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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
<EFBFBD> Social Graces BBS - A WWIV Support BBS <20>
<EFBFBD> 919-831-2759 (PC-Pursuitable NCRTP) <20>
<EFBFBD> WWIVnet @9954 FidoNet 1:151/116 <20>
<EFBFBD> Sysop: John Hardman <20>
<EFBFBD> <20>
<EFBFBD> Listing of Downloadable Files <20>
<EFBFBD> Sunday, March 10, 1991 at 7:47pm. <20>
BBS0391A.ZIP: 8k :Raleigh Area BBS List updated March 2, 1991
1701 .ZIP: 7k :Captured message about VIRUS
800BBS .LST: 6k :List of Toll Free BBS's, mostly commercial.
800NUMS .DOC: 6k :some free bbs numbers
80486 .TXT: 3k :Article about upcoming Intel 80486 microprocessor
ANSWER .TXT: 25k :A text file full of answering machine jokes..
ARC .TXT: 5k :New licensing agreement for SEAware's ARC
ARCREVUE.ARC: 4k :Review of various ARC formats
ASTROCRS.ARC: 24k :Start of introductory course in astronomy from Epoch 2000.
BADESSAY.TXT: 12k :Bad essays by students
BBSBUST .TXT: 15k :A sysop has the phone company breathing down his neck
BEER .TXT: 2k :beer better than women?
BORED .TXT: 17k :What to do when bored, Hilarious!!!
CAROLINA.JOK: 25k :Jokes about Carolina students. (Just put state in for UNC)
CD-ROM .LZH: 14k :List of CD-ROMs
CHAP24 .ZIP: 24k :The legalities of being a Sysop
COOKBOOK.TXT: 25k :some recipies from Lake Charles, La.
CTBBS .DEC: 14k :Conn BBS List fer december
DIRTYDOZ.TXT: 68k :Dirty Dozen Listing as of 2/5/88
DOS4BUGS.ARC: 18k :Description of BUGS bothering DOS 4.0
ETHICS .TXT: 8k :The Ethics of BBSing
EVOLUTN .TXT: 6k :the Evolution Of A Sysops
EXCHANGE.TXT: 44k :List of area codes and exchanges accessible by PC Pursuit
FACES .RVW: 9k :Review of "Faces"
FARSIGT1.TXT: 17k :Tom Miller's review of "Farsight" desktop software
FEDBBS1 .TXT: 9k :List of Federal BBS's - Part 1
FEDBBS2 .TXT: 5k :List of Federal BBS's - Part 2
FILES .ZIP: 51k :Complete Listing of all Files on Social Graces BBS
FLU4 .TXT: 2k :New Virus floating arround - particular nasty!!
GNUFLEX1.TXT: 32k :A section of Hen3ry's (#26) novel. Take a look...
GOD1OR3 .ARC: 50k :History of the Trinity.
HYPNO1 .TXT: 10k :Hypnotise someone with these instructions.
JEHOVA .TXT: 4k :what to do when you get a 'visit' by the Witnesses
LANGUAGE.TXT: 14k :Humorous notes on new programming languages
LAWSUIT .TXT: 12k :Lawsuit info regarding a sysop in a big mess....
LIGHTBLB.ZIP: 7k :sick lightbulb jokes.
MLFILES .ZIP: 11k :SNARF'able files at Murphy's Law, @9956, 919-664-8060
MODVIRUS.TXT: 5k :Description of a mean new virus from the Pacific Northwest
NCAJIS .TXT: 13k :NC AJIS Listing
NCSPORTS.TXT: 4k :Hilarious recruiting comments
PAKETUT .ZIP: 38k :Text Tutorial on Amateur Radio Packet service.
PARENTS .TXT: 3k :Parents get sued for kid's pirate BBS
PCHELP .DOC: 7k :General DOS help file for novice users
PCPBBS .TXT: 65k :List of national PC Pursuitable BBS's
PK-ALERT.TXT: 3k :List of new trojans disguising themselves as PKWARE
PLATES .TXT: 20k :License Plate and Button descriptions
PRRAPNET.ZIP: 10k :Info on PreRapture(tm) Network
QUAKE .JOK: 15k :San Francisco earthquake jokes.
QUIZ .ZIP: 4k :Test to see if you're just WILD or a PERVERT! (PG-13)
SCAM .TXT: 5k :<***
SEA-SPEC.ZIP: 134k :Detailed specs of all Seagate manufactured hard drives
SEAVSPK .TXT: 9k :SEAware tells their side of the story (in lawsuit vs. PK)
SIMP .ZIP: 22k :lots of simpson sayings
SJ .TXT: 41k :Text of Press Releases, Good Computer/Law reading
SJ2 .TXT: 10k :BBS/Law Press releases, part 2 of 2
SLAPPER .ARC: 16k :For those of you with a grudge.
SUG_TROJ.TXT: 7k :More information regarding trojan horses
SWLCLUBS.TXT: 15k :Clubs/Magazines of interest to shortwave/scanner owners
SYSOPEV .TXT: 6k :Evolution of a Sysop
SYSOPSUE.TXT: 7k :A sysop gets sued for allowing handles
TAXES .LZH: 2k :Everyone must read-Write your Senator
This can really effect the computer world!!!
TENNE-C .ZIP: 5k :Information on New C Compiler :-)
TPTIME .ZIP: 33k :Twin Peaks timeline and other assorted info...
Pretty interesting... Timeline of all shows up
until tomorrow along with misc. dialogue and
other stuff. Pretty useful for someone like me
who came in mid-season. :-) (or just to look
back and get refreshed)
TRINITY .ZIP: 47k :The History of the trinity theory.
UNIXWORM.ARC: 16k :Description of worm that hit the DARPA InterNet.
USBBS77 .ZIP: 49k :v.77 of the U.S. BBS list
USR42BIS.ZIP: 36k :Burn your own v.42bis ROM chips for HST modems
WWIV321 .TXT: 6k :Files forWWIV 3.21 on original 4/12/89
WWIVHELP.ARC: 23k :Detailed help file for WWIV 4.xx systems
WWIVHELP.TXT: 53k :Detailed help for WWIV BBS systems
Number of Files: 73
3DMENU20.ZIP: 66k :Simple but effective menu system
AMTAX .ZIP: 132k :do your 1990 taxes
ASEASYAS.ZIP: 155k :1-2-3 clone accepts 1-2-3 macros and files (1a)
AUTOMAXX.ZIP: 152k :Great Intuitive DOS shell and menuing system
BASWIZ14.ZIP: 99k :GREAT library for QuickB - Virt. windows, pointers,far str
BBOOK512.ZIP: 145k :Latest version of Blakbook.
BLKBD739.ZIP: 145k :BlackBeard text editor v7.39 (w/online help)
BOWLNSET.LZH: 49k :Bowling Secretary in basic
COMMO331.ZIP: 48k :Newest version of commo-good
CPMENU .ARC: 209k :30 Day evaluation copy of Varteck Control Panel DOS shell
DBFORM20.ZIP: 14k :Various IBM database format utilities
DBUTIL .ZIP: 28k :various database utility programs for the IBM
DISMOD .EXE: 15k :Handy editor for any file on IBM
EAZEDIT .EXE: 62k :complex file editor
EC .ARC: 168k :A useful editor
EDUC .ZIP: 136k :educational typing and school subjets program
ELSEWARE.ZIP: 34k :Public domain "Carbon Copy" clone - use your PC remotely
EMACSDOC.ARC: 166k :microemacs v3.9 documentation
EMACSEXE.ARC: 223k :microemacs v3.9 executable files
EMACSSRC.ARC: 244k :microemacs v3.9 C source code
ENVLJ .ZIP: 52k :prints envl. on laser printer
FAMILY .ZIP: 167k :makes family tree needs basic
FCII-201.EXE: 283k :Excellent file manager: Need HD or 1.44MB floppy.
FILEXPRS.ZIP: 456k :User friendly database utility - excellent
File Express. A user-friendly data-base
utility. I prefer it to PCF:dB. While it
won't do some of the sophisticated things that
Buttonware does, for a general purpose DB
utility, I've found it unbeatable. Most of my
daily db applications are done on this program.
Although it comes w/docs, it's menu-driven and
consulting the docs is rare for me. This is
subjective, but I think it prints out
better-looking reports than Buttonware pgms.
FLEX23 .ZIP: 218k :Super lexical analyzer generator from GNU
FLODRAW .ZIP: 95k :Nice flowchart utility. Please load appropriate libraries
FSP .ARC: 42k :Flu-Shot Anti-virus program
HERC_CLK.ARC: 6k :clock for mono cards-works great with comm. programs
HUGO .EXE: 222k :Self Extracting Storm Tracker <I think>
LAMENU .ARC: 65k :Nice Menu program w/color
LIST75F .ZIP: 92k :Vernon Buerg's List Utility v.7.5F
LM440 .EXE: 279k :Self-Extracting Label Program
LYRA .ZIP: 61k :Enter sheet music graphically. Demo version for MIDI.
MATHASM .ZIP: 23k :assorted math routines in assembly language
ME40DEMO.ZIP: 193k :Multi-Editor 4.0. Macros, Mult. files(100 max), some bugs
Has ability to store multiple configs based on
file extension; pretty good help system (full
version professes to be better); DOS shell
(similar to Norton Commander); Menu system; all
function keys definable in the program; some of
the bugs are pretty bad though (they exit to
DOS, but they give a phone number to call)
MOVIE .ZIP: 113k :Neat little movie database program for VCR's
MUSICMAN.ZIP: 90k :Simple Software For MIDI Musical Instrument Instruments
PCC12C .ZIP: 184k :Shareware C compiler. Excellent for beginners.
PCSHELL .ARC: 60k :Unix-like "C" Shell for the PC
PCW302A .ARC: 229k :PC Write v.3.02 - Word Processor with mouse support Disk 1
PCW302B .ARC: 233k :PC Write v3.02 - Word processor with mouse support Disk 2
PCW302C .ARC: 270k :PC Write v3.02 - Word Processor with Mouse support Disk 3
PEDIT .ZIP: 122k :P-Edit (Personal Editor). See extended description.
PESFX .EXE: 177k :pE text editor - self extracting - see ext. description
PPD110 .ZIP: 50k :Paul's Personal DOS - A Great remote DOS Shell
PRO-ED .PAK: 12k :Very simple, small editor. Assembles and links in editor.
PVEST100.ZIP: 33k :Property management calculator program determines profit
PWERDESK.ZIP: 294k :Power Desk desktop organizer. See extended description.
PWMEN .ARC: 34k :Instant Menu Prog. DEMO - Great for WordPerfect.
QEDIT21 .ZIP: 124k :QEdit v 2.10. Excellent text editor.
QFIX208 .ZIP: 7k :Removes "hit F10 to continue" in Qedit 2.08
SAIL .ARC: 95k :Excellent text file editor: 100+ commands: shareware
SPELLCH .LZH: 83k :Pretty Good Spell Checker w/ Dictionary
Spell Checker does not correct source text, but
prints report of misspelled words. Allows you
to skip, add to dict, or add to supplemental
STORM60 .ZIP: 217k :Storm Tracking program
SURPAS .ZIP: 122k :Shareware Pascal compiler. Fairly good.....
TAME254 .ZIP: 56k :DesqView system management utility; latest version. V/G!
TDP-MENU.ARC: 59k :simple/great menu program ver 2.62
TEACH-C .LZH: 90k :Great C language tutorial program. Teach yourself C!
UED11 .ZIP: 41k :A nifty multi-file text editor.
VDE153 .LZH: 95k :VDE text editor - powerful enough to use as word processor
VDE16A .ZIP: 112k :Video Display Editor V1.6a Excellent Freeware Editor/WP
WAMPSAMP.ZIP: 9k :Sample programs for use with WAMPUM30.ZIP
WAMPUM30.ZIP: 156k :dBase III clone shareware database program. Excellent!
WED410 .ARC: 157k :Good editor for most purposes.
XLISP20 .ZIP: 91k :X lisp executable with documentation.
XPRSCK .ARC: 192k :Check Book balancing program
Number of Files: 67
2AM3-1 .ZIP: 94k :2AM BBS software v.3.0 - Disk 1 of 2
2AM3-2 .ZIP: 144k :2AM BBS software v.3.0 - Disk 2 of 2
ANSWER2 .ARC: 16k :Something to run when you're board is down.
BOI120 .ZIP: 50k :BBS Onliner Interface 1.20 by Andy Mead
DND26D-1.ZIP: 229k :Dungeons and Dragons BBS (file set # 1)
This BBS needs all 4 files available in this
directory to run properly. The source code for
the BBS is written in Quick Basic, and it
should be able to be run as a door under WWIV.
Contact 1@3300 for more information.
DND26D-2.ZIP: 220k :Second set of files for Dungeons & Dragons BBS
DND26D-3.ZIP: 129k :Third set of files for Dungeons and Dragons BBS
DND26D-4.ZIP: 140k :Source code for Dungeons and Dragons BBS
DRWY211 .ZIP: 177k :Doorway v.2.11 - great Door utility for all BBS packages
HENGE .ZIP: 181k :Stonehenge BBS Software for IBM
IL .LZH: 7k :Background terminal program
PERSCR .ZIP: 112k :Perspective BBS w/source code in C
PHOENIX1.ZIP: 279k :Phoenix BBS v.1.0 for IBM
QUOTELIX.ZIP: 37k :Allows Telix users to quote messages when it's otherwise
not possible. Very easy to use, just run a
couple of script files, which come with the
program, and that's all there is to it!
RA_001 .ZIP: 300k :Remote Access - Full-featured multi-line BBS for IBM
SF207 .ZIP: 288k :Spitfire BBS Operating System
TELE25S .ZIP: 434k :Telegard BBS v2.5 Standard (WWIV/TAG Hack)
VBBS311 .ZIP: 205k :The Virtual BBS / NET included v.3.11
WAF163 .ZIP: 368k :PC BBS w/built-in UUCP/Usenet for MS-DOS machines (Great!)
WILDCAT1.ARC: 129k :Wildcat! v1.03 Shareware BBS. Config and run. E-Z.
WILDCAT2.ARC: 140k :Wildcat! Shareware BBS, file 2 of 4 needed to run.
WILDCAT3.ARC: 164k :Wildcat! v1.03 file 3 of 4.
WILDCAT4.ARC: 124k :Wildcat! v1.03 file 4 of 4.
XBBS .ZIP: 163k :xbbs files from unix
This zip file contains all the files in the
XBBS package. XBBS is a bbs package written in
C and tuned to the UNIX o/s. Given a good C
compiler and libraries, it should port to DOS
without too much trouble. It is distantly
related to WWIV.
Number of Files: 24
BBPOWERB.ARC: 50k :Add Z-Modem and J-Modem to your terminal program! It works
BBPOWERI.ZIP: 126k :Excellant shell for zmodem, bimodem, puma protocols.
BIMOD122.ZIP: 177k :bimodem v. 1.22...up/down and chat at same time...great!!
BOYAN401.ZIP: 260k :Boyan communications package v.4.01 - new features!!!
