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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Date: 2 September 1982 02:30-EDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Mit-Mc>
Subject: Long message - RCPMLIST.27
Via: Mit-Mc; 2 Sep 82 2:33-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 2:36-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 2:43-EDT
+++ Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems, List # 27 +++
Last Revised August 28, 1982
A summary of all known (and running) Remote CP/M Software
Exchange Systems using XMODEM for program transfers. It
would be appreciated if operators of new RCPM systems will
transmit the needed information about their systems to Ben
Bronson [Hyde Park RCPM (312) 955-4493], or to Jud Newell
[Mississauga RCPM (416) 826-5394].
Ben and Jud will attempt to coordinate updates to the
RCPMLIST as they occur...
List # 27 revised and updated courtesy of:
Mississauga RCPM and Hyde Park RCPM
Revision Summary as of August 28, 1982:
Note: [^^= data changed since RCPMLIST.26, 06/20/82]
[& = data changed since RCPMLIST.25a, 05/08/82]
[> = data changed since RCPMLIST.25, 05/07/82]
MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO RCP/M, (416) 826-5394, Jud Newell. 24
hrs. 300 and 1200 baud. No A.L.D.S. Up as of 08/28/82. 20Mb
hard disc now on line 24 hrs/day. [Toronto]
Special Interest in New and New Releases of Software. System
supports extensive HELP files and Software DATABASE.
^^PMMI available now only on request. 300/1200 baud standard.
MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO HUG-RCP/M, (416) 273-3011, Toronto Heath
Users Group. 1800-0600 wkdys, 24 hrs wkends.
110,300,450,600,710 baud. No A.L.D.S. Up as of 06/20/82. 2+
Mb of files on 5 drives. [Toronto]
Mid-Suffolk RCP/M and Data Exchange, (516) 751-5639, Al Klein,
1700-0900 weekdays, 1700 Friday - 0900 Monday. 300,450 Baud.
SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 8/12/82 @400k on 4 drives. [Long
Sysop interested in new programs for all micros. Note Phone
will be answered voice 0900-1700 Monday-Friday.
^^NEW SYSTEM. SYSOP interested in all micros.
Johnson City, NY SJBBS, 607-797-6416, Charles ---. No call
back. Eves., etc. 300 baud. No alternative long-distance
service. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 2 Mb of files on 2
drives.[Upstate New York]
SuperBrain RCPM, 617-862-0781, Paul Kelly. 1900-0700 wkdys,
24 hrs wkends. 110, 300, & 1200 baud. SPRINT, ITT, MCI. Up
as of 08/27/82. @ 300 K files on-line. [Lexington, MA: Boston
(Special interest in Superbrain-adapted CP/M programs)
Rochester RBBS, 716-223-1100, Arnie McGall. No call back. 24
hrs. 300/1200 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT. Up as of 08/27/82.
@2.4 Mb of files on 3 drives. [Upstate New York]
(S-100 based. General CP/M software. The standard RBBS/
RCPM system coexists with a separate passworded message
system called Datastar, which can be entered from CP/M
but runs on a separate computer (charge for DataStar usage).
^^New Speeds,now supports 1200 baud. Data/Star no longer
free and carried a .05 per minute charge for use. RCP/M
remains free.
Bearsville Town SJBBS, 914-679-6559, Hank Szyszka. No call
back. 110,300,450,600,710 baud. No a.l.d.s. Up as of
08/27/82. @ 4MB of files on 4 drives. [Upstate New York].
(Installing MP/M. All CPMUG programs available by request.
General CP/M software)
^^Double Sided/DD Drives now on line. Capacity doubled.
Woodstock, N.Y. RCP/M. 914-679-8734. John Doak. No Call
Back. 1800-2300 Monday-Friday, 0800-2300 Weekends. 75-450
Baud. ? ALDS. Up as of 08/27/82. ? Capacity.
Brewster RBBS, 914-279-5693, Paul Bosshold & Carl Erhorn.
Call Back at all times. 9pm-8am Weekdays, 24 hour weekends.
300,450, 600, 710 baud. No a.l.d.s. Up as of 02/28/82. @
500 K of files on 1 drive. [Downstate New York]
(S-100 based. General CP/M software)
Flanders, N.J. 201-584-9227, Ken Stritzel. No Call Back. 24
hours, 110,300,450,600,710 baud. SPRINT,MCI. Up as of
08/27/82. @ 26mb on hard disk (= 3 logical drives) + 1.2mb on
2 floppies.[Northern New Jersey]
^^ 26mb hard disk now installed.
