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810 lines
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T H E H O U S T O N A R E A 7 1 3 B B S L I S T (c)
Accept NO IMITATIONS! This is the OFFICIAL BBS LIST of Houston!
(All numbers are Area Code 713)
September 1993
Filename HOUBBS09.TXT
Filename HOUBBS09.ZIP*
*Look for the authentic verification when un-zipping the list. You should
BBS. If you don't get this statement, the file has been tampered with and we
This month. . .
* Labor Day Monday September 6 *
* Rosh Hashana Thursday September 16 *
Published on a Monthly Basis as a public service by CONNECT! COMMUNICATIONS CO
The Houston Area BBS List may be file requested as HOUBBS
via FIDONET at 1:106/235.
P. O. Box 720894
Houston, Texas 77072
If you are the SysOp of a board and wish to be included on this list or make
changes to your board, please call The Atomic Cafe (530-8875) and fill out
the SysOp Questionaire, located in the <H>ouston Area BBS List area,
available from the top level menu. The DEADLINE for publication is the 25th
If you call The Atomic Cafe BBS only for the list, use BBS for your first
name and LIST as your last name. There is no need to go through registration
and validation if all you want is to download the list. If you are calling
to answer the SysOp Questionaire, you must register under your real name.
David Wachenschwanz
Charles Wharton
Associate Editor
The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Copyright 1993 by David E. Wachenschwanz
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This list may be freely distributed or copied AS IS
AND WITHOUT CHANGE OR ALTERATION. Permission to use otherwise or to make any
structural or entry change must be granted by the copyright holder directly.
This list contains embedded entries that make this list a totally unique and
original compilation work. Those who copy this list and re-issue it as their
own list are in violation of United States Copyright Laws. If this list is
displayed on any on-line BBS system other than the home system, THE ATOMIC
CAFE BBS, proper accreditation MUST BE MADE. If reader is aware of any
violation please contact David Wachenschwanz at The Atomic Cafe. The Copyright
holder reserves the right to discontinue this list, without notice, at any
time he chooses and without any obligation to any BBS system, system operator,
business, publication or organization, should said violations occur.
BPS Rate (BR) Key: *=300 a=1200 b=2400 c=9600 d=14,400 e=16,800
NOTE: We no longer list modem's DTE rates since DTE is not a true BPS rate
ALT=Altos COC=Tandy Color Computer
AMG=Amiga Computer DOS=MS-DOS/PC-DOS operating system
KPR=KayPro APL=Apple Computer
OS2=OS/2 2.0 ATI=Atari Computer
TIA=Texas Instruments 99/4A CMD=Commodore Computer
Auntie BBS....................................W. J. Meier
dba W&W Associates
1988 Via Appia
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
C-Net Amiga...................................Perspective Software
P. O. Box 87175
Canton, Michigan 48187-0175
DLX...........................................DLX 818-894-4150
MajorBBS......................................Galacticomm Incorporated
4101 SW 47th Avenue
Suite 101
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33314
PC Board......................................Clark Development Company Inc
P.O. Box 571365
Murray Utah 84157
Remote Access.................................Wantree Development
108 West 3rd Street
Bonner Springs, Kansas 66012
RoboBoard.....................................Hamilton TeleGraphics Inc.
P.O. Box 633
Aylmer Quebec Canada J9H6L1
Searchlight...................................Searchlight Incorporated
P.O. Box 640
Stony Brook, NY 11790
TBBS (The Bread Board System).................eSoft Incorporated
15200 E. Girard Avenue
Suite 3000
Aurora, CO 80014
P.O. Box 566491
Atlanta, GA 31156
Wildcat!......................................Mustang Software Incorporated
P.O. Box 2264
Bakersfield, CA 93303
NEW/CHANGED systems that operate 24 hours a day
We welcome these new systems to the Houston On-Line Community!
Software Platform
System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments
A Prompt Computer Ser.471-3647 c Wildcat! DOS Was Last Chance Trading Post
AlleyChat!............894-7636 d MajorBBS DOS Kyrandia, Crossroads, and More
Animal, The...........941-8299 d RoboBoardDOS Windows Utils, Games in VGA !!
B4-U-BUY Node 3.......975-2416 b Custom UNX Real Estate Listings
B4-U-BUY Node 4.......975-2417 b Custom UNX Medical Services & Jobs
Black Powder..........856-7848 d TAG DOS Mess, Multi-Tasking, Adult
Bull Shooters BBS,The.946-9990 b TRIBBS DOS Messages,Files,Doors
Cadillac BBS..........939-0709 d Spitfire DOS NOTE: Starts Tuesday August 24!
Cross Connection BBS..779-8843 d RBBS DOS Christ and Family oriented
Dark Horse BBS Node 2.795-4359 d Wildcat! DOS UseNet-FidoNet-Adults-Doors
Dimension Inter-Link..837-8939 d Renegade DOS Loads of games and loads of fun
Dive Connection, The..463-2873 c Auntie DOS SCUBA,games,Internet,quikmail
G Spot Node 2, The....932-8456 b Renegade DOS 1.3 Gigs Adult and Shareware
Game WarZ BBS III.....893-1541 d Wildcat! DOS DOORS,FILES,access first call!
Gas Station, The......947-1629 d Wildcat! DOS NEW#; games,fido,doors,adult
Houston OS/2....1-713-251-9757 d Wildcat! OS2 L-D Was North Shore BBS
Houston Times, The....721-5913 c Metal/FV APL New Phone Number!
Ice Lair #2...........431-2674 b TAG DOS TAG BBS board, files door game
Icon Terminal, The....432-7676 d PC Board DOS Windows, Guru for Biz/Corp
MadHouse!, The........896-1812 d Renegade DOS NEW#
Nuclear Exposure......463-2854 b GT Power DOS Games,messages,matchmaker!
Pandemonium...........265-9169 b TAG DOS Door Games, lots of Messages
Paradise Play Line....597-1090 d MajorBBS DOS Adult Infotainment,files&Chat
Radio_Free_Houston....479-3323 c Maximus DOS Autocad, jobs, job shoppers
Ravenloft:BBS of Fear.392-7406 b TAG DOS Games, Files, Msg bases, DND!!
Right-Wing............479-3404 d Telegard DOS For all CONERVATIVES!!!
Sands ProBoard........961-1604 e PC Board DOS General
Short Stick BBS, The..492-6136 e Wildcat! DOS 26gig of XXXgifs,dl,gl,GAMES!
Sorority House BBS,The794-0476 b Renegade DOS Alt. Lifestyles-GIF's/Messages
Voice BBS, The........477-3275 b Wildcat! DOS Social & Political Discussion
DOWN systems that have been removed from the active list due to
no answer, telephone number not working or disconnected, or discontinued.
Chipped Flagon 1, The.375-5876 e Wildcat! DOS Down
Chipped Flagon 2, The.375-5673 c Wildcat! DOS Down
Pink Triangle, The....779-2434 b Renegade DOS Voice line
Roadhouse Cafe BBS,The277-5967 d TAG OS2 Down
NOTE: If your system has been marked down, you MUST answer the sysop
questionnaire again at The Atomic Cafe BBS to be listed again,
regardless of the reason for being marked as "down."
Note: Many Sysops take their boards down during inclement weather or for
maintenance and you may not get a connect at all times. SYSOPS ARE
CONSIDERED "DOWN." A busy signal is better than constant ringing.