CALLWAIT.ZIP: 37k :Cancels call waiting
CMODEM .ZIP: 25k :new protocol
COMMO4 .ZIP: 81k :NEW version of Commo communications program.
COMMROUT.ZIP: 8k :Turbo Pascal Comm Routines
DIRCOPY .ZIP: 36k :Copy directories between Different communication packages
DOSMODEM.ARC: 5k :Enter Modem commands from your DOS prompt
DRWY204 .ZIP: 84k :Doorway; Supports DIRECT SCREEN WRITES and redefining keys
DSZ0626 .ZIP: 80k :Z-Modem. 06-26-90 version.
DSZ1190E.ZIP: 41k :DSZ.EXE November, 1990
DSZ1216 .ZIP: 83k :12-16-90 Version of DSZ Zmodem
HOST44 .ZIP: 127k :Host mode for Telix 3.12
HSTDEMON.ZIP: 12k :Neat little utility to set up an HST for those that can't
HYPERP .ZIP: 45k :A new fast protocol...super with MNP
WWIV command line asuming com 1
hyperp display:off handshake:RTS/CTS RECEIVE
" " " SEND
if that does not work, change handshake to
IL .ZIP: 23k :Download files while you play games!
JBAT116 .ARC: 60k :Batch commands for use with Jmodem
JMOD305B.ZIP: 49k :Jmodem External Protocol - v.3.05 - good for big transfers
KERMIT .ARC: 25k :Kermit Communication Protocol PC Version
LYNX302 .ZIP: 33k :Newest Version of Lynx. This one actually works.
This one is faster than Zmodem and Jmodem. has
menus and everything. even file guessing. it's
MLINK16 .LZH: 28k :The New Megalink.
MNP .ZIP: 48k :PD code for MNP error checking
MNP-9 .ZIP: 6k :MNP error checking info to go with MNP.ZIP
MPT110 .ZIP: 63k :MPT protocol v1.10. Update to PUMA 95% efficient.
MTEST .ARC: 49k :Test Your modem with this program.
NOISE .ZIP: 6k :An inexpensive circuit to help eliminate line noise
This circuit helps to get rid of line noise
problems. It costs $10-15 using parts from
Radio Shack and can even be put together by
someone with little or no soldering experience.
PASWORDS.ZIP: 28k :Create unique Passwords for any BBS
PCPMAN .ZIP: 24k :The unOfficial PCPursuit Manual
PCZ40690.ZIP: 67k :PCZmodem - a completely public-domain version of zmodem
PEAK14K .ZIP: 19k :Init program for the Courier HST.
PHONEV2 .ZIP: 6k :TSR to reboot your system if excessive phone rings found
POE .LZH: 248k :Poe/Zmodem/Super8K/Megalink/Lynx shell
POPDIAL .ZIP: 45k :Popup voice call dialer with background redial.
This is a neat little phone dialer utility for
people who make calls near their modem-equipped
PC. It scans the screen for phone numbers and
lets you choose one to dial. Text editors,
databases, or any other applications that run
in text mode can become your phone book with
PRC242 .ARC: 121k :Procomm v.2.42 (shareware)- oldie but goodie
PUMA100 .ZIP: 64k :New transfer protocol from the author of Lynx
Supposedly 10-15% faster than Zmodem. Works
very well with WWIV.
QM42E#1 .ZIP: 150k :Qmodem version 4.2E disk 1/1
QM42E#2 .ZIP: 199k :Qmodem version 4.2E disk 2/4
QM42E#3 .ZIP: 120k :Qmodem version 4.2E disk 3/4
QM42E#4 .ZIP: 242k :Qmodem version 4.2E disk 4/4
QM42E2F .ZIP: 348k :Will convert qmodem 4.2E to 4.2F many minor fixes
SIDETALK.ARC: 57k :Memory-resident communications program
SLRN_100.ZIP: 35k :Automatically generates Telix logon scripts. Outstanding!
SLRN_110.ZIP: 37k :Telix 'salt' learn util. Great for learning logons
This utility will learn your logon (Telix) and
save the script file so you never have to type
in your name and password again.
SUPERK42.ZIP: 102k :Ver. 4.2 of fast Super8K protocol. Plus other protocols.
SYSID .ZIP: 56k :Very good system analysis program - tells all.
SZMOD131.ZIP: 225k :SZModem v1.31 - zmodem compatible proto with plus features
Bored while file transfers are in progress?
Well now you can do file/directory maintenance
or play a game while you are waiting for things
to finish, and if SZModem is on both ends then
you have enhanced file transfer capabilities.
Check it out!
TFE_210 .ZIP: 53k :Telix *.FON directory editor. Very good.
TLX312-1.ZIP: 152k :Telix Communications package v.3.12 - Utilities (1)
TLX312-2.ZIP: 97k :Telix Communications package v.3.12 - Utilities (2)
TLX312-3.ZIP: 60k :Telix Communications package v.3.12 - Documentation (3)
TLX3AUTO.ZIP: 4k :Telix 3.12 modem script files (Use with Telix 3.12)
TM211-1 .ZIP: 161k :Telemate 2.11 Communications Program 1 of 3
TM211-2 .ZIP: 220k :Telemate 2.11 Communications Program 2 of 3
TM211-3 .ZIP: 105k :Telemate 2.11 3 of 3
WATCH .ZIP: 2k :Reboots BBS if something screws up
ZCOMMDOC.ZIP: 192k :ZComm term program form folks at DSZ. Disk 1 of 3
ZCOMMEXE.ZIP: 150k :ZComm term program from folks at DSZ. Disk 2 of 3
ZCOMMHLP.ZIP: 92k :ZComm term program from folks at DSZ. Disk 3 of 3
Number of Files: 63
10000 .ARC: 5k :Accumulate 100000 points! game
21 .ARC: 34k :Another Blackjack game.
3-DEMON .ARC: 45k :3d Pacman game. Very good.
3D .ARC: 9k :Displays rotating 3d objects
3DCHESS .ZIP: 96k :Three dimensional chess game... Excellent...
3DTICTAC.ARC: 8k :3d Tic Tac Toe. BASIC
4INAROW .ARC: 23k :Similar to connect 4- play against computer- difficult !
50STATES.ARC: 14k :Learn the 50 states (for children)
5HOUSES .ARC: 2k :Small Brain Teaser
ABC'S .ARC: 28k :Helps 3-6 year old learn ABC's
ABM .ARC: 52k :Save your cities from attack with abm's!
ACCORD .ZIP: 30k :accordion solitaire
ACPOKER .ARC: 33k :Good CGA Poker game for the gamblin' types
ACQB .ARC: 42k :Armchair Quarterback Football
ADVENT .ARC: 76k :The original adventure game - Colossal Cave
ADVSYS-S.ZIP: 73k :ADVSYS Program and source code. Make adventures.
This is a trite little language that allows the
programmer to write professional quality text
adventure games. If you are a beginner, do not
attempt to use this language, for it is a
semantic guzzler and is hard to comprehend. 'C'
source code is included for bothe compiler and
AFRICA .ARC: 70k :African desert campaign. allieds VS germans.
AIRPLANE.ARC: 53k :Airplane Construction Kit
AIRTRAX .ARC: 24k :Air Traffic Controller
ALIENS .ARC: 29k :Outer space game
AMADO .ZIP: 51k :Excellent strategy game. Pretty tough.
AMYPRIME.ARC: 49k :Pre-school educational games.
ANTIX .ZIP: 18k :qix type game
ANTMUS .ARC: 4k :Anthem music
APRIL .ARC: 2k :Flips your screen (Harmless)
AQUARIUM.ARC: 44k :Fish swimm across screen (cool)
ARCHERY .ARC: 28k :Shoot the target and aim for the bullseye.
ARENA .EXE: 60k :Gladatorial Combat Game
ARGH .ARC: 16k :This game will drive you CRAZY!
ARTILERY.ARC: 3k :A nice war game for two people.
ASTROIDS.ARC: 13k :Astro-Dodge - an asteroids clone (arcade - CGA)
ASTROTIT.ARC: 56k :Really raunchy arcade game for CGA systems
ATC .ARC: 45k :Another Air Traffic Control game
AV .ARC: 32k :an EXCELLENT game of volleyball! Joystick, mouse too!
BABY .ARC: 28k :Save the babies from the burning building
BACKGMMN.ARC: 88k :Backgammon game.
BALLISTI.ZIP: 196k :A mixture of pinball and soccer. Weird, but good.
BALLRACE.LZH: 27k :Great Over-The Modem Game!
BARBAROS.ARC: 33k :Wargame:When Hitler was ruling the world (WWII)
BARDUTIL.ZIP: 25k :Edit Bards Tale Characters
BASEBALL.ARC: 154k :A good baseball game.
BASSV25 .ARC: 181k :Version 2.5 of Bass Tour
BATALIA .ARC: 59k :This is a nice war game for two. A duel to the death!
BATTLE .ZIP: 19k :A cool two player battle strategy game with USA & Germany.
BBPOWERF.ZIP: 73k :Latest Powernode, more whistles, bells
BEASTS .ARC: 10k :This is a COOL game and fun. Kill the BEASTS!
BEGINS .ARC: 62k :Startrek type game.
BEYOND12.ZIP: 24k :Beyond Tetris -- More fun and exciting. Line up colors.
BIG3-1 .LZH: 125k :File 1 of The Big Three. A WWII simulation game. Good.
BIG3-2 .LZH: 94k :File 2 of The Big Three.
BIGRIG .ARC: 67k :Travel across the country in an 18-wheeler.
BIZERK .ARC: 21k :A weird game where things come toward you.
BJTALK .ARC: 42k :A cool and nice Blackjack game with autoplay.
BLACKSOX.ARC: 3k :Chicago Black Sox team for Earl Weaver Baseball owners.
BLAKJACK.ARC: 31k :A good "professional" blackjack game.
BLAKJAK .ARC: 8k :A <BASIC> black jack game. Quite good.
BLAST .ZIP: 144k :new breakout game from AMD
BLOCKADE.ARC: 5k :A communication game bewtween two computers.
BOWL2 .ARC: 36k :Another bowling game.
BOWLING .ARC: 2k :A simple bowling game.
BRAIN .ARC: 61k :A text adventure game set in the brain.
BREAK .ZIP: 18k :Breakout game that supports EGA and mouse
BRICKS .ARC: 13k :A wonderful Breakout type game.
BRIDGE .ARC: 54k :A good bridge game with options.
BTTLSHIP.ARC: 27k :A good bttlship game in color.
BURGER .ARC: 27k :Build your own burger.
BZONE .ARC: 68k :A tank game.
CANASTA .ARC: 68k :A nice version of the Canasta card game
CARDGAME.ARC: 35k :Klondike solitaire game! (uses Mouse)
CARGORUN.ZIP: 43k :A space trading type of game. Pretty good.
CASINO .ZIP: 147k :rummy and casino games all packed into one file
CD-MAN .ZIP: 226k :A great VGA game - Pac-Man clone
CENSUS .ZIP: 8k :Small census utility for Simcity
CENTA .ARC: 13k :A Centapede Type Arcade Game in Basic
CFB .ZIP: 81k :Cunning Football. EGA. Neat graphics.
CHOPPER2.LZH: 68k :Good helicopter game (like striker) with 15 missions.
CIPHER12.ZIP: 67k :Latest version (1.2) of CIPHER cryptoquiz game.
COLUMNS .ZIP: 28k :Neat tetris like game but COOLER!! WARING: ADDICTIVE
COREWAR .ZIP: 15k :Computer "virus" battle game.
CYRUSCGA.ZIP: 164k :3-d chess great graphics cga/ega
DAMMIT .LZH: 18k :The card game Dammit, CGA.
DARNI100.ZIP: 80k :EGA solitaire game. Different. No longer req's mouse!
Darnit 10.0 no longer requires a mouse, but
still supports it. Now all EGA people can play
this addictive game!
DBLOCKS .ZIP: 26k :Two Player (modem too) TETRIS.
also has one player mode.
DMU102 .ZIP: 37k :Dungeon Master Utilities
DND .ARC: 169k :Dungeons and Dragons Fantasy Adventure
DOUBOLO .ZIP: 57k :Othello with a bigger board, multiple centers of action.
DRAGONS .ZIP: 18k :somewhat like a breakout game. Not too bad.
DRAWPOKR.ZIP: 28k :A good draw poker shareware game. Very addictive!
DRIVING .LZH: 21k :Test your driving skill.
DRUM .ZIP: 7k :<<==NOW IBM COMPATIBLE==>> super color Drum Machine!!!!!
EG0411E .ZIP: 46k :Newest version of EGAAINT - the EGA Tetris clone
EGABOMB .ZIP: 38k :Finally! Artillery game with decent graphics. (ballistics)
This is the old classic, shoot at each other
from pillboxes, game done up right in 16 color
EGA graphics. Even has a moon.
EGACRAM .ZIP: 56k :good game:avoid squares
EGAROIDS.ARC: 40k :Astroids Arcade Game ( EGA )
EGAVGAPB.ZIP: 82k :Excellent pinball game, capable of either EGA or VGA
EGAWOF .ZIP: 63k :EGA Wheel of Fortune. Good game.
ELIZA .ARC: 22k :Your personal computer 'shrink'- type messages to it !!!
EMPIRE .ARC: 112k :Empire! - old PD version wargame. ANSI required. Awesome
EVETS .ZIP: 149k :A four character game. Rogue like
EXO .ARC: 30k :it is an exelent game for all ages!
FEDGRANT.ZIP: 7k :SimCity budget cheat program (Federal grant, my eye)...
FIREZONE.ZIP: 203k :cga/ega various war manuver scenarios...comes w/demo, too.
FORD .ZIP: 446k :Simulator for 1989 Ford models
FORDSIM .ZIP: 147k :1988 ford driving simulator
FORZEE10.ZIP: 99k :Latest EGA card game from BSX International. Real tuff.
A one-player card game that'll but hair on yer
chest. Give it a shot.
FOUR .ZIP: 19k :connect 4 game, neat
GALCON .ZIP: 66k :Game of Galactic Conquest
GEMINI .ZIP: 73k :gemini game fight tanks over modem
GMA601 .ZIP: 110k :Game Masters' Assistant, v6.01
This database program allows the Game Master to
keep track of all his player and non-player
characters. Copywrite 1989 BedlamWare Products
GO-MOKU .ZIP: 15k :A good Go/Pente game.
GRIME2 .ZIP: 9k :grime game
GUZZLE21.ZIP: 99k :Drinking/trivia game for EGA, mouse.
HACKTUT .ARC: 43k :Tutorial/Hints for playing Hack and NetHack PC
HAUNT .ARC: 54k :Save PUMPKIN MAN. A text Adventure.
HEARTS .ARC: 38k :<BASIC> cards game
HKMJSH .ZIP: 75k :Hong Kong Mah Jongg - this is TRUE Mah Jongg, not just the
solitaire version. Beautiful VGA only program
requires mouse. This is WELL worth getting.
HUGO .ZIP: 231k :TEXT ADVENTURE +800K, sort of like Sierra games.
