/84)
Grand Traverse RCP/M ................................ (616) 947-1246
Bill Jungers; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Franklin/Apple, Televideo;
A member of the Kaypro Network; (Grand Traverse) (V:10/84)
Anoka Technical RBBS ................................ (612) 427-7774
Phil Forseth; (3B;752K); Epson, CP/M, General, Communications
SLHUG RCP/M-RBBS .................................... (314) 291-1854 $
John Griffith; (3B:10M); H-89 system; CP/M and ZDOS; annual $15
fee; (V:10/84)
FIDO-Net 022 DECUS PCLUG ............................ (314) 576-2743
Ken Kaplan; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow 100+ System, MS-DOS 2.05;
public domain software for DEC PC Users; TELINK, MODEM7/XMODEM
protocols supported; KERMIT support(?); (St. Louis) (V:10/84)
KAY-PER NET ......................................... (816) 734-2717
Ron Smith; (no ans if in use); (3B;8M); Kaypro 10 running K-NET
84 (tm) RBBS-RCPM System; Call, leave name and password, then
call back later to gain access. (Kansas City) (V:11/84)
OBBS RCP/M (RBBS) ................................... (402) 346-4206
James Whorton; (no ans if in use); (3B;1M); Osborne/general
CP/M; drive B: changed frequently; Home of TPBBS (Turbo Pascal
BBS). (Omaha) (V:10/84)
Omaha Area CP/M User's Group (OACPMUG) .............. (402) 551-8027
Charles Capps; (3B;20M); Imsai system; Huge Public Domain
library on 16mb hard disk; (Omaha) (V:10/84)
Art's Archives ...................................... (216) 282-3423
Art Petkosek; (no ans if in use); (3B;5M); communications, S-100,
Heath, general; (Lorain) (V:10/84)
Cleveland RCP/M ..................................... (216) 941-2488
Peter Petto; (3B;??K); (Bay Village) (V:10/84)
Dayton RCPM/RBBS .................................... (513) 256-7227
Dave Robling; (1-7;1M); (Dayton) (V:10/84)
C.O.R.E. (Central Ohio Remote) RCP/M RBBS ........... (614) 864-2673
Rich Rodeheaver; (3B;8M); CP/M, MBASIC interests; Xerox 820II;
CP/M PW=RAVEN; (Reynoldsburg (Columbus area)) (V:10/84)
CFP RBBS ............................................ (405) 234-9574
Mike Wheeler. (3B,20M). Many CP/M files. Good for all users.
RBBS 12.2, user groups get more control of system than normal
users. (Enid) (V:10/84)
Fort Fone File Folder ............................... (414) 563-9932
Al Jewer, Ron Fowler, Bill Whitford; (3B;40M); MEX program
support, CP/M utilities, BDSC, Voice I/O, ZCPR3 & more; (Type
WALLCHRT for system layout after exiting BBS); (Ft. Atkinson)
North Central RCP/M ................................. (715) 362-3444
Ryugen Fisher; (3B;?K); Running on a NEC PC8801. Oriented to
help users of all NEC models. Programs from Japan as well as
usual public domain programs. (Rhinelander)
PIN Headquarters RCP/M .............................. (205) 881-3800
John Mueller; (12A-8A daily); (3;392K); General Interest, Several
sub-boards, ZCPR-2. (Huntsville) (V:11/84)
CP/M User's Group RCPM .............................. (205) 882-1140
Jim Offenbecher; (no ans if in use); (3B;2.5M); General Interest,
CPM UG & SIG/M libraries. (Huntsville) (V:11/84)
Alabama RCP/M RBBS .................................. (205) 895-6749
Don Wilkes; (1-7;700K); (Huntsville) (V:10/84)
Melbourne RCP/M OXGATE .............................. (305) 259-7955
Rick Myers & Alex Soya; (3B;23M); on CompuPro 8-16 system; Infor-
mation exchange re: hardware problems & fixes, especially S-100;
Interest in CPM86 & CPM68K software; (Melbourne) (V:10/84)
Astronomer's RBBS & RCPM ............................ (305) 268-8576
Chuck Cole; (no ans if in use); (3B;492K); Astronomy/science:
CFAS, AAVSO, ISRG, IAPPP, SERAL, & CANDL; (Titusville) (V:10/84)
Sanctuary ........................................... (305) 335-2227
Chris DeBracy; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 - K-NET 84 (tm) RCPM system;
Features open RBBS plus master disk for beginners. HERBALIFE INTL
distributor. Contact for more info. (Port St Lucie) (V:10/84)
Southern Micro RCPM ................................. (305) 625-3181
Jim Wright; (3B;20M); Interests in ZCPR2, running LUX; drives
A: thru H:, User 0 thru 3 available. (Miami) (V:10/84)
Orlando, Florida RCP/M System ....................... (305) 677-8086 $
Larry Snyder; (3BV;24M); Compupro, communications, spreadsheets,
dBase II, C-86, CPM816 & MPM816; $30/yr fee; (SYSOPS: leave msg
on Detroit sysop system for complimentary membership) (V:10/84)
Tampa RCP/M ......................................... (813) 831-7276
Charlie Hoffman; (3B;20M); New 20MB hard disk; Interest in 'C';
SIG/M-CPMUG releases; Tampa Bay CP/M User's Group. (V:10/84)
Griffith's System ................................... (813) 831-8873
Joe Griffith; (3B;3M); CP/M Utilities, communications programs,
games and also feeds through to a remote OS-9 system. (V:10/84)
DataCom Network RCP/M System #1 ..................... (813) 937-3608 $
Steve Sanders; (3B;10M); $30/yr fee; Headquarters of the Kaypro
Network; Headquarters for K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS-RCPM systems; New
users may log on to leave msg for info/application; Latest SIG/M,
CPMUG, ZCPR2, MEX, and specialty files for Kaypro owners/users.