Paul Bogdanovich's RBBS, 201-747-7301. No call back. 1800-2300
wkdys & 0800-2300 wkends. 300 baud. a.l.d.s. accessibility &
disk capacity not known. Up as of 08/27/82. [New Jersey]
> NEW SYSTEM. Further data needed.
Remote CP/M and Bulletin Board System of Cranford, New Jersey
201-272-1874, Bruce Ratoff. Eves., etc. No call back.
110,300, 450 & 600 baud. SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 08/27/82. 2-
3 Mb of files on 3 drives. Bulletin Board of SIG/M Group
[New Jersey]
(General CP/M software; active also as a bulletin board)
Allentown RBBS/RCPM System, 215-398-3937, Bill Earnest. 24
hrs. No call back. 110, 300, 450, 600, 710 baud. SPRINT &
ITT. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 10. Mb. of files on hard disk (=4
logical disks). [E.Pennsylvania]
(General CP/M software. Bulletin board of the Lehigh
Valley Computer Club and SIG/M Group)
Laurel, Md RCPM/RBBS, 301-953-3753, Wayne Hammerly. No call
back. 24 hours. No A.L.D.S. 2 drives with 600k capacity now
on line. PMMI on order, currently running at 300 baud only.
Up as of 08/27/82
RLP RCP/M, McLean Va, 703-524-2549, Bob Plouffe. No Call back.
24 hours. SPRINT & MCI. 4 (N*) Drives with 640kb of files.
Running CBBS for messages. Up as of 08/27/82
% Phone Number corrected. Note correct number is 703-524-2549
Grafton, Va. RBBS, 804-898-7493, Dave Holmes. No call back.
24 hrs. 300 baud. No a.l.d.s.? @ 200 K of files on 2 drives.
Up as of 08/27/82. (Tidewater Va.)
(Carries CP/M, TRS-80 & Apple software; plans for setting up
a dual system (on one line) with an LNW-80 as well as the CP/M
computer. Active as bulletin board)
State College, Pa. CUG-NODE, 814-238-4857, Joe Shannon. No
call back. 24 hours. 300 baud on login, then PMMI baud rates.
No a.l.d.s.? @ 3 mb of files on 3 drives. Up as of 05/08/82.
+ New System . Runs C-NODE software, with UNIX-like commands
> (type 'cat commands' after reaching the '%' prompt) and file
> xfer programs called 'send' & 'rcv' which are MODEM/XMODEM
> compatible. Only BDS- and other C s'ware for downloading;
> no msg system.
Geneseo, Ill, 309-667-2504, Richard Blessing, call back.
0700-1700 . 110,300,450,600,710 baud, No ALDS. Up as of
04/22/82. @ 500 k on two drives.
^^NEW PHONE. System may not yet be back in operation.
IBM-PC BBS, 312-647-7636, Gene Plantz. No call back. 1800-
0700 wkdys & 24 hrs wkends. 300 & 1200 baud. SPRINT, MCI,
ITT. Up as of 08/13/82. @ 200 K of files. [Niles: Chicago
> NEW SYSTEM. Run for members of ACPU. Access to operating
> system requires password -- contact sysop. Bell 212A freqs
> at 1200 baud.
AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill. 312-789-0499, Mark Pulver. No call
back. Eves. & ? 300 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT. @ 10 mb of
files on hard disk. Up as of 08/27/82. [Chicago area]
NEI RCPM System, 312-949-6189, Chuck Witbeck. No call back.
1800-0100 wkdys, 1200-0100 wkends. 300,450,600,710 baud. MCI,
SPRINT, ITT. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 2 Mb of files on 2 drives.
[Chicago area]
(Main emphasis is on communications programs, including
versions adapted to non-standard CP/M systems)
Hyde Park RCPM/RBBS, 312-955-4493, Ben Bronson. No call back.
0100-1700 daily. 110, 300, 450, 600, 710 baud. SPRINT,
ITT,MCI. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 2 Mb of files on 2 drives.
(Special interest in hard- & software reviews, C progs, and
very recent releases of standard programs)
Logan Square RCPM, 312-252-2136, Earl Bockenfeld. No call
back. 0100-1900 wkdys, irreg. on wkends. 110, 300, 450,
600,710 baud. SPRINT, ITT, MCI. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 1 Mb
of files on 2 drives. [Chicago]
(Special interest in recent releases and developing on-line
databases, with daily change of software on B drive)
Palatine RCPM, 312-359-8080, Tim Cannon. No call back. 1800-
0600 wkdys, 24 hours weekends. PMMI baud rates Thurdays 1800-
Sunday 1800. 300/1200 Vadic all other times. SPRINT,MCI,ITT.