INFOCOM .ARC: 15k :Hints and clues for some older Infocom adventures. (Text)
INSANITY.ZIP: 89k :Insanity Maze Game-- From Wizard
JOUSTVGA.ZIP: 49k :Joust, VGA version; one of the best games I've seen.
KEEN .ZIP: 177k :The Best ShareWare Game Ever !!!
KLONDIKE.ZIP: 114k :solitare card game, very FUN! to play & great EGA graphics
KQ4 .SOL: 24k :solutions for kq4
LARN .ARC: 134k :PC-Larn - Great D&D type game similar to ROGUE.ARC
LEONG10 .ZIP: 59k :New board game from BSX - EGA, mouse - different, at any r
LWARS .LZH: 92k :3-D over-the-modem game.
This is a game not unlike wing commander. You
fly a ship from 1st person point of view, and
try to blow the other person, and computers,
MAHJONG3.ARC: 66k :3000 Year old Chinese game EGA required -newest version
MAP .ZIP: 18k :SimCity utility to print out city maps.
MCDOE20 .ZIP: 70k :Adult MCGA/VGA adventure game.
MCPOP42 .ZIP: 74k :ADULT EGA adventure game.
MGOLF1 .LZH: 54k :A miniature golf game. Pretty good.
MIDNIGHT.ZIP: 127k :Ski game, requires 256k EGA
MILLE .ZIP: 61k :Milles Borne card game, EGA graphics
MM .ARC: 34k :A nice pinball game. Not Bad!
MONOPOLY.ARC: 61k :Monopoly - The great board game classic
MORIA640.ZIP: 154k :640 K version of Moria
NCRGOLF .ZIP: 113k :CGA Golf Game w/ 18 holes and separate Greens
NEMAN .ARC: 43k :The Quest for Diamonds (color). Nice arcade action.
NEMPIRE .ZIP: 223k :AWESOME new version of Empire! Many new features!
NH30FSRC.ZIP: 755k :NetHack 3.0f source files - use Zip 1.01 and -d option
NHACK30F.ZIP: 315k :NetHack3.0f (unofficial IBM version) - packed ZIP 1.01
NOMON .ZIP: 41k :Colorful text adventure! ECU Summer Ventures '89
My class project, here ready for public
NYET .ARC: 18k :TETRIS version 1.1 ADDICTIVE
OMEGA071.ZIP: 346k :Another game in the vein of Net Hack Beta ver .71
OMEGAFLT.ARC: 43k :Omega Flight Arcade Game (also Known as "Mad Max")
PCJIGSAW.ZIP: 100k :Solve the jigsaw puzzle. EGA shareware program.
PCPOOL .ARC: 38k :Very good billards game. CGA
PGA-TOUR.ZIP: 185k :Maxell's demo of PGA-Tour golf. Play three holes.
PINEHOLL.ZIP: 89k :A homemade golf course for Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf.
Don't get your hopes up, I'm not an architect.
PLOTZ .LZH: 68k :A good stratagy game againts the comuter.
POLYMAZE.ARC: 25k :Maze game. Solve or watch Computer Solve it.
PONG3D .ZIP: 48k :Pong in 3 dimensions. Supports CGA,EGA, mouse and joystic
POPSTAR .ZIP: 110k :Become a POPSTAR! From Wizard Games
PTOMB .ZIP: 53k :Pharoah's Tomb. CGA game. 10 or 12 levels. Pretty good.
QUEST .EXE: 80k :a good adventure game.. use as chain on WWIV v.4.XX
RET2KROZ.ZIP: 81k :Return to Kroz game. Great sequel to end the trilogy.
RISK .ARC: 98k :Risk - The classic board game for CGA systems
ROCKTM .ZIP: 106k :Rock Trivia, 50's-80's
ROGUE .ARC: 52k :a nice text-adventure game
ROUND42 .ARC: 15k :Absolutely ADDICTIVE pure arcade style game - EXCELLENT!
RPG .ZIP: 53k :Character Sheets for several RPG's. In First Pub format.
RUMMY .ZIP: 42k :A pc Rummy game, pretty good.
SAILING .ARC: 58k :Sailing Simulator - color graphics
SAYTIME .ARC: 32k :Tells the time on your computer by saying it..Pretty Cool.
SHARKS1 .LZH: 143k :Avoid sharks while gathering other sea animals.
SHOOTG20.ZIP: 108k :Shooting Gallery - v2.0 - requires VGA & mouse
SIERRA15.ZIP: 69k :Walk through solutions for 15 different Sierra games!
SIMUTIL .ZIP: 26k :Fairly comprehensive census utility for SimCity
SIMWATER.ZIP: 4k :Another SimCity utility - modify the water
SNAKE203.EXE: 30k :Snakes Game! Self Extracting...
SNARF .LZH: 66k :A game for EGA.
SOLITILE.ZIP: 45k :Latest version (1.4) of EGA/mouse game similar to MahJongg
SOPWITH .ARC: 46k :An old bi-plane game good for some fun
SOPWITH2.ZIP: 27k :The second version of the aviator game (CGA)
SOT .ARC: 35k :Son of Tetris - a spinoff of the classic TETRIS
SPOKER2 .LZH: 124k :Strip poker game for cga
STORE132.ZIP: 76k :The Store, version 1.32
This database program is excellent for all
those Game Masters with saleable items in their
campaign. Allows a complete and comprehensive
list to be maintained and updated. Copyright
1989 BedlamWare Products
STRIKER .ARC: 64k :Arcade Type Games, similar to seadragon.
STYX .ARC: 26k :Styx Arcade Game (similar to QIX or Antix)
SUPERFLY.ZIP: 68k :Smack the flies around.
This is guaranteed to give you arcade
wrist. Be sure to run WHOA! or something
similiar if you're running anything faster
than a 286. A great game. I'm not much
good at it, but the music is a trip!
TAROT .ARC: 48k :Fortune telling w/ terot cards. Text only.
TELCHESS.ZIP: 39k :Modem Chess Game
TESS .LZH: 28k :strange text game
TETRIS .ARC: 17k :Yep it's the famous game TETIS. VERY ADDICTIVE!!!
TETRIS2 .ZIP: 28k :like tetris but different
THEXHELP.ZIP: 4k :play thexder on any level
THREEDEE.ZIP: 34k :3-D Raquetball game.
Haven't had time to try this one yet. Hope
TOOLONE .ZIP: 335k :Adventure Game Toolkit: create your own text adventures.
TOOLTWO .ZIP: 337k :Part 2 of 2, Adventure Game toolkit
TREK28 .ZIP: 47k :A space game that you can play over the modem w/ a friend.
TRISK .ZIP: 9k :a mind game of rings
TRIVTREK.ZIP: 49k :Star Trek Trivia Game - Old
TYCOON .ZIP: 38k :Become a tycoon if you can.
UOMEGA .ARC: 397k :UOmega Fantasy Adventure game - excellent
UPWALL .ZIP: 64k :Fit pipes to make water flow down wall.
VGACON11.ZIP: 139k :VGA Concentration - cute, pretty good game...
VGARULET.ZIP: 67k :A good VGA roulette game - nice graphics
please change name to vgarulet
VORTEX .ZIP: 20k :interesting text and graphics game
WILL2 .ZIP: 21k :a neat game
WLD .ZIP: 183k :Win, Lose or Draw game. Neat.
XAPTRON .ZIP: 50k :A shoot em up game. EGA\VGA & Mouse required...
YAHTZEE .ARC: 12k :Simple Basic game based on the old dice game
ZOARRE .ARC: 70k :Fantasy adventure similar to DND.ARC
Number of Files: 211
ASTRONOM.ARC: 93k :Great Astronomy program!
ATOM .ZIP: 19k :Neat sound demonstration--real fun to listen to
BIBPROOF.ARC: 21k :PROOF that God wrote the Bible
BK1 .ZIP: 136k :Part 1 of Geneology prgm [D. Very good.
bk2 and bk3 required to run this prgm
BK2 .ZIP: 126k :part 2 of geneology prgm See BK1.zip
BK3 .ZIP: 62k :part 3 of geneology prgm see BK1/BK2.zip
BUZZWORD.ZIP: 9k :Need a buzzword?
CAL1991 .ZIP: 42k :BMP wallpaper-monthly calendar for 1991
CHKFREE .LZH: 109k :A demo from CheckFree. Use you PC to pay all your bills.
COOK .ZIP: 57k :good cook book...make the wife happy....
CW .ZIP: 32k :Very good Morse Code tutor
DECEIVE .ZIP: 4k :Create your own "boss" key! Nice for computer classes!
DJINN43 .ZIP: 76k :Menu interface to dos, like Task Director
If you care to remember the commands for this
utility it will be useful and interesting. The
commands are rather unobvious however.
DRAIN .ARC: 11k :Really stupid gag program - worth a cheap laugh
EGACGA .ARC: 15k :convert 16 color ega to 4 color cga
FORTUNE .ARC: 41k :Outputs a short fortune to the screen--like old Un*x 'f'
FSP16 .ZIP: 62k :Version 1.6 of Flu Shot anti virus program
GEOCLK42.ZIP: 145k :Display World Map and show where it is day and night.
GEOMAP .ARC: 81k :World map showing sunlight at time/date EGA required
GODSPEED.ARC: 251k :Demo of Bible search w/Matt-John free! very FAST pgm!
GRAPH .ZIP: 3k :creates map graph (in basic)
HDIR .COM: 5k :Excellent DIR alternative
JIVE .ARC: 16k :Convert all your text files to Jive (hilarious)
LOOKBUSY.ZIP: 7k :Generates a "working" display to impress people.
MACEMUL .EXE: 34k :makes IBM emulate a Mac, funny!!!
MAPLE .ZIP: 4k :The Maple Leaf Rag - GOOD SONG for Adlib\Soundblaster card
OH!YOU .ZIP: 5k :Some song for adlib\soundblaster - rather "mediocre"
PARANEW .ARC: 68k :The parables of Jesus w/search & print pgm
PERIODIC.EXE: 62k :self running periodic table with all info on all elements
PLAYSONG.ZIP: 37k :Simple program to play music through internal speaker.
PRCB245 .ZIP: 242k :a good recipe database program
SCREAM .ZIP: 129k :A music utility for the Soundblaster card or Covox cards.
SMJB1A .ARC: 74k :jukebox music program really good!!
TBLAST .ZIP: 82k :Play Amiga MOD files on a Soundblaster
Trakblaster allows any Soundblaster owner to
play Amiga Trak or Noise Blaster (MOD) files on
the card. These files are great. Most sound
like radio, and even have speech. The file
includes a MOD file. Giver' a try.
TRAN .EXE: 48k :make your computer talk, simple
XCH103 .EXE: 15k :Obsolesence-proof archive format swapper. Wildcards.
ZOO201 .EXE: 81k :Zoo archive/unarchive utility -- better than PKPAK/PKZIP
Number of Files: 39
LASERGIF.ZIP: 22k :print gifs on a Laser Printer, grey scales, etc.
VPIC40 .ZIP: 94k :VPIC v.4.0 - Nice .GIF viewer, low memory use
SHOWGIF .ZIP: 29k :Display Gifs as you download them
This works as a TSR. It will sense the *.GIF
extension, and will automatically pop out of
your comm. prog. and display gif as it DLs
3D-DRAW .ZIP: 127k :3d wire frame program
6DRWHOS .MCP: 32k :Good pic of all docs..
AD-LIB .ZIP: 11k :X-mas music for Ad-Lib card. Need Jukebox or Visual Comp.
ANIMATOR.ZIP: 35k :Animation editor.
ANSIDR27.ZIP: 37k :Draw ANSI or ASCII graphics in color: Good Demo.
ANSIPAIN.ZIP: 45k :ANSI editor...quick and easy
ANSISHOP.COM: 35k :24 sample screens & intro for ANSI custom design service
APAINT21.ZIP: 51k :Ansi Paint Program
BART .ZIP: 51k :Bart Simpson for Quickflick.
BOUNCE .ZIP: 32k :Neat graphics program. Works on any system! Border bounce
BURST .ZIP: 28k :Flying fuzzy spark on screen. EGA-16 color.
CHEAPCAD.ZIP: 12k :a cheap ms-dos cad system
CIRCLE .ZIP: 17k :Just a little program I wrote in Turbo Pascal
it just draws circles with commands you give
it. pretty neat if I do say so myself
CORVETTE.MAC: 18k :a mac pict of a corvette
COSMOS8 .ZIP: 109k :plots the night sky, need Ega or Vga and a math coprocess.
Works without extended graphics and
coprocesssor but is limited and slow
CROPGIF .ZIP: 34k :Crop GIFs with this utility. (Mouse required.)
CRYSTAL .ARC: 45k :3-D Rotating Program (EGA?)
CSHW821B.ZIP: 236k :CompuShow version 8.21b. Suppors GIF89A,Dr.Halo,Targa,more
CSHW823B.ZIP: 211k :CompuShow v. 8.23b. GIF viewer/printer. 01-11-91 release.
This is an enhanced version which includes all
features of the standard CompuShow program
plus: 1) Printing of graphics images on most
dot matrix and laser printers (even color
printing is supported); 2) a "slide show"
program with script generator; 3) a system
configuration program which lets you change
screen colors and specify start-up
configuration, thereby making command line
switches unnecessary.
CVTGIF .EXE: 20k :a gif converter
DANCAD3D.ZIP: 291k :Shareware CAD program w/3-d cad movie maker
DAZE39 .ZIP: 58k :Nice VGA demo - many command line options
DECEMSCR.ARC: 5k :Sysops: Use this for opening screens for December! Nice!
DRAWSOFT.ZIP: 66k :CGA Drawing Program with Mouse.
DRAWSYS .ZIP: 127k :Draftsman Drawing Program.
DREAM .ARC: 25k :Wierd, but good raphics...
EAGLE .ANS: 2k :Eagle screen by LWiz
EGABRAIN.ARC: 70k :Demo of graphics utils & pic of brain
FOLLY_89.ANS: 3k :The FOLLY BBS Welcome Ansii Screen May 1989
FOUNTAIN.ZIP: 125k :An EGA water fountain. Cool.
FRACT9 .ZIP: 115k :Fractint version 9. Inclus 3d shading models.
GIF89A .ZIP: 23k :Official specs for the GIF89A (Jul31,1990) grpahics format
GIFDOT13.LZH: 80k :Print Gif Files
GIFPIX .ZIP: 68k :About 4 pics...one of batman, on Calvin, one Kadaffy
GOBLET .ZIP: 68k :Excellent GRASPRT animation of a goblet rotating. EGA/VGA
GRAFWK46.ZIP: 235k :graph work shop to change one format to another gif to wp
GRAPH .ARC: 159k :Turbo Pascal Graphics Toolkit - Released PD by Borland
GRASPRT .LZH: 50k :View .GL files.
GWXLT56 .ZIP: 20k :Animation the good ole fashion way...
HGCIB202.ARC: 104k :Converts Hercules to CGA
HIT .ARC: 21k :Duck kills computer with ax. Funny. Great autoexec.bat.