Extensive public domain library (Tampa Bay) (V:10/84)
DataCom Network RCP/M System #2 ..................... (813) 937-6829 $
Steve Sanders; (3B;10M); Members have access to both systems plus
DataCom #3 in Georgia for one fee of $30/yr. On-line is all of
the ZCPR3 release, latest MEX112, and more... (V:10/84)
Gator Board RCP/M ................................... (904) 378-1006
Bill Brachold; 7:30P-10A M-F, 5:30P Sat-10A Mon; (3B;20M);
multi-message based system; (Gainesville) (V:10/84)
Columbus RBBS/RCPM .................................. (404) 324-7391
Joe Earls; (3B;10M); Public or private Email; public SIG's for
politics, religion, and swapshop; Xmodem libraries for CP/M,
IBM-PC, C-64, others; registration but no fee. (NN:12/84)
Atlanta RCP/M ....................................... (404) 627-7127
Jim Altman; (no ans if in use); (3B;227M); Interest in 'C' pgms,
SIG/M Vols 123-199 on-line as of 11/84. (V:11/84)
DataCom Network RCP/M System #3 ..................... (404) 632-2109 $
Tony Stanley; (3B;10M); System #3 of the DataCom Network;Members
have access to all 3 systems; on-line purchases of merchandise;
monthly Kaypro-Network magazine; $30/yr (Blue Ridge) (V:11/84)
Norcross RCP/M RBBS ................................. (404) 921-1116
Jim Gooch; (No ans if in use); (3B;2M). System power is off until
carrier lock. Wait 18 seconds. NO C/R necessary. Interest in
dBASE. (V:10/84)
Kaypro TPBBS ........................................ (404) 923-2580
Joubert Berger; (3;400K); Interest in Turbo Pascal programs;
member of the Kaypro-Network. (Lilburn) (V:11/84)
Land of Osz RCP/M RBBS .............................. (502) 241-0419
Curt Edwards; 19-2300 Weekdays, 1100-2300 Weekends; (3,360K).
(Louisville) (NN:10/84)
Ovation Network RCP/M ............................... (606) 266-4532
Jay Denebeim; (3B;6.2M); Kaypro Lexington User's Group (KLUG);
a KayPro-Network system; (Lexington) (NN:11/84)
Bossier RCP/M ....................................... (318) 747-6030
Tom Chandler; (3B;7.6M); CP/M, Utilities, Games, 16 bit software;
registration required to enter board; (Bossier City) (V:10/84)
Redstick RCPM ....................................... (504) 275-7846
Ken Shutt; (3;1.6M); CP/M+, Operating systems; (Baton Rouge)
Cookeville RIBBS, RCPM/RTPM ......................... (615) 528-5039
Bill George, Joel Seber; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Epson
QX-10, MAX-80, Kaypro, IBM, Apple (V:10/84)
The Classy System ................................... (901) 372-2378
Ben Barton; (no ans if in use); (3B;760K); Epson QX-10 system;
TPMII & CPM interest; registration required before downloads ok;
2-mode operation, direct Epson QX-10 screen cntrl or standard
display for non-QX10 users; (Memphis) (NN:10/84)
[Northern California]
San Jose DataTech Node 007 / Piconet 003 ............ (408) 238-9621
Al Mehr; (3BV;20M); ZCPR2, CP/MUG, SIG/M, CP/M-86, PC/MS-DOS;
(registration required for access to software exchange) (V:10/84)
Santa Clara RBBS/RCPM ............................... (408) 247-2853
Jeff King; now 24 hrs; (3;40M); IBM, "C", CPM80, and Pascal
online. (V:10/84)
Oxgate-002 RCP/M Milpitas ........................... (408) 263-2588
Mel Cruts; (system hrs may be erratic due to heat); (1-7;12M);
(south SF bay area) (V:10/84)
Skyhouse Systems .................................... (408) 296-5078
Kirk DeHaan; (3B;30M); Application & SASE required for new users.