Up as of 08/27/82.@ 4.8mb of files on 4 drives. Emphasis on
very recent releases, updates to existing programs and BDS C
programs. Disks on B:;C:; and D: are rotated with a second
set daily. [Chicago]
Westland, Michigan RBBS/RCPM, 313-729-1905, Ron Fowler. Call
back. 24 hrs. 110, 300, 450 & 600 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT.
Up as of 06/01/82. @ 1.4 Mb. of files on 2 drives.
(Emphasis on very recent releases)
Technical CBBS, 313-846-6127, Dave Hardy. No call back. 24
hrs. 110, 300, 450 & 600 baud. ITT, SPRINT, MCI. Up as of
08/27/82. @ 3 Mb of files on 3 drives. [Detroit area]
(Emphasis on very recent releases. RCPM sysops desiring
access to the passworded RCPM Clearing House system should
leave a msg on TCBBS. Active message system)
Royal Oak CP/M, 313-759-6569, Keith Petersen. Call back. 24
hrs. 110, 300, 450, 600, baud. 1200 baud modem now available
on request. Use CHAT or leave a message if you want the 212A
switched in. ITT, SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 600 K on
2 floppy drives + 10 Mb on hard disk (=2 logical drives).
[Detroit area]
(Emphasis on new programs & recent updates of standard progs.
Pontiac, Mi. RBBS/RCPM, 313-338-8505, Larry Breaux, 2pm-
midnight, ? Baud, ? ALDS, ? File Storage. Up as of 04/08/82.
Southfield, Mi, RBBS/RCPM, 313-559-5326, Howard Booker. No
callback. 24 hrs. 300, 450 baud. ITT, SPRINT, MCI. Up as
of 07/22/82. @ 2.7Mb on 8 (logical) drives. [Michigan]
(Special interest in BDSC programs, doc. files and recent
updates of standard programs.)
^^DISK Capacity increased.
MINICBBS/Sorcerer's Apprentice Group, 313-535-9186, Bob
Hageman. Call back. 24 hrs. 110, 300, 450, 600 baud. ITT,
SPRINT,MCI. Up as of 02/27/82. @ 500 K on 2 drives.
(Running on an Exidy Sorcerer. Needs password, "SORCERER".
Special interest in adapting CP/M software and assorted
hardware to Sorcerer systems)
Fort Fone File Folder, 414-563-7442, Al Jewer, Shawn Everson.
No Call Back. 24 hours. 110-710 baud. ALDS ?. Up as of
8/27/82. @20mb on two Corvus Drives.
^^ SYSOP now has 20 meg installed.
$ NEW SYSTEM. Specializing in MP/M, CP/NET and BDSC programs.
$ 6mb Corvus Drive expected shortly.
Cincinnatti RBBS, 513-489-0149, Henry Deutsch. No callback.
1800-0600 daily. PMMI Baud rates. ? ALDS. @1.8mb on two
drives. Up as of 6/20/82. Specializes in Telecommunications.
^^ NEW SYSTEM. Information Needed.
West Carrolton RCP/M, 513-435-5201, Rich Malafa & Bob Drake.
No call back. 24 hours. PMMI Baud rates. ? ALDS. @11 mb of
files on hard disk (= 4 logical drives). Up as of 6/24/82.
[Dayton OH]
Columbus CBBS, 614-272-2227 [268-CBBS], John Walpole. No call
back. 24 hrs. 110-600 baud. SPRINT, ITT, (MCI?). Up as of
08/27/82. @ 300 K of files on 3 drives. [Ohio]
(Now running MP/M, on a Tarbell SD controller; occasional
slow response means the sysop is also using the system;
special interest in BDS-C programs. Also active as a bulletin
Pickerington RBBS, 614-837-3269. Greg Bridgewater . No Call
Back. ? Schedule. 300 baud. ? ALDS. @1mb on 4 drives.
Running TRS-80 with Omikron. Up as of 06/27/82.
^^ NEW SYSTEM. Information Needed.
Mission, Ka, 913-362-9583, Dave Kobets. No Call Back. 24
Hours. 300,1200 Baud 212A Standard. ALDS?. Up as of 5/31/82.
@ 2meg of files on 2 drives. [Kansas]
$ NEW SYSTEM. Running Heath H89, DD/DS drives, with high speed
$ access.