ICEIT .EXE: 48k :An easy to use *.GIF viewer
JANSCR .ARC: 3k :3 new screens for JAnuary!!!!
JEAN .ZIP: 216k :a GL animation file.
KSCOPE .ARC: 19k :Kaliedoscope Program for CGA systems
LAYOUT .ZIP: 16k :A layout program for Win3. See extnd desc.
Allows you to save the size/positions of
current windows and recall them at start up or
during normal use.
LSSGAD .ANS: 2k :sg/ls ad
MANDALA .ARC: 2k :CGA demonstration of some neat designs
MARSFACE.ZIP: 21k :Voyager took it, Nat. Enq. printed it. . .
ME-DEMO2.ZIP: 40k :VGA demo of 3-D graphics library for QuickC
MRIHRT .ZIP: 201k :MRI heartbeat - GREAT picture of a heart beating
PFSPUB1 .ARC: 42k :PFS First Publisher Art Pics.
PFSPUB2 .ARC: 26k :PFS First Publisher Art Pics.
PFSPUB3 .ARC: 32k :PFS First Publisher Art Pics.
PICEM .ZIP: 38k :Good viewer for GIFs (better than Cshow)
PYRO .ZIP: 56k :Fireworks Type Screen Saver
ROGER .ZIP: 15k :A great picture of Roger Rabbit!!]
RONBO .MCP: 35k :Kinda funny, looks good in EGA or CGA...
SHADE .ZIP: 32k :VGA only 3-D shading demo. Written in C, No Source Code
STS .EXE: 37k :cool file viewer!!!!!!!!!
TDRAW330.ZIP: 169k :The Draw v.3.30 - Excellent ANSI screen creator
TEGAS21 .ZIP: 58k :EGA sprite editor for Turbo Pascal.
TEXFLAG2.ARC: 1k :Make the Texas flag become your DOS prompt
TVGAS20 .ZIP: 52k :VGA graphics editor for Turbo Pascal.
UNIVERSE.ARC: 352k :Several neat pictures of celestial objects
VANS310 .EXE: 79k :ViewAns 3.10 (self-Extracting). ANSI screen viewer.
VGACAD15.ZIP: 159k :Best yet VGA draw program...
VGAFISH .ZIP: 9k :an underwater VGA scene with cute sub and plane.
VGAIMAGE.ZIP: 36k :Transform PC TIFF files to GIF, View 'em, Change 'em, etc.
VIRPRES .ZIP: 215k :Slide show on viruses: What? How? Where? Solution: VGA.
WP50ART1.ZIP: 58k :clipart for WP 5.0
X29-2A .ZIP: 177k :FLI animation of an x29 plane
Number of Files: 80
2ZIP25 .ZIP: 20k :Convert various archive formats to ZIP format.
387 .ZIP: 6k :Excellent 80387 emulator
4DOS302 .ZIP: 355k :Fantastic COMMAND.COM replacement file v.3.02
800K .ZIP: 10k :format 360 floppies to 800k
A2Z15 .ZIP: 33k :Converts ARC files to ZIP Files
ALT1 .ZIP: 159k :Desqview, Sidekick, Norton Commander in 1. Part 1 of 2.
This shareware package includes features from
Desqview (switch between tasks), Sidekick
(Appointment Calendar, Calculator, Notepad,
Editor, etc), and Norton Commander (Traverse
directory, Copy, Move, Delete, View, etc files)
It is tool big for someone to download in one
slot, so I've uploaded it in two parts. Part 2
will be coming tomorrow if I can get in.
ALT2 .ZIP: 72k :Desqview, Sidekick & Norton Commander in one. Part 2 of 2.
AM401 .ZIP: 100k :menu driven program for PAK,ARC, and ZIP files
ANADISK .ZIP: 71k :easy-to-use sector editor and repairer
ANARKEY .ZIP: 145k :Like Dosedit but More functionality (recalls commands)
ANSWER .ZIP: 8k :Turn your phone into answer mech.
ARJ015 .ZIP: 96k :ARJ file archiver. Greater compression, slower than PKZIP
ARJ020 .EXE: 127k :12/28/90 version of ARJ archiver. Self-extracting.
BANDAID .LZH: 8k :Bandaid! - A fix for the Columbus Day virus
BBZIPPC .ZIP: 22k :Convert ARC and PAK files to ZIP
BCOPY11 .LZH: 19k :Copies files in the background (TSR obviously)
BM208A .LZH: 62k :Backup Maestro 2.08a: good backup shareware.
BNF138 .ZIP: 338k :A Cool Multi-Tasker
BOOT11 .ZIP: 39k :Group of utils to fix CMOS and configuration.
BOOT12 .ZIP: 63k :Use different autoexec and config upon bootup
BRADFORD.ZIP: 172k :Bradford 9-pin printer utility. 41 fonts.
CACHE2 .ARC: 14k :Disk cache utility
CB210 .ZIP: 28k :C Beautifier (source code formatter) w/it's own source
CGAHERC .ARC: 93k :If you use a Hercules card, get this. CGA emulator
CHBOOK .ZIP: 122k :[self-booting] Really handy menu-driven checkbook keeper.
CLEAN74B.ZIP: 73k :"Disinfects" viruses detected by SCANV74
CONFMT .ZIP: 40k :Format diskettes in the background while doing other stuff
COPYMSTR.ZIP: 31k :copy copy-protected disks for backup
CTREE1_1.ZIP: 10k :Ctree v1.1 utility to list C Functions
D86V322 .ZIP: 85k :Excellent Debugger.
DAISY .ARC: 38k :Digitized voice singing "Daisy"
DBHEAD . : 7k :list dBASE III structures from DOS
DCOMT344.ZIP: 133k :nice dos shell, compact, efficient, mouse
DECEIVE .ZIP: 4k :Create your own boss key. Very useful.
DIRF350A.ZIP: 107k :DIRectory Freedom, a souped up version of DR from PCMag
DL2 .ARC: 75k :Great menued file dir management utility.
DMD210 .ZIP: 10k :graphic representation of free hard drive space - okay
DUP .ZIP: 75k :disk DUPlicator, can format the target as it copies
DWEEB182.ZIP: 38k :Another screen balnker <from the SysOp of "The Beach">
EGABLNK1.ARC: 4k :Simple Screen Blanker for EGA
EXPLOSIV.ZIP: 5k :A screen saver of a sort
EXTDOS .ARC: 62k :Extended DOS program
FASTEGA .ZIP: 51k :various EGA tests
FDFORMAT.ZIP: 13k :Nice format program with Turbo Pascal source code
FILES .LZH: 21k :good file manipulation pgm w/ dual dirs
FLOP .ARC: 7k :increases floppy size.
FORMATQM.ZIP: 16k :fast, versatile disk formatter
FRM360 .ZIP: 30k :another re-formatter
FSHLD12 .ZIP: 34k :FILE SHIELD v1.2 - NEWEST!! utility, protects executibles!
McAfee Associates have really been busy at
their anti-viral efforts. This great product
is one that many have been waiting for.....
FS 'shields' executible (COM/EXE) files from
viral attack...virus infections are instantly
detected and automatically removed by this
utility before they can do any harm to your
file and prevent infection of others. BOOT
SECTOR/PARTITION type problems are handled
GRAPH .ZIP: 3k :<< NOW IBM COMPATIBLE >> Basic hires color curve grapher!
HDDIAG .ZIP: 18k :Hard disk diagnostics
HOG_1 .ZIP: 50k :Locate HOG on your HD. Results in CGA/EGA Pie chart
HOTK-Z60.ZIP: 47k :Neat Windowed external protocol handler
IAU .LZH: 124k :Tests and optimizes hard disk interleave w/o loss of data.
Good program that tests interleave and then can
optimize your hard disk by setting the
interleave to its best level, all without
destruction of what is currently on your HD.
IMGPRT .ZIP: 105k :ImagePrint: a good NLQ utility for 9-pin printers
IMGPRT-3.ZIP: 116k :Image Print ver. 3. Outstanding dot matrix LQ print util
LASERJET.ZIP: 39k :Great program to set up LaserJet from your keyboard!!!!!!!
LH113C .EXE: 37k :LHARC compresses files 8-15% tighter than ZIP, PAK or ARC.
LHA205A .EXE: 40k :New (1/91) version of *.LZH archiver
Here are my test results comparing this with
other utils on a 306,046-byte *.EXE file:
------- --------- --------------- ---------
0:36.70 0:22.26 LHA205 (new LZH) 139,821
0:41.33 0:11:43 LH113C (old LZH) 154,820
0:25.52 0:07.53 PKZ110 (ZIP) 153,530
1:24.50 0:19.25 ARJ015 (ARJ) 142,068
LHMENU .LZH: 12k :Menu program for LHARC
MAD105C .ARC: 40k :Replaces FMAD; windowed file delete w/mouse
MAGIC .ZIP: 35k :Win3 screen saver. Has an animated icon. Neat.
MAP .ARC: 8k :A program that displays info on TSR programs in memory...
MAPMEM .EXE: 18k :Tells how much RAM is being used and for what
MAXI .ZIP: 39k :increase disk space, 360k-800k, 720k-800k, 1.2m-1.4m
MONITOR .ZIP: 56k :Keep an eye on your first meg of RAM
MOUSER .ZIP: 12k :add mouse support to any program which uses the arrow keys
MTS .LZH: 7k :Shareware multitasker
MULTCOPY.ZIP: 19k :multiple disk copier
NETSCN64.ZIP: 33k :Network version of SCANV64.
PAK210 .EXE: 90k :PAK210 compression package.
PAK251 .EXE: 101k :PAK archive--best all-purpose archive for ZIP, ARC and mor
PCUNIX .ZIP: 260k :Utilities to make your PC act like UNIX
PK361 .EXE: 118k :Newest version of PKARC archiving software
PKLITE10.ZIP: 28k :PKLITE v1.0 - .EXE and .COM file packer
This one even works on WWIV 4.12 (the overlay
version). It shrank mine about 100k and
it works perfectly!
PKZ110 .EXE: 146k :03-15-90 compression util from Katz (via CompuServe)
PRN2FILE.ZIP: 3k :Good, redirects print output to a file.
PROP .ARC: 8k :Set IBM proprinter options, memory resident, very good
PSMOUSE .ZIP: 8k :Pseudo Mouse 1.0 (Emulate Mouse w/Keyboard)
PULSAR .ZIP: 55k :EXCELLENT program which converts any archive type!
ROM2 .ZIP: 17k :This program fixes your CMOS configuration.
SAYTIME .ARC: 32k :This one is good...Tells you the time of day....
SCANRS61.ZIP: 30k :TSR version of SCANV61
SCANV74B.ZIP: 68k :02-15-91 version of McAfee's virus scanner
SHEZ59 .ZIP: 118k :Shez v. 5.9. Shell for conversion of ZIP/PAK/ARC/LZH, etc
SILENCE .COM: 8k :silence your speaker for those quit times
SNDPKG10.ZIP: 303k :Play Mac/Atari/Amiga sound files (.IFF, .SND) on the Pc!
SPHERE .ARC: 43k :Enhanced EGA - draws a sphere. Good Graphics.
SPRINT .ZIP: 14k :Excellent utility for printing docs & source code
This program was developed by the owner of a
small software company for his own use. It is
a print utility specifically designed for
printing out program docs and source code.
The file was uploaded by the author to a local
board, and that file is what is uploaded here.
I have played with it and it is truly
excellent. I'd been looking for such a program
for months and am very pleased with it.
SST-V201.ARC: 43k :Nice Disk Optimizer for all hard drives
STUFFER .ZIP: 12k :Transfers Files from Your Hard Disk to FILL up Floppies
SUPER3 .ARC: 27k :Programmer's TSR Tools
SW70 .ZIP: 235k :Swap utilities. TSR management.
SYSID32 .ZIP: 66k :Identify mucho technical information about your system
SYSLEUTH.ZIP: 93k :DEMO that tells everything about yer 'puter *everything*
Tells you everything you ever wanted to know
about your computer, but were afraid to ask.
A *very* professional DEMO with many features
enabled VERY GOOD.
SYSLOCK .ZIP: 14k :password protect for your hard drive
TAU .ARC: 114k :The Amazing Utilities
TEXTCN .ZIP: 41k :Modify ASCII files for easier import into word processor
TIMEPARK.EXE: 12k :Parks heads on a timed basis, unarcs by itself
TMOVE2 .ZIP: 40k :move files from one directory/drive to another
TO .LZH: 15k :Excellent replacement for elaborate cd/* commands.
TREEVIEW.ARC: 141k :Great Dir/File manager. 4 Dirs at once. Can use a mouse.
TSRS .ZIP: 94k :Some TSRS for you to evaluate
UNER120 .ARC: 7k :Unerase's files- useful...
VALET .ZIP: 36k :A pretty nice DOS shell. Similar to PC Shell.
VCOPY64 .ZIP: 30k :Scans for 111 viruses when copying files. (From McAfee)
VIEWDOS .ZIP: 95k :New Windows type menu progra,
VIRSCAN2.ZIP: 22k :Scans system for 27 known virsus
VIRUSCHK.ARC: 41k :This is the virus checker uncg use's, it's excellent!
I think you'll like it. Read the doc's first
it has a validation checker to make sure the
scan program has not been tampered with!
VIZ361 .ZIP: 57k :Latest version of excellent screen BIOS accelerator...
My favorite among the many video bios
accelerators available. A very good, reliable
speedup program.
VMIX151 .ARC: 171k :Multitasking shell for IBM systems
VSHLD74B.ZIP: 67k :Memory resident version of VirusScan (McAfee) v. 74B
VSUM9004.ZIP: 36k :Update: Virus Information Summary Listing - 04/18/90.
VT220 .ARC: 71k :VT220 Terminal emulator from DOS
WD-FILE1.EXE: 369k :Misc files from Western Digital on controller HW and SW
WD-FILE2.EXE: 135k :Misc hardware info from Western Digital
WHATFILE.LZH: 35k :Add extended descriptions to your files
WHOA! .ZIP: 14k :Slows down processes... good for pinball games, etc.
