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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
BBS Directory listing for the Montreal (514) dialing area
Issue: July 21st, 1989
Copyright (C) 1989 Juxtaposition BBS
An `*' next to the phone number means a recent change.
-------------------------------- -------- -- -- --- --- - ---------------------
!? *345-8654 12 IB $00 M-- E Varitale
90-North Line 1 426-1160 24 IB $00 MF- E MSDos support
90-North Line 2 426-1161 96 IB $$$ MF- E MSDos support
90-North Line 3 426-1162 96 IB $$$ MF- E MSDos support
90-North Line 4 426-1163 9H IB $$$ MF- E MSDos support
ALLNighter 628-4362 24 IB $00 MF- B F167/173
AMnet 645-3730 24 IB $20 MF- E F167/129 Amiga!
AMnet (forwarding) 367-4960 24 IB $20 MF- E 1200bps+ only
AMtech Line 1 354-5572 24 IB $00 MF- E F167/143,Amiga,MsDos
AMtech Line 2 354-9648 12 IB $00 MF- E F167/143,Amiga,MsDos
Ace Academy 363-0239 12 CB $00 CF- E
Alley Cat 527-9924 9V IB $VV MFG B MsDos
Alpha Byte 466-4680 12 MA $00 MFG F
Amibec 252-7851 12 AM $?? MFG B Ansi,Trivia,Amiga
Amiga Team Canada 476-1114 24 IB $00 CFG B Amiga support
Appetite for Destruction 489-3403 12 IB $00 MFG E Wildest wildside.....
Arcane BBS 687-9586 9H IB $00 I-- E F167/116,HST,MsDos
Arcane BBS research and dev. 627-0912 24 IB $00 IF- E F167/141
Arctel 342-5634 12 IB $00 M-- B
Asylum line 1 481-3985 24 ST $00 M-- E CB chat
Asylum line 2 481-5471 24 ST $00 M-- E CB chat
Asylum line 3 481-6847 12 ST $00 M-- E CB chat
B.E.C.A.Q 849-1630 24 AM $25 MF- F FREE access to mgs
Babillard Electronique Laval Enr*622-9914 24 IB $30 MFG B (down)Supports all
Babilog 276-7921 30 IB $00 MFG F
BetaBoard I BBS 486-3454 24 MA $00 IFG E F167/183,Mac,echos
Breaker-BBS 654-9629 24 IB $00 MFG F MsDos
Bytes Corner 376-4319 24 IB $00 MF- B F167/103
C-PC 937-1857 24 IB $00 IF- E F167/106 'C Lang
C.I.M. 329-5018 12 IB $00 IF- F F167/121
CIAP *525-7313 24 IB $00 MF- F (down)
Call Line Information Services 461-3953 24 IB $00 MF- B F167/251
Campus BBS 472-1239 12 CB $00 MF- F C64/128 support
Car Enterprise 327-3881 24 AT $00 MF- E Conversation bbs
Cars (Club Amiga Rive Sud) *467-5815 24 AM $10 MF- F
Castle GS 276-4047 9H AP RRR MF- E Mainly for files
Center of the Galaxie *387-0856 12 ST $00 MFG E 16h00-24h00
Cheers! 744-2092 24 IB $00 M-G B MsDos,Quark
Clone Zone 631-1430 24 IB RRR MF- E
ComVic Megaphone 334-8190 30 CB RRR MF- E Commodore user group
Comic (Polytechnique U de Mtl) *340-4429 24 IB $00 MF- B Amiga,Mac,MsDos
Commodore Connection 322-9062 12 CB $00 MF- F
Compu-Link 634-4119 12 IB $00 M-G E 16h00-09h00
Computer Classified 744-3047 24 IB $00 MF- B Classified Ads
Contact ST Laval 663-5568 24 ST $00 MFG B ST support
Crazy AL's Outhouse *481-3756 24 AP $00 M-G B (down)Proterm Special