Send sase with 4 chr password for access to Skyhouse Systems;
657 Flannery St.; Santa Clara, CA 95051-5544; (V:10/84)
OxGate-001 Monte Sereno, CA ......................... (408) 354-5934
Chuck Metz & Paul Traina; (3B;20M); (San Jose area) (V:10/84)
Potpourri BBS & RCP/M Oxgate-012 .................... (408) 378-7474
Wayne Masters, Irv Hoff; (3BVC;20M); Leave name & system phone#;
(2400 baud now supported!); (registration required for access to
software exchange); (San Jose) (V:10/84)
OxGate-dBASE II RCP/M Campbell, CA .................. (408) 378-8733 $
Roger D. Brown; (3B;4M); dBASE II available on-line to demo soft-
ware from independent software developers; system converting to
BBS written in dBASE II; ($40/yr fee); (San Jose area) (V:10/84)
Atlas Micro Associates "MCI" RCP/M-RBBS ............. (408) 379-8086
Bill Spoolhoff; M-F 7P-10P, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;2.4M); Investment
software, Dbase II, CB-80; (NOTE: When system unavailable, you
will rcv short VOICE msg & be disconnected); (San Jose) (V:10/84)
SIMMS 001: Silicon Valley Interchange ............... (408) 732-9190
Ed Svoboda; (36BV;44M); Multi msg bases, 1000's of files online.
Registration required. Optional annual fee: $25. Send SASE 6-chr
ID to: SIMMS HQ, Box 532, Cupertino, CA 95015. (V:10/84)
KAY*FOG RBBS & RCP/M (FOG System #11) ............... (415) 285-2687
Bond Shands; (3B;10M): (Box 11135, San Francisco, CA 94101);
No fees - registration required; special interests - newcomers
to computing, Kaypro, Osborne, Morrow, and general CP/M.
CrosNest II (DataTech Node 014) ..................... (415) 341-9336
Wilbur H. Smith; (3;2.8M); (Box 962, San Mateo, Ca. 94403); CDOS,
CP/M hardware/software tipes/bulletins/educational utilities &
communications software (SF Bay area) (V:10/84)
RBBS of Marin County ................................ (415) 383-0473
Jim Ayers; M-F 5P-8:30A, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;10M); drives A:-E:,
user areas 1-2 w/ SIGM and CP/MUG pgms; (SF bay area) (V:10/84)
ZCPR3 BBS ........................................... (415) 489-9005
David McCord; (3B;1.5M); METAL message system; OFFICIAL ZCPR3
BBS, sponsored by Echelon, Inc. Z3 news and updates. Accessible
to ALL callers, no restrictions. Z3 secure mode implemented on-
line in CP/M. XMODEM, etc. all the usual stuff. (V:11/84)
Humor and Wisdom .................................... (415) 674-0660
Wayne Webber; (3B;1.5M); Humor, Jokes, poetry, insighths, etc;
Also supports software download, upload. (SF Bay Area) (V:10/84)
Napa Valley RBBS/RCPM ............................... (707) 257-6502
Dave Austin; (1-7;1.2M); Features; Apple, Atari, Compupro, Morrow,
Osborne, TRS, CP/M Software; interest in BDS, Aztec C; dBase II,
Ham Radio (Napa) (V:10/84)
Tek-80 RCP/M/RBBS ................................... (707) 425-2277
(dial 707-HAL-BBSS); John Ray; (3B;6.5M); public domain
software; electronics technical support on message system.
re: parts, schematics, etc.; will offer special areas as soon
as 20MB hard disk is on-line.; (Fairfield) (V:10/84)
Critical Mass RBBS/RCPM ............................. (707) 884-4221
Ken Mobert; (3;26M); Oxgate system; (Gualala) (V:10/84)
Orangevale RCP/M .................................... (916) 988-2660 $
Ken Benedict; (no ans if in use); (3B;20M); ($20/yr fee);
(E. of Sacramento) (V:10/84)
[Southern California]
Rainbow Data, Fido BBS #36 .......................... (213) 204-2996
Don Brauns; (3B;45M); DEC Rainbow, MSDOS 2.05; Public domain &
demo software for Rainbow. VT100 graphics at logon. Support for
TELINK, MODEM7 & XMODEM (Culver City) (V:10/84)
PVAC (PatVac) ....................................... (213) 306-1172
Harris Boldt Edelman; (3B;366K); Tired of code-slinging with
the pros? Take a break without even having to get up. Call
only if you understand. If inept or slow, stay off. (V:10/84)
ThreePalms MAX BS RCP/M ............................. (213) 430-0079
Rick Edwards; (3B;1.5M); Lobo Max 80 Bulletin System running
CP/M. Member of MAXIML (MAX-80 Users) (Seal Beach) (V:10/84)
Bankers & Hackers BBS/RCPM .......................... (213) 498-6581
Don Appleby; (3B;1.8M); N* system with NZCPR; (V:10/84)
The CP/M Connection ................................. (213) 530-4635
Arun Baheti; (3B;??); Xerox systems, CP/M, CP/M-86, MSDOS;
Soon to be an eleven megabyte system. (NN:12/84)
G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) ....................... (213) 541-2503
Skip Hansen; (3BV;2.4M); ham radio-related pgms; (Palos Verdes)
ComputerFood Press MBBS/RCPM ........................ (213) 559-9033
Tom Tucker; (3B;382K); Interests include small business systems;
Down temporarily for repairs, will be up soon with new version
of MBBS (tm) (beta test site); (V:11/84)
MicroBBS RCP/M ...................................... (213) 598-8495