This is a file we found to slow down some of
the more unwieldy arcade games... it works
throughly, though... be sure you've done all of
your utilities before you run this.. it'll make
1 Mhz seem like skiing.
XLOCK .ZIP: 59k :password protection
YIG .COM: 2k :Nice little screen saver, ega or VGA
ZIPKIT9 .ZIP: 134k :Assorted ZIP Utilities For DOS/OS/2 versions of PKZIP
ZZAP64 .ARC: 58k :Disk Sector Editor
Number of Files: 122
3MODELS .ZIP: 39k :Carol/Cheryl/Christie tiles for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
ANIMALS .ZIP: 30k :Animals tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
ARCHERY .ZIP: 15k :Archery related tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
ARTCOLNY.ZIP: 13k :"Art Colony" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
CARDS .ZIP: 8k :"Cards" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
CELEBS1 .ZIP: 39k :Celebrity tile sets #1 for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
CELEBS2 .ZIP: 39k :Celebrity tile sets #2 for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
CIVILWAR.ZIP: 10k :"Civil War" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
CLASSIC .ZIP: 8k :Classic tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
CLASSIC2.ZIP: 14k :Yet another set of classic Mahjongg -V-G-A- tilesets
DECKCARD.ZIP: 16k :Deck of Cards tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
DIANA1 .ZIP: 39k :Princess Diana #1 tileset for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
DIANA2 .ZIP: 39k :Princess Diana #2 tileset for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
DIFERGIE.ZIP: 37k :Di and Fergie tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
DRAFTING.ZIP: 8k :Drafting tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
FACES .ZIP: 20k :"Faces" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
FACES3 .ZIP: 26k :"Faces" tile set #3 for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
FACES4 .ZIP: 23k :"Faces" tile set #4 for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
FACES5 .ZIP: 23k :"Faces" tile set #5 for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
FIELDBIO.ZIP: 18k :"Field Biology" Tile Set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
FLAGS .ZIP: 9k :"Flags" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
FUNNIES .ZIP: 23k :The Funnies tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
HKCLASSC.ZIP: 12k :Yet another tile set for MahJongg -V-G-A-
HOBO .ZIP: 14k :The Hobo tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
MAGIC .ZIP: 16k :Magic tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
MEDIEVAL.ZIP: 10k :Medieval type tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
MJRANK .ZIP: 5k :Military Insignia tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A- 2.1 and up
MJSTLIFE.ZIP: 17k :Still live tiles
MJVFLGCD.ZIP: 5k :International Flag Code tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
MJVGA30 .ZIP: 310k :MahJongg -V-G-A- version 3.0 S/N 1525 - the application!
MJVGADM4.ZIP: 325k :11 new tile sets for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
NATIONS .ZIP: 9k :Flags of the Nations tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
NFL .ZIP: 16k :NFL Football tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
NOTHING .ZIP: 16k :"Nothing Related" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
OENGLISH.ZIP: 11k :Old English tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PATCHES!.ZIP: 15k :Patches tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
PATTERNS.ZIP: 20k :Cool Patterns tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PCX2TIS1.ZIP: 36k :Mah Jongg Utility which allows you to make tile sets
PHANTOM .ZIP: 17k :Phantom tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
POOL .ZIP: 13k :Pool tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
RISEN .ZIP: 16k :"He's Risen" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
RISEN2 .ZIP: 16k :"He's Risen! II" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
SESAME .ZIP: 23k :Sesame Street tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
SPACE! .ZIP: 10k :Space tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
SPORTS .ZIP: 13k :Sports tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
STILLIFE.ZIP: 17k :Stilllife tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
THREE-CS.ZIP: 40k :Three-C tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
VIEWSET2.ZIP: 62k :Utility for viewing Mahjongg -V-G-A- tilesets
WENCHES .ZIP: 16k :Wenches tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
X-RATED .ZIP: 25k :Adults Only tile set for Mahjongg -V-G-A-
Number of Files: 50
$20 .GIF: 127k :A $20 dollar bill
2001-4 .GIF: 72k :The ship Discovery I from 2001: A Space Odyssey
386CHIP .GIF: 221k :Intel's 386 chip - up close and personal
3DCAT .GIF: 29k :A tiger in a 3-D cube
3DLCAT .GIF: 27k :A cheetah in a 3-D cube
ACID .GIF: 40k :Lots of smiley faces... I like it.
AEGIS .GIF: 22k :AEGIS animator software display
AG .GIF: 168k :ava gardener I think
ALNSUNST.GIF: 9k :A cool sunset graphic
ANICE .GIF: 13k :More Japanese cartoon drawing
APOLLO9 .GIF: 30k :Nice space picture of Apollo 9
APPLE .GIF: 45k :GIF picture
AS11G5 .GIF: 14k :great sd gundam picture
B17_50 .GIF: 188k :High Resolution pic of a B-17
BALLOONS.GIF: 119k :A balloon vendor in action
BARTON .GIF: 247k :Barton landscape 640x480x256 (VGA Required)
BASSELPE.GIF: 28k :Bloom County's Very own Basselope
BEE512 .GIF: 29k :A close-up of a bee
BIKINI1 .GIF: 135k :lovely ladiy in bikini
BIKINI2 .GIF: 136k :another lovely lady
BLAST .GIF: 48k :The liftoff of the space shuttle
BLOND .GIF: 91k :a blond at the beach
BOB-89A .GIF: 37k :The demo picture that comes with CSHOW81
BORA .GIF: 114k :640x480x256 Exotic car....
BUDGIRLS.GIF: 158k :A great Budweiser advertisement
BUGS .GIF: 8k :Nice pic of everyone's favorite wascally wabbit.
CALRAISN.GIF: 21k :The famous California Raisins in concert.
CASTLE .GIF: 24k :A pretty picture of, well, a castle. (VGA)
CHEETAH .GIF: 64k :The fastest land animal on earth up close and personal!
CHIPMK .GIF: 12k :Chip and Dale
CITY01 .GIF: 214k :Looking down upon the city
CLOWN .GIF: 50k :The cool clown that you see on everyone's VGA
COORS .GIF: 51k :Makes me thirsty!
COUNTACH.GIF: 12k :A picture of the Lamborghini Countach
CRAKKILL.GIF: 5k :CGA Bart Simpson finds out that crack kills. Funny!
CYBERNET.GIF: 5k :640x200x16, Cathedral of Guadalajara, from CyberNet @830
DAYINTHE.GIF: 363k :Famous Painting (1024x1024x256)
DEBBIE1 .GIF: 19k :A gif of Debbie Gibson....
DEBBIE2 .GIF: 20k :another Gif of Debbie Gibson...very nice..
DEBBIE3 .GIF: 20k :the third gif of Debbie Gibson....Lost Pose
DENISE .GIF: 48k :Another pretty girl
DIVER .GIF: 48k :Picture of a diver....really good.
DUEL .GIF: 193k :Dragonlance Dragon D[Auel (640x480x256)
EARTH .GIF: 163k :640x480x256 Scanned By Grafix Unlimited (ME!)
ELLE .GIF: 196k :Sports Illustrated's Favorite Model
F14 .GIF: 70k :F14 jet fighter
F16 .GIF: 125k :F16 jet fighter
FANTASY .GIF: 87k :Good gif pic of knight and lady
FB-111 .GIF: 113k :FB-111 Aerial photograph. 640x480x256
FLORAL .GIF: 167k :A nice floral arrangement
FS-AD-01.GIF: 66k :The Far Star BBS's GIF add.
GIRL .GIF: 49k :Gif of a glamorous girl.
GLACIER .GIF: 290k :Picture of a mountain
HSTSAT .GIF: 41k :Saturn picture from the HST
ICEWORLD.GIF: 101k :A picture from the top of the world
IRISES .GIF: 98k :The world of the iris
ISHARA .GIF: 39k :Tasha's sister
JEAN .GIF: 124k :Fushgi No Umi No Nadia (Mystery of the Blue Water of Nadia
JUPITER .GIF: 43k :a good scan of a NASA photo
KANEDA_G.GIF: 58k :Kaneda from Akira with a laser cannon (movie poster pose)
KBUNDY .GIF: 95k :a pic of christina applegate
KIKI-1 .GIF: 363k :Kiki from animation: Kiki's Delivery Service. 603x839x265
KIKI-2 .GIF: 92k :Another GIF from Kiki's Delivery Service. 250x593x256
KITTY .GIF: 15k :A drawing of a cat on a rope
KITTY2 .GIF: 57k :A cat in its usual position
KODAK .GIF: 153k :640x480x256 KodaColor GOLD Box... Another by ME!
KQ5 .GIF: 40k :A sneak preview of King's Quest V
KYM256 .GIF: 51k :nice 256 color face
KYOSUKE2.GIF: 125k :From Orange Road. 612x655x16. Grey Scale.
LONGPEAK.GIF: 220k :Beautiful .GIF of mountains (640x480x256)
LOVEOWN .GIF: 345k :The message of Christianity
LUSH .GIF: 643k :Picture of a park
MBTIGER .GIF: 121k :Tiger on a rug
MIKKI .GIF: 51k :Good 256 color face picture of mikki. (Small error)
MIKKI2 .GIF: 50k :Another 256 color of Mikki
MOEBIUS .GIF: 15k :Nice Moebius picture (from French "Metal Hurlant")
MOONLT .GIF: 49k :moonlighted scene
MOTOSLAV.GIF: 70k :From the animation Gall Force. 568x702x16. Grey Scale.
NIP .GIF: 197k :Useless (but aren't they all) vga demo -- certified neato.
NOID .GIF: 21k :Picture of the Domino Pizza Noid.
OPUS .GIF: 21k :A drawing of Bloom County's favorite penguin
PARROT .GIF: 29k :A nice picture of a parrot.
PAULSI .GIF: 182k :Yet another pretty girl from Sports Illustrated
PEPPER .GIF: 38k :Artwork from Sgt. Pepper album.
PICARD3 .GIF: 20k :Picture from ST:TNG of Picard
PICARD4 .GIF: 31k :Clip from ST:TNG centering on Picard
PICARD5 .GIF: 20k :clip from St:TNG
PICARD6 .GIF: 112k :Clip from ST:TNG
REAGAN .GIF: 261k :Picture of Regan in B/W
ROBOT .GIF: 31k :GIF of robot
SEAGULLS.GIF: 182k :Picture of seagulls on their nest
SFENN .GIF: 95k :Picture of Twin Peaks' star Sherilyn Fenn
SIMPSONS.GIF: 15k :The All American Family!
SMURFTAN.GIF: 13k :scarey picture of your favorite smurf and mine.
SPOCK .GIF: 26k :Up close and personal with Mr. Spock
SPOCKENT.GIF: 29k :spock and his ship
SPOCKISS.GIF: 34k :Mr. Spock and Romulan Commander. 256 colors.
SQ4 .GIF: 38k :Space Quest 4 image. (320x200x256)
STIGR3 .GIF: 156k :Gif of a Battleship and mermaid. 89A demo. 640x480x256.
TROI .GIF: 15k :Picture of Counsellor Troi of Star Trek-The Next Generatio
VAMPIRE_.GIF: 51k :From the series Vampire Hunter D. 442x734x16.
Quite a nice artistic GIF.
WATCH .GIF: 307k :a rolex (640x480x256)
WESLEY .GIF: 13k :Wesley from ST:TNG
ZR1-1990.GIF: 221k :The 1990 Corvette ZR-1
Number of Files: 107
YTZ .EXE: 54k :yahtzee that works on win 3.0
ALM094 .ZIP: 149k :A Windows 3.0 almanac, daily planner, and calendar.
ALWIN .EXE: 166k :a self unarcing desk organizer/planner for windows 3.0
ATMOID .ZIP: 9k :An Asteroids game for Windows 3.0 (from Germany).
BARTEYES.ZIP: 14k :Instead of normal Eyes, its bart (for windows 3.0)
CENTIPED.ZIP: 8k :A centipede game for Windows 3.0.
CHECKERS.ZIP: 17k :A Checkers game for Windows 3.0.
CMDP50 .LZH: 41k :Windows menu utility, GREAT!
CMDPOST7.ZIP: 256k :This is the new command Post for Windows 3
This is an excellent menu maker program for
windows 3 an unbelieable improvement with a
massive amount of control of windows features
GIF2BMP .ZIP: 24k :Converts GIFs to Win3 compatible BMP files.
ICONDRAW.ZIP: 36k :Draw your own icons for Windows 3.0
INVISION.ZIP: 144k :demo of cad program, runs under windows, decent
KF33 .ZIP: 69k :Memory Utility for Microsoft Windows v.3.0
KLOTZ .ZIP: 37k :A Tetris game for Windows 3.0.
NEWEYE .ZIP: 24k :Eye follows cursor movements. For Windows 3.0.
PS .ZIP: 21k :Paint Shop File Converter for window 3.0
SAVER .ZIP: 74k :Screen Saver for Windows v.3.0
SCRNPEAC.ZIP: 26k :Windows 3.0 Screen saver, very nice.
SOUNDER .ZIP: 146k :mac sounds player for windows 3.0. Neat!
TILEBMPS.ZIP: 3k :Wall paper (.BMP) for Windows 3.0 screens.
TP3 .EXE: 85k :Majong for Windows 3.0
TTT .ZIP: 9k :A simple Tic-Tac-Toe for Windows 3.0
UC-20 .ZIP: 163k :UniCom 2.0 Windows 3.0 Communications - limited to 1200bd
Excellent package, but you must register it to
run at 2400 baud or higher. Check it out!
WIN3BUG1.ZIP: 2k :Windows 3.0 Bugs
WINPAS .ZIP: 71k :a pascal running program for windows 3.0
WINPOKER.ZIP: 59k :Electronic poker for windows 3.0
WINPROB2.ZIP: 7k :More Windows 3.0 problems
WINTOYS .ZIP: 32k :a bunch of programs for windows
WPOST11 .ZIP: 11k :Post It notes for Windows 3.0
Number of Files: 29
20QS .ARC: 4k :20 Qusetions Questionaire Chain for WWIV 4.XX
30CMMTS .ZIP: 3k :30 Comments - A WWIV G-file
4NEWS_10.ZIP: 10k :Create WWIV bulletins in print-out form
5286FILE.ZIP: 44k :Master file listing for The Party Line BBS - WWIVnet 5286
617 .ZIP: 5k :Batch files a system must use to use WWIV for FIDOnet
9600SET .ZIP: 1k :Intel 9600EX settings for Electric Avenues' WWIV.
ALLFILES.ZIP: 48k :All files on WWIVnet @5252 as of 10/1/1990
ANSIFSED.PAS: 1k :Extended ANSI characters from FSED for WWIV 4.XX
ANSIWWIV.ARC: 5k :Description of extended ANSI usage for WWIV 4.xx
ANSWER2 .ZIP: 16k :Program to answer the phone when system is down
ATOPST12.ZIP: 33k :20 Line Non-abortable Autopost logon event
BBS .PRJ: 2k :BBS.PRJ file for WWIV 4.12 written by Filo, 1@5252
BBSLIST .EXE: 32k :Colorize your WWIV 4.XX BBSLIST.MSG file
BBSLISTC.ZIP: 12k :Program to add color to your BBSLIST.MSG file
BI'N'WW4.ZIP: 196k :Install Bimodem for WWIV - includes Bimodem v.1.20
BIMODEM1.TXT: 4k :BiModem installation text file #1
BIMODEM2.TXT: 3k :BiModem Text file 2 of 2
BIMODEMI.ZIP: 3k :A way to install Bimodem without the source for WWIV
BIMWW102.ZIP: 81k :The Best Bimodem interface for WWIV! No errors!
BISIWWIV.ZIP: 115k :bimodem self install on com 1 as chain--no source required
BISON .ZIP: 170k :A Gnu Project Version of Yacc w/source
BIWWIV1 .ZIP: 7k :Installs BiModem in WWIV like an external protocol
BULLETIN.LZH: 24k :WWIv Bulletin Menu System (logon event/door)
This is the work of Dave Wallace, 1@5806 and a
loyal user of WOnderland *5803*. Most of the
Mass. Boards are using it and find it quite
BULLGEN .ZIP: 20k :WWIV Bulletin Generator
CALEND40.ZIP: 23k :Calendar program for WWIV 4.XX
CHAIN .ARC: 4k :Make your own chains for WWIV 4.xx systems
CHAINTXT.ZIP: 2k :A fully commented CHAIN.TXT file for all WWIV developers
There have been so many people asking for this
and now it is finally here...