*****Thanks to our many readers who called down boards to our attention!*****
Please feel free to report boards that don't answer or are no longer in
service, or don't appear to be operating 24 hours (we make a 1 hour
allowance for national mail hour for those systems operating as nodes on
a network such as FidoNet) to us via NetMail (1:106/235) or Email at The
Atomic Cafe BBS. We will confirm these reports and take the necessary
action. We gladly accept such information via messages. We DO NOT
accept new BBS listings via messages. Thank you--David Wachenschwanz
BPS Rate (BR) Key: *=300 a=1200 b=2400 c=9600 d=14,400 e=16,800
NOTE: We no longer list modem DTE rates since DTE is not a true BPS rate
Presenting Houston's 24 Hour Bulletin Board Systems:
Software System
System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments
001-Science Fiction...778-0239 a Ivory CMD
10-Forward............444-4535 d Wildcat! DOS Star Trek misc
69th Street BBS.......926-8714 c SkyLine AMG
123 Bulletin Brd Club.556-5175 d GT Power DOS 150 Mail Areas Tradewars
1701D USS Enterprise. 466-0778 d TAG DOS GIFS; MODS; VOCS
A1-Texas Bad Lands....353-0165 d PC Board DOS Shareware/Subs
A.C.E.................874-2199 b RemAcess AMG Amiga Computer Enthusiasts
A-Mega BBS Node 1.....488-6077 d Wildcat! DOS
A-Mega BBS Node 2.....488-2032 d Wildcat! DOS Over 3 Gigs of online files!!
A-Mega BBS Node 3.....488-3096 d Wildcat! DOS 10,000 Plus Adult Files online
A-Mega BBS Node 4.....488-3174 d Wildcat! DOS Door Games - Echo Mail
A Place Called Joe's..351-9757 d Maximus DOS Games, Messages, BRE TW2002
A Womyn's Line BBS....647-9057 d Maximus DOS Alternate Lifestyle for Womyn
Aardvark Park.........664-7799 d RBBS DOS Victims' Rights - Law & Order
Abend BBS.............771-2802 d PC Board DOS
Absolute Zero.........781-9421 d Celerity DOS Game Cheats\Trainers\Docs\Etc!
Abstract Realities I..998-7042 d Spitfire DOS CD Files, Online Games,NETmail
Abstract Realities II.998-2337 d RoboBoardDOS VGA Graphics Online
Abyss, The............324-2233 c RBBS DOS Host 4 Houston RBBS Net Mail;fls
ACME..................474-5515 d Skyline AMG WB2.0 Icons;24 bit pics
Acom..................879-1448 b MichTron DOS BBS Chess, Star Trek
Advantage Houston.....977-9505 c Chairman DOS Paperless readers club
After Hours Node 1....937-0504 b RBBS DOS Adult echos, files, inter-chat
After Hours Node 2....937-0599 c RBBS DOS X-rated games, matchmaker
Airboat Online Node 1.856-7010 d Wildcat! DOS
Airboat Online Node 2.855-4258 d Wildcat! DOS
Airboat Online Node 3.855-6724 d Wildcat! DOS Wallstreet; doors
All Rights Reserved...530-8875 c TBBS DOS (c) 1993 by David Wachenschwanz
All About Kids........485-2354 b WWIV DOS Was Bar-K Resale Homeschool info
AlleyChat!............894-0302 b MajorBBS DOS Games, Chatting, Free Demo!
Altair IV BBS.........947-2253 e Spitfire DOS Online games
Alternative Party Line596-7180 b DLX DOS Bi/Gay/Lesbian Social Chat
American Investments..789-5624 b Wildcat! DOS Financial/Investments Only
American Agenda.......568-3788 d TAG DOS Adults - Swingers Ads - Files
Anchor, The...........688-9162 b Forem ST ATI
Animal Kingdom BBS,The496-7572 b TAG DOS Adult areas;AdultLink Echo;games
ANOTHER BBS...........334-6785 d RBBS DOS Games,GIFs,SBMusic,Utilities
Apperitions Appear....491-0467 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Archives BBS Node 1...896-1721 d Synchnet DOS Internet E-mail made easy!
Archives BBS Node 2...896-1581 d Synchnet DOS UseNET, GIF's, Adult, Games
Archives BBS Node 3...896-6951 c Sunchnet DOS RIP, 6000 Files, Good Service
Armchair Athlete,The..457-0444 c TAG DOS Fido 1:106/444 Sports Oriented
Assured Destruction...359-1826 c Vision-X DOS Files; Messages; 1.3gig; Fun!!
At The Wrong Place....351-4173 d Maximus DOS Games,Fidonet,Did I say GAMES?
Atari-OH..............480-9310 c Forem ATI
ATAS Computing........837-8003 d Spitfire DOS Circuitnet, FIDO, BRE IP
ATC-BBS...............464-5074 c Synchnet DOS buy/sell conferences, coins
Atomic Cafe, The...1..530-8875 c TBBS DOS* InterNet Access coming soon:
Atomic Cafe, The...2..530-8918 c TBBS DOS* InterNet email, newsgroups, FTP
Atomic Cafe, The...3..530-0258 c TBBS DOS* file requests within messages.
Atomic Cafe, The...4..530-0357 c TBBS DOS* Get on the "Information Hiway"
Atomic Cafe, The...5..530-0558 d TBBS DOS* at The Atomic Cafe BBS. Starts
Atomic Cafe, The...6..530-0651 d TBBS DOS* in September...watch for it!
Aunt Jayne's HotHouse.522-3838 a TBBS DOS Alternate Lifestyle
Aviation Connection...485-7731 c GT Power DOS BBS Chess
A X I O M.............364-7181 b QuickBBS DOS Adult 18+/Strange Content/GIF
Aztec Gold............367-0155 b TAG DOS Games, chat
B.O.S.S. Board........479-1967 c Maximus DOS V.32/V.42bis;Sports information
B4-U-BUY Node 1.......975-2424 b Custom UNX FREE - Sourcing Databases
B4-U-BUY Node 2.......975-2418 c Custom DOS Computer prices,80+dealers
Back Door, The........561-6972 d TAG DOS
Back Room BBS, The....341-7851 c Spitfire DOS FidoNet!,Doors,GIFs,Games,Win
Back To BASIC.........470-8844 d PCBoard DOS BASIC Programming QB/PDS/VB
BADBOYS BBS...........478-2145 e RemAcess DOS
BAPCO BBS, The........334-2115 c RBBS DOS Games,GIFS,SBMusic,Utilities
BatModem, The.........876-0767 b TAG DOS FidoNet, games
Battleship............376-2504 b Ivory CMD
Bayou Bend BBS........894-0574 d Maximus DOS Fido,CDROM,Genealogy,All Ages
BBS List of Houston...530-8875 c TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world
BBSAOS................556-8339 b Wildcat DOS BBS and other stuff
Beanz-n-Wennie's BBS..277-6482 b TAG DOS chat area for AA, NA, OE, CODA
Beginner's RBBS 1.....666-0035 d RBBS DOS *New User Help
Beginner's RBBS 2.....666-5552 d RBBS DOS *Discount hardware prices
Beginner's RBBS 3.....666-2599 d RBBS DOS *Houston Newz (satire)
Beginner's RBBS 4.....666-7536 d RBBS DOS *Win $100 playing Trad
Beginner's RBBS II....952-4614 d RBBS DOS Houston's Friendliest BBS II
Beige Box BBS,The.....465-6001 d Wildcat! DOS T-files,related msg,NO GIFS!