Douglas Coatney; (3B;3M (40M soon)); ZCPR3, FOG s'ware (V:11/84)
JAC Computer RBBS/RCPM .............................. (213) 618-0151 $
Al Cobb; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR3; interests in Kaypro,
dBase II, ZCPR3, and all public domain s/w. (Torrance) (V:10/84)
MBBS Headquarters RCP/M ............................. (213) 653-6398
Kim Levitt; (no ans if in use); (3B;7.5M); Micro Bulletin Board
System (tm) #1; Free access to all users, only restrictions are
new users can't enter msgs or download until cleared (within 24
hrs or less, usually); home of "Remote Access Times" (V:11/84)
VIDEOMAN RCP/M and XBBS ............................. (213) 666-8588
Norman Strassner; (3B;2.5M); CompuPro with Qume 8"; expanding
to hard disk drive soon; interests in CP/M 86, dBase, etc;
Television directing, editing, production tech (NN:12/84)
Ladera Heights RBBS ................................. (213) 670-9465
Al Hawley; (no ans if in use); (3B;16M); S100 ZCPR2 system;
interests: ZCPR, System & Communication utilities, CP/M 80,86
and MSDOS. Will assist with ZCPR1,2, or 3 inst (NN:12/84)
The Downey Remote CP/M Exchange Center .............. (213) 806-2226
Mark Motley; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne software & PD languages;
ZCPR3, MEX, MEX overlays and patches. (V:11/84)
Software Center RCPM/BBS ............................ (213) 838-9229
Gary Inman; (1-7;4.8M); System features CP/M public domain soft-
ware; (West LA); (V:11/84)
Northstar Downey RBBS ............................... (213) 861-2313
Brian Holmes; (3?;5M); Northstar Advantage system; CP/M utils,
and MDM7xx; technical assistance. (NN:12/84)
Los Angeles Communication System..................... (213) 935-7570
Steve Huntley; (3B;780k); Kaypro based system. Kaypro utilities,
CP/M Utilities and communications. (V:10/84)
South Bay Technical Support Group ................... (213) 970-9238
Dan Taylor; (3B;5M); NorthStar ADVANTAGE; >>No longer closed up<<
Software: CP/M utilities, RCP/M, RBBS, ZCPR1,2,(3 is not on line)
Information on PACKET radio (HAM); (Hawthorne) (V:10/84)
Concurrent CP/M-86 RCPM #1 .......................... (619) 252-5367 $
Lyle Skjerve; (B(1200 ONLY);26.7M); $20/yr. access fee; Running
under CCP/M-86 on Fujitsu Micro 16s; Entire PC-Blue library is
available plus 500+ CP/M pgms, incl. Kaypro, Osborne (V:11/84)
Barstow RCP/M ....................................... (619) 256-3914
Bill Wood; (34BV;15M); H89 system. (does not see CR's for 6
secs after carrier detect, while system auto boots) (V:11/84)
San Diego Experimental RC System (SDEXPRC) .......... (619) 452-1869
Brian Kantor; (3BV;3.6M); News and Mail; interests in amateur
digital packet radio, graphics, and advanced microprocessor tech
System powers up on call & answers on 3rd or 4th ring. (V:10/84)
SABALINE ............................................ (619) 692-1961
Don Saba; (3BV;10M); interest in Apple CP/M, Kaypro, MSDOS;
SYSOP operates all 3 systems & features pgms he can test. Serves
local Kaypro Group. (V:10/84)
<I>C<U> RCP/M ....................................... (714) 381-2887
John Hohensee & Cliff Smith; (3B;2.4M); Inland Computer Users,
San Bernardino; CP/M and MS-DOS software; (V:10/84)
G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) Garden Grove .......... (714) 534-1547
Doug Laing; (3BV;5M); amateur radio, Apple/CPM; (Garden Grove)
MVKUG RBBS/RCPM ..................................... (714) 581-1556
Randy Tincher; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR3; interests in
Kaypro, dBaseII, ZCPR3 & public domain. (Mission Viejo) (V:10/84)
San Dimas RBBS/RCPM ................................. (714) 599-2109
Stu Anthony; M-F 8A-7P, wknd 24 hrs, (try anytime); (3B;964K);
Xerox 820-II (V:10/84)
AnaHug RCPM/CBBS .................................... (714) 774-7860
John Secor; (3B;10M); Interests: hobby computing, electronics
hobbyists, ham radio; (Anaheim) (V:10/84)
Ozzy's Place RCP/M ............................... cb (714) 841-0064
Alan Premselaar; Osborne-based RCP/M running 56k ZCPR2 (V:11/84)
Moonstar RBBS ....................................... (714) 861-8165
Jerry Proffitt; (no ans if in use); (3B;780K); Astrology and
Metaphysics; General interest PD Software; Kaypro 4 with ZCPR2;
(Diamond Bar) (V:10/84)
Sit Back and Wackit ................................. (714) 995-2428
Robert Collins; (3B;655K); IBM-PC utils, 8087 source code; modem
pgms; APL utils & hotline; COMPAQ w/2 RAM disks & 8087; (V:10/84)
Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/1 ............ (805) 492-5472
Trevor Marshall; (3,36B;66M); Use CHAT to request noise resistant
300 baud modem; active BBS; ALL SIG/M, PC-Blue & Capitol-PC Users
Group software. Most C-UG vols. (7900+ files on-line.) (V:11/84)
(Until floppies repaired, cannot accept uploads, send to S/2.)
Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/2 ............ (805) 493-1495
Trevor Marshall; (3B;65M); no BBS; unlimited upload time, down-
load time 15 mins/day max., (increased 2 for 1 for uploads);
(Networked to same 64MB hard disk as system 1.) (V:11/84)
Simi RCP/M .......................................... (805) 527-2219
Pete Mack; M-F 7P-7A, wknd 24 hrs; (3-6,B;20M); General interest
programs plus special interest in 'C'; Also interested in 88/86
PC software; (Simi Valley) (V:10/84)
SIMI-PDSE/RCPM ...................................... (805) 584-6054
John Damico; (3;40M); interests: RCP/M communications, utilities,
ZCPR, Kaypro, CompuPro, Apple & General. (Simi Valley) (V:10/84)
Father John's Place ................................. (805) 687-2754
Father John Higgins; (3B;10M); info on the Catholic Church,
question/answer forum for all; (South Bay area) (V:10/84)
LOBO MAX-80 Citadel ................................. (805) 964-6626
Tom Marazita; (3B;5M); MAXIMUL (Max-80 User's League) software,
CP/MUG, SIG/M, dBase, PASCAL, 'C'; (Goleta) (V:10/84)
L.A.M.U.G. RCP/M-XBBS ............................... (818) 340-9947
Bob Moeller; (no ans if in use); (3B;20M); Micro Decision;
New users are required to leave address and phone # for password
to enter CP/M. 1000 public domain software programs. (V:10/84)
Granada Engineering Group RCP/M ..................... (818) 360-5053
Webber Hall; (3;1M); Headquarters of XBBS message system;
CP/M assembly language programming and technical information;
(Granada Hills) (V:11/84)
Da PHANTOM LATE-NITE RBBS ........................... (818) 365-2996
KABjorke; LATE Nites, Weekends; (34;15M); IBM-PC System; what do
computers do at night? The System for the Society to Establish a
National Idle-Time Pool. C, Forth, Hi-End Grafix, ArtZ. (V:10/84)
The MOG-UR'S HBBS ................................... (818) 366-1238
Tom Tcimpidis; (3BC;19M); 2400 baud now; 11 different boards,
varied interests. Database use welcome to all systems, operating
systems and users; (San Fernando valley, LA area) (V:11/84)
No. Hollywood RCPM/BBS .............................. (818) 509-8599
John Jearos; M-F 6P-11P, wknd 24 hrs; (3;2M); Apple II/Z80 card.
Northridge Systems RCP/M - XBBS ..................... (818) 708-3284
Robert M. Crump; (3B;1.2M); XBBS message system; drives A-D;
1200 baud now supported. (V:11/84)
NBS RCP/M ........................................... (818) 764-6166
Joel Sussman; (3B;10M); Amateur (Ham) Radio, data communications,
programming routines; Kaypro/IBM-PC software; (North Hollywood)
La Canada RCPM/RBBS ................................. (818) 790-3014
Chris Hays; (no ans if in use, 4 rings till autoboot); (3B;1.3M);
electronics, communications software; (LA area) (V:10/84)
Pasadena RCP/M ...................................... (818) 799-1632
Dick Mead; (3B;26M); running ZCPR3; interest in Ham Packet;
RBBS4 message system w/public/private mail. (LA area) (V:10/84)
Glendale Litearia RBBS-RCP/M ........................ (818) 956-6164
Abel Iwaz; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 system w/
ZCPR3; interests: Communications, utilities, dBaseII, ZCPR3,
Literary forum, special magazine section. (V:10/84)
Valley Technical RCPM ............................... (602) 242-7503 $
Ed Richardson, Bob Connolly; (3B;65M); CompuPro system, sections:
Modem, RCPM, Pascal, C, Basic, Utilities. System & BBS open, but
file transfer requires fee; 2400 baud soon; (Phoenix) (V:11/84)
Photo Marketing Association RCP/M RBBS .............. (602) 834-5295
Jim Whitesell; (3B;1.6M); specializing in photographic industry -
photofinishers, camera stores, manufacturers; RBBS is operated by
industry's trade association. (V:10/84)
Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine RCP/M-RBBS ................ (602) 848-6708
Jim Gronek; (3B;10M); Kaypro II w/10MB Helix; sections: Kaypro
DBaseII, Games, Utilities; all CP/M users welcome. (V:10/84)
The World Peace RCP/M ............................... (303) 320-4822
Fr. Alfred K Carr; (3B;16M); sponsored by Hilltop Reform Baptist
Church (Contemplative Reform Baptism - The World Peace Movement);
New users must complete application on-line; access in 24-48 hrs;
(Denver) (V:11/84)
Computer Parlors RCP/M RBBS ......................... (303) 420-8052
Terry Travis; (3B;10M); Interest in Kaypro; (Arvada) (V:10/84)
Lodge Works RCP/M ................................... (303) 444-3253
John Vareka; (3B;10M); System Enhancements, C Language. (Boulder)
CP/M SIG RCPM/RIBM SYSTEMS .......................... (303) 465-1313
Al Lindquist; (3B;10M); Password access after validate; CP/M
SIG, Inc Broomfield, Co., provides latest SIG/M and PC-BLUE
releases on-line; RIBM rotates w/RCPM. (NN:12/84)
Boulder, Colorado RCP/M ............................. (303) 499-9169
Jack Riley; M-F 12P-6A (hard disk up Thurs 7P-12A); (1-7BV;32M);
Keyword-based BBS; high-level language software, graphics, numer-
; M-F 12P-6A (hard disk up Thurs 7P-12A); (1-7BV;32M);
Keyword-based BBS; high-level language software, graphics, numer-
ical analysis & UNIX info; MX-80 graphics, typesetting (V:10/84)
Colorado Springs Computer Communications ............ (303) 598-4500 $
Thom Foulks; (3B;2.1M); Colorado Springs User Group members only;
(On-line application available) (V:10/84)
Denver CUG-NODE ..................................... (303) 781-4937
? Sysop; (1-7;1M); (Need more info!!) (V:10/84)
The <K>nection RCP/M ................................ (303) 798-5451
Verlon Rogers; (3B;790k); General interest Kaypro & misc
languages; Short validation process (Littleton) (V:11/84)
<E>lectronic <L>ocksmith RCP/M RBBS ................. (303) 973-2167
Steve Ekwall; (3B;400k). Established for the Locksmithing and
Security Industry. Industry users get full access to password
protected user areas. Others to A0>, B0>. (V:10/84)
Lakewood MURCP/M SYSTEM #1 .......................... (303) 985-1108 $
Gary Shaffstall; (3B;40.2M); Guest hours 00:00-12:00 MST daily;
6000+ files available from SIG/M, CPMUG, and other user groups.
