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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
GreenNet (tm) GREEN BBS List For Environmental Bulletin Board Systems!
>>>>> Date For This Official QUARTERLY Release: APRIL 1, 1995! <<<<<
NOTE!: Numerous Bulletin Board Systems Have Environmental Conferences,
So THIS List Is Comprised Of Those Either PRIMARILY Environmental, The
HOST Of An Environmental Relay Themselves Or Just Worthy Of Inclusion.
See Why Earth Art BBS Was Elected To Be Host Of Fidonet's SIERRAN Echo
And Named As A "Top 10 Board For Beginners" by Online Access Magazine!
We're Carrying ALL Environmental Echoes Riding On The FidoNet Backbone
& Will Also Accept Updates By Sky-Link! (QWK-Mail Via Satellite Dish!)
Use GREENBBS Door To Add/Update/Download Lists & Eco-BBS Ads 1st Call!
(To Enter GREENBBS Door, Just Type "GREENBBS" At The Main Board Menu!)
Fidonet: 1:372/50 - RIME\PostLink\PCRelay: EARTHART (#1646) & HubEARTH
Internet: bchapman@earthart.com &/OR green.bbs@f50.n372.z1.fidonet.org
Thanks To GREEN BBS Callers, The GREEN BBS List Is A "World-Wide HIT"!
(Included On The "Internet Access To The Information Highway" CD-ROM!)
________________________ ____________ _____ __ _________________ ___
Abalone Alliance (Calif) 415-861-2510 14400 24 Roger Herried MAX
Alter. Treatment (ATTIC) 703-908-2138 14400 24 Robert McCurdy/EPA PCB
Alternatives (BC,Canada) 604-430-8080 14400 24 Bob Lyons MAJ
American Hydrogen Assoc. 415-494-3116 14400 24 Howard H. Smith WIL
AmNet-Aurora Node (Col.) 303-364-2257 16800 24 Louis Lawson TBB
AmNet-HQ Node (Colorado) 303-680-7791 2400 24 James Cherry TBB
AmNet-NYC(New York City) 212-784-6826 16800 24 John Frederick TBB
Atlanta Green (Georgia). 404-874-9339 14400 24 Greg Fenn PCB
Bird Info Network ($-CO) 303-423-9775 14400 24 Terry Rune TBB
Birdland(Largo, Florida) 813-595-9239 28800 24 Mark Hammock RBB
Boating Law Reference BB 909-734-7717 9600 N2 John Donaldson WIL
Bulldog-Eagle Link (KS). 913-582-4636 2400 24 Jon Rueck TBB
CBFWA (Fish & Wildlife!) 503-326-7792 2400 24 Shawn Swagerty WIL
CCC (Jacksonville, FL).. 904-384-6021 14000 23 Steven Moyer ROB
CCS BBS (For Eco-Topics) 410-476-5098 9600 24 Jo Campbell (Mod.) PCB
Canadian EarthCare Foun. 604-769-5097 28800 24 Jim Dixon MAX )(
Center of Enviro R&D(OH) 513-569-7610 9600 24 Jose Perez (EPA!) PCB
Classroom Earth BBS (MI) 517-797-2737 14400 24 Dennis Hauser TBB
CoastNet (Beaufort, SC!) 803-521-4273 14400 24 Frank Heflin MAJ
Coin of the Realm BBS... 301-585-6697 2400 24 Dan Wendling(CSRV) PCB
Colorado Sierra Club.... 303-860-1242 2400 24 Mark Collier SEA )(
Continental Divide BBS.. 601-957-3016 14400 24 Mike Seal AUN
Coyote Gulch (Colorado). 719-578-1340 14400 24 Scott Robert Ladd MAX
Deep Cove BBS $ (Canada) 604-536-5889 16800 24 Wayne Duval (B.C.) TBB
E2B2 $ (Kansas City, MO) 913-897-1040 14400 24 Bill Taggart TBB
EEC (EnviroEquipment/CA) 714-644-4181 14400 24 Bjorn Sundbakken PCB
EPA CEAM BBS (Athens,GA) 706-546-3402 14400 24 David Disney WIL
EPA Cleanup Info(CLU-IN) 301-589-8366 2400 24 Dan Powell(EPA/TIO)PCB