CHATSONG.ZIP: 9k :Change the chat screech to a neat little tune.
Five different songs included.
CHAZ_DS .HST: 3k :Chaz's USR-DS settings that work (Chaz is 1@2)
CLEANREC.ZIP: 16k :Clean up USER.LST for WWIV 4.XX
CMDP62B .ZIP: 78k :Command Post 6.2 windows menu program
CMNCHAT .COM: 6k :COMMON.PAS that has routines to use CHAT mode in games
COMMON1 .ARC: 6k :Newest COMMON.PAS include file for WWIV 4.xx chains
COMMON40.ZIP: 6k :COMMON.PAS for Turbo Pascal 4.0
COMMON50.ZIP: 8k :New Common.pas file for WWIV chains for TP 5.0
COMMON51.ZIP: 5k :New COMMON50.PAS file - Does Not Use CRT!
COMPCOM .TXT: 3k :WWIV settings for the new CompuCom modems
CONVERTU.ZIP: 20k :Convert USERLIST to format used by FROM.MOD
COPYLOG2.ZIP: 4k :Program that copies daily logs to G-Files directory
CR_EDIT .ZIP: 5k :Add a line editor to WWIV that is called with a c/r
DAY .COM: 10k :memoraldum pera la computadora (Spanish time utility)
DBASE .ZIP: 38k :Database program (chain) for WWIV 4.XX
DD-HST .ZIP: 8k :HST-DS setup for The Dragon's Den (@5252)
DKIT3003.ZIP: 22k :DoorKit v.3.003 - for PCB/WCAT/RBBS/QBBS/Telegard doors
DND2WWIV.ZIP: 39k :Doc file/utilities for DND BBS to work as a WWIV 4.XX door
DUALSTND.ZIP: 5k :Modem init & result codes for v.4.12 w/v.42bis - USR-DS
EBL400 .ZIP: 51k :Extended batch language - handy for WWIV
ED .ZIP: 21k :Another full screen editor for WWIV 4.XX
EVENTBUL.LZH: 23k :Logon event bulletin utilities for WWIV 4.XX
EXEMPT .ZIP: 2k :Explanations of WWIV Exemptions
EXTERN .ZIP: 5k :External event utility for multiple events. Up to 7.
FEDIT .DOC: 1k :FEDIT Full screen editor documentation
FEDIT13A.ZIP: 25k :Full Screen Editor v. 1.03a - 3/3/91 - even better!
Now supports line joining. More bugs are
fixed. If a quick and simple mod (which is
included in the *.DOC file) is installed, the
/TI, /SN and /SY commands work with this
FILOFILE.ZIP: 42k :12-27-90 list of files @5252
FIX .ZIP: 16k :Repair program for all WWIV data files
FLASH23 .ZIP: 71k :New *.ANS, *.B&W, *.MSG creator for WWIV 4.XX systems
FLASH30 .ZIP: 101k :New Flash Message Generator for WWIV 4.XX
FLIST10 .ZIP: 11k :WWIV Filelist - v.1.0 - Generate a Master File Listing
FQUOTE80.ZIP: 46k :Filo's Quote Kludge - allows sysop & users to quote
This does not involve a source code mod and
even the author, Filo, calls it a real kludge,
but he says it works for him. A doc file is
included. Not included, however, is
BRUN45.EXE, which is required to use this
FSED19 .ZIP: 66k :FSED v.1.9 - Sagredo's Good Old WWIV external editor (new)
FSEDHELP.ZIP: 2k :/## ANSI codes for users to add special characters in FSED
FSEDSRC .ZIP: 55k :Sagredo's FSED source code version 1.12
GFILE2 .ZIP: 34k :G-file Collection #2 (from system @5252)
GFL1 .ZIP: 37k :G-file Collection #1 (from system @5252)
GUIDES .ZIP: 25k :Norton Guides for WWIV v.1.3
HIGHSPED.TXT: 3k :Help on setting protocols with WWIV and highspeed modems
HST .SET: 7k :More HST modem settings to confuse everyone
HST-LE .ZIP: 11k :USR HST settings for WWIV by Lord Elric
HSTWWIV .ZIP: 15k :Set up HST's to work with WWIV/ mods to make it better
INFCOMPC.ZIP: 11k :Find duplicate accounts on any WWIV system
INFOPC .ZIP: 10k :Search for duplicate user information in WWIV 4.XX
JHC0001 .ZIP: 15k :Joel Canepa's program to list area codes in BBSLIST.MSG
JOKE .ZIP: 11k :Joke of the Day logon event for WWIV 4.XX systems
LIST .ZIP: 12k :Mr. Berg's LIST utility (Set LIST util ON in INIT)
LISTF11 .ZIP: 11k :Put transfer lists to files from the DOS level...
LOCALCHK.ZIP: 50k :LocalSystem Check program - check for local exchanges
LOG-BAK .ZIP: 3k :Backup WWIV logs, user data, and status.dat files
LOGON20A.ZIP: 233k :WWIV logon event program
A Logon event program for WWIV (and perhaps
LRFLOGON.ZIP: 171k :Astrology logon event for WWIV 4.XX systems
M# .ZIP: 1k :Yet another PCP macro...
MAKEDOOR.ZIP: 33k :Convert CHAIN.TXT to format used by RBBS/QBBS on-liners
MASTER .ZIP: 35k :Master file list of whats available at WWIVnet 6652
MASTER10.ZIP: 17k :A door that allows users to d/l master BBS file listing
MKDORIN .ZIP: 22k :Make QBBS/RBBS doors work from CHAIN.TXT in WWIV 4.XX
NEWSMAK6.ZIP: 43k :LOGON.MSG generator for WWIV 4.XX with ANSI color
NEWUSER .ZIP: 5k :New User Event - Log file of NEW USERS
NG-CLONE.ZIP: 33k :Norton Guides Clone for use with WWIV 4.XX
NG_WWIV .ZIP: 36k :Norton's Guide to WWIV. Needs Norton Guides for viewing
ONLHLP .ZIP: 4k :How to write an on-line doc file - by 19@2350
PCBV30W .ZIP: 177k :PCBVerify auto-call back utility with WWIV installation
This is a very good auto-callback door
9originally for PC-Board) with instructions for
installing it with WWIV.
PCPLIST .ZIP: 3k :PCPable WWIVnet systems as of 6/3/89
PCTEXT31.ZIP: 14k :Story maker v.3.1
PLUS101 .ZIP: 37k :Darwin BBSlist to BBSLIST.MSG converter
POSTHELP.TXT: 5k :Textfile help on posting with WWIV 4.
PROTOCOL.TXT: 3k :The command lines for some WWIV external protocols
PROTOS .ZIP: 3k :Charlie's help file to install external protocols w/WWIV
Q&J .ZIP: 70k :Quoter and Joker logon event - replaces auto-message
QBBSWWIV.ZIP: 32k :Run WWIV as a door under QBBS
QEDW .ZIP: 25k :Help files and documentation for WWIV MS Word comp. editor
QSTDOOR .ZIP: 37k :Add Multiple Questionnaires to your WWIV 4.XX BBS
QUOTE-A .ZIP: 46k :Logon event - Today in History
QUOTES .ZIP: 34k :Logon event - Quotes made by your users
RAWWIV40.ZIP: 7k :WWIV backup program v.4.0 (in Spanish by 1@9500)
REMINT .ZIP: 11k :ROOK Software's REMdoor to WWIV interface
REQ40 .ZIP: 29k :File Request door for WWIV v.4.0
RSFREQ10.ZIP: 19k :ROOK Software file request chain v.1.0 for WWIV 4.XX
RSQJ11 .ZIP: 31k :RookSoft Quote/Joke v.1.1 - Users read & enter q&j's
SBM10 .ZIP: 18k :RookSoft's Sysop Bulletin Maker v.1.0
SCRIPTUR.ZIP: 68k :Displays Bible scripture as a logon event for WWIV
SH11 .ZIP: 9k :Run practically everything as a door!
SL-DSL .ZIP: 3k :SL's and DSL's discussed for WWIV 4.
SLED .ARC: 41k :Yet another editor compatible with WWIV 4.XX
SNARF094.ZIP: 22k :Offline file request system for WWIV
SOBULLS .ZIP: 34k :Add WWIV bulletins as a logon event
SORTBBS .ZIP: 5k :Sort your BBSLIST.MSG file and add color, too!
SORTLST .ZIP: 16k :Sort your BBSLIST.MSG file (or let users do it on-line)
STAT6030.ZIP: 9k :Latest version of user status - use as a chain!
STATS .ZIP: 20k :Extensive user statistics for WWIV v4.10
SUGST100.ZIP: 17k :Suggestion door for WWIV 4.XX
SUPPORT .ZIP: 6k :WWIV Support BBS Text file from Wayne Bell
SWITCH_2.ZIP: 31k :Switch_ to unload WWIV and its modem drivers (SOURCE CODE)
TBANK101.ZIP: 47k :Doctor Fred's TimeBank v.1.01 - source not required
TBANK104.ZIP: 55k :Time Bank v.1.04 for WWIV 4.XX (no source needed)
TBITWWIV.ZIP: 7k :Telebit Trailblazer Modem Setup for WWIV
TELEBIT .TXT: 4k :WWIV settings for the Trailblazer Telebit T2500
TGUARD11.ZIP: 5k :Timeguard v.1.1 - Anti Game Leech Control; x mins per game
TODAY .ZIP: 213k :A birthday, important date & daily reminder logon event.
TODAY23 .ZIP: 79k :Today In History v.2.3 - A WWIV Logon event...
TODDBINK.ZIP: 11k :Todd's BinkleyTerm setup for WWIV 4.
TOPTEN09.ZIP: 14k :RookSoft's Top 10 v.0.90 - Lists Top 10 posters
TOPTEN10.ZIP: 15k :Create bulletin of Top 10 downloaded files on your system
UEDITV16.ZIP: 136k :Uedit external program for DATA by Tolkien
UNDOC .TXT: 4k :Undocumented commands for all WWIV 4.XX systems
UNZIP .ZIP: 9k :Protect WWIV from archive extraction security hole
The file Wayne Bell e-mailed everyone about,
this is a 'front-door' to PKUNZIP to prevent
users from extracting files like PKUNZIP and
"..\DSZ.COM" and stuff like that. Due to the
nature of the file itself, it CANNOT be ex-
tracted by using the E command. Source is
included and Wayne is encouraging wide distri-
bution of this program.
UPTEST2 .ZIP: 9k :Upload event .bat files to check for viruses. Still buggy
USAGE .ZIP: 29k :Utility to graph all frequency in half-hour increments
USBBS56 .ZIP: 39k :Darwin's BBSlist v.56 - Use with PLUS101.ZIP
USER-FIX.ZIP: 28k :UserFix program by the Innkeeper - use with FIX.ZIP
USERPEEK.ZIP: 18k :Chain Program for WWIV 4.XX - allows users to see stats
USERPRT .ZIP: 19k :Prints out all of the info os a specified user in WWIV
USERSTAT.ZIP: 47k :BBS Usage Graph creator. Creates 6 graphs for WWIV!
USLT .ZIP: 65k :Makes ANSI chart of calls/posts & ages
USR .TXT: 5k :Wayne Bell's USR dual-standard settings for Amber...
USTATV20.ZIP: 37k :Version 1.20 of the WWIV User Statistics Program
USYS20 .ZIP: 17k :Run other programs with the "T" WFC command
USYS_2 .LZH: 8k :Get more from your WFC "T" Option. Needs Norton Utils
UTISOURC.ZIP: 20k :Source to write a UTI for Megamail/WWIV/PCRelay/Wildcat
UUCODE .ZIP: 29k :UUencode/UUdecode
V32BIS .ZIP: 3k :v.32bis discussion text from US Robotics
VPEND .ZIP: 6k :Nice chain to view pending files (w/source)
WAFSTUFF.ZIP: 10k :Additional Waffle information for WWIV Sysops
WATCHDOG.ARC: 4k :Use this to reboot computer if carrier is lost via //DOS
WAYNBELL.ZIP: 23k :A Mac picture of Wayne Bell
WC-DOOR .ZIP: 10k :How to run Wildcat! BBS as a door under WWIV
WHERE .ZIP: 14k :Area code finder - on-line program
WHOHASEX.ZIP: 41k :WHO HAS what file...the executable program
This program must be used with the
WW4FILES.ZIP. Both should be unzipped in a
separate directory and then run WHOHAS. You
will be able to tell which WWIV BBS has which
support files. This should help all visiting
sysops looking for a particular file. The
WW4FILES.ZIP will be updated monthly so
look for the one with the most current date.
WW4-USER.ZIP: 22k :WWIV user Information - a Good G-file
WW410DOC.ZIP: 88k :WWIV 4.10 docs - also included in WWIV410.ZIP
WW4FILES.ZIP: 39k :WWIV Master File Listing - goes w/WHOHASEX.ZIP
oth should be unzipped in a
separate directory and then run WHOHAS. You
will be able to tell which WWIV BBS has which
support files. This should help all visiting
sysops looking for a particular file. The
WW4FILES.ZIP will be updated monthly so
look for the one with the most current date.
WW4Q15 .ZIP: 46k :Cleaner and faster version of QUOTES.ZIP
WW4RD11 .ZIP: 75k :Fellowship BBS offline reader for message base 4.12
WW4RDMOD.ZIP: 45k :WWIV off-line reader and source mod by Tolkien (1@3456)
WW4READ .ZIP: 51k :WWIV off-line reader - by Tolkien (1@3456) - no source
WWBI-NST.ZIP: 4k :Install BiModem into WWIV 4.XX as a chain program
WWBULI10.ZIP: 14k :WWIV Bulletin Menu - new utility for WWIV 4.XX
WWFIXMDM.DOC: 1k :Doc on how to fix WWIV to answer for 2400 bps
WWIV .MNU: 2k :Logitech Mouse menu drivers for WWIV 4.XX
WWIV-TM .LZH: 21k :Telemate phone dirs of WWIVnet/link BBSs + Richmond BBSs
WWIV0390.ZIP: 97k :The premiere issue of WWIV Electronic Magazine!
WWIV100 .ZIP: 32k :WWIV 1.0! The original BASIC high school project of W.Bell
WWIV411 .ZIP: 297k :WWIV v. 4.11 shareware version
WWIV412 .ZIP: 308k :WWIV BBS Software v.4.12 - Now Compiled in Turbo C++
WWIVAP2Z.ZIP: 14k :Convert all WWIV files from .ARC or .PAK to .ZIP
WWIVBAK2.ZIP: 10k :Backup critical WWIV data files...