Bell, The.........713-292-2815 d Wildcat! DOS FidoNet- 1:106/435
Better Days...........946-2643 b TAG DOS Bre-Planatary, SGAnet
BHA & Associates BBS..463-2434 d TRIBBS DOS General interest, Novell
BHA & Associates BBS..463-2246 e TRIBBS DOS General interest, Novell
Big Blunt BBS, The....568-0324 d Maximus DOS <14.4 v42>Mac and IBM files
Bit Bucket, The.......496-9670 d Spitfire DOS Over 100 FidoNet conferences!
BitBucket ST..........729-7555 b Forem ATI
Bits and Pieces.......537-0702 d ProDoor DOS Multi-Node,1.2Gigs,Gifs,PD,etc
Bits and Pieces II....537-2219 d ProDoor DOS Adult,CD-ROM online,everything
Black Star............392-2578 c Opus DOS FidoNet
Black Box.............480-2686 d SCO UNXv32b/v42b,FTP,InterNet,games,news
Black Gate BBS, The...578-8671 b Spitfire DOS xxxgifs/hack files/andmore!
Black Horizon.........334-6851 a TAG DOS Files, message, SGA/SABUmember
Blacklite BBS.........996-0959 b TAG DOS Msgs,FLI,GIF,TW,PIT<R>,GWAR
Blue Ribbon, The......463-8656 d TAG DOS BRE,Pit,TW,SRE are registered
Bob's File Exchange...395-3101 c PC Board DOS U'NI, WNET, V.32bis; easy reg
Booger Hollow.........849-2719 b Spitfire DOS Homespun small town humor/msgs
Boy Board.............552-9825 b TAG DOS Alternate Lifestyles ONLY
Brain Storm Learning..550-8105 d RoboBoardDOS Education-"Free" Classes, Jobs
Breeze Node 1, The....664-3319 d RBBS DOS Just friendly people
Breeze Node 2, The....664-6019 d RBBS DOS Just friendly people
Brewers' Witch, The...272-7350 d Waffle DOS Pagan Issues, Internet
Bulldozer's Two BBS...242-8363 b Wildcat! DOS Subscribers only, FidoNet
Bulldozer's BBS.......242-6370 b Wildcat! DOS
Byte Busters..........852-4541 b PC Board DOS BBS Chess - Home base
Byte Busters II.......963-9441 b PC Board DOS Primarily BBS Chess
Byte Source BBS, The..495-1161 c Spitfire DOS V.42bis;Games,GIFs,Graphics
C.A.G. BBS, The.......981-4634 c GT Power DOS Genealogy, Programming
C.Y.A. BBS, The.......772-8140 d RoboBoardDOS Virus protection\online chat
Cafe Hawaii...........286-1820 b RoboBoardDOS EGA\VGA BBS,FILES,GAMES,+MORE
C\LAN RBBS............820-6817 b RBBS DOS DesqView,Novell,Multinode
California Dreamin'II.783-3106 d Spitfire DOS Games,Alternate Lifestyle ONLY!
Call Of The Wild......453-2405 b TAG DOS Games, adult, messages
Canadian Connection...699-1010 d Wildcat! DOS Files, Messages, Info, Fun
Castle of Dreams, The.781-3875 b Maximus DOS
Cat Box, The..........452-6830 b Wildcat! DOS
Cat House, The........460-8028 b Power DOS
Cat's Meow, The.......481-8904 d TAG DOS Files, Reg. Doors, Messages
Cats Lair BBS, The....427-3057 d Wildcat! DOS Over 70 doors, numerous files
CCI BBS, The..........331-4616 b MajorBBS DOS Engineering/Scientific
Cell Bio BBS..........798-4955 b Opus DOS Amateur Radio; FidoNet
Center of Stupidity...980-4986 c RoboBoardDOS DOORS, MODs, and GAMES
Chameleon.............526-1434 b GBBS APL
Chat Link Houston BBS.837-8200 d MajorBBS DOS Adult-oriented, 21 & Over
Chatterbox BBS........597-3500 b DLX DOS Social,Chat 32 lines
Chatterbox BBS........597-3523 b DLX DOS Social, Chat, Files
Chiba.................692-2122 b Warp6BBS APL Based on Neuromancer by WG
CHUG (Club)...........445-2484 a Custom CMD CHUG User group information
Circuit Board, The....893-8716 b ExprssST ATI
Citadel, The..........459-1159 b TAG DOS On-line games
City Limits...........461-9726 c RemAcess DOS VGA Planets, Twars, doors
City of the Ancients..664-6824 b TAG DOS RPG headquarters of Houston
CityScope BBS 1.......477-6424 c TBBS DOS 4-Line chat,GIFS,Products,msgs
CityScope BBS 2.......477-6520 d TBBS DOS 4-Line chat,GIFS,Products,msgs
Cliff Lee Consulting..558-3336 d Wildcat! DOS Soundblaster and Ray Tracing
Cloud Nine BBS........855-4382 e PC Board DOS 15 Gigs; 30 nodes; InterNet
Club Amiga BBS........528-7511 e Dialog AMG Amiga User's Group HQ, Echos
Club Commodore........437-6230 a Ivory CMD
Cobra BBS Node 1......996-8762 d TAG DOS Games, Echos, Files
Cobra BBS Node 2......996-0604 b TAG DOS Games, Files, Echos
Coco Loco.............923-6809 b Rainbord COC English/Spanish Bilingual
Com Port..............437-0483 b GT Power DOS BBS Chess
Comm Port, The........293-9104 b RBBS DOS Computers,Information,Files
COMM Port One.........980-9671 c Opus DOS FidoNet
Comm.Room, The........471-2330 c Metal APL Emergency Sevrice & C.A.P
Comp.Liv.F'ndation....444-2927 b Spitfire DOS DisABILITY, ADA, ADAPT, friend
CompuSearch BBS.......579-1204 b SALZE DOS Employ,real est.,Misc 4-sale
Compu-Sys Internationl464-0786 b TAG DOS Games,Msgs,Files,ADULT & Reg.
Computech.............774-7877 e GT Power DOS HST-DS, GT Sysop Utils
Computer Living Found.444 2927 b RBBS DOS people with disabilities
Computer Parts Etc....530-7365 b Synchron DOS Electronic computer store
Computer Translations.495-1542 b MajorBBS DOS Software support/consulting
Computer Buy/Sell.....446-5194 d PC Board DOS Echomail, SmartNet
Computer Room, The....420-5725 d PC Board DOS Games
CONCH OPUS............667-7213 c Opus DOS FidoNet
Confusion Central.....367-7391 b RBBS DOS Confusion, door games, and etc
Conservative BBS......579-8161 d Wildcat! DOS WildNet, UseNet
Consultants BBS.......941-5467 c ST-KEEP ATI All computer types,msgs.,files
Coolworld.............541-1201 b RBBS DOS Altern.music, virtual reality
Cuddly Place, The.....956-1374 a UCBBS CMD Voting booth,files,friendly
Cutting Edge, The.....466-1525 d PC Board DOS UseNet,ILink,TexasNet,650 megs
CYBER CHAT............682-5600 b MajorBBS DOS Multi-line Chat/Games/KYRANDIA
CYBER CHAT............682-5554 d MajorBBS DOS Multi-line Newest chat system!
Cyborg BBS, The.......641-3877 b TAG DOS GAMES,GIF'S,MISC & GEN FILES
Cyclone BBS!, The.....271-7881 d Wildcat! DOS STARTREK,MSG,ALLFILES,MISC!
cypher.com............666-4747 e SCO Unix UNX Internet Access,Usenet,FTP,IRC
Dagget Child..........879-5009 b TAG DOS
Dark Dragon's Hideaway433-3684 b Renegade DOS Online games
Dark Horse BBS Node 1.795-5251 d Wildcat! DOS 2+ Gigs of OnLine Files!!
