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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
? OKC Metro area BBS list for May ?
? Call Deanna Luke at Begger's Forum for any changes at 685-5558 ?
Phone Baud Software
BBS Name Number Sysop Name Rate Used
--------------------- -------- ------------------ ----- ---------
19th Hole BBS 946-5222 Gary Blackburn 28800 QuickBBS
19th Hole BBS Node 2 946-6222 Gary Blackburn 14400 QuickBBS
Addicted's Rose Garden 741-7673 Trayce McCray 28800 Telegard
After Hours 947-0124 Michael Stockwell 9600 Maximus
All Wave BBS 947-6275 Mark Mumma 14400 Wildcat!
Alpha Complex 390-3050 Bryan Durnell 14400 Virtual
Alpha Omega 525-5383 Raymond Riddle 9600 QuickBBS
American S.I.T.E. 366-1449 Les Barr 14400 Opus CBCS
Arabian Stables 745-5976 Roger Jackson 14400 Osiris
Arrakis 752-8955 Charles West 14400 Rem. Acs
ASTROLABE 769-6757 Tom Graham 2400 Maximus
Aviator's Haven 691-0851 Paul Konrath 14400 Telegard
Barka-Lounger's BBS 685-4254 Steve Barker 9600 Wildcat!
Barricade BBS 275-8507 John Hall 2400 WWIV
Beggar's Forum 685-5558 Deanna Luke 14400 Telegard
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
Beggar's Forum II 737-5025 Bob Miller 14400 Telegard
Beggar's Forum III 282-2097 Glenn Schrag 14400 Telegard
Beggar's Forum IV 787-2540 Lonnie Johnson 14400 Rem. Acs
BJ's BBS 670-6091 Jeff Clark 14400 Telegard
Black Hole BBS, The 728-7960 Craig Smith 28800 Rem. Acs
Blue Heaven BBS 787-5056 Matt Fryett 28800 Wildcat!
Blue Heaven BBS 2 787-7452 Matt Fryett 14400 Wildcat!
Blue Note BBS 1 354-4338 John Markham 14400 Telegard
Bull BBS 359-6929 Mark Howard 28800 Telegard
Butterscan BBS 732-8862 Donald Butterfield 14400 Telegard
Caverns, The 840-1026 Mike Patterson 14400 Renegade
Chamber of 32 Doors 354-6937 Dave Mather 14400 Excalibur
Chop Shop, The 787-6052 John Reed 14400 Telegard
Citadel, The 376-1610 Jim Elliott 28800 Wildcat!
Citadel #2, The 376-1611 Jim Elliott 16800 Wildcat!
Code-3 BBS 751-6104 Steve Blum 24000 Telegard
Code-3 BBS II 749-4679 Mark Rubin 14400 Telegard
Coordinator's BBS 341-7042 Tony Valuikas 16800 Wildcat!
Crazy Horse BBS 794-9092 Adam Fenn 14400 Virtual
Crazy Horse BBS #2 794-9093 Adam Fenn 14400 Virtual
Crazy Horse BBS #3 794-9094 Adam Fenn 14400 Virtual
Crazy Horse BBS #4 794-9095 Adam Fenn 14400 Virtual
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
C.R.T's 799-9827 Dan Solodon 14400 Virtual
Cutting Edge, The 793-1919 Carl Chandler 9600 PCBoard
Dave's Hangar 375-5391 Dave Hartzell 14400 Rem. Acs
Dia Com 946-3675 Jem Miller 9600 SCream
Digital Encounters 670-3925 Rick Howell 14400 Rem. Acs
Down Country(Free Call) 333-2424 Bob Westcott 21600 Wildcat!
DragStrip Plus 787-1774 Otis Braden 14400 Wildcat!
Edmond NoChange 340-1139 R. Lindenberger 14400 SCream
Electric Dreams 447-7668 Dwain Patillo 14400 Wildcat!
Emergency Response 360-6220 David Seng 14400 RoboFX
Empire Of Confusion 677-2858 Gary Allred 14400 Telegard
FAMILy Tree, The 321-0642 J.R. Goff 28800 Wildcat!
Fantasy Land BBS 485-2126 Randy Henderson 14400 Telegard
Far Side QuickBBS 341-4720 Zack Williams 14400 QuickBBS
Feedback's Haven 732-5806 Thomas Robinson 2400 ???