WWIVCAT .ZIP: 26k :Files to run WWIVnet on Wildcat BBS systems
WWIVCHN .ZIP: 209k :WWIV 3.21 compiled to run as an on-line chain w/ver 4.XX
WWIVCOMP.EXE: 279k :A *LOT* of help to new WWIV Sysops. Many helpful hints!
WWIVCRF .ZIP: 54k :WWIV Source code cross-reference (not actual source)
WWIVDESQ.ZIP: 4k :Tips on working WWIV with Desqview
WWIVIEXE.ZIP: 158k :Modified version of "Stevie", a nice VI clone for WWIV
WWIVISRC.ZIP: 147k :Source code for WWIVI (VI Editor Clone) - very portable
WWIVLOG2.ZIP: 19k :ZLOG analyzer for WWIV 3.21
WWIVNOTE.ZIP: 6k :notes on Compiling WWIV
WWIVOPEN.ZIP: 28k :Convert chain.txt to format for Fast Finger's On-liners
WWIVPCOL.ZIP: 495k :WWIV Protocol Package - See Description
WWIVPROT.ZIP: 7k :WWIV File Protocol Package v.1 9/20/89 by Mr. Bill
WWIVTECH.ZIP: 8k :WWIV external protocol setup text
WWUTIL4 .ZIP: 35k :Run PC Board/RBBS/Wildcat doors under WWIV 4.XX
This file will be great if you want to try and
run other games from other BBS systems under
WWIV 4.XX using the shrink feature.
WWUTIL5 .ZIP: 33k :WWIV Utilities v.5.0 - run PCB/RBBS/Wildcat Doors
WXA00 .ZIP: 85k :Mail reader program for WWIV Off-line reader (by 1@9964)
WXMEXT .ZIP: 20k :Windowed modem with WWIV
XFER .ZIP: 76k :WWIV/Bitnet/Internet connection software to toss WWIV mail
This software makes international connections
possible for WWIVnet sysops....
YOURSTAT.ZIP: 32k :Like Userpeek - Displays User Stats as a Chain
ZDOC .ZIP: 15k :Better Zmodem documentation for use with WWIV
ZEDIT12E.ZIP: 62k :Z-edit FS editor v.1.2e - works w/38.4k comm port
Number of Files: 196
ACGC .ZIP: 48k :AC & GC List Generator by Area Code and Group
Filo's program to generate the listing. Will
run from CHAIN, Drop-to-Dos, or as part of an
external event.
ACGUIDE .ZIP: 13k :An Area Coordinator's Guide to WWIVnet
ALTERNET.ZIP: 28k :Original 43 posts which started the WWIVlink split
AMBER108.ZIP: 47k :List of all files on Amber BBS as of 01-08-91
ANCON100.ZIP: 11k :Speculate (analyze) effect of network connections
BBS_DIR .LZH: 61k :Netted BBS List Program v.1.12 (1/1/91)- now international
BBS_DIR2.LZH: 22k :Data files for the above file
BUBBA-R .ZIP: 23k :Newest Bubba version (file mover) for RDU area sysops
BYLAWS .ZIP: 11k :Old Bylaws of the 314 area code before the WWIVlink split
COORDIN8.ZIP: 4k :Information about WWIVnet area coordinators
DE261 .EXE: 6k :DE file for Group 5 - AC's 318,404,704,717,802,803,804,919
F1NSETUP.ZIP: 214k :Filo's Net Setup v.1.0 - all a new node needs (no DE file)
FILE2NET.ZIP: 21k :Sends any size file via WWIVnet! Use with Caution.
GRP1 .ZIP: 4k :Group 1 DE file - AC's 213, 504, 514, 704 need this
GRP12 .ZIP: 4k :Group 12 De file - AC's 206, 503, 509, 801, 907 need this
GRP2 .ZIP: 4k :Group 2 DE file - AC's 215,305,313,314,316,404,419,618,813
GRP3 .ZIP: 4k :Group 3 DE file - Area codes 408, 805, 818 need this file
GRP4 .ZIP: 4k :Group 4 DE file - AC's 205,216,502,512,519,602,812,905
GRP7 .ZIP: 4k :Group 7 DE file - Area codes 201, 203, and 908 need this
GRP8 .ZIP: 4k :Group 8 DE file - Area codes 202, 301, 609, 703 need this
HOW2JOIN.ZIP: 3k :How to join WWIVnet
LNETPLUS.COM: 19k :Lnet Plus v.1.00 - Premeire Edition - Super LNET Enhancer
M-2400 .NET: 1k :PC-Pursuit Macro to transmit WWIVnet data thru PCP at 2400
M-SLINK .NET: 1k :A starlink macro created by Benny Hill 2@5401!
MYEG45 .ZIP: 9k :MyREG v.4.5 - Newest REGIONS.DAT file for WWIVnet
NET20 .ZIP: 142k :Here it is.....
NET21 .ZIP: 144k :Net21 - newest Version of WWIV Net file
NET22 .ZIP: 158k :Version 22 of the WWIVnet executable files as of 12-04-90
NET23 .ZIP: 159k :WWIVnet Executable Network Files v.23 (2/3/1991)
NETDAT .ZIP: 29k :Up to date version of WWIVnet data files (11/15/90)
NETEDIT .ZIP: 92k :WWIV Network Editor v.1.27 (1/1/91)
NETPURGE.LZH: 10k :DEAD.NET Message Purge/Rerouter v.0.20 (1/1/91)
NETREF .DOC: 20k :WWIVnet reference documentation
NETTREE2.ZIP: 19k :NetTree 2.0 - Displays Map of WWIVnet. New and faster!
NETWORK2.ZIP: 9k :Reports local mail contents in sysop log (SOURCE)
NETZ50 .ZIP: 47k :Network Log Analyxer v.5.0 - works for 4.12 for Link/Net
NETZ502 .ZIP: 44k :Maintenance upgrade for WWIVnet Network Analyzer (bug fix)
NETZIP26.ZIP: 23k :NetZip v.2.6 - Zips net packets for transfer - still buggy
NSORT13 .ZIP: 15k :Sort BBSDATA.NET many ways. Compatible with WWIV 4.12
RECLAIM .ZIP: 6k :Reclaim corrupted WWIVnet packets (SOURCE)
SPLIT .ZIP: 6k :Splits corrupt WWIVnet data packets
STARDIAL.OUT: 9k :Outdial nodes for new Starlink! service - PCP has a rival!
STARLINK.TXT: 14k :How-to-order info for Starlink! - competes with PCPursuit
STARLINK.ZIP: 2k :12000 & 2400 macros for wwiv 4.x and Starlink
SUBED100.ZIP: 114k :Filo's SUBEDitor v.1.0 - Makes editing WWIVnet subs easy
SUBEDIT2.ZIP: 69k :SubEdit II v.1.00 - full screen w/mouse support
SUBS .LNK: 12k :Listing of netted subs for WWIVlink (4/1/90)
SUBS .ZIP: 19k :SLC (Subs list compiler) and WHATIS -- See feedback
SYSUTL11.ZIP: 159k :Some Sysop/User utilties for WWIV BBS's. Search for BBS's
Connections, Subs, peruse NETDAT's etc.
Optional support for File2Net. Best of all,
it's FREE!
UUCODE .ZIP: 36k :UUENCODE/UUDECODE converts binaries to text for net mail
WHERE .ZIP: 13k :Find the area code for any WWIV net system - door
WNCI090 .ZIP: 26k :Network callout program - run from DOS or batch-by 1@5459
WWIVCAT .MCR: 1k :Netmail Macro for The Bargain Basement/Another World BBS
This is the macro needed to call The Bargain
Basment BBS/Another World BBS for 24 hour
netmail operation. It may easily be adapted to
work with any Wildcat/WWIVnet combo bbs.
WWIVDOC .ZIP: 10k :Amazing! Dox from Wayne Bell about WWIVnet.
WWIVP200.ZIP: 21k :WWIVPack v.2.00 - Works Without a Mod/Net Packet Compress
WWLINK03.ZIP: 43k :WWIVlink network files as of Aug. 1990
Number of Files: 56
2-PASS .ZIP: 4k :2nd Password Mod - Upgraded version of PASS.ZIP
2WAYCHAT.ARC: 10k :Two color chat for WWIV 4.xx systems
64BASES .MOD: 7k :Modification to expand WWIV 4.XX to 64 sub boards
A-RE-VAL.ZIP: 2k :Auto User Re-Validation Mod
ADDTOF1 .ZIP: 3k :Add to F1 Validation key!
ALLEN1 .MOD: 3k :Makes local logons appear as remote in your logs.
ALTERMNU.ZIP: 3k :Alternate Menu and Files Modification
AMIANSI .ZIP: 3k :Make WWIV ANSI more compatible with AMIGAs and APPLEs
AMSGLOCK.ZIP: 4k :Lock Automsg for 1-7 days )Sysop/Cosysop) auto-unlock!
ANSIMUSI.ZIP: 5k :Mod that allows ANSI music capability with WWIV 4.XX
ARC-BUG .ZIP: 2k :Fix the ARC bug in WWIV 4.06
ARCTEST2.ZIP: 3k :Archive Test Modification
ASKFOR .ZIP: 2k :Prompt users to ask for a file stored off-line.
Comes up when they try to DL a file that is
listed but not on the drive.
AUTOHANG.ZIP: 1k :Automatically save messages if user gets hung up on
AUTOSYS .ZIP: 3k :Auto-SysOp, Answers chat when your not there!
BATCH201.ZIP: 5k :Add Batch Zmodem and others - By Bilbo Baggins
BATCHZ .ARC: 4k :Allows Batch Zmodem transfer within WWIV 4.XX
BBSLISTS.ZIP: 3k :Multiple BBS Lists mod
BIMOD .ZIP: 4k :A way to install Bimodem for WWIV
BIMWW102.ZIP: 73k :Bimodem Interface v.1.02 for WWIV 4.xx
BIRTHDAY.ZIP: 1k :A WWIV mod that announces a user's birthday.
BKUP10 .ZIP: 3k :Save your daily logs
BLANK .ZIP: 2k :Delete excessive blank lines at the end of posts
BREAK .ZIP: 2k :print file saying you need computer, and log user off
CHAIN .HLP: 7k :Help file to modify source code to run foreign chains
CHAINTXT.ZIP: 2k :Text file to modify source for running foreign chains
CHAIN_T .ZIP: 2k :Use CHAIN.TXT differently - by Black Dragon
CHAT .ZIP: 2k :If sysop is available, say so at the main prompt
CHATBUG .ZIP: 3k :Fix CHAT bug in earlier versions of WWIV
CHATCALL.ZIP: 3k :Chat Page Mod
CHATSEL .ZIP: 3k :Multiple Sysop chat selection mod -- which sysop is it?
CHATSNG2.ZIP: 16k :ChatSong, 2nd edition. 12-15 new songs added.
Replaces the chat call with one of several
tunes. Can be added anywhere in bbs source
CHATWISH.ZIP: 2k :Tell your users you would LIKE to chat
CLIB5 .ZIP: 111k :C library and routine
CLRTITLE.ZIP: 2k :Colorized titles - by the Doctor
COLRLOG .ZIP: 7k :Add color to your //LOG
COLRSTAT.ZIP: 2k :Color statistics modification
COLRTIT2.ZIP: 2k :Another colorized title mod.... uses inli
COLTITLE.ZIP: 2k :Colorize your titles mod
COMMON1 .ZIP: 5k :Duplicate file - see WWIV general files
COMPSRCH.ZIP: 6k :Add search by COMPUTER type to uedit search procedure
CUSS .ZIP: 3k :The Profanity filter
DDJ1189 .ZIP: 41k :Dr. Dobbs Source Code for 11-89
DEFAULTS.ZIP: 3k :Turn extended colors & desc's on in defaults
DELDATA .ZIP: 4k :Delete old deleted message base files mod/ Parker Prospect
DELMOD .ZIP: 2k :Small mod that prompts you before deleting mail in MAILR
DIRSLIST.ZIP: 1k :ANSI available Xfer Directory list
DLOADMSG.ZIP: 2k :Allow your users to DOWNLOAD messages
DMAINMOD.ZIP: 1k :run daily maintenance when no user is on-line
D_NETPOS.ZIP: 3k :Allow users to delete their outgoing net posts
EDITLINE.ZIP: 3k :Mod to edit any line in the WWIV msg editor
EDITPASS.ZIP: 2k :Edit the user passwords in UEDIT
ELRIC1 .ZIP: 2k :Shows PW: and PH: tried on illegal logon attempts
ELRIC11 .ZIP: 4k :BBSSTAT.C Create Stat file for Gfile section
ELRIC12 .ZIP: 3k :UPRINT.C - Print out your user list
ELRIC13 .ZIP: 3k :Easy way to add extended descriptions to the Xfer section
ELRIC14 .ZIP: 3k :Various new user validation mods
ELRIC17 .ZIP: 3k :Sysop mode, only type system password once per logon
ELRIC18 .ZIP: 3k :Lists users with access to current transfer directory
ELRIC19 .ZIP: 12k :Elric's Print Sub Board info - BETA version...
ELRIC2 .ZIP: 3k :Full real name modification
ELRIC20 .ZIP: 2k :Elric's Dirlist - Not to be confused with FILE2NET
ELRIC21 .ZIP: 4k :Elric's Multiple Fast Logons
ELRIC22 .ZIP: 3k :Elric's AR Print
ELRIC23 .ZIP: 2k :confirm mail deletion for autoreply and form reply
ELRIC24 .ZIP: 3k :Always get feedback from WWIVnet - re-anal DEAD.NET
ELRIC25 .ZIP: 2k :sticks //diredit in the transfer section, where it belongs
ELRIC26 .ZIP: 3k :Force your user to send feedback after uploading a file
ELRIC27 .ZIP: 3k :Transfer area help files - like Gfiles.
ELRIC28 .ZIP: 3k :Semi-automatic extraction of mods from the modnet
ELRIC3 .ZIP: 10k :The complete FROM mod by Lord Elric
ELRIC39 .ZIP: 26k :Elrics "Basepack" message base utility
ELRIC4 .ZIP: 2k :Helps you deal with AR's and DAR's
ELRIC5 .ZIP: 2k :Fix bug in WWIV w/40 column menus
ELRIC6 .ZIP: 2k :Add *.40 and *.b&w menus to BBS
ELRIC7 .ZIP: 2k :Addition to Thisuser.MOD in Various3 mod package
ELRIC8 .ZIP: 1k :System password does not echo to local screen
ELRIC9 .ZIP: 2k :Make messages anonymous after they are posted
EXAMPLE .ZIP: 2k :prints an Example, then deletes it for inputs...
F1EDIT .ZIP: 3k :Use F1 to modiufy more user info, like gold, etc...
FEEDBACK.MOD: 3k :Multi-sysop feedback mod...
FILEDATE.ZIP: 2k :Put file upload date in file listing
FILEREQ .ZIP: 3k :Fle request modification
FKEYSMOD.ZIP: 4k :Add a help menu to your function keys
FOUL .ZIP: 2k :Filter out unwanted locals....