Dat-A-Rea Ccs line 1 441-3229 24 IB $00 IFG B Qmail, and Canadian
Dat-A-Rea Ccs line 2 441-3230 9V IB RRR IFG B mail conferences
Datacom *642-4395 12 MA $10 MF- F Mac,MsDos,EDI-BBS
Delta Zone 326-0204 24 IB $00 M-- F 07h30-24h00
Digidial 654-1518 24 IB $40 IFG B F167/131,MsDos
Direct Connect *389-5146 9V IB $VV CFG B MsDos,Amiga
Drive-Thru 257-1861 12 CC $00 M-G E RPG,Coco,ST,games
Eagle BBS 656-8548 12 CB $00 MF- F UDs-GAM-RPG-CBM
Easy Access 935-7285 9V IB $VV CFG B MsDos
Echange 522-2301 24 ST $00 MF- F ST support
Electric Zone 327-7059 12 IB $00 MF- F 11h00-22h00
Elix 879-6143 24 IB $00 MF- B F167/181,private
Enson's Online 321-3256 24 IB $00 IF- E F167/126,MsDos,VG
Fayry Land *385-0810 12 IB $?? MFG E
Firezone BBS 321-1099 24 IB $00 MF- B
Forgotten Realms BBS 761-3159 12 CB $00 MFG B
Futur Info *466-1081 24 IB $00 MF- B EDI-BBS
GEnie 333-1117 24 NE $$$ MFG E
Grid Point 462-2549 12 CB $00 MF- E Friendly
HEC 343-7581 12 NE $00 --- F
Hacker's Heaven 620-3900 12 CB $00 MF- E
Hydromet 354-9078 24 OS $00 MF- B OS9/OSK/68000
Info-Exchange 488-1629 24 ZE $$$ MF- E CP/M
Info-Tel Systems Line 1 583-5449 9V IB $00 CFG E F167/196,chat
Info-Tel Systems Line 2 583-6423 9V IB $00 CFG E F167/196,chat
InfoDoc-Montreal 345-0565 24 IB $00 IFG B 16 lines,chat,F120/240
Infolie 646-3497 24 IB $00 MF- B EDI-BBS
Infosoft + 274-4707 24 IB $25 MF- B
Input Montreal *486-0519 9H IB $00 MFG E (down)BBS rating
InterDatacom *279-1979 24 IB $00 MF- F (down)1200BPS+ only
J.A.M.E.S. 286-1703 9H IB $00 IFG E F167/161
Juxtaposition 364-2937 24 IB $00 C-- E BBSlist source
KGT-1 345-8091 24 ST $00 MF- B
L'EntrAmis *495-1947 12 IB $00 MF- B MsDos
L'Ordinateur En Folie 526-9446 12 ST $00 MFG F Tous les computers
La Place *288-2315 12 ST $00 CF- B (down)Atari ST,Amiga
Lasalle *364-9692 12 CB $00 MF- F (down)40 column
Late Nights II 629-6777 12 CC $00 MF- E OS-9,SIGs
Laval Info Plus 682-9881 24 IB $00 MFG F
Le Chateau *692-3216 12 IB $VV MFG B All computers,Midi
Le Dossier *482-8078 24 IB $00 CFG B Phoenix Net 866/1
Le Labo *671-7925 24 IB $VV MFG F (down)All comp
Le Nouveau *651-5873 12 IB $VV MF- F (down)achat,vente
Le Relais 464-0488 9V IB $10 MFG B F167/211,MsDos
Mac A Mac 766-3653 24 MA $$$ MF- B Macintosh support
Mac-user *354-2219 12 MA $45 MF- E Macintosh
Mage-Net *875-9303 24 IB $00 MF- E F167/186
McBBS 697-7184 24 IB $00 CFG E Conversation bbs
Megazone 23 620-2093 24 CB $00 CFG E European import,VI HQ
Mercenary's Star *466-1147 24 IB $10 MFG B RPGs,Solutions
Micro Care Online 277-0371 24 IB $00 IF- E
Micro Dial 694-1828 24 AP $$$ MFG E Oldest Mtl BBS
Micro-Echange BBS *664-2553 24 IB $00 MF- F GIF center
Microbit 2000 inc. 686-1989 24 IB $00 MFG F Ansi,New comp. prod.