File Box, The 794-9639 Greg Stoehr 14400 Telegard
Filthy Habits 721-8513 John Schlichting 28800 Rem. Acs
Fishin Hole, The 692-2283 Jerry Howland 14400 Telegard
Fleet BBS, The 721-0463 Randall Jackson 14400 Wildcat!
Fort Knox #1 843-5002 John Knox 16800 Maximus
Fort Knox #2 843-3545 John Knox 14400 Maximus
GameRoom BBS, The 391-4703 Bob Hibbler 14400 Wildcat!
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
GameRoom BBS #2, The 391-4713 Bob Hibbler 28800 Wildcat!
GateWay BBS 672-5366 James Cabaniss 2400 Telegard
General Store, The 943-8638 Kent Mason 14400 TBBS
Gotham City 340-7316 Andy Kruta 14400 WWIV
Ground Zero 946-4216 James Adams 14400 ???
HamCycle 447-6712 Joe Hoepfner 14400 SynchroNe
Hammer BBS, The 376-0210 Craig Wright 28800 Wildcat!
Hell BBS 842-8041 Rick Ramo 24000 Telegard
Helter Skelter 376-1877 Gus Ragsdale 14400 Wildcat!
High Output 573-0012 Peter Dimas 9600 Renegade
Hillbilly Haven 793-0247 Jim Hlad 14400 Wildcat!
Hillbilly Haven #2 793-7607 Jim Hlad 2400 ???
Huggy Bear's BBS 949-2090 Donald Burch 14400 Telegard
Intellectual Properties 677-4991 Joe Mayo 14400 Telegard
Jet Express #1 222-3200 James Thompson 14400 RoboFX
Jet Express #2 222-5858 James Thompson 14400 RoboFX
KRON COMPUTERS BBS 387-3071 Krista Murchek 2400 Wildcat!
La-Grange 943-5126 Robert Harrison 2400 Telegard
Last Frontier 282-1208 James Dickinson 2400 Telegard
Late Nite 422-3711 Phil Loper 14400 Telegard
Lee's Almost BBS 799-6714 Lee Hodges 21600 Telegard
LetsPC BBS 672-0615 Hyun Nam 14400 Synchrone
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
Lion's Den 491-0417 Richard Minick 14400 Telegard
Lost Realm Of Fantasy 376-4785 Robert Smith 14400 Telegard
Magic Rat University 799-9052 Ricky Gibson 14400 Renegade
Medicus BBS Node 1 755-4709 John Gilliam 14400 PCBoard
Medicus BBS Node 2 755-2183 John Gilliam 14400 PCBoard
MetroCop 631-6971 Earl Faubion 14400 Telegard
Midi Magic BBS 741-0610 Tim Vay 14400 ???
Midi-Man 755-6699 Tim Soldan 14400 PCBoard
Midnight BBS 224-0859 David Mabry 9600 ROBOboard
Midnight Run! 685-0101 Christopher Cox 28800 Virtual
Midwest Distribution 354-6458 Burrell Leatherwood 14400 Telegard
Monty Python's 524-3006 Sean Dedanaan 14400 Maximus
Monty Python's Node 2 524-3003 Sean Dedanaan 2400 Maximus
Night Games BBS 634-3073 Ray Chambers 2400 Telegard
Night Owl's Inn 943-5649 George Morse 14400 Wildcat!
OKC-PC User's Group 348-9810 Tony Valuikas 9600 Wildcat!
Option BBS 330-2053 Larry Fulks 9600 Rem. Acs.
Pill Box, The 681-5818 Douglas Anderson 14400 ???
Plutonium Project, The 677-9338 Kevin Lambrecht 14400 PCBoard
Point, The 732-2968 Mark Campbell 14400 QuickBBS
Power Surge BBS #1 525-8734 Mike Andrews 9600 Renegade
Power Surge BBS #2 525-8534 Mike Andrews 14400 Renegade
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
Protoboard!, The 275-6827 Stephen Nolen 9600 PowerBBS
Puppy Mill, The 947-7877 Kyle Morrison 14400 Rem. Acs
Realms Of Infinity 670-6776 Rob O'Keeffe 14400 Rem. Acs
Red Apple Point 949-1045 Bill Deloach 28800 Maximus
Retriever's Retreat 359-1540 Ron Griffing 14400 Opus CBCS
Rotor Dome 732-3011 Tracey Carter 14400 ???