EPA-NPS(NonPoint Source) 301-589-0205 9600 24 Judy Trimarchi/EPA PCB
EPA-OAQPS (Air Quality). 919-541-5742 2400 24 Hersch Rorex TBB
EPA-PIN (Pesticide Info) 703-305-5919 2400 24 The EPA (7E1)
EPA Online Library (OLS) 919-541-4642 9600 24 Joe Steigerwald (7E1)
Earth Art BBS (GreenNet) 803-552-4389 28800 24 Bob Chapman (GND) PCB )(
Earthshine BBS1 (Canada) 604-361-9053 14400 24 Catherine Gregory PCB
Earthshine BBS2 (Canada) 604-361-9063 14400 24 Catherine Gregory PCB
EcoLink BBS (Maine)..... 207-353-7670 28800 24 Rob Waite REN
Eco-Info BBS (Minnesota) 612-780-7199 21600 24 Steven Hunter PCB
Eco-Net $ (On InterNet!) 415-322-0284 2400 24 Geoff Sears X-25
Ecology Research (USFWS) 303-226-9365 2400 24 Joe Richards MAJ
Economics & Environment. 604-261-0310 2400 24 Art Powell (Canada)QBB
Electric Ideas (Wash.ST) 206-586-6854 14400 24 Greg Ware MAJ
Environaut BBS (Florida) 407-872-8590 14400 24 David Duckworth ROB
Environment Arkansas!... 501-562-7969 14400 24 Tom Ezell WIL )(
Environmental Action BBS 207-439-0633 16800 24 John Burns RA
Environmental BBS 1 (CA) 619-299-4018 14400 24 Geoffrey Smith SEA
Environmental BBS 2 (CA) 619-299-4032 14400 24 Geoffrey Smith SEA
Environet 1 (Greenpeace) 415-512-9108 28800 24 Dick Dillman TBB
Environet 2 (Greenpeace) 415-512-9120 28800 24 Dick Dillman TBB
Enviro BBS (Eco-Science) 703-524-1837 14400 24 Kurt Riegel RBB
Fish House BBS (EcoGulf) 702-677-7869 28800 24 Rick Cooke MAX
Florida DEP EcoEducation 904-922-7108 14400 24 Jim Lewis WIL
Florida EnviroNet BBS... 904-466-3151 14400 24 Kerry Dressler PCB
Florida Fish Line/FG&FC 904-488-3773 2400 24 Scott Hardin OP
Garden Pond BBS (Oregon) 503-735-3074 16800 24 Jack Honeycutt MAX
Glendale Litera (Nature) 818-956-6164 14400 24 Abel Iwaz WIL
Gulf Fishery Council BBS 813-228-2738 14400 24 Steven M. Atran OP
Greenseen (B.C. Canada). 604-754-9449 14400 24 Murray Rodgers MAX
HOME BBS (Organic/Agric) 317-539-6579 9600 24 Cissy Bowman QBB )(
Hazardous Material(HMIX) 708-972-3275 9600 24 Cathy Gerard PCB
HeartBeat Earth BBS (CA) 408-257-2306 2400 24 Marcus Johnson WIL
Helix BBS (Wash. State). 206-783-6368 14400 24 Scott Parks RA
Herb Patch, The (Canada) 604-545-8068 2400 N1 Shanta McBain RA
Home Power Communication 707-822-8640 14400 24 Michael Welch TBB
Howard's Notebook(3Node) 816-331-5868 16800 24 Jim Howard(GreenMO)WIL
Land of Sky BBS (N.C.).. 704-254-7800 2400 24 Michael Havelin PCB
MN-Lakes BBS (Minnesota) 612-296-8811 9600 24 Bruce Wilson(MPCA) PCB
MNS Online (Eco-Linking) 518-381-4430 2400 24 Don Rittner Mac
Makaao BBS (Eco-Hawaii). 808-672-8276 14400 24 Dennis Leong PCB
Manitoba Waste Exchange! 204-956-0366 14400 24 Todd Lohvinenko TBB
NALMS BBS (N.Amer.Lakes) 612-783-9064 2400 24 B.Wilson/J.Vennie PCB
NASA SpaceLink (Alabama) 205-895-0028 9600 24 Bill Anderson Mini
NatureNet BBS (C.R.Iowa) 319-366-7118 14400 24 John Willis RA
OEA (Off.Enviro.Affairs) 202-208-7119 14400 24 John Sell (D.O.I.) WIL
OSH Exchange ($, Canada) 416-572-2307 9600 24 Chris Moore TBB
One Less Car (Canada)... 416-480-0147 28800 24 Peter Kraiker ?