Midicom 744-7354 12 IB $00 IF- B F167/111,Midi support
Montreal Apple Core 694-8065 12 AP $00 M-- E
Montreal Systems Group *596-1758 24 IB $10 CFG E Doors,games,echos
Mount Destruction 482-8170 12 IB $00 M-G B Pyroto Mountain
New Connections 457-5582 24 IB $00 IF- B F167/171,MsDos
Nirvana *487-4820 12 IB $00 MFG B Phil.y/Science,Pyroto
Node 1 481-5145 24 AM $00 MF- E 60 Megs for Amiga
Oracle 398-8611 24 NE $00 MF- E 8317 to log on
Our World/Notre Monde(Image BBS) 638-5839 12 CB $00 M-- B ASCII,CBM
OutCider *626-0143 9H AP RRR MFG E Private Board
Ozzie's Fido (FOG-47) 684-4922 12 OB $30 IF- B F167/101,CP/M,MsDos
PComm 989-9450 24 IB 110 IF- B 12 lines,F167/1
POPnet 685-0383 12 IB $$$ M-G B 7 lines,CB chat
POPnet II 745-6111 12 IB $10 M-G B 7 lines,CB chat
Pacx 340-4951 12 NE $00 M-- B 7E1,Restricted
Peace & Love BBS *466-7726 12 IB $05 MFG B online games
Permanent Vacation 286-6674 24 IB $00 MFG E
Photocomp 933-2921 12 IB $00 MF- F
Pink Floyd 273-7480 12 IB $25 MFG B 80meg,many comp sect.
Pinnacle Club *331-9049 24 IB $00 MFG B (down)
Pirate Busters's 455-5560 12 CB $00 MF- F C64 xfers,V514 base
Polarix BBS 672-9299 9V IB $VV MFG E Comm prog & C Lang.
Poste de Police *767-1092 12 CB $00 MF- F
Power Comm 655-5069 24 IB $$$ MFG B CRS mail link
Probe BBS 484-2497 24 ST $15 MFG B Home of the best STs
Prosoft 653-9840 12 CB $00 MF- F CBM xfers,VI514 base
Pyroto Mountain St. Lazare 458-3319 9H IB $00 MFG E
Quebec PC 434-6127 24 IB $00 MF- E F167/163
Random Access 341-8106 12 AM $00 M-- B 12h00-24h00
Rencontre Du Village 524-8982 24 IB $60 M-G B Gai BBS
Reseau Cerveau 525-5675 24 IB $05 CF- F CB,Fax
Robert's BBS *270-7658 12 IB $00 CF- B Sysop's corner
S-Prit BBS *355-8729 12 IB $00 MF- F F167/201
S.U.W.S. 277-6896 24 IB $00 MFG B
SMUG of Montreal Online 453-5626 24 IB $25 MF- B SVI,MsXDos,CPM
ST Connection 620-0743 24 ST $00 MFG E ATASCII,ST,MsDos
STructure BBS 635-0695 24 ST $24 MF- F
Schtroumpfs 468-7094 12 CB $00 MF- F
Sex Forum BBS *253-6963 12 IB $VV M-- B Alex welcomed
Shaolin Temple *381-1971 9H IB $00 MFG E 18h00-08h00
Sida 665-3184 12 CB $$$ M-- F
Spike's Place *626-1186 30 OB $00 M-- E (down)00h00-12h00
Spirit Mountain 641-2839 12 IB $?? M-G E 12h00-24h00
Star System *477-5616 24 IB $00 CF- B
Star Trek the BBS *324-1834 12 IB $00 MF- E
Starfleet Command *671-6718 24 IB $00 MFG B Pyroto door
Sticky Digits 521-9136 24 IB $20 MFG B XXX-Rated BBS
Super 88 Enr. 622-6024 24 IB $30 MFG B 95 megs,2 lines,chat
Teccom *521-7090 12 IB $00 M-- B
Terminal Maddness 322-0647 24 IB $?? MFG E 15h00-24h00
The Abyss 629-8615 24 IB $00 MF- B RPGs
The Black Unicorn's Hollow *696-8033 24 IB $00 MFG E 24 msg bases
The Cracker's Lair *355-4019 12 ST $00 MFG E Vidtex
The Crypt BBS 672-7727 24 IB $00 MF- E General talk bases
The Endless Quest 683-4175 24 IB $00 MFG E
The Great White North BBS 636-1125 12 CC $00 M-G E
The Last Resort *259-6466 24 IB $00 MF E
The Master Realm BBS 656-3394 24 IB $00 MFG E online games
The Montreal Macintosh Network 694-2848 9V MA $00 CFG E All Mac computers
The Pleasure Palace BBS 688-4129 12 CB $10 M-- E Adult oriented
The Quantum Zone 342-0759 12 IB $?? MFG E
The Resource System 769-7546 24 IB $00 IF- E F167/166
The Teenage Hideout 255-6627 24 IB $VV MFG B 08h00-20h00
The Twilight Zone *922-2030 12 IB $00 M-- B 07h00-21h00
The Vertex BBS 365-3887 24 ST $00 M-- E Conversation bbs
The Wild BBS 474-0629 12 IB $00 MFG B 20h-16h