Dark Side of the Moon.360-1291 b Dark-Net DOS Science Fiction Oriented
Data Warp Premium BBS.355-6107 d PCBoard DOS Usenet, multi-network, 2.4gig
Database Connections..495-4196 e Spitfire DOS dBase & Clipper help; FidoNet
David Wachenschwanz...530-8875 c TBBS DOS (c) 1993 by David Wachenschwanz
Day After, The........356-2532 d RemAcess DOS FidoNet, games, gifs
Death Mansion,The.713-288-4443 b TAG DOS L-D Lots of Messages and DOORS
Death Trap BBS, The...583-5011 d RoboBoardDOS New Menus & Adult Sub-Board!
Debate Place..........451-6066 b Opus DOS FidoNet
Deer Park Connection..479-2184 b TAG DOS
Delta Force...........354-9030 c Maximus OS2 OS/2 files, fidonet, adult
Destination Imaginatin849-7490 b DLX DOS Social chat, SF fans
Dickinson Night Light.337-1452 c TAG DOS FidoNet
Digital Doins'........530-6794 c MajorBBS DOS Friendly place to visit
Digital Dreams........579-0580 d TAG DOS T.A.G Alpha_Site,Fido,Adult
Digital Solutions.....481-5859 d Waffle UNX Internet
Digital Evolution.....440-9088 d TAG DOS Adult GIFS,DL,GL,Games,MODS,SB
Dignity/Houston.......988-8217 b Spitfire DOS Games;Doors;Alternate Lifestyle
Dimensions of Eternity466-0872 d TAG DOS UseNet;400+Mod;ClassyAdultGifs
Dimensions of Infinity682-6609 d TAG DOS Messages;files;adult areas;FidoN
Doc's Place...........796-1862 b Hermes MAC
DogHouse PCBoard......837-1103 d PC Board DOS Long distance from some areas
Domain, The...........531-0065 d TAG DOS
Dos Lords Dungeon.....681-1779 d TAG DOS Files, Messages, Echomail
Double Bogey..........556-0735 c Telegard DOS adult areas; games; pgms
Dragon Realm..........353-0226 d TAG DOS Strange World RPG!
Dragon's Cave.........952-1559 b TAG DOS Files/15+Doors/GREAT Ansi
Dragonlance...........981-5218 b TAG DOS Dedication
Dragons Lair, The.....579-7048 d TAG DOS Sre/tw2002 contests both reg.
Dreamer's BBS.........540-8166 d Spitfire DOS Games, adult section, friendly
Drive Inn, The........839-1092 d Spitfire DOS 16 doors;newuser help avail
Dungeon, The..........849-4408 b TAG DOS The original Dungeon BBS
Dynasty...............550-3138 b TAG DOS Messages, files, online games
Eagle's Nest, The.....645-4055 c TAG DOSv.32/v42b;Christian Oriented;Fido
Eat Flaming Death.....447-1927 b Searchlt DOS Wargame board
Educator's BBS........331-6923 b Spitfire DOS Educational files;file requests
Einie's Place.........341-5449 d TAG DOS Custom scans; Adult; RPG; 1 Gig+
Electronic Book Outlet897-8724 b Wildcat! DOS Full line/Electronic catalogs
Enchanted Lair........429-9343 d TAG DOS Adult board..All welcome!
END!, The.............363-1231 e TAG DOS Fidonet 1:106/69, Unix, OS/2
Enradian Starship,The.392-0224 d TAG DOS Contests, doors, files!
Eosia.................355-5861 b TAG DOS Lots of Messages and Doors
Excelsior.............541-8630 d PC Board DOS Adult/multi-node/ 3Gigs/Chat
Exploding Hedgehogs...353-0234 d TAG DOS 750 Megs FidoNet 1:106/226
EZ-Host BBS...........280-8180 d MajorBBS DOS 9600 MNP, 38400 v.42bis
Family Maseleum,The...341-7519 b PC Board DOS Support bbs for Cemetery DB
Family Research Center476-0667 b Maximus DOS Genealogy BBS, FidoNet
Fantasy Party Line....596-7101 c DLX DOS Couples/Singles/Chat/Parties
Fantasy Uprising......331-5108 b Telegard DOS Msg/files/online games
Far Point Relay.......463-8324 d TAG DOS Amateur Radio, FidoNet
Fido Partner..........458-7410 c DOS FidoNet
Final Approach........463-2960 b BBS-PC! AMG Airplane Want-Ads and Talk
Firehouse BBS, The....444-9185 b TAG DOS Open for ALL Adults and Kids!
Fireside..............496-6319 d Maximus DOS USR DS V.32bis/V.42bis FidoNet
Fish Bowl,The.........894-6062 c QuickBBS DOS Shining Light in Darkness
Flashback.......1-713-251-7049 b TAG DOS L-D FidoNet, Doors, Files
Focal Point 1, The....451-6840 d RBBS DOS Novell, DesQview, Multi-Node
Focal Point 2, The....451-4626 e Wildcat! DOS Novell, DesQview,
Foo's Wok.............339-3723 b Ivory CMD 6 subs
Fort Bend Cty. Emer...341-4437 b TAG DOS Emer Management/Civil Defense
Fortress Citadel RPG..471-2308 b DDBBS APL MNP5; On-line games; RPG's
Fortress Citadel, The.471-2344 d Metal APLv.32bis;Futurenet;Games;Apple PDs
Four Winds BBS, The...691-1104 b Telegard DOS Adult Areas, Fido-Net, Doors
Fox Micros Computing..859-9105 b PC Board DOS dBase/Windows conferences
Frank's Place.........953-1504 d Telegard DOS Good Times, Good Friends
Fulcrum's Edge........350-6284 c Opus DOS FidoNet
Fun'n the Sun South...332-5681 b TAG DOS Files, Games & Adult Files
Fury!!..........1-713-292-4551 b TAG DOS LD Msgs/Files/DOORS/chat/FURY!!
