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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Additional numbers for
selected multiline systems
Line2.inf Sept '94
System (919) Number Modem Remark
The Body Shop ............... 362-1213 14400 Node 1
387-7779 14400
362-1776 14400
Bloom Beacom-Picayune ....... 557-3845 28800 Node 1
557-0645 28800
C: Directory ................ 787-6211 14400 Node 1
571-2722 14400
783-8109 14400
Cedar Republic BBS .......... 490-6390 28800 Node 1
419-1314 14400
Downtown! BBS ............... 383-4905 14400 4 lines, 1 number
382-8044 14400
309-9359 14400
309-9459 14400
Lobsterboard ................ 942-8546 14400 Node 1
942-8546 14400
Micro Message Service ....... 779-6674 14400 Rotary
779-0285 14400 Rotary
662-8114 14400
Nobodys Home ................ 233-6738 28800 Node 1
851-8154 28800
Nocturnal Me ................ 676-0585 14400 Node 1
676-1361 28800
NT Digital Velocity.......... 992-3059 28800 Analog Node
992-0407 ISDN Digital Node
Oracle of N.C. .............. 387-7000 14400 Node 1
362-0676 2400
Outland ..................... 662-9313 28800 Node 1
662-9353 28800
Parole Board ................ 965-4696 28800 Node 1
965-9885 28800
Serpent's Twist.............. 848-2347 28800 Node 1
848-9956 28800
The Warren .................. 217-8448 14400 Node 1
217-1661 2400
Modem: Maximum ITU-T speed as listed by board. Many of the 14400bps
boards may supports one or more non-ITU standards - HST,
V.terbo, etc. Modems listed at 28800bps currently support
V.Fast Class (a non-ITU standard). Most of these modems can
and probably will be upgraded to support V.34 (ITU standard
for 28000bps) in the near future.
Additions-Corrections-Comments should be left to either
-Richard Martin- at Downtown! BBS (919-383-4905) or
-Robert Holloman- at Wake EMS Online BBS (919-856-6023).
Copyright 1994, Richard Martin & Robert Holloman - All rights reserved