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DECBBS.LST Revision 8.0 - 62 nodes total February 01, 1991
National list of DEC-related BBS Systems. All nodes below are in
the National Nodelist as of the above posted date. Some nodes may
not be operational. This list has been sorted by Area Code.
DEC-related means the board carries at least an interest in DEC
products, be it VAX, Rainbow, PDP-11, Echomail or file areas, etc.
Legend: * = 9600 baud, + =2400 baud, % =1200 baud, - =300 baud
! = Carries either VAX, RAINBOW, or PDP-11 EchoMail Areas.
| = Has VAX, RAINBOW or PDP-11 Public Domain files available
& = Distributes VAX, RAINBOW or PDP-11 EchoMail to other nodes
# = Moderates/Coordinates a DEC EchoMail area
@ = Node is Mail Only
Send corrections, additions, deletions *direct* to 102/138, Long_Island_RB.
Please do NOT enter your corrections in EchoMail as they may get missed.
-Net/Node- -Board Name- -Phone number- -City,State- -Sysop-
343 3 Glacier Peak RB 206-644-8431+! Bellevue______WA Gary Stebbins
102 138 |Long_Island_RB 213-370-4113*!&#Los Angeles___CA George Dahlco
102 139 |Beach City RB 213-376-9567*!& Redondo Beach_CA Dan Cannon
102 522 MicroSource 213-391-1351+! Mar Vista_____CA Don Barcus
102 463 Arisia 213-634-4885*! Bellflower____CA Mark Milhollan
273 912 Tri-Star Amiga 215-551-1485*! Philadelphia__PA Joe Mollica
273 722 Macateria BBS 215-576-5170+! Wyncote_______PA Rob Elkins
261 662 Avi-Technic 301-252-0717*! Lutherville___MD Tom Hendricks
109 423 The Addict's Attic301-428-8998*! Germantown____MD Yann LeGuellec
261 1008 SyncPoint 301-529-2584+! Baltimore_____MD Bob Gawryck
109 123 |Silver Bullett 301-622-2247*! Silver Spring_MD Frank Mallory
109 508 Ophiuchi Hotline 301-731-0263+! Laanham_______MD Mike Bartman
109 220 Message Exchange 301-855-0339+! Huntingtown___MD Porter Venn
120 71 Lincoln Park Opus 313-381-8879+! Sturat Fuller_MI Sturat Fuller
120 102 The Atari Advocate313-398-3078*! MadisonHeightsMI Dave Day
120 193 SuburbanCompuConn 313-427-0223+! Garden City___MI Greg Day
120 17 LAN Solutions BBS 313-545-1931*! Ferndale______MI Mike Bader
100 22 PCLUG 314-576-2743+! St Louis______MO Ken Kaplan
100 16 Mike's Board 314-726-3448+ St Louis______MO Mike Mellinger
100 4 St.LouisUsersGroup314-928-9993+! St Louis______MO Mark Owens
260 223 Hitch Hikers Guide315-589-7361+! Williamson____NY Fritz Howard
291 4 MGBBS 316-684-3010*! Wichita_______KS Don Pangburn
396 201 CajuNet Connection318-235-3207*! Lafayette_____LA John Cuccia
014 610 Omaha Fido 402-348-7603% Omaha_________NE Jim Singer
385 16 Good News! 405-357-0478+! Lawton________OK John Johnson
129 38 |SYS$OUTPUT BBS 412-854-0511+! Library_______PA Kevin Barkes
125 20 SeaHunt BBS 415-343-5904*! Burlingame____CA Michael Nelson
105 201 ET SCRIBE<M> 503-635-8841+! Lake_Oswego___OR Byron Windhorst
322 14 WayStar 508-481-7147*! Marlboro______MA Kevin Porter
321 153 Locks Hill BBS 508-544-8337+! Locks_Hill____MA Robert Heller
016 390 Zorro The Malamute508-653-9628+! Wayland_______MA Ken Levitt
382 35 LoneStar CBCS 512-258-3643*! Austin________TX Steve Shapiro
110 73 Neutral Zone QBBS 513-253-2017+! Kettering_____OH Dave Sharp
290 627 Fog Line 515-964-7937*! Ankeny________IA Dan Buda
107 218 KingDiamond'sRealm516-736-3403*! Coram_________NY Mikel Beck
159 625 Flying Circus 517-686-0681*! Kawkawlin_____MI Bill Carney
114 3 Genoa City 602-945-0869*! Tempe_________AZ Duke Clarke
114 97 The Rebound 602-956-7484 Phoenix_______AZ Adam Puleo
132 777 |VAXCat 603-424-0923*!&#Merrimack_____NH Mark Buda