G's BBS...............586-7751 d GT Power DOS Support for GT (G's) Utils
G Spot Node 1, The....932-7573 d Renegade DOS 1.3 Gigs Adult and Shareware
Galactic WarZone, The.498-4231 d Spitfire DOS 20 doors,adult area,Fido soon
Game Board BBS, The...353-2706 b RBBS DOS GW,scrabble doors,transfers
Game Palace, The......458-2085 d ProDoor DOS Games,Adult,Kid's,Doors,Fun
Game WarZ BBS.........292-8809 b Wildcat! DOS Lots of games and messages
Gangland..............441-2067 d TAG DOS Files,msgs
Gateway Houston..USV..271-3665 b TBBS DOS Minitel Terminal support
Gateway Houston.......271-3664 b TBBS DOS SF/Fantasy games
General Node 1, The...438-3156 d PC Board DOS HST V.32/V.32bis (DS)
General Node 2, The...437-0723 d PC Board DOS HST;v.32bis/v.42bis (DS)
Genus BBS.............870-0601 d TBBS DOS Graphics Toolkits Support/Info
Golden Coco, The......941-1542 b RiBBS COC FidoNet
Goldfinger's BBS......983-0604 d Renegade DOS ItcNet, FidoNet, and SGANet
Goose's Nest, The.....492-7929 d Maximus DOS GAMES,FILES ALL USERS WELCOME
GPC Approved BBS,The..896-8460 c Telegard DOS messages
Grandmaster.......713-292-6787 d Wildcat! DOS L-D Free Adult Board
Grasshopper Nest......980-0998 c TAG DOS Files, Messages and Many Doors
Graveyard, The........488-5885 b TAG DOS On-Line Games, RPG's, Messages
Great Amer. Giveaways.977-9505 b Chairman DOS On-Line Subscription Service
Green Mansions........681-0598 d TAG DOS Gif's and Xputer Art
Greenwillow Garden....726-1406 a GT Power DOS
Griff's Tavern........550-5999 b TAG DOS FidoNet
HAAUG Heaven..........955-2626 d TBBS DOS Mac/Apple 2;HAAUG membrs only
HACE BBS..............458-9923 b Express ATI
HAL-PC Telecom I......963-4100 d TBBS DOS 2.3 gigs;FidoNet;16 nodes
Ham n' Cheez's BBS....879-6039 b TAG DOS Swapshop; TAG files; Messages
Hard Drive Cafe, The..690-9601 b TAG DOS Computer Support BBS
Hard Times, The.......686-3572 b PC Board DOS
Hard Disc Cafe........589-2690 d RemAcess DOS USR/DS BASIC,Visual BASIC,GIFS
Hard Times, The.......686-5716 d ProDoor DOS BBS-Chess 1 gig online
Hardware Exchange,The.376-4719 b TAG DOS BUY/SELL used hardware market
Harf!.................351-1753 d TAG DOS Free Speech / Intelligence
Harry's Asylum........471-6503 a Image CMD SIGs, Online games,voting,85megs
Haute' Gourmet, The...286-7800 b GT Power DOS Food/Wine. . Animal Rights
Heartattack and Vine..488-6786 d WWIV DOS 2300 messages 2000 nodes 14.4
Heart-Shaped World....660-7030 e Hermes MAC liberal pansies
Heavens, The..........443-0924 b RBBS DOS Games, messages
Heavn BBS.............996-5352 d TAG DOS A little something for us all
Heights BBS, The......680-9280 c Wildcat! DOS CD-ROM, Msgs, Doors, FidoNet
Hemorrhoidal Weasel...668-5096 d RoboBoardDOS Adult files, Robo support
High Science..........688-2030 b Maximus DOS Science beyond the mainstream
Hi-Resolution Node 1..388-1738 d PC Board DOS 10+ Gigabytes,Large Adult
Hi Resolution Node 2..388-2925 d PC Board DOS Online games
Hi Resolution Node 3..388-0309 d PC Board DOS Fido 1:106/7777
Hi-Resolution Node 4..388-0517 b PC Board DOS (2400b)
Hi-Resolution Node 5..388-0518 b PC Board DOS (2400b)
Hi-Tech Guyz..........370-0123 e Maximus DOS Games, Narcotics
Higher Power BBS......879-4564 b Spitfire DOS games,files,etc.
Hitchhiker's Guide....242-0504 d WildCat! DOS Programming/files/game/Intelec
Hitchin' Post, The....947-0070 b BBSXprss ATI Networked message bases
Home Brew U/Houston...923-6418 d RBBS DOS Homebrewing and BEER info!!
Homo Sapiens Club,The.855-7289 d SBBS DOS Mental Health,Addiction etc.
HOOPLA................975-4142 b Wildcat! DOS Object Oriented Prog. User Grp
Hot Pursuit BBS.......722-7070 d WildCat! DOS Police Oriented/WildNET/CD-ROM
Hous.Altern.Lifestyles530-7500 c DLX DOS Gay/BI ONLY;2.5Gig online
House of Death......1-256-2770 b TAG DOS L-D from some areas
Houston After Dark....530-7722 c DLX DOS 24 lines
Houston Area 713 BBS..530-8875 c TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world
Houston Buyers Guide..579-2145 b Wildcat! DOS Classifieds, files, Message ads
Houston Catholic......837-8455 b GT Power DOS CIN;Catholic Files;Many echos
Houston Chat Channel..575-1010 b DLX DOS 31 lines
Houston CHESS BBS.....879-7562 b RBBS DOS BBS Chess games only
Houston Connection....523-4120 b RiBBS COC OS/9 system assistance
HouGameDesigner.1-713-251-0734 b Maximus DOS L-D PC Video game prog C/C++FIDO
Houston Lifestyles....586-9151 b MajorBBS DOS Adults-National Chat
Houston N/W Z-Node....937-8886 c Wildcat! DOS QWK mail door, files, Zcpr3 area
Houston Windows.......996-7439 d PowerBBS DOS Windows ONLY files/messages;Fido
HOWL!!................862-1415 d Spitfire DOS Life! Files! Words! Soul!
I.D.I. BBS............339-2273 b CMD
I.F.H.C.A.............948-9906 b TBBS DOS Pipe,valve,fitting database
Ice Castle, The.......722-5400 b MajorBBS DOS chat lines/e-mail/cd databases
Ice Lair..............694-1522 b TAG DOS FILES ONLINE GAMES AND MM
Ice Palace, The.......591-7939 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Ikonoclast............721-1538 d WWIV DOS games, philosophy
In Living Colour......455-5050 b Ivory CMD Most active CMD board
Info-Net & Police Net.873-0403 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Info-Line.............977-0432 b BBS-PC! AMG
InfoQuest BBS.........320-9163 d Wildcat! DOS Msgs, Files, games; chess etc
InSoc Enterprises #1..932-0785 c PC Board DOS Audio/Visual/Multimedia/Games
InSoc Enterprises #2..932-8424 d PC Board DOS
Interact..............469-9384 * Diversi APL Multiline chat;21 & over
Intercont'l Airways...661-7360 c Spitfire DOS AutoDial String 6617360,,77,77
Internal Affairs BBS!.358-8797 c Wildcat! DOS Doors/online PC Sales
Ironside's Revenge....996-6706 d Wildcat! DOS A little something for everyby
Isle of View, The.....771-2261 d TAG DOS On-line games; McAfee anti-virus
Jackson's BBS 1,The...587-8566 d TAG DOS For the do-it-yourselfer
Jackson's BBS 2,The...587-8571 e TAG DOS For the do-it-yourselfer
Jagged Edge...........499-9730 d RemAcess DOS International BRE 3 Countries
James Davis' Retreat..266-5266 b GT Power DOS Echomail
Jim Dandy's BBS.......476-9709 d TAG DOS FidoNET/onlineGAMES/Adult File
Jim's BBS.............360-0203 d RBBS DOS Novell Echo Moderator
JMI Softwares.........820-4870 b TAG DOS A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING
Joe's Bar and Grill...674-4640 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Jokers BBS............485-3074 b Spitfire DOS Game files; Arcade Doors
Jose Cuervo Clipper...787-9658 b Wildcat! DOS dBASE/Clipper users group
JunkYard, The.........458-0552 d ProLogon DOS
Keefer's Keep.........484-3485 b TAG DOS Nancon Team AD&D staff
Ken's Comics..........568-8880 b Vision CMD 89 online games
King's Corner BBS,The.550-2661 d Spitfire DOS Circuit Net, Files, Doors!
Knight Stuff, The.....692-8527 b Maximus DOS DuckNet, CHO Member
Knowledge Transfer....370-5804 b Spitfire DOS Education;CBT;AI;Entrepreneurs
Koinonia..............944-1841 b GTPower DOS Christian echos
Korova Bordello, The..492-2783 c Waffle DOS Mojo
L.C.D.................550-4744 b RBBS DOS New & used computer parts
LAN Connection #1.....690-2851 e Wildcat! DOS LAN & Win/OS2, UseNet EchoMail
LAN Connection #2.....690-2817 d Wildcat! DOS 20k MSG/24K+ Files/games/adult
Land Of The Lost, The.723-9361 c Renegade DOS Neato messages
Last Call.............523-8366 b Opus DOS Alternate Lifestyle,FidoNet
Last Chance BBS.1-713-576 2795 d Spitfire DOS L-D Files, Doors, Adult areas
Latino BBS............531-9980 d RemAcess DOS bilingual msgs;games,files
Launch Pad............498-7996 c TAG DOS FidoNet
Lee College BBS...713-425-6866 d Wildcat! DOS L-D General BBS DOS/Novell Supt.