One World (Fido/Usenet). 310-372-0987 28800 24 Larry Fletcher MAX )(
Osprey's Nest (Birding). 301-989-9036 9600 24 Norm Saunders ROS
PIES (Pollution Info Ex) 703-506-1025 2400 24 The EPA PCB
Puffin's Nest(MD/BayCon) 410-437-3463 16800 24 Dave Bealer MAX
SWICH (Solid Waste Info) 301-585-0204 2400 24 The EPA & SWANA PCB
Save The Earth BBS (CA). 805-833-1437 14400 24 Michael Holland WIL )(
Shawnee Free-Net (IL)... 618-549-8448 28800 24 Bob Pauls (->774) WIL
Solutions BBS (Florida). 407-321-6119 14400 24 Dan Slage MAJ
Sprawl (GTNet Envi-Echo) 606-278-9709 14400 24 Scott Estes(Bridge) GT
SusNet/EEIS (N.Y. City!) 212-645-8686 2400 24 Dennis Law SYN
TNRCC (TX Nat.Resources) 512-239-0700 14400 24 Rick Johnson MAJ
Tennessee Environmental! 615-693-0967 14400 24 Stan Gloeckner SEA
The Daily Planet BBS(HI) 808-572-4857 14400 24 Daniel Cohen TBB
The Green Machine/Canada 705-721-9508 9600 24 John Winslow RA
The Wetlands Saloon (NY) 212-226-9045 9600 24 Dennis Law SYN
Timberline Online/Canada 416-537-1242 14400 24 Christine Morte ROB
Tranquility Base (Texas) 210-699-1710 28800 24 Shannon Blackburn PCB
Tree Branch (N.Y. City!) 718-739-5845 28800 24 Michael Muller TBB
WELL $(Whole Earth Link) 415-332-6106 14400 24 Julian Gordon X-25
WER Development's ORION. 318-345-6608 19200 24 Eddie Rowe RBB )(
WI-Lakes BBS (Wisconsin) 608-267-7551 9600 24 James Vennie(WDNR) PCB
Water/Wastewater Network 517-686-4055 16800 24 John DeKam (AWWA) PCB
Waterworks(AWWA/Indiana) 219-531-2313 9600 24 Susan Gustafson TEL
Weidner & Son Publishing 609-486-4783 9600 24 Jim Weidner PCB
(Continued to next message)
- EARTH ART BBS! Home of SIERRAN! 803-552-4389 28.8K (1:372/50)
Subj: New GREEN BBS List! 2/2
(Continued from previous message)
CamelsNose(Netherlands) +31-2503-23609 14400 24 Ronald Gerrits PCB
ComIn Support BBS/Vienna +43-1-5964021 19200 24 Ronald Schmutzer SU
EkoNet BBS (Belgium).... +32-91-525509 14400 24 Bruno De Vos (Dutch) ?
Environment Liaison/Kenya+254-2-567043 9600 N4 Doug Rigby FDv2.02
EnvITNet BBS(Hong Kong) +852-2580-1291 14400 24 Anthony Kwan MAX )(
Green Base($)(Essex,UK) +44-81-5012164 14400 24 David Cooper PCB
GreenNet ($)(London,UK) +44-71-6082622 2400 24 (?/Founder:Mitra) X-25
Many Glacier (Belgium).. +32-3-4480880 14400 24 Ward Dossche/GREEN.029 )(
BBS TYPES: "?"=Unknown and/or Custom, PCB=PCBoard, MAJ=Major, GAP=Gap,
(7E1)=7 Stop Bits, Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit (Change From 8-N-1 Setting)
X-25=Local Access Exchange #'s Available! (Call For Subscription Info)
8-N-1 (8 Data Bits, No Parity & 1 Stop Bit) Unless Noted As Otherwise.
Hours Key For Part Time Boards: N1 = 6P-8A PST & 24 Hr. Weekends Only!
N2 = 9A Monday to 1A Saturday (EST/EDT Time Unless Noted As Otherwise)
N3 = 8:00 A to 3:30 P, Monday thru Friday (Longer if SysOp works late)
N4 = Use This Number For Netmail Messages Only! (No BBS is available!)
For International Numbers, Check On Your Dialing Prefix! (011 In USA!)
English = The DEFAULT Language, But Many Boards Are Now Multi-Lingual!
Modem Speed Shown = Latest Verified, But Many Can Connect Even FASTER!
For UNverified Boards, The More "?" Shown, The LESS Likely To Connect.
Environment For Future Generations. Please Take Advantage Of What You
NOW See On YOUR Screen! GreenNet Salutes The SysOps Who Have
Thank YOU! Bob Chapman (Alias "Top Duck") - GreenNet Network Director
Origin: EARTH ART BBS! Home of SIERRAN! 803-552-4389 28.8K (1:372/50)