FROM .ZIP: 3k :the address modification
GAMEREST.ZIP: 2k :Restrict bad users from games
GAMES .ZIP: 3k :Make your GAMES listing two columns
GAME_BOX.ZIP: 3k :Put your game listing in a box
GFILEMOD.ZIP: 2k :Mod to tell users there are new G-Files if applicable
GIFIFFRZ.MOD: 10k :Mod allows you to see the size and colors of GIFs or IFFs
GLDSYS25.ZIP: 43k :Tony Godfrey's Gold Sys v2.5 gold system mod for WWIV
With the 2.x series of GLDSYS, the capacity for
awarding and deducting gold for file transfers
was added; however, it *was* buggy. Version
2.4 purported to fix the bugs, but I found one
in 2.4 (not to hard to do, since it crashed my
system) and e-mailed Tony about it. He swears
the bug is fixed now, although I haven't tested
it. NEW: This version purports to be auto-
GOLD .ZIP: 2k :Gold Xfer mod - by Piano Man 1@5402
GOLDEDIT.MSG: 2k :Mod to get gold for posts for WWIV 4.XX
GOLDSYS .ZIP: 8k :Two different gold systems. SALTII won't work with NET
GOLDXFER.ZIP: 3k :Sell gold for transfers
GUEST .ZIP: 2k :Make a guest account
G_SAVE .ZIP: 3k :Save extracted messages to their respective G-file section
HIGH .ZIP: 3k :High Score G-Files - by Doug Fields
HOTKEY .ZIP: 3k :Add hotkeys to your BBS! Commands while menu is printing
IK3 .ZIP: 3k :The Definitive userlist modification
INFOSYS .ZIP: 3k :Add an Information System to the "I" command...
INPPL10 .ZIP: 8k :IPL - Force users to properly capitalize some inputs
INPT_AGE.ZIP: 2k :input age mod, makes 19 already there to input year
IZZY1 .ZIP: 1k :Random line noise generated w/Shift-F6
LASTFEW .ZIP: 4k :Last few callers mod - Has the REAL TIME mod
LISTDIR .ZIP: 2k :Modify your directories to be displayed in double columns
LISTMOD .ZIP: 2k :User list modification
LOCALE .ZIP: 1k :Adds city, state to Name: John Hardman #2 [Raleigh, NC]
LOCALSYS.ZIP: 2k :Here's the local sysop mod I was talkin' bout...
LOG .ZIP: 3k :Put extended log in WWIV 4.05 and less (in 4.06+ already)
LOGLOT10.ARC: 8k :Log off lottery
LOGLOT10.ZIP: 7k :The logoff lottery for Gold
MAILTITL.ZIP: 3k :List Titles of Mail - by Parker Prospect
MAINSTUF.ZIP: 1k :Great Main Menu Mods
MAKEHELP.ZIP: 2k :Make help file modification
MAKENEWS.MOD: 3k :If you use MAKENEWS, you'll need this!
MESSAGE .MOD: 1k :Use Type 1 messages (instead of type 2) in BOARDEDIT
MICRO .ZIP: 2k :User status modification
MMSEARCH.ZIP: 10k :Multi-Mail Search Strings For WWIV 4.xx, Source Needed
MRBILL .ZIP: 15k :Mr. Bill's casino modification
MSGMENU .ZIP: 5k :Different /EX editor for WWIV
MULTANSI.ZIP: 1k :Multiple ANSI logon screen mods
MYMOD1 .ZIP: 2k :Mod to enter bbslist additions to sysop's log
Have you ever had some turkey list someone's
voice phone number as a bbs in your bbs list?
NETEMAIL.ARC: 2k :Use system NAME or # when sending net e-mail
NETMOD3 .ARC: 2k :Modified Netname.arc, separate origin line with phone #
NETNAME .ARC: 3k :Modification for networks
NETNAME .ZIP: 3k :A Mod for networks by 2af
NETNAME2.ARC: 2k :Another mod for WWIVNet systems
NETNAME2.ZIP: 2k :Another Mod for Networks by 2af
NETSHRIN.ZIP: 1k :Allow the BBS to shrink when running NETWORK
NETTAG .ZIP: 3k :Add a TAG line to your messages for the NET
NEWGFILE.ZIP: 2k :Highlight new G-Files modification
NEWINTR1.ZIP: 4k :A new modification by Warlock!
NOABORT1.MOD: 3k :Force your users to read the New User messages
NOABORT1.ZIP: 2k :Users have to read the printfile ()! For new user message.
NODUPDL .ZIP: 3k :No duplicate uploads!
NONLYBUG.ZIP: 5k :Fixes net time only bug in earlier versions of WWIV
NOTEPAD .ZIP: 11k :On-line notepad for your users
NOTE_MOD.ZIP: 3k :Allow users to send a NOTE to a user - 1 line at logon
NOTFOUND.ZIP: 3k :Make the newscan for messages friendlier
ONELINE .ZIP: 2k :G.P.'s mod to allow voice and data calls on one line
OVL301 .ZIP: 116k :Allows multiple overlays w/ QB, TC, MSC, etc...
PAPRIKA .ZIP: 2k :A variation of the PEPPER mod
PASS .ZIP: 2k :Use thisuser.callsign as secondary password for validation
PAUSEANY.ZIP: 1k :Mod to allow Ctrl-Y to turn PAUSE ON PAGE on/off. USEFUL!
PAUSEFIX.ZIP: 3k :Fix Pause on Page for your users by default
PAUSESCR.ZIP: 3k :Mod to show multiple pauses
PCHAT11 .ZIP: 2k :Preferred user chat
PEPPERII.ZIP: 5k :Pepper Post/Call Ratio mod
PHONE .ZIP: 2k :Random BBS advertisement modification
PHONVAL .ZIP: 4k :Auto Phone Validation Modification
POINTER .ZIP: 1k :Black Dragon's Program to search for highest pointers
POSTLOGN.ZIP: 3k :Post/Logon ratio
PRIMTIM2.ZIP: 2k :Restrict Downloads to 10 minutes during prime time
PRT-DIR .ZIP: 3k :Print current transfer directory list
PSTB4GAM.ZIP: 2k :Make users POST before playing a game mod
QUOTE1_2.ZIP: 4k :10-minute mod for message-quoting; works well w/FEDIT102
RANDMSG2.ZIP: 3k :Prints out a random message at the long logoff procedure
Can be used in a couple other places too!
Messages are easily changes due to being kept
in Gfiles and NOT hardcoded in!
RANTITLE.ZIP: 5k :Random Title Generation Mod
REMO411 .MOD: 1k :Fix for the !-@REMOTE@-! call in 4.11
Use this mod to make SNARF094.ZIP work under
REQUEST .ZIP: 2k :Off line file request mod
RE_VALID.ZIP: 2k :Allow you to set accounts for users who haven't called
S-DOS .ZIP: 2k :Additions to Mr. Bill's local shrink to DOS
SALT .ARC: 4k :Mod to prevent game leeching in WWIV 4.XX systems
SCANNODE.ZIP: 2k :use Title: Scan to see which NODE the post comes from
SHOWREG .ZIP: 3k :Show what geographical region a user is from
SKELCLRC.ZIP: 34k :Skeleton.C w/color routines
SKELCMNT.C : 7k :Skeleton.C commented
SKELETON.C : 5k :Skeleton.C ported over to Microsoft C
SKEL_ZTC.C : 6k :Skeleton.C ported over to Zortech C
SLASHEX .ZIP: 6k :Put the /EX back into WWIV 4.xx Source Needed
SLASHEX2.ZIP: 5k :Add the /EX wwiv3.21 editor back to WWIV 4.XX
SNARK .ZIP: 4k :The Snark Mod - Needs work to get it going, though
SPIN-C .ZIP: 3k :Spinning cursor mod - better than EATME mod
SRCH-243.ZIP: 7k :Search v.2.43 - Search for dupe users - needs WWIV source
STACKDEF.ZIP: 2k :Lord Samos' definition on what STACK is
STORM .ZIP: 1k :tell why BBS is going down when a storm hits
SUBLIST1.ZIP: 2k :Colorized Sub List mod
SUBLIST2.ZIP: 2k :A different colorized sublist mod
SUBLIST3.ZIP: 2k :Sublist - tells how many new messages on base - no ANSI
SUPER8K .ZIP: 2k :Use Super8K protocol with WWIV 4.XX <NEED SOURCE>
SUSER .MOD: 2k :Userbeep to tell you that one of your Super Users are on-l
TAGMOD .ARC: 3k :WWIV 4.XX source mod for tagging WWIVnet messages & posts
TAGMOD2 .ZIP: 3k :Add a tag line to net posts
TAGOLINE.ZIP: 2k :Works w/FSED! Add TAG line to beginning of NetPost
TEL_FILE.ZIP: 3k :Telix Script to download all new files on a remote system
THREAD .ZIP: 7k :Add message threading to WWIV
THREAD21.ZIP: 8k :Thread Mod Version 2.1
TIMELOCK.ZIP: 3k :lock the games until a user is on-line for a set time
TIMEMOD1.ZIP: 4k :Mod for WWIV 4.XX that allows time to be carried over
TIMEMODA.ZIP: 3k :Reserve time modification
TITLNODE.ZIP: 2k :make scan for titles on net boards show node origin
TMIN5 .ZIP: 2k :Make timeleft flash if less than 5 minutes left on-line
TOPSTUF3.ZIP: 6k :The TopStuf mod for WWIV 4.07 and earlier (inc. in 4.10)
TOP_10U .ZIP: 3k :Top 10 users mod
TWOPUNKS.ZIP: 5k :Two Punks: 3 mods in one zipfile
UCHECK13.ZIP: 5k :User Check version 1.3
UCHECK14.ZIP: 4k :User Check version 1.4
UPDATEF .ZIP: 10k :East Bay Ray's mod to have files show up as new
VALUSER .ZIP: 3k :Mod to replace the "V" command with choices
VARCHAT .ZIP: 3k :Variable Name Chat
W-F-C .ZIP: 3k :Look at the board status while in WFC...
WANTLIST.ZIP: 3k :Great Source Mod for Wanted File List
WBNK12S .ZIP: 18k :WWIV Time Bank - Part 1
WBNK12UR.ZIP: 11k :WWIV Time Bank - Part 2
WEL_MESS.ZIP: 7k :Description of Message/Xfer sections available to users
WFCSCRN .ZIP: 5k :Much Better WFC Ansi Screen Source Needed
WFC_SCRN.ZIP: 5k :Waiting for call screen
WIPER .LZH: 2k :Purge users after a certain amount of days
WIPER .ZIP: 3k :Purge users after a certain amount of days
WORDCOMD.ZIP: 2k :Word Command line modification
WWIVBANK.ZIP: 16k :WWIV Timebank
WWIVBIV2.ZIP: 4k :One way to install BiModem as a protocol for WWIV 4.xx
WWIVTALK.ZIP: 35k :Mod to have 'puter audibly tell you whose logging on
XFERREST.ZIP: 2k :Close the transfer section during prime hours
XFWEL .ZIP: 2k :"Welcome to the Transfer Section" mod for WWIV 4.XX
XH13 .ZIP: 11k :Transfer History Mod
XSTATUS .MOD: 6k :Excallent status screen that appears after up/downloading
ZBATCH2 .ZIP: 5k :Zmodem Batch downloads
ZBATUP .ZIP: 8k :Zmodem Batch uploading modification
ZUPMOD .ZIP: 9k :Zmodem upload Batch
Number of Files: 223
412M1090.ZIP: 67k :WWIV 4.12 Mods from the 10/90 WWIV Modification Net
412M890 .ZIP: 13k :WWIV 4.12 mods from the modnet in August, 1990
412M990 .ZIP: 151k :WWIV 4.12 Mods from the 9/90 WWIV Modification Net
412MODS .ZIP: 353k :All mods w/4.12 extension as of 1/1/91
5MINMODS.ZIP: 26k :Easily Installed Mods by Pat Tjin - 10 easy mods
AUGMOD90.ZIP: 94k :Collection of8/90 mods from the WWIV Mod Net
ELRICS .ZIP: 120k :Elrics mods 1-28 Collection
JULYMODS.ZIP: 175k :Mods from the WWIV Modification net Sub in July 1990
JUNEMODS.ZIP: 196k :Mods from the WWIV Modification net sub in June 1990
MAYMODS .ZIP: 118k :Mods from the WWIV Modification net sub in May 1990
MODNET1 .ZIP: 23k :Collection of Mods from the WWIV Modification Net
MODNET10.ZIP: 86k :Part 2/2 of the final Modnet compilation from MTB
MODNET2 .ZIP: 25k :Collection of Mods from the Mod Net v.2
MODNET2A.ZIP: 37k :Latest update of MrBill's MODNET2 file (updated by MTB)
MODNET3 .ZIP: 13k :Collection of Mods from the Mod Net v.3
MODNET4 .ZIP: 25k :The fourth collection of mods from the Mods net sub
MODNET5 .ZIP: 111k :Modifications Net Collection #5 by MrBill (his last)
MODNET6 .ZIP: 53k :Collection #6 from Mod net sub (by MTB)
MODNET7 .ZIP: 101k :Collection #7 from Mod net sub (by MTB)
MODNET8 .ZIP: 95k :04-25-90 collection of mods from Mod Net sub by MTB
MODNET9 .ZIP: 93k :Part 1/2 of the final Modnet compilation from MTB
NOVMOD90.ZIP: 132k :All WWIV Mods posted on the ModNet in November, 1990
OCTMODS .ZIP: 200k :All mods from the 10/90 WWIV Modification net
SEPTMODS.ZIP: 201k :All mods from the 9/90 WWIV Modification Net
TZMODS1 .ZIP: 11k :Twilight Zone's Mod collection #1
TZMODS2 .ZIP: 30k :Twilight Zone's Mod collection #2
VARIOUS .ZIP: 3k :Various Mods by Many Hands v.0.5
VARIOUS1.ZIP: 13k :Various Mods Compiled by MrBill, Source Needed
VARIOUS2.ZIP: 13k :Various Mods by Many Hands v.2.0
VARIOUS3.ZIP: 33k :Various Mods by Many Hands v.3.0
VARIOUS4.ZIP: 24k :Version 4a of MrBill's VARIOUSx packages of WWIV mods
Number of Files: 31
2002V098.EXE: 433k :Tradewars v.0.98 - latest version for WWIV 4.XX
3DTTT40 .ZIP: 11k :Three dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe game for WWIV 4.XX
ABENTEUR.ZIP: 52k :On-line Fantasy Adventure Game for WWIV -sort of like Zork
AI12 .ZIP: 10k :Artificial Intelligence Chat Door -- Read All Docs!
ANSITREK.ZIP: 26k :Star Trek ANSI game for WWIV 4.XX systems
ARENA41 .ZIP: 36k :Arena gladiator battle game for WWIV 4.XX
BARONS12.ZIP: 200k :Barons - a nice PCB game convertible to WWIV using WWUTIL5
BATMAN .ZIP: 38k :Batman game for WWIV 4.XX
BAZAAR14.ZIP: 51k :Bazaar v.1.4 For Sale Door for WWIV 4.XX - Improved!
BBNTALES.ZIP: 20k :Barbarian Tales - A Game