Leisure Larry's Nd 1..837-1055 d Wildcat! DOS Adult sections; doors
Leisure Larry's Nd 2..837-8326 d Wildcat! DOS 9600bps+ ONLY on node 2!
Leisure World.........859-0902 e AmigaNet CMD GFiles, PFiles Messages & More
Lifestyles BSS-Houston820-4006 b RemAcess DOS Alternative Lifestyles w/Chat
Lighthouse, The...713-288-1247 e Renegade DOS L-D 10 Gigs Adult XXX
Lighthouse BBS, The...431-1825 c GT Power DOS NetMail, SIGEchos, adultareas
Linear Logic BBS......561-0702 d Maximus DOS messages, tech, netmail, files
Linx..................440-7364 a PC Board DOS
Liquid Dreamz.........531-0261 d WildCat! DOS
List Of Houston BBS's.530-8875 c TBBS DOS Your guide to the on-line world
Live Wire, The........722-7223 b MajorBBS DOS Live Chatting/10 lines/Games
Livewire BBS..........821-4749 e Spitfire DOS FidoNet,CircuitNet..Zyxel 19.2
Logical Reality.......378-3111 c RemAcess DOS 38 Megs of shareware
Lone*Star* BBS,The....485-8127 d TriBBS DOS All adult, gifs gl, dl. Etc
Lost City, The........469-7250 d Spitfire DOS *>Multi-Universe TW Tourney<*
Love & War BBS........983-0991 d WWIV DOS Free! No Ratios! Gif,games,etc
Loving Alternatives...452-2114 b Maximus DOS Peace/parenting/animal rights
M & A Sales...........999-6712 c RemAcces DOS FLI/GIF/GIF'S in .EXE FMT
Macaw's Roost Node 1..495-3730 b Auntie DOS Alcoholism/Addiction Forums
Macaw's Roost-Node 2..495-0555 c Auntie DOS USENET/InterNet
MacCentral............452-2193 d 1stClass MAC GUI interface CD-ROM online
MacEndeavour..........640-1298 d TBBS DOS Mac msgs, files; Fido, UseNet
MacLair...............286-2540 d 1stClass MAC All welcome. Gateways, 1.3gigs
Maelstrom OS Node 1...334-1265 d RemAcess DOS *1<> GIG SHWARE/ADULT,GAMES,SALES
Maelstrom OS Node 2...334-2241 b RemAcess DOS *FIDO,KINKNET,CHAT,DEMOS,GIFS/GL
Maelstrom OS Node 3...334-2350 b RemAcess DOS *4 Nodes! Rotating Lines - Fun!
Maelstrom OS Node 4...334-2545 b RemAcess DOS *Everyone Welcome - Call Today!
Magic Window..........351-9948 c Maximus OS2 SDS,PDN,WINNet etc. File Echos
Mailbox, The..........331-1753 c TAG DOS
Mallyman's BBS........469-2059 b Procomm DOS Links386 Saved game and shot
Mask Removed Nd 1,The.947-3062 b Wildcat! DOS doors, messages,files
Mask Removed Nd 2,The.947-6062 d Wildcat! DOS 70+ doors, messages, 345 Megs
Mass Appeal Madness...477-4777 d Spitfire DOS Doors,Gifs, USR HST 14.4
Matchmaker............480-4466 b Homemade UNX 33 lines
Matrix Super BBS......575-1039 b Renegade DOS Adult Gifs / Files
Maximum Overdrive.....470-9165 d Spitfire DOS Adult,x-fers,msgs,doors,no fee
Media One BBS.........341-1282 d TAG DOS ADULT, Many Celebrity Gifs!
Media Bank............748-2420 b RBBS DOS
Media Network BBS,The.334-6976 c Wildcat! DOS Animation/Adult/Programming
MediaSys..............797-0527 c Wildcat! DOS Media/Photog/Writers/Services
MegaPics..............468-7945 b RemAcces DOS GIFS
Mel's.................896-1545 d GT Power DOS Genealogy;Shareware;Religious
Men's Room BBS, The...520-5232 b Spitfire DOS Gay/Bi/Lesbian Adult Situation
Metal Shop, The.......992-3939 d Forem ATI USR DS;F*Net,Space Empire Inter
Micro Archives........590-6267 d RBBS-PC DOS ASP BBS,60K+ Files,RIME,GAMES
Midnight Hour, The....466-5428 c QuickBBS DOS v32/42bis TI-99,Geneve,FidoNet
Mike & the Boys' BBS..996-9776 d TAG DOS File Transfer, Adult Sections
Mindcore..........713-298-2767 b TAG DOS L-D Games/7 Doors so far/TONSmsg
Mirkwood BBS..........475-2553 c Wildcat! DOS Games, files, messages
Mister Ed's BBS.......580-8105 b Spitfire DOS
Moneymakr Express.....955-7211 b GT Power DOS Money-making opportunities
Mount Belvieu BBS.....385-2001 d PC Board DOS 1.2Gigabytes online USRHST
Mouse's Nest BBS......661-6368 b Opus DOS Rodent pets and owners
Mr. Ed's Corner.......447-6119 d Renegade OS2 V.32/V.42; Programming
MS(DOS) Classified....462-5215 e Spitfire DOS CircuitNet, files, adult,doors
Mt. Olympus BBS.......427-9176 d Wildcat! DOS Internet Conf.,Doors,Files
Multimedia Realm!,The.462-3434 d MajorBBS DOS Multimedia, and Related areas
Murphy's Law..........584-0348 d TransAmi AMG 8 nets, ADS/SAN hub, 50+ games
Muscle Beach BBS Nd1..683-9776 e WildCat! DOS Fitness & Nutrition,200+Conf
Muscle Beach BBS Nd2..683-9608 d WildCat! DOS Fitness & Nutrition, Files,Conf
Music Connection, The.240-0105 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Music Place, The......864-9447 a Spitfire DOS Music Oriented
Musician's Guild......242-4927 a 128-Net CMD Music, Sprites, Animation
Musician's Connection.644-2225 b TAG DOS All systems welcome; MIDI SIGS
MYBBS.................364-8241 d PRO! ATR Science, Politics, Star Trek
My New BBS............726-0445 c Maximus DOS Zoom 12,000 Turbo
My Lil' Corner........575-1470 d Wildcat! DOS Online games, messages, files
N.H.C. BBS............443-5782 b Wildcat! DOS Education at its Highest
National Party Line...596-7171 b MajorBBS DOS
Nebraska BBS....1-713-298-5688 b TAG DOS L-D Insanity,FidoNet,Games
New Ware Club.........558-9420 d Wildcat! DOS Virus;Games;Windows
New Atomic Brain,The..686-9905 c Telegard DOS Artificial Intelligence
Night Shift...........471-9070 d Spitfire DOS Help for new callers
Nocturnal Madness.....499-5468 c Wildcat! DOS No Ratios,Adult Files
Normal Place, The.....861-0007 b AABBS CMD
NovelConcepts BBS.....729-7555 b Forem ATI F*Net;Space Empire
Nut & Honey...........498-6593 b Wildcat! DOS GIFS, Doors, Adult areas
Nuts and Bytes BBS.1..997-9867 b GT Power DOS Files, Games, & Messages
Nuts and Bytes BBS 2..997-1324 d GT Power DOS Files, games, messages
OMNI..................660-7020 d TAG DOS Doors/Msgs/Files/Adult Files
Open System BBS.......497-4453 d TAG DOS files, messages,online games
Optical Delusions.....946-4668 d Wildcat! DOS Latest Files/Adult Areas/more!