NACS/UAH RBBS/RCPM, 205-895-6749, Don Wilkes. Call back.24
hrs. 110, 300, 450, 600 baud. No a.l.d.s. Up as of 08/27/82.
@ 700 K of files on 4 drives. [Huntsville, Alabama]
(Run for N. Ala. Computer Soc. at U. of Ala.; general CP/M
EL PASO RCP/M, 915-598-1668, Sigi Kruger. Call back. 1800-
0600 Monday-Friday, 24 hours Saturday, Sunday 0000-1200 and
2000-2400. ? Baud. ? ALDS. ? Capacity. Up as of 07/10/82.
^NEW SYSTEM. Information needed.
Los Angeles R/CPM, 213-479-3189, Bob McCown. No Call Back.
24 hours. PMMI Baud Rates. SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 07/22/82.
? Capacity. System features catalog of the latest CP/M,
Apple, Atari, TRS-80 and IBM PC software.
^^NEW SYSTEM. SYSOP expects to have software for all types
of microcomputers available for download.
Pasadena CBBS, 213-799-1632, Dick Mead. No call back. 24hrs.
110-600+ baud. ITT, SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 06/20/82. @ 1.5
Mb of files on 2 floppies & 8.3 Mb on hard disk. All data now
on hard disk.[Los Angeles area]
(Also active as bulletin board. General CP/M software)
Pasadena RBBS, 213-577-6034, Rich berg. No call back. 1600-
0700 weekdays, 24 hours weekends. ? Speed. ? ALDS? Up as of
07/13/82. ? Capacity.
^^NEW SYSTEM. More Information Needed.
G.F.R.N.Data Exchange [RBBS], 213-541-2503, Skip Hansen. 24
hrs. 300 & 1200 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT. Up as of 08/27/82.
2.4 Mb of files on 2 drives. [Palos Verdes, S. Cal.]
(Standard CP/M s'ware with special interest in ham radio-
related programs. Soon (with MP/M) will also be reachable
thru 450 mhz radio. Note the 1200 baud capability)
San Jose Oxgate, 408-287-5901, Paul Traina. No call back. 1745
-0800 wkdys, 24 hrs wkends. 300 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT. Up
as of 08/27/82. @ 2.4 mb of files on 3 drives. [SF Bay Area]
> Formerly Siliconia RCPM, inadvertently dropped from this list
> due to the name change. Networked with other systems using
> the Oxgate software.
Collossal Oxgate, 408-263-2588, Mel Kruts. Call back. Hours &
other info not known. Up as of 08/27/82.
> NEW SYSTEM. Part of Oxgate network. This 'Collossal' has 2
> ells.
Piconet Oxgate, 415-965-4097, Byron McKay. No call back. 24
hrs. 110-710 baud. SPRINT, MCI, ITT. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 2
mb on 2 drives. [SF Bay Area]
> NEW SYSTEM. Part of Oxgate network. Sponsored by Piconet
> CPM Interest Group.
RBBS of Marin County, 415-383-0473, Jim Ayers. No call
back.Eves & nites wkdys, 24 hrs wkends. 110, 300, 450, 600
baud. SPRINT, ITT, MCI. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 1000 K of
files on 2 drives. [SF Bay Area]
(S-100 [IMSAI] based. 24-hour operation expected soon)
Larkspur RBBS/RCPM, 415-461-7726, Jim C. No call back. 24
hrs.110,300,450,600,710 baud. SPRINT, ITT, MCI. Up as of
08/27/82. 2+ Mb on 2 drives. [San Francisco area]
The system carries general & new CP/M software)
G.F.R.N Data Exchange [RBBS] Garden Grove, 714-534-1547, Doug
Laing, 24 Hours, 300 and 1200 Baud, 5. mb of files on 6
drives, up as of 08/27/82. special interest in amateur radio
and apple/cpm software, also general interest CP/M. This is
the second G.F.R.N system. {Garden Grove, California]
San Diego RCPM, 714-271-5615, Brian Kantor. No call back. 24
hrs. 300 & 1200 baud. ITT, SPRINT, MCI. Up as of 05/01/82.
@ 2.4 Mb of files on 2 drives.
CP/M-Net (tm), (805) 527-9321, Kelly Smith. 1900-2300 (PST)
Mon-Fri, 1900 Fri to 0700 Mon. 110-600+ baud. No
alternative long-distance service. Up as of 08/27/82 with 20
Mb of files on 2 hard disks (=8 logical disks). [S.
California, Bakersfield].
(System now includes SIG/M Vol. 1-10 = E:, SIG/M Vol. 11-20
=F:, SIG/M Vol. 21-25 = G:. XMODEM 'DISKMENU.DOC' for
entire system directory (over 2100 files NOW available!).