Tymnet 747-1370 24 NE $00 --- E (E 7 1)
Walden Commune 335-6618 30 AT $00 M-- E Conversation bbs
XON/XOFF *683-6729 24 IB $00 MF- E Pascal,C,Asm,Unix
Xerox 437-2492 12 XE $00 MF- B CP/M,MsDos,others
Zap 324-9031 9H IB $15 IF- B F167/136
[None-Assigned] 581-2609 24 PS $00 M-- E Quark
[None-Assigned](forwarding) 385-5115 24 PS $00 M-- E Quark
-------------------------------- -------- -- -- --- --- - ---------------------
Boards with a listing of F167/xxx are Fidonet node numbers. This means that
they support international fido mail. Some of these boards may as well support
international echomail, but that is usually an extra service. Fidonet boards
are also down during NMH (Net-Mail-Hour). The local hours for this are: 4AM to
5AM during EST and 5AM to 6AM during EDST. Some of these boards may also have
extended hours that start one hour earlier or finish one hour later. If you
call during this time, you will usually get the message "Processing mail, call
back later" or something similar.
BD Maximum known BPS (Bits Per Second) rate of that BBS
30 300 BPS
12 1200
24 2400
48 4800
96 9600 (Unknown Model)
9D 9600 Dual Standard (Hayes/HST)
9H 9600 USR's HST
9P 9600 Telebit PEP
9V 9600 Hayes V series
MA Computer the BBS is running on.
AM = Amiga
AT = Atari 8 bit computers (other than STs)
AP = Apple II series
CB = Commodore 8 bit computers (other than Amiga)
CC = Radio Shack Colour Computer
CP = CP/M computer of unknown type
IB = IBM PC,XT,AT,jr, and clones (other than PS/2)
MA = Macintosh series
NE = Networked mainframe
OS = OS/9 operating system computers
OB = Osborne
PS = IBM Personal System 2 series
ST = Atari ST series
TI = TI-99/4a
TR = Radio Shack TRS-80 series
XE = Xerox computer
ZE = Zenith computers
FEE Usage fee
$00 Free board - No charge
$$$ Cost unknown
$35 Yearly membership fee $35.00
$HH Hourly charges
$VV Voluntary donations
RRR Restricted access
MFG What the board has to offer
M Local message base
F Files available
C Local Conferences and Messages base supported
I International NetMail Messages and Conferences base supported
G Games supported
? Cannot connect so not verified, usually because of busy signal
L Language
B = Bilingual
E = English
F = French
Thanks you to the numerous people who give me many of the numbers listed
in this file. If it weren't for them, my job would be alot harder.
A special thank you to Don Lafontaine, Peter Wan and Mike Lauzon for their
effort in writing the various conversion utilities to dialing directories
One more additional thank you to all the sysops worry this list, and
to the sysops who give up their time, energy and sanity to running a BBS.
Juxtaposition, its callers and its sysop (Steve Monteith) are not
responsible for any errors in this directory listing. The best effort is made
to confirm a number before it is listed here and to verify all numbers that are
already listed. If you find any errors in this list PLEASE contact me as soon
as possible at one of the sources below.
I verify the existance or accuracy of all numbers the day before every
update. If I get a 3 RINGs and no answer and I'm calling within the specified
hours, then the board will be marked as (down). If you were down temporarily,
no need to worry, I check all boards that I've listed as (down) again in the
next list and if it is working then I will remove the (down) flag.
All new additions have been verified to exist when listed here unless
otherwise mentioned.