S.L.I.M.E. 670-3905 James Neighbors 14400 WWIV
Safe Harbour BBS 685-3429 Marcus Castro 24000 Maximus
Sandbox, The 736-6878 John Burton 14400 TBBS
Sandbox, The 737-9540 John Burton 16800 TBBS
Sea Of Fantasy 677-4445 Peggy Cook 2400 Telegard
Serendipity 360-3492 Sean Phillips 14400 Maximus
Shamenville BBS 390-1123 Lynne Schlumpf 19200 SuperBBS
Silent Scream 943-1068 Jimmy Hankins 14400 Maximus
StarGate 682-0486 Shawn Evans 19200 Telegard
Switch, The 232-3359 Dennis Smith 14400 Wildcat!
Synergy 942-4845 Mary Link 9600 SCream
Teacher's Pet 728-8228 Judy Sneed 2400 Maximus
TECH2000 631-9939 Derek Bumpas 14400 Rem. Acs
This Old House 692-7631 Jeff Brown 14400 Rem. Acs
Tim's Place 755-0884 Tim Cummings 14400 Wildcat!
Torii Station I 733-7083 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
Torii Station II 733-7085 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
Torii Station III 737-7565 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
Torii Station IV 733-7084 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
Torii Station V 733-7086 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
Torii Station VI 733-7091 Jim Oxford 28800 TBBS
Torii Station VII 733-7096 Jim Oxford 28800 TBBS
Torii Station VIII 733-7097 Jim Oxford 14400 TBBS
Tradewars Only 239-7016 Grady Reeves 14400 ???
TradeWinds 728-2061 Mona Shaver 9600 QuickBBS
Tranquility Base 682-2352 Ernie Barnes 28800 Wildcat!
Tranquility Grille 755-6136 Matt Metzinger 28800 Maximus
Treehugger's Support 720-8923 T.R. Burgess 9600 ???
Trinity ]I[ BBS 692-2289 Kevin Kitchen 14400 Rem. Acs
Twilight Zone BBS 749-0009 Paul Davies 14400 SuperBBS
Unicorn Express 736-1048 Bob Stetson 14400 Telegard
USS Starfire 262-7739 Jim Todd 14400 ???
Warden Diamond 677-5278 Blake Stover 14400 Rem. Acs
Waypoint BBS, The 741-2533 Art Dunkle 14400 Wildcat!
WEB, The 350-7762 Joyce Jordan 14400 Telegard
Wildside BBS, The 672-5538 Sharon Brown 16800 SuperBBS
Wizard's Council 733-1216 Shawn Baker 14400 Telegard
World Games Network 447-4095 Dan Goble 14400 PcBoard
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
World Games Network 2 447-4096 Dan Goble 14400 PcBoard
World Games Network 3 447-4097 Dan Goble 14400 PcBoard
World Games Network 4 447-4098 Dan Goble 14400 PcBoard
Alpha-1 BBS 692-4408 Chris Swann 14400 Telegard
Phoenix Foundation, The 942-2473 Brent Kirkwood 14400 Hermes
Late Nite Atari 495-3209 Mike Fuglsang 2400 ???
Online Connections 691-0244 Brian Hilburn 14400 Express
Amiga Line 1, The 733-3013 Gaylan Wallis 14400 DLG/Pro
Amiga Line 1, The 733-3024 Gaylan Wallis 14400 DLG/Pro
AMIX 793-1906 Robert Tuckey 14400 StarNet
Crossroads CIS 330-1723 Shad Hartley 14400 Cnet/Pro
Lowlander BBS 222-2029 Terry McCoin 14400 Galactico
-Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C]
Crystal Towers II 282-8351 Jason Murphey 2400 DS-II
GOCC 360-6130 Chuck Pendley 2400 Wildcat
George's Den 681-6797 George Vaughn 1200 HMBBS
Mega-Mania 681-8119 William Trussel 2400 Image
The Swamp 682-2311 Joe Green 2400 Image
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