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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Durham / Chapel Hill Area Lst. #03-Dec. 1991
Bulletin Board Listing DUR1291.LST
Copyright 1991, Richard Martin - All rights reserved
Name Modm Node Type Hours Number Check
Another World ......................... 2400 9968 + WWIV 24 220-6299 12/11
==> Green Eggs & Ham 2400 9968 * VIR 24 220-6299 12/11
==> 2400 204 ^ SIM 24 220-6299 12/11
Any Port in a Storm BBS 2400 19964 + WWIV 24 598-5320 12/10
Bedrock BBS 2400 19963 + WWIV 24 489-4057 12/10
Bovine BBS 2400 9995 + WWIV 24 493-4498 -(D)-
Bull City 2400 799 # WC 24 383-8707 12/10
Cedar Republic 2400 9979 + WWIV 24 490-6390 12/15
Comco BBS 2400 --- WC (4) #542-5447 12/12
Computer Age's BBS 7pm-9am (M-Sat) 2400 --- OPUS (5) !968-8888 12/12
Downtown! BBS (HST) 220 ^ TBBS 24 383-4905 12/11
Durham After Dark III 2400 --- GAP 24 477-9552 12/11
Foard's Board ................ node 1 9600 --- MAG 24 493-0620 12/10
8pm-8am (M-F) node 2 2400 --- MAG (1) 489-3474 12/10
Format C 2400 19957 + WWIV 24 !942-1914 12/12
Geneal Board 2400 --- RBBS 24 471-6026 12/10
Graceland BBS ......................... 2400 19950 + VIR 24 489-6110 12/10
==> 2400 9950 * VIR 24 489-6110 12/10
==> 2400 202 ^ RA 24 489-6110 12/10
Infinite Improbability BBS 2400 9952 + WWIV 24 489-9446 12/10
Le Mystere des Esprit (HST) 504 ^ RA 24 !929-6043 12/12
MoonBase Alpha BBS 2400 002 ! GT 24 419-8094 -(D)-
MicroNet BBS 2400 --- WWIV 24 #542-3345 12/11
NIEHS Apple User's Group 2400 --- OBBS 24 541-0041 12/10
PreRapture BBS ............... node 1 (DUAL) 208 ^ MAX (3) 286-3962 12/10
node 2 (DUAL) 209 ^ MAX (3) 286-3606 12/10
node 3 (DUAL) 210 ^ MAX (3) 286-3266 12/10
Psychotronic BBS ............. node 1 (DUAL) 223 ^ RA 24 286-7738 12/11
(Electronic Hangover) node 2 (DUAL) 224 ^ RA 24 286-4542 12/11
Scout Keys BBS 2400 -?- # WC 24 477-4240 12/11
TAG Board BBS 14400 206 ^ QB 24 490-8978 12/11
Tele-Comm Lounge 2400 001 ! GT 24 687-0913 12/10
The Dark City of Erishkiegal (HST) 9997 + WWIV 24 *732-1969 12/12
The Gameland 2400 19961 + WWIV 24 #542-1841 12/12
The Night Train to Istanbul ........... 2400 506 ^ RA 24 !967-5113 12/12
==> 2400 9192 * VIR 24 !967-5113 12/12
The Only Nice Motel In Town ........... 2400 9978 + WWIV 24 688-7186 12/10
==> Shark's Bar & Grill 2400 9978 * VIR 24 688-7186 12/10
==> Another Roadside Attraction 2400 207 ^ RA 24 688-7186 12/10
The Plantation 2400 9194 * VIR 24 *644-2496 12/11
TLC Computer Net 2400 --- RBBS 24 544-2168 -(D)-
Tri-Met BBS 7pm-10am (M-Sat) 2400 --- TL (2) 544-9044 12/12
Wolve's Den 2400 -?- XBBS 24 493-7111 12/11
Wrathchild 240 --- TL 24 !968-0856 12/12
Number: ( ) = Durham (!) = Chapel Hill
(*) = Hillsborough (#) = Pittsboro
Note: Locations are based on telephone prefixes as listed by GTE.
Hours: (1) = Node 2 = 8 pm - 8 am (M-F) 24 hrs (Weekend).
(2) = 7 pm - 10 am (M-Sat) 24 hrs (Sunday). This is a business
VOICE line between 10 am - 7 pm (M-Sat) so please don't
call the BBS except during NON-BUSINESS HOURS.
(3) = 24 hrs - Please use Nodes 2 & 3 for FILE/MESSAGE transfers.
Node 1 is reserve for Netmail and USER time is very limited.
(4) = 24 hrs - This is also a voice/Fax line until 9:00 PM. You
may call during Business Hours by putting the following in
your autodial string: 542-5447,,22 Commas switch from voice
line to BBS. After 9 pm, the commas are not necessary.
(5) = 7 pm - 9 am (M-Sat) 24 hrs (Sunday). This is a business
VOICE line between 9 am - 7 pm (M-Sat) so please don't
call the BBS except during NON-BUSINESS HOURS.
Type: (WWIV) = World War IV ( WC ) = Wildcat!
(TBBS) = The Bread Board Sys. (RBBS) = RBBS-PC
( RA ) = Remote Access ( GAP) = GAP Comm. Sys.
( MAG) = Magnum OS2 BBS ( SIM) = Simplex
( GT ) = GT Power Sys. ( QB ) = QuickBBS
( TL ) = Telegard BBS ( VIR) = Virtual BBS
( MAX) = Maximus BBS (OPPS) = OPPS BBS
Node: (^) = Member of Fidonet - 1:151/xxx) - network.
(+) = Member of WWIVnet - (@99xx or @199xx) - network.
(*) = Member of Vnet - (@99xx) - network.
(#) = Member of PCRelay - (RIME) - network.
(!) = Member of GTnet - (89/00x) - network.
Modm: (DUAL) = USR Dual-Standard (HST) = USR Courier HST
Maximun speed -- as listed by board -- for others.
Check: (D) = No answer, MAY be GONE, - phone still rings!!
This Listing -- (DUR1291.LST) -- is provided ,as is, and as such, may be
freely copied and distributed as long as this file is not renamed or modified
in any way. The complete "ZIP" can be downloaded as DUR1291.ZIP -- (4 files)