Membership fee $24/yr. (V:10/84)
Reno International (RIBBS) RCP/M .................... (702) 826-2337
Ron Stevenson & Mike Mcbride; (3B;2.4M); EXO noBUS-8 system;
Sections for different computers; Online games; Hotels, enter-
tainment & restaurant data base for Reno, Carson & S. Lake Tahoe
w/toll free #'s for reservations; say MENU; (Reno) (V:11/84)
[New Mexico]
Albuquerque RCP/M ................................... (505) 299-5974
Steve Fox; (3V;15M); (no ans if in use). Ferguson BigBoard II,
CP/M-80 and PC/DOS. (V:11/84)
Alamogodo RCP/M ..................................... (505) 437-9117
Joel Mozer; 7P-6A; (??;??) need more info!; all welcome (V:10/84)
Mesilla Valley RCP/M ................................ (505) 524-6920
Phil Cary; (B;33M). PC/MS-DOC, CP/M 80, PLUS, & 86; IBM PC, N*
Kaypro. NOTE! 1200 BAUD ONLY AFTER 1/1/85 (Las Cruces) (V:10/84)
NM DEC-PC RCP/M ..................................... (505) 831-0205
Eloy Gonzales; (3B;676K); Dec VT180, Rainbow System (V:10/84)
Tom Sanderson's RCP/M ............................... (505) 864-7676
Tom Sanderson; (1-6;1M); Vector Graphic S-100 Sys; CP/M utils,
RCP/M & BDS C pgms; all users welcome; (Belen) (V:10/84)
DFW RCP/M ........................................... (214) 245-5253
Nathan Stewart; (3B;16M); Interest in CPM80, CPM86, PC s/w
'C' programs; (Dallas) (V:10/84)
Seneca RCP/M ........................................ (214) 553-1363 $
Sigi Kluger; (3BV;13M). TurboDos, CP/M 86 and latest software.
$25/year fee ($15 7-1 to 12-31/84); (Dallas) (V:10/84)
The Dallas Connection RCP/M RBBS .................... (214) 783-7684 cb
Russ Pencin; (3B;4M); General interest and Xerox-820-II programs.
(Dallas) (NN:12/84)
Dallas RCP/M CBBS ................................... (214) 931-8274 $
Dave Crane; (3B;28M); P/D software & info exchange; CP/M-80 & 86,
PC-DOS, Forth, dBase; spec. interest in science & engineering;
$30/yr fee, limited membership. (V:10/84)
The Black Box ....................................... (512) 835-9742
Marc Newman; (34B;3M); Xmodem support. Atari, CP/M, RBBS software
interests, online games, D&D, operating systems (V:10/84)
Fido BBS #67 ........................................ (806) 795-0102
Alan Minchew; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow with MS-DOS & CP/M; supports
Telink, Modem7, and XMODEM transfers. (Lubbock) (V:10/84)
CTA RCP/M "Lazarus" ................................. (915) 544-1432
Mike Gonzalez; (3B;16M); Specializing in North Star, distribu-
tion point for RBBS4 (El Paso) (V:10/84)
AKPRO-NET RBBS/RCPM ................................. (907) 248-2604 $
Pat Wilke; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running K-NET 84 (tm); $25/yr fee;
Kaypro, Osborne, Epson, Nec-Apc, TI, Apple, & General CP/M;
Write to: AKPRO-NET; 2304 McRae St. Suite 1; Anch., AK 99503
Anchorage Remote CP/M (ARCPM) ....................... (907) 349-7996 $
Rodger Ellis; (3B;15M); $6.50/mo. fee, limited access to non-
members; new members accepted, call (907) 349-6882/write ARCPM;
740 W. 71st Ave.; Anchorage, AK 99502 for application. (V:10/84)
The Far North RCP/M ................................. (907) 456-1677
Bob Purdy; (3B?;10M); BBS of Kaypro User's Group of Fairbanks;
Entire FOG library, Kaypro-specific programs; (HOPE TO HAVE SYS
ON-LINE BY DEC. 1ST); Address: 'The Far North'; 405 Wedgewood Dr.
