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Hartford/Manchester Call Areas BBS List: HM931004.ZIP edition posted 10-04-93
This list contains the BBSs known to us which operate on a regular schedule in
Hartford's or Manchester's local-call area; all not flagged as questionable or
down were verified 08-23-93 or later. However, since boards continually open
and close, we need YOUR feedback to keep the list current. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY
on the SPACEDOCK (666-4999, 1:142/499) or in the HOWDY or HASNET echos on any
board that carries them. Spacedock Bulletin 10, our working master list, is
updated between published editions as we verify changes. Published editions
are normally issued the first week of each month as HMyymmdd.ZIP; your help in
distributing them is appreciated. SysOps please see note at end of list.
North-central CT local calling area 09-05-93 additions related to this list:
* from HARTFORD exchange: COVENTRY & COLUMBIA exchanges;
* from MANCHESTER exchange: EAST HAMPTON & COLCHESTER exchanges;
The COLCHESTER exchange, now local to Manchester, is added to this BBS list.
Baud rate codes:
Max: 1 = 1200, 2 = 2400, 9 = 9600 or higher Min: # = 2400, ! = 9600
BBS Software (SW) codes:
CN = C-NET IM = Image QB = QuickBBS RV = Rover TC = TComm
EH = ExecHost MB = MBBS RA = RemoteAcc SB = SuperBBS TG = Telegard
FC = FirstCls MG = Magnum RB = RBBS-PC SF = Spitfire TR = TriBBS
FO = FoReM MH = MiniHost RG = Renegade SN = StarNet TU = TurBoard
GB = GBBS MX = Maximus RO = RoboBBS SX = Simplex VB = VBBS
HE = Hermes PB = PBBS \ (requires TA = T.A.G. WC = Wildcat
IL = Illusions PC = PCBoard RoboTerm) TB = TBBS WW = WWIV
Hardware orientation (HW) codes:
1 = IBM/compat 3 = Tandy 5 = Macintosh 7 = Commodore 9 = Unused
2 = Amiga 4 = Apple 6 = Atari 8 = CP/M or Z-Sys 0 = Other
Network codes:
A = CCSO 86:100/ F = Fido 1:142/ L = AlterNet 7:46/ P = PAFN 50:160/
B = CCSO 86:200/ G = Fido 1:320/ CNET = C-Net R = RBBS 8:909/
C = CCSO 86:300/ H = Fido 1:327/ N = ICN 91:203/ RIME = RIME
D = CCSO 86:400/ I = Fido 1:16/ T = ITC 85:861/ S = Trek 87:6007/
E = CCSO 86:500/ O = Our 65:150/ W = WWIVNet @
Note: The operating hours for part-time boards are shown in the Notes column;
some full-time boards close for mail and/or maint during early AM hours
* denotes entry added or changed since last published edition (HM930911.ZIP).
- denotes temporarily down; anything else we've heard is in the Notes column.
? denotes no connect on recent calls; if you know its status, please tell us!