226 5000 MARDUK 614-882-4478*! Columbus______OH Mark Lynch
101 465 Navigator BBS 617-331-1070*! Weymouth______MA John Connolly
101 115 The Rainbows Edge 617-551-0495*!& Westwood______MA Jim Greely
101 111 |Island Logistics 617-631-3304+! Marblehead____MA Mark Bornstein
101 330 American Playhouse617-828-0868*! Canton________MA Barry Devine
101 145 HACKNET! 617-942-1298+! Reading_______MA Steve Ryan
202 698 StarBase 23 619-560-2996*! San Digeo_____CA Mike Nielsen
109 483 |The Pot of Gold 703-359-6549+! Fairfax_______VA Kurt Reisler
109 74 |The Bear's Den 703-671-0598+! Falls Church__VA Kurt Reisler
106 477 Pier 7 713-477-2681+! Pasadena______TX Harold Weiss
106 114 The Fireside Opus 713-496-6319+! Houston_______TX Bob Davis
103 148 Att. of Gratitude 714-527-5813+! Buena_Park____CA David Saville
103 145 Terry's Place 714-842-4277+! Huntington_BchCA Terry Troxel
260 10 Med TechNet Remote716-688-1552*! Buffalo_______NY Bill Hliwa
128 58 CS-DEPOT 719-550-9305+! Colorado_SpngsCO Dan O'Reilly
360 11 Keep It Simple 803-648-0283+!& Aiken_________SC Ed Ridpath
276 222 MoonStar 804-392-7670*! Prospect______VA Lon Stockton
271 270 Virginia Data Exc 804-723-1663*! Hampton Roads_VA Tim Jacobs
371 13 archonRAINBOW 813-939-3394*! Ft. Meyers____FL Dave Corthell
280 4 The Power Board 816-358-3204*! Raytowm_______MO Fred Armantrout
163 226 R&D BBS 819-778-3856*! Hull,Quebec__CAN Douglas Murray
203 34 Now and Zen OPUS 916-962-1952*! Fair Oaks_____CA John Lamb
151 124 CAROLINA TRACON 919-469-1864*! Cary__________NC Richard Best
. 9600 baud typically implies operation also at 2400, 1200 and 300 baud.
. 2400 baud typically implies operation also at 1200 and 300 baud.
. 1200 baud typically implies operation also at 300 baud.
. EchoMail carriers have message bases in which a message entered on
that particular board in certain message areas is moved between
several or many other boards carrying the same EchoMail Conference.
Messages are typically not private, and therefore are seen by many
other users. The user is cautioned about this feature of EchoMail.
. Beginning with Revision 8.0, each distribution of this list, which
occurs every two months or so, contains node listings that have
valid telephone numbers in the Nationwide Fido Nodelist that
preceded the date of DECBBS.LST distribution. I now have a utility
that compares this list with the nodelist to match phone numbers.
The board name may be incorrect (they change all the time), but if
the phone number is valid as per the nodelist the node should be in
. No responsibility is assumed for any of the above information; all
information is in the Public Domain as of this writing and
therefore available free to anyone who wishes it. No copyright,
trademark, rights or authority is imposed or infringed upon by, on,
or in this document and no responsibility is assumed for it's
distribution or accuracy. Distribution, updates, and corrections
are encouraged, however.
. If you don't feel like sorting this list to taste, it is available
from 102/138 in various sorted forms:
DECBBS.NOD - sorted by Net/Node number
DECBBS.NAM - sorted by name of bulletin board
DECBBS.PHO - sorted by area code, phone number
DECBBS.STA - sorted by State
DECBBS.SYO - sorted by Sysop's name
File requesting DECBBS.* gets them all.
. Current DEC related EchoMail Conference Coordinators/Moderators are:
PDP-11: Mark Buda, 132/777
RAINBOW: Dave Strickler, 1 1/45
VAX: George Dahlco, 102/138
. DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.