#32; Fairbanks, AK 99701 (V:11/84)
[Alberta, Canada]
Edmonton RCPM ....................................... (403) 454-6093
Dave McCrady; (no ans if in use); (3BV;4.8M) (V:10/84)
Western Canadian Distribution Center ................ (403) 461-2960 $
Gary McCallum; (3BV;34M); (release point for all new programs
by Dave Rand); (Edmonton) (NN:10/84)
Meadowlark RCP/M .................................... (403) 484-5981
Jim Lopushinski; (3B;20M); origination point for NSQueeze,
LBRDISK, and other machine language programs. (V:10/84)
[British Columbia, Canada]
Satyricon Electronics Corp. CBBS/RCPM................ (604) 438-2468 $
Gordon Regar; (1-3B;22.4M); CP/MUG, SIG/M, Macintosh; $5/yr. fee;
Prince George RCP/M System .......................... (604) 562-9519
Chris Loelke; Fred Quebec; MF 5pm-8am Weekends 24hours.(3B;16M);
ZCPR3 Libraries, 16bit, general interest, utilities, RCP/M, SIG/M
and some non CP/M. (V:10/84)
Frog Hollow CBBS/RCPM ............................... (604) 937-0906
David Bowerman; (1-7;1.2M); (Vancouver) (V:10/84)
[Manitoba, Canada]
Winnipeg RCP/M ...................................... (204) 943-9007
Greg Moeller & Bruce Walzer; (346B;16M); EXO networking system;
interests in CPM 86, Forth, Concurrent CP/M; (V:10/84)
Helena Valley RBBS/RCPM ............................. (406) 443-2768
Marion Thompson; (no ans if in use); (3B;5M); Phototypesetting
service, special interest in S-100; (Helena) (V:10/84)
SACC RCP/M RBBS ..................................... (503) 371-9251 $
Al Bohr; (3B;10M). Kaypro 10 w/ ZCPR, MDM7, MEX. For membership
info, read info at signon. (Salem Area Computer Club) (V:10/84)
Professional YAM .................................... (503) 621-3746
Chuck Forsberg; (random/intermittent hrs); (3B;2M); IBM-PC;
'C' pgms in addition to IBM-PC software (V:10/84)
Beaverton, Oregon RCPM .............................. (503) 642-7028 $
Dave Morgan; (3B;112M); $25/yr fee; phone number is changing
soon; all of ZCPR2/3 and SYSLIB3 online; (V:10/84)
RCP/M Northwest ..................................... (503) 777-6377
Eddie Williams, Chris Bradley; (sys dwn 5P-10P daily); (3;780K);
interest in Kaypros, CP/M utilities; Kaypro 4 system. (V:11/84)
[Saskatchewan, Canada]
Regina RCPM/RBBS .................................... (306) 586-5585
Leigh Calnek, Ted Quade; (3B;17M); career education software,
Atari, Apple, IBM, TRS-80, Osborne, CP/M programs (C64 soon);
(Morrow or Northstar sys, multi-user soon); (Regina) (V:10/84)
Seattle's "Downspout" ............................... (206) 325-1325 $
Norm Gregory; (3BC;20M); Limited access FREE; full access $25/yr;
2400 baud avail.; Epson QX-10 w/ZCPR3. (Seattle) (V:10/84)
Olympia RCP/M ....................................... (206) 357-7400
Tim Linehan; (3B;18M); Interest in 'C', database pgms, & string
manipulation; Most CUG software on-line. (V:10/84)
Yelm RBBS & CP/M .................................... (206) 458-3086
Dave Stanhope; (3B;80M); S-100 UNIX system; CP/M programs;
interest in 'C'; Running BBSC for UNIX-C; (Olympia) (V:10/84)
Adam's RiBBS ........................................ (206) 828-3077
Adam Koczarski; (3B;3.2M); Heath H-89, SIG/M catalog on-line
w/ FYNDE utilities so users can request off-line volumes to be
mounted. CP/M library also. (V:11/84)
PUYALLUP AREA RCP/M System .......................... (206) 848-1497
Ken Iverson; (3;15M) (V:10/84)
North West Godbout/CompuPro RCP/M-RBBS .............. (509) 624-6799
Jeff Albrecht; (3B;11.4M); CompuPro 80885/8088 running ZCPR2;
interested in all info/programs related to CompuPro and
engineering. (NN:12/84)
SMUG RCPM/RBBS ...................................... (509) 924-0808
David Schmidt; (3B;26.5M); Spokane Microcomputer User's Group;
Interests: Kaypro, Osborne, 'C', dBase II and CP/M 68K software,
also ZCPR2/ZCPR3; (Spokane) (NN:11/84)
Wyoming Computer Concepts RCP/M ..................... (307) 635-8366
Barron F. McIntire III; (3B;10M); MAILBOX msg sys; non-XMODEM
up/download capability as well as XMODEM; software for many
different computers; (Cheyenne) (V:10/84)
Kauai RCP/M RBBS .................................... (808) 245-2080
Gene Clayton; (no ans if in use); (3B;800K); (Lihue) (V:10/84)
DOC OVERLOCK'S BBS .................................. (808) 338-1277
Bob Overlock; no answer if in use; (3B;33M); interests in CP/M,
MS/PC-DOS, Commodore, medical, communications; (Waimea) (V:10/84)
Hawaiian Shell RCP/M ................................ (808) 422-8406
George Sofaly; (3B;800K); Network system; interests in Kaypro;
RCP/M for Hawaii Portable Computer Users Assoc. (Honolulu)
CP-MIG .............................. type 'R CP-MIG' or 'GO PCS-47' $
Dave Kozinn, Tom Jorgenson, Charlie Strom; most new CPMUG and
SIG/M software; CP/M-oriented CBBS. COMPUSERVE users have full
access to CP-MIG. Note: COMPUSERVE mow supports Christensen
protocol file transfers. (Fees required to join CompuServe.)