Thousand Oaks RBBS, 805-492-5472, Trevor Marshall. No Call
Back. 24 hours. 300/600 baud. No ALDS. Up as of 08/27/82. @
2mb on two floppies.
^^NEW PHONE NUMBER. Now running INFOSOFT with 4 logical
disks. Supports subdirectories.
Sacramento CBBS/RCPM, 916-483-8718, Sacramento Microcomputer
Users Group. No call back. 24 hours a day. 110,300,450,600,710
baud. SPRINT. 700K+ Files on two drives. (expansion planned
to 1.5m). Up as of 03/20/82. Joe Bergin, Don Bozarth,
John Moorhead, & Bob Ress Sysops. [Sacramento, CA]
(S-100 based, with special interest in CP/M; disks will
change bi-monthly)
Boulder Colorado RCPM, 303-499-9169, Jack Riley. No call
back. 1900-2230 weekdays, 1200-2230 weekends.
110,300,450,600,710 baud. No A.L.D.S. Up as of 6/20/82. 32mb
hard disk on line at all times. [Boulder, Colorado]
Denver CUG-NODE, 303-781-4937. No call back. 24 hrs. 61-
710 baud. SPRINT (& MCI, ITT?). Up as of 06/10/82. @ 1 mb
on 2 drives (?)
> NEW SYSTEM, sponsored by (BDS) C Users' Group. For info on
> use & s'ware see the State College Pa. CUG-NODE entry above.
Olympia, WA. 206-352-7530 . Tim Linehan. No call back. 24
hours. ? Speed. ? ALDS. Up as of 7/22/82. @5mb on Northstar
^^NEW SYSTEM. SYSOP alternating software while testing
Yelm RBBS & CP/M, 206-458-3086, Dave Stanhope. Call back. 24
hrs. 300 baud. No a.l.d.s. Up as of 08/27/82. @ 250 K of
files on 2 drives. [Olympia, Washington]
Chuck Forsberg's RCPM, 503-621-3193, No call back. 24 hours.
300/1200 baud. SPRINT . Up as of 08/27/82. @? Files on line.
$ Now can be reached with SPRINT.
Beaverson, Oregon RCP/M, 503-641-7276, Dave Morgan. 24 hours.
? Speed. ? ALDS. Up as of 6/30/82. @26mb of files on Hard
disk (4 logical drives). Interest in very recent releases and
computer art.
Frog Hollow CBBS/RCPM, 604-873-4007, David Bowerman. No call
back. 24 hrs. 100-710 baud. 1.2 mb on 2 drives. Up as of
08/27/82. [Vancouver, BC]
> System missed in earlier RCPMLISTs. General CP/M s'ware; SIG-
> M & CPMUG s'ware available by request. Current trial project
> requiring use of 100 baud ends 05/08; system may then force
> use at => 300 baud.
CP-MIG. On MicroNet, type 'RSIGS (CP-MIG)'. Sysops Dave
Kozinn, Tom Jorgenson & Charlie Strom are arranging to have MN
carry much of the new CPMUG and SIG/M software, plus a
newsletter and a CP/M-oriented CBBS.
Paul Taylor's Remote Computer and RBBS, Australian local; 09
459 3787, Paul Taylor. Available most Australian evenings.
Manual connection only, requires CCITT 300 Baud modem in
ANSWER or ORIGINATE mode for access. Running IOS (CP/M
compatible), 64K Z80, 5Mhz system @ 2MB on 2 8" disks with
48K CACHE buffers. Up as of 12/01/81. [Perth, Western
1. Whether a program exchange system is accessible by an
a.l.d.s. (= alternative long-distance service) should be con-
sidered when planning to modem over long programs. Charges
on SPRINT, ITT/CITYCALL and MCI are 50-60% of Ma Bell's
regular long distance rates.
2. Call-back systems are those where a computer and real people
share the same telephone line. To contact the people, just
dial & let the phone ring until you get an answer. To
contact the computer: (1) dial, (2) let the phone ring
once, (3) hang up just before the 2nd ring, & (4) re-dial.
3. Note that the 212A/Vadic 1200 Baud modems may not be
compatable with yours. Most of the above systems are
using Vadic 3451 Triple modems, compatable with both Bell
and Vadic Standard. Sign on the first time at 300 baud to
determine the system capabilities. Note also that PMMI's
can sometimes be used above 300 baud with 1200 baud systems.
4. All times listed are local time.