Organic BBS...........487-9668 b TriTel DOS organic gardening,juicing
Outcast Star Port.....680-1076 d RoboBoardDOS Files VGA Format!
Out Of The Fog BBS....668-9392 d RoboBoardDOS recovery, games, FULL VGA
Panama Jack's Beach CB488-3885 c RemAcess DOS GAMES,FILE ECHOS, FIDO, USENET
Paper Man, The........869-5310 b Maximus DOS Discount Paper
Paradise Theatre,The..955-7152 b CBase CMD
Paragod's BBS.........583-4066 b TAG DOS Emergency Providers and Public
Parrots Cage, The.....270-6323 b GT Power DOS Good games,chess SRE,TRDWRS
Paul T's Place........941-6112 b GT DOS BBS Chess, games
PC Innovation Tech Spt933-5981 c Wildcat! DOS V.32 PCI Tech Support
Pegasus On Line.......499-1857 e Maximus OS2 USR/DS;TIPC;IBM Interest groups
Pegasus II............337-5349 d RemAcces DOS Adult areas, Two CD-Rom, 2 Gig
Pentecostal BBS.......641-3058 b Spitfire DOS 100% Christian BBS,BIG,GIF,ART
Perry's BBS...........466-5349 b Renegade DOS Adult area,gifs,etc.
Phantasia BBS.........457-6669 c Spitfire DOS Fantasy/SciFi Board, C-Net
Phantasy Star.........422-6251 b Telegard DOS File and Message base
Phase IV..............371-0121 c C-NET AMG Games;MCI Commands;
Phoenix BBS, The......728-3012 c Wildcat! DOS Christian,Fido,GT Net,CFN,CDN
Phunny Pharm, The.....474-5420 d Spitfire DOS Megamail,Medical,Aviation
PIC of the MID Town...961-5817 d OPUS DOS CP/M Help,OS/2,adult access
Pigs Trough, The......530-7505 d Wildcat! DOS Combined with Turkey's Roost
Platinum RBBS, The....667-4215 e RBBS DOS USR DS-Validation Required
Playline Magazine BBS.568-4400 b MajorBBS DOS Adult dating, sexual areas
Power House BBS, The..852-7028 a Image CMD Christian support; games
Power Plus BBS........550-9944 e GT Power DOS On-line computer store
POWER Surge, The......893-1717 e RoboBoardDOS PiT, SRE, BRE, lots of files!!
Printing Press........869-8681 b RBBS DOS
Private Line, The.....933-0499 d Maximus DOS HIV+ Support
Programmers Attic,The.894-4429 d Wildcat! DOS Programming: all languages
Programmers' Palace...242-4708 e GT Power DOS ZyXEL 1496+ 19.2/16.8 v.32bis
Promised Land, The....992-3324 d DLX DOS Chat/Matchmaker service
Psychodrome BBS.......488-6817 d PC Board DOS Game cheats/doors/hackfilesUFO
Pyro. Cheez Potatoes..486-7876 b TAG DOS All messages, LLU #1984 Member
Queue, The............578-8786 c RBBS DOS AS/400, IBM Midrange, HASG
Quick Draw BBS........448-2853 c Telegard DOS
R/C Connection........337-6568 d GT Power DOS
Racers Hotline,The....578-2120 b Wildcat! DOS Echomail,Online drag races
Ranchouse BBS, The....481-8923 b TAG DOS FidoNet
Raster Line, The......568-0825 d Xenolink AMG Comic Book SIG,files,doors
Really Big Board,The..873-0131 d Spitfire DOS Always Growing! Circuit Net
Realms of Cyber Space.286-4811 d TAG DOS 6.0 Gigs! 30+ Doors!
Recovery Room I.......242-9674 c Oracomm DOS Addiction/12 Step recovery
Recovery Room II......242-3750 b Oracomm DOS Gay/Straight AIDS/HIV+ Support
Ren & Stimpy BBS......441-3080 d Renegade DOS ANSI, games, files
REPLAY................242-4436 d TAG DOS Files/games/messages/and more
Request Line BBS......728-3775 d RoboBoardDOS Now with CD ROM - EGA-VGA MODE
Rivan Warrior.........324-3302 c TAG DOS Multi-nets, msg bases, Bwave
Roach Coach, The......343-0942 d Maximus OS2 V.32bis;Fido Cooking;OS/2;
Road Kill Cafe,The....370-7004 c TAG DOS Adult 17 and up, SRE,BRE,HM,GW
Rocnrol BBS...........496-7415 c Wildcat! DOS Adult GIFS, Shareware, etc...
Roody's...............782-2110 b TAG DOS adult areas,gifs
Roost, The............482-7080 c Wildcat! DOS FidoNet
Rose Garden, The......286-9958 d RoboBoardDOS Very customized Tw2002, files
Round Table, The......922-1393 b Maximus DOS BBS for eclectics,GC MENSA
RSS-BBS Support Center859-8253 b Wildcat! DOS Support 4 Ramsoft
S.N.A.F.U.............482-2292 e TAG DOS Online games:Tw2002,BRE-SRE,PIT
S.S.P.C...............485-2127 c PCBoard DOS Files, messages 2400-9600bps
Sabres OnLine.........485-2682 d PC Board DOS NEW Adult GIFS-no same old gif
Satellite TV Board....623-4899 c Spitfire DOS Sat Tv Info - RIME Houston Hub
Satellite Of Love.....469-4580 d RemAcess DOS Windows/DOS, 1.2GB, FIDO, FREE
SATORI................342-6561 d Spitfire DOS Thought Doors and Bulletins
Seven Wonders,The.....370-6504 d Renegade DOS Messages, Doors, Files & More!
Shadow's Domain BBS...293-7959 c Spitfire DOS RPG's Files, And Paintball
Shark Waters..........890-0025 b TAG DOS 31 doors
Shebeen...............286-7949 b TAG DOS Reggae games fish
Shelly's Web..........523-3446 b Telegard DOS Files, Games, Messages
Sherwood Forest BBS...879-6073 d RemAcess DOS TONS of message areas! 8+Nets!
Short Circuit.........495-8156 c Wildcat! DOS
Silent Brotherhood,The441-9282 d Celerity DOS Hardware Dealer/Sound/535Megs
SilverCOrp............261-5418 b FoRoem DOS A Small Business Forum
Small Town BBS, The...359-1393 d Spitfire DOS Wolf3d,VGA,files,games,FUN!!!!
Snake Pit.............466-3022 d TAG DOS USR DS;FidoNet Echos;Files;GIFS
Software Expressions..541-3910 c Maximus DOS ASP,Files,Online games, SDN HUB
Solar Realm, The......855-1665 d Telegard DOS Home of SR-Games! Now 2 Nodes!!
Sound Off!! Node 1....392-7286 e TAG DOS One Line at 16.8
Sound Off!! Node 2....392-7385 b RoboBoardDOS EGA/VGA Graphics+mouse support
Sound Off!! Node 3....392-7280 b RoboBoardDOS VGA/EGA graphics+mouse support
South Texas Area Gays.726-0346 b Spitfire DOS Gay oriented features; msgs
SouthWest Tower BBS...772-8461 d RemAcess DOS WINDOWS ONLY!!!