N6CXB-1 Packet RCPM ... 2 meter packet: 146.745 OUT/DOWN 600 khz. IN
Bob Finch (N6CXB); system is on 2-meter packet thru the N6GPP/R
duplex 202C packet repeater, (formerly known as N6TD/R), call of
RCP/M is N6CXB-1; currently supporting hex/ASCII unload of binary
files and simple TYPE (etc.) for text files. (Since AX.25 prot-
ocol in use for ham packet doesn't require XMODEM for integrity
of end-to-end virtual connection.) System currently a Cal-Tex
SBC with Tapr TNC, custom interface & system software, 11MB dsk,
100 watts (erp) power. On-line 24 hrs subject to clear channel,
(i.e. no voice traffic). (Glendale, CA area) (V:11/84)
N6BGW Packet RCPM ..... 2 meter packet: 146.745 OUT/DOWN 600 khz. IN
??? (N6BGW); (same as system above but in L.A. area) (??)
1. Call-back systems are those where a computer and real people share
the same telephone line. To contact the people, just dial & let the
phone ring until you get an answer. To contact the computer: 1) dial,
2) let the phone ring once, 3) hang up just before the 2nd ring, &
4) re-dial.
2. Note that the 212A/Vadic 1200 baud modems may not be compatable
with yours. Some of the above systems are using Vadic 3451 Triple
modems, compatable with both Bell and Vadic Standard. Sign on the
first time at 300 baud to determine system capabilities. Note also
that PMMI's can sometimes be used over 300 baud with 1200 baud
systems. PMMI baud rates are: 110, 300, 450, 600, 710 and are
indicated above as "1-7".
3. Use of an alternative long-distance service should be considered
when planning to modem over long programs. Charges on ITT Longer
Distance, MCI, Sprint and Western Union are 50-60% of AT&T's regular
long distance rates. These services and many others are available in
many areas of the country and many of them can now call anywhere in
the U.S. and will work fine at 300 and 1200 baud most of the time...
(Note, however, that you may not be able to dial a system in Alaska,
Hawaii or Canada depending on the service you get and sometimes you
may have trouble connecting at 1200 baud.)
4. Total on-line disk capacity is shown for reference. Check the
system documentation for exact details when logging on.
5. All times listed are local time, please observe operating hours
for systems with scheduled availability.
6. If you find any errors in this listing, (or systems which do not
support XMODEM protocol for file transfers), please forward the
information to one of the systems listed at the top.
7. Many of the private/semi-private systems will allow System
Operators access to the system. Each private/semi-private system has
different rules regarding access. Most of these limit membership,
which may mean that access is somewhat easier than fully public
systems. However, as with public systems, quality varies greatly
from system to system. Contact the System Operator first for details
of system access, cost, etc.
8. SPECIAL NOTE TO SYSOPS: (by Jud Newell, 7/15/84)
a. In an effort to keep this list manageable, we're arbitrarily
restricted each entry to 4 lines including name and phone number. To
do this, we arbitrarily edited some listings. If you'd like to say
something different, message Kim, Steve, or I, but please restrict
your listing to no more than 4 lines.
b. You may be eligable for access on a no-fee basis to some of
the private systems noted above. Contact the system operator of the
system you wish access to for details of his policies.
VERIFICATION INFORMATION: By Jud Newell (Oct 22/84) This list is now
being verified on a periodic basis. Our verification routines come
to us from Jim Cambrion, and automatically dial the list, noting
whenever a computer carrier is detected. Unfortunately, after the
computer is done, we still have about 100 systems to manually check.
If we got a carrier tone or a busy signal, we considered the system
to be in existance. If we got a disconnect recording, we deleted the
system from the list. If no answer, we left the system on the list,
but will delete from the next list if we can't make contact before
then. Note that each non-answering system was tried at least 5 times
over a 2 week period of time. The list will next be fully verified in
April 1985. Note the codes at end of each entry are: (V: = system
existance verifed by presence of modem carrier or busy signal on all
tries) (NA: = no answer of telephone w/at least 5 verification calls)
(NN: = new number). It will help us if you advise us of the status
of any systems not showing a verification indication. If I deleted
you in error, I apologize.