^^ Town Board Name Phone# Baud SW HW Net Notes
HARTFORD telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
E Hfd Alien Nation 290-8615 9 TA 1 F320,D105
Nwgtn ARRL FS HQ lines 1-4 666-0578 9 WC 1 No uploads here
Nwgtn ARRL FS HQ Upload Node 665-0090 9 WC 1 Only uploads here
*E Hfd Bit Bucket (HUGE) 568-6663 9 GB 45 MOVED fr 257-9588
Hfd Bottom Line 953-2347 9 WC 1 F/A/R258,O358 Free|$5-10/y
W Hfd Bread & Circuses: 2400 232-1058 2 MB 1 / 2400 baud or lower
W Hfd Bread & Circuses: 9600 232-1520 9 MB 1 \ try 232-1058 first
Hfd Brilliant Images(adult)956-7659 9 WC 1 Must be 18 to reg
W Hfd Bruce's Bar & Grill 236-3761 2 TB 1 F208,L666 $3/hr/mo
W Hfd Bruce's Bar & Grill #2 523-5551 2 MB 1 $.25/hr
W Hfd Conard HS 521-0279 9 MX 1 F354
Hfd Conn Mutual Alliance 987-5998 2 RB 1
Hfd CT DRS 297-5907 9 WC 1 RIME#5011
Wthfd Dosadi Experiment 257-9906 2 MX 1 F906
E Hfd EH Computer Repair 528-7693 9 FO 6
*E Hfd Eastern Light 290-8578 9 MX 1 10p-3a
Wthfd Emerogroncican II 721-0706 9 MX 1 F666
E Hfd Firehouse line 1: 9600 568-8946 #9 TU 1 / 2400 baud or lower
E Hfd Firehouse line 2: 2400 568-1381 2 TU 1 \ try 568-1381 first
W Hfd Forms & Printing (BFMA)233-3980 2 RB 1
W Hfd Foundation 521-9741 9 RB 1 F741
W Hfd Grand & Wells line 1 521-6571 9 RA 1 F256 Free or $5/6mo
W Hfd Grand & Wells line 2 561-3694 9 RA 1 F256 Free or $5/6mo
*Hfd Ground Level Productns 296-3386 2 RG 1 E111
W Hfd Hall HS 232-5037 9 MX 1 F562
Hfd Hartford Grad Center 548-2440 2 TC 1
Wthfd Hartford Metro 563-6455 9 MX 1 F911
N Hfd HH Infonet: Hartford # 246-3747 2 PC 1 F335 $45/6m or $75/y
*E Hfd Infiniti 568-1502 9 RG 1 F447,E110 10a-10p
*Hfd Inner Circle 293-1471 2 RG 1 F245,A111,T117
Wthfd Libertarian 257-1960 9 TA 1 F960,A108,O360
Wthfd Lightning 257-1103 9 TG 1 F395,C395,O1013 Free or$5/y
Nwgtn Mouse House Z-Sys&CP/M 665-1100 2 PB 8
E Hfd Night Train to Nowhere 569-7978 9 TA 1 F978,N207,O370
W Hfd Nimbus 523-4381 9 TB 1 F381
*Hfd Non-Existent_Cavalier 236-0167 9 TA 1 F167
Blmfd Orion 243-3528 2 RG 1 12a-6a
Hfd Over the Rainbow 951-4509 9 WC 1
Hfd Pigpen 249-8639 9 TA 1 F748,D104,O390
E Hfd Police Network 528-1195 9 RO 1 ex Keystone Whse
Hfd Q Continuum 278-5775 4 RB 1 5p-8aM-F,24S-S
*W Hfd Sandstorm 523-0716 9 WW 1 W2301
*E Hfd Cyber Warrior xSec5000 568-1371 9 RG 1 F1371,T__ DOWN UNTIL OCT 20
E Hfd Sherwood Forest of CT 569-8752 9 TG 1 F232
- E Hfd Shuttle 528-1180 2 PC 1 F833 DOWN UNTIL OCT
Nwgtn Sound Playground 667-3982 9 TG 1
Nwgtn Spacedock 666-4999 9 RB 1 F499,C499,O320,R17
*Blmfd TAB Computr Sys line 1 242-0530 9 RA 1 F530 Free or $25/y
*Blmfd TAB Computr Sys line 2 286-9944 9 RA 1 F530 \ or $75/life
*W Hfd Wolves Lair 232-3482 2 RG 1 10p-3pM-F,12a-9aS-S
WINDSOR telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
Wndsr A Hostile Planet 298-9989 9 TA 1 F100,C100 Merged with WARU
Wndsr Other Side of Midnight 298-8632 9 RA 1 E106
Wndsr Twilight Zone 688-0675 9 TG 1 F550,E105,T101
Wndsr Windsor Manor 688-4973 #9 RO 1 F973 Free or subscribe