Space Age BBS, The....353-7375 b TriBBS DOS SatTV,StarTrek,NASA,Handicappd
SpaZazz BBS...........579-7717 d Wildcat! DOS Applications,Games,Doors 1 Gig
Specific Solutions....522-1104 d GT Power DOS Windows CICA CDROM archive
Spell Bound BBS.......489-4451 d TAG DOS Files Games Fido Message
Squeak! BBS, The......485-0321 b TAG DOS FidoNet,DuckNet,Homesites
SRE Tourney...........933-2181 b TAG DOS Only SRE and The Pit (REG)
Stage of Dreams.......488-3264 d RemAcess DOS FidoNet;RPGs;Doors;Files
Stained Glass Windows.445-3963 c PCBoard DOS Windows Files/Free Access
Stargazer's BBS,The...550-9243 c Wildcat! DOS Fido,CD-ROM,Astronomy,Adult Area
Swamp, The............531-6011 d RATSoft! ATI SEEIG
Swap Shop.............266-3563 c PC Board DOS FidoNet
Synergy BBS Node 1....495-2844 d Wildcat! DOS v.32 v.42
Synergy BBS Node 2....495-8259 d Wildcat DOS Synergy BBS node two
System Solutions......457-6921 d GT Power DOS Programming and Graphics
Talk Channel Houston..476-5196 b DLX DOS 18 or over only
Tarkin's Rift.........799-1518 e RBBS DOS Specializes in EchoMail
Tek-Nique.............473-7546 b TAG DOS Door games
Texas Gold Mine.......983-4690 d PCBoard DOS 8 lines, Files, Msgs, Doors
Texas Fathers EQRghts.376-4767 d Opus DOS FidoNet
Texas Pipeline........550-0130 d RBBS DOS now 20 Tradewar Universes
Texxas Star...........821-6629 c Maximus DOS FidoNet
This List Copyrighted.530-8875 c TBBS DOS (c) 1993 by David Wachenschwanz
Time Bandit, The..713-424-7033 b TAG DOS L-D; Door games
Toon-Town BBS II......332-0809 d RBBS DOS 600 meg cdrom/door gamews etc
Torture Chamber 7,The.466-9406 d TAG DOS 95% Messages; 350+ posts daily
Tower, The............771-7004 b DOS FidoNet, religious
Tower of Power, The...729-7701 d ProDoor DOS BBS-Chess, SRE II, GW, TW2002
Town Talk Houston.....530-7600 c DLX DOS HST, Chat, on line trivia
Town Talk Houston.....495-6500 b DLX DOS Chat, on line trivia
Trace!................862-6400 b Opus DOS FidoNet; geneology
Track Hound, The......331-4106 d Maximus DOS Racing Greyhound Info/FIDO
Traders *BBS*, The....991-3325 c TAG DOS Buy/Sell/Trade; advice; free
Tranquility Base......893-9124 d GT Power DOS Star Trek, BBS Chess, CD-ROM
Turkey's Roost, The...530-7505 d Wildcat! DOS Gay/lesbian, multinode & CDRom
Twisted Psyche BBS....489-1154 d RoboBoardDOS EGA/VGA BBS, Files, Sub-Boards
U.F.O.nline...........558-5342 c QuickBBS DOS UFO,Intelligence,Paranormal
U.F.P., The.......713-251-8670 b TAG DOS L-D SRE,TW,LOD, D/l's much more
Ultimate, The.........494-1629 b GT Power DOS Many message areas
Uncle Wally's Place...334-1136 d TAG DOS AdultNet,Files,Inter-BBS Games
Under Construction....931-0600 d PC Board DOS
Universal Paradox,The.424-4724 b TAG DOS SRE,X-Rated Files,MessageBases
Unkaphaed.gbdata.com..481-3763 d Waffle DOS Usenet/News & Mail
Untamed Wilderness,The480-8403 c PC Board DOS FidoNet/Games
Up All Night..........495-3868 b TAG DOS Adult/Teen access; RPG's
Up All-Nite BBS.......641-3484 b Telegard DOS Adult File,Games,Online Games
Upper Room, The.......586-0589 b GT Power DOS Religious Content and Chess
User Friendly Node 1..492-USER d TAG DOS Contests, Mealtime Melee
User Friendly Node 2..492-1752 d TAG DOS Automatic roll-over
USS Pegasus-Houston...777-0821 e Maximus DOS HST/DS;Hams;RPGs;FidoNet;660Mb
Utopia................463-2484 b PC Board DOS Trade Wars
Valley Soft BBS.......893-2851 d WWIV DOS WWIVnet/FidoNet
Vanity Vanity Publishg722-0934 b PCBoard DOS "Not Just For Writers"
VAX Connection........530-5144 d Wildcat! DOS VAX/VMS files
VeriTech..............578-0308 d Renegade DOS FidoNet
VIS BBS...............894-2069 b Wildcat! DOS Basic Programming
Void, The.............669-0488 d FClass MAC Files & Messages. MAC Only!
Vomit Comett, The.....484-3050 d Renegade DOS V.42/V.32 games
Voyager I.............575-8923 c Spitfire DOS CircuitNET, CDROM, and doors.
W.A.B.................488-0613 b Sterling AMG 24hrs; Weird people & Messages
Wally World BBS.......894-9633 d Maximus OS2 Files, Messages, Adult Area
War Games BBS.........489-0677 b GT Power DOS Games, GTPN Netmail
WCSCNet...............568-6401 c Opus DOS FidoNet
Wheel, The............690-2453 b Maximus DOS FidoNet
Wholy World BBS.......943-1777 b TAG DOS SIG for the do-it-yourselfer
Wildcat Exprs Elite 1.578-8155 e Wildcat! DOS 10 Gigs Gifs,Fido,AdultNet,Etc
Wildcat Exprs Elite 2.392-3512 e Wildcat! DOS New# 10 Gigs Online, Doors more
Wildcat Exprs Elite 3.578-8133 e Wildcat! DOS 10 Gigs online, Adults, Fun!
Wildcat Exprs Elite 4.392-3516 e Wildcat! DOS Games, Utils,90 Doors,AdultNet
Wildcat Exprs Elite 5.392-3508 e Wildcat! DOS Utils, Fido, AdultNet, ++More+
Windows Mania BBS.....558-8707 b Wildcat! DOS WINDOWS ONLY!
Wings.................852-3753 b Wildcat! DOS
Wizard's Realm, The...946-7315 b TAG DOS Message based BBS+fish/pet SIG
Wizards Workshop, The.992-2526 b Ivory CMD
Womb, The.............597-9662 d Spitfire DOS 2Nodes,Files,CD,Doors,Contests
Wooden Shoe, The......474-9657 c TAG DOS Games/Files/Messages/Fido
X, The................728-2199 c RBBS DOS Libertarian activist base
Ye Olde Bailey........520-1569 e PC Board DOS Usenet & Smartnet Hub
Ye Olde Inn III.......331-3056 e TBBS DOS We *ONLY* Do Messages
Yoda's Lair...........933-3076 b GT Power DOS
Zachary*Net...........933-7353 c NoChange DOS
Zeus' Realm...........429-7287 d TAG DOS NEW# Now the 14,400 dating line
Zippa's Bored.........941-8030 c TAG DOS Msgs,Files,Doors,Adult, CALL!
Zulu BBS..............668-7000 d Wildcat! DOS GIFS,games,files,win3.x,messgs
The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Copyright 1993 David E. Wachenschwanz