Wndsr Windsor Police BBS 683-0217 9 TA 1
WINDSOR LOCKS telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
W Lks CrossRoads 627-5959 2 TA 1 F959,O380
Sufld Devastation 668-1524 2 TG 1 9:30p-5:30a
*Wsrvl Dragon's Hoard 292-6211 9 RG 1 F457
Sufld The HomeBase 668-2343 9 WC 1 F343
W Lks Overexposed (adult) 627-8088 9 TG 1 F188 Must be 18 to reg
ENFIELD telephone exchange: (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
Enfld Collector's Corner 745-1498 9 RA 1
Enfld Death's Domain 741-7200 9 TG 1 F629
Enfld Earth Net ln5: 2400MNP 749-5766 2 TB 215 F500 / $15/y;
Enfld Earth Net ln1: 9600HST 763-3485 9 TB 215 F500 < 2400 baud or lower
Enfld Earth Net ln2: v.32bis 749-9064 9 TB 215 F500 \ try 749-5766 first
Somrs Endeavor 763-0016 9 WC 1
Enfld Laboratory 749-5880 9 rG 1 F880 TEMP NO NEW USERS
Enfld Magyck magic 741-8144 2 RG 1
Enfld NE OS/2 Users Group 763-1674 9 MG 1
Enfld Sam-I-Am's 741-6736 9 WC 1 REOPENED 08-93
*Enfld Under Siege 749-8907 9 RG 1 REOPENED 09-93
ROCKVILLE telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
Vrnon Brickyard 871-6233 9 TA 1 F233 Free or donation
Vrnon Circuit Cellar lns 1-3 871-1988 #9 TB 1
Vrnon Circuit Cellar line 4 871-0549 9 TB 1
Vrnon Device Driver 871-7665 9 TA 1 F665,D101
Tolnd Dream Stages 875-2924 9 TA 1 F924
Elgtn Jetline 872-9836 9 WC 1
*Vrnon Land of Confusion 871-2406 9 RG 1 8a-10p xNightClub
Vrnon Land of No Return 871-6179 9 TA 1 F179,D103
Vrnon Legacy 875-3872 9 MX 1 9p-9a
Vrnon Mark & Anna's Place 875-8889 9 WC 1 F889
Tolnd Middle Earth 871-0515 2 TA 1
Elgtn NE Photo line 2 875-6400 2 WC 1
Elgtn NE Photo line 3 872-0078 9 WC 1 Same as 644-1835
Elgtn NE Photo line 5 871-9500 9 WC 1
- Vrnon NE Photo #4 (separate) 870-9719 9 WC 1 DOWN UNTIL FALL
Vrnon Nighthawk's Lair 871-8351 9 TA 1 F351,D107
Rckvl Snidely's node 1 872-6125 9 RG 1 24hrs
Rckvl Snidely's node 2 871-9261 9 RG 1 5p-8aM-F,24S-S
\ New users must apply & be validated on node 1 before they can use node 2
MANCHESTER telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
Manch Catacombs of Chaos 643-9284 9 TA 1 F284
Manch CyberJett Technologies 646-9685 2 SB 1 F710,C105
- S Wsr Deep Space Nine 648-1067 9 RG 1 F644,E101,T109 TEMPOR'LY DOWN
Manch GameMaster's Refuge 645-0128 9 RG 12 F886,E109,N205,T110 CCSO NC
*Manch Interview 647-9946 9 VB 1 Free or $10/y
Boltn Ken's BBS 645-8900 9 RV 1
*Vrnon Maximum Overdrive 645-9033 2 TG 1
Elgtn NE Photo line 3 644-1835 9 WC 1 Same as 872-0078
Manch A Night's Vision 645-1681 9 TA 1
*Manch Our Time 646-8660 2 CN 7
Manch Peepshow (adult) 645-6798 9 RG 1 Must be 18 to reg
Manch Screaming Slave 643-1159 9 TG 1 T122
*Manch Sound Connection: 9600 649-8193 #9 WC 1 F913,C104 /2400 bd or lower
Manch Sound Connection: 2400 646-2964 2 WC 1 F913,C104 \try 646-2964 1st
*S Wsr L#6-Starfleet 644-0656 2 RG 1 10p-7a
Manch Your Home Away fr Home 649-2742 9 RG 1 F742,E150
GLASTONBURY telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
*Glast Forlorn Hope 657-8237 #9 RG 15 G237,C103,T102 exCyberSpace
COVENTRY telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
Cvtry Northfield 742-6400 9 WC 1 H4000,D102
Cvtry Pandora's Box 742-5199 2 EH 1
Cvtry PowerHouse 742-7205 2 QB 1 H917 \ Can switch from
Cvtry Reservation 742-7205 2 QB 1 H999 / either to other
Cvtry Shattered Illusion 742-9242 9 IL 1 ex No Brains Reqd
?*Cvtry Starbase Nine Node 2 742-5838 2 TR 1 H468 BBS <> MODEM MISMATCH
\ Modem answers and mine reports CONNECT 2400; then I receive only junk as
\ if either his modem is misconfigured or his BBS prog misinterprets the
\ modem CONNECT report and sets up for the wrong speed (was fine on 7-12)
Cvtry Stellar Sabre 742-5699 9 FC 5 D106 Free or $15/y
COLUMBIA telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges))
Hebrn Library 228-9578 9 MX 1
Hebrn V-Max 228-9865 9 RB 1
COLCHESTER telephone exchange (local from Manchester exch but not Hartford)
Colch Maw & Paw's Workshop 537-3036 9 WC 1 F847 $15/q or $50/y
EAST HAMPTON telephone exchange (local from Hartford & Manchester exchanges)
*Marlb Info-Link 295-8384 9 MX 1 G73 Fido 1:320 coord
E Hmp Last Chance Saloon 267-0194 9 MX 1 G160
E Hmp Goon City 267-2260 2 RG 1 G16,B103,O371,T111 xMonolith
HdmNk Thirty Mile Island 267-0352 2 WW 1 W2313
MIDDLETOWN telephone exchange (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
Crmwl Tin Pan Alley 635-8727 9 RG 1 F727,B101,O372,T112 exAbyss
Mdltn Big Byte 347-5138 2 SB 1 G250
Mdltn Firesign 632-7282 2 MX 1 I234 6p-9aM-F,24S-S
Mdltn Garage 347-5851 9 MX 1 F5851
Mdltn Joe's Garage 635-6569 9 RG 1 G635,B102
Mdltn MustangMike's 347-3842 2 MX 1 G3842
*Mdltn Pork Chop's Palace 635-9756 9 RG 1 10p-4p
Mdltn Rocker's Lair 635-9881 9 HE 5124
*Mdltn Route 66 347-6997 9 RG 1 G997 Free/$12y/$36life
NEW BRITAIN telephone exchange (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
Berln Berlin Wall 829-1697 9 RA 15 F697,O616
N Brt Fox Den 223-5217 #9 RB 1 F819,A101,O310,R16
N Brt Garfield's Castle 224-9819 9 WC 1
Ksgtn Midnight Run 827-9741 9 RA 1 F650,O610
N Brt Phone Henge 826-1153 9 RA 1 F212 Free or $10-15/y
N Brt Polish-American 826-5438 9 SN 2 F347
- N Brt Scorpio's Den 224-3567 9 RB 1 F567,O350,R22 TEMP DOWN
N Brt Tingri 229-1247 9 RA 1
N Brt Tradewars Plus! 225-5861 2 RO 1 ex Gr'ups Online; new theme
N Brt USS Nautilus NCC-1778 827-0280 9 RA 1 F/P/S1778 2a-10a, 2p-11p
N Brt Write by Night NetMail-only (no BBS) F928 Fido 1:142 coord
FARMINGTON telephone exchange: (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
*Un'vl Big D 673-5015 9 RG 1 F/A103
Fmgtn Computer Club 673-8752 2 PB 8
Fmgtn Download America: 2400 676-1708 2 RB 1 F502,O340 Free or $50/life
Fmgtn Download America: 9600 673-2502 9 RB 1 F502,O340 Free or $50/life
Avon Fozzy's Place 678-0751 9 RA 1 F751,O1016 Free or $5/y
Fmgtn Growthline (support) 674-1966 2 WC 1 $12/6mo or $20/y
Fmgtn GS Fire/Life 677-7848 9 RB 1 F1135
- Avon Looney Bin 677-8620 9 MX 1 TEMPORARILY DOWN
Fmgtn Omni Netmare 679-1228 #9 IL 1
Avon Outpost 2002 673-4832 #9 RA 1 7a-11p
Fmgtn Sportsman 677-6087 2 SF 1 CNET Free or $5-10/y
CANTON telephone exchange: (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
Cantn Fire House 693-9201 9 TG 17 F201,N900,O1010
Cantn Spacers' Node 693-0560 9 MX 1 F222
SIMSBURY telephone exchange: (local from Hartford exch but not Manchester)
*Smsby CyberSpace Gateway 651-5530 9 MB 1 Internet(subscr)xBayStation
Smsby Warped Minds 651-5297 9 RG 1
Wndsr Brilliant Images(adult)688-7605 MOVED to 956-7659, Hartford, 6-93
Enfld Death's Domain 749-6103 CHANGED to 741-7200, Enfield, 6-93
Ksgtn ElectronicRepublicF451 829-1451 MOVED to 686-1875, Meriden, 6-93
*Wthfd Bit Bucket (HUGE) 257-9588 MOVED to 568-6663, Hartford, 7-39
Manch Keystone Whse line 1 645-6750 \/ MOVED to 528-1195, Hartford, 7-93
Manch Keystone Whse line 2 649-9675 /\ and renamed to the Police Network
Ptlnd Rocker's Lair 342-0372 MOVED to 635-9881, Middletown, 7-93
Mdltn Abbey Road 9MX1 G5967 347-5967 MOVED to 345-7635, Haddam, 8-93
Durhm DreamScape 349-1975 MOVED to 215-974-0017, PA, 8-93
N Brt Mouse House Z-Sys&CP/M 826-5047 MOVED BACK to 665-1100, Hartfrd, 8-93
N Brt Polish-American 229-4463 CHANGED to 826-5438, N Britain, 8-93
W Hfd Round Table (U of H) 768-8135 CLOSED 05-93; may return @new # 09-93
Hfd Xerox Hartford 280-1478 CLOSED 06-93; may reopen in future
Vrnon Apocalypse 872-7465 CLOSED 06-93
Manch Pit Stop: Brickyd node 643-9591 CLOSED 06-93
Tolnd Black Knight Archers 871-6127 CLOSED 07-93
Vrnon Firehawk 871-9655 CLOSED 07-93
RkyHl Liquidations Stages 563-9400 CLOSED 07-93
N Brt Magnetic Storm 229-3803 CLOSED 07-93
E Hmp Night Shift 267-9791 CLOSED 07-93
Manch YoYoDyne Pyrotechnics 649-1198 CLOSED 07-93
Manch Underworld 649-6103 NO LONGER PUBLIC 08-93
*W Hfd Action! 236-3357 CLOSED 08-93
Somrs Atomic Wastelands F881 749-5881 CLOSED 08-93
Smsby Drunken Dwarf Tav F189 658-0089 CLOSED 08-93
\ May return around the end of Dec at a new # as a contributor-only board
Hebrn Ivy & Chrome's NAMC 645-1557 CLOSED 08-93
W Hfd Midnight Madness 523-9987 CLOSED 08-93
Fmgtn SuperNova 673-1395 CLOSED 08-93
W Lks Union w/Death 623-8562,627-0467 CLOSED 08-93
E Hfd Warrior F831 528-5831 CLOSED 08-93
Manch Warzone 646-8876 CLOSED 08-93
Berln Wizard's Peak 828-3899 CLOSED 08-93
W Hfd Beyond BBS of CT 231-0003 CLOSED 09-93; may return @new # in 94
*Enfld Illuminati(xMONW) F537 741-7537 CLOSED 10-1-93
NOTE TO SYSOPS: You are welcome to post this list as a bulletin on your boards
provided that you keep reasonably current with the monthly updates. The area
BBS population changes continually and "back issues" become obsolete rapidly.
You may also make local updates to your bulletin copy as long as you insert a
line immediately below the header line indicating that you have done so, or
you may capture interim updates posted in the Spacedock's Bulletin 10. Only
our published editions, though, may be placed in download areas as HMyymmdd.*.
Fido SysOps may FREQ the current edition as magic name BBSLIST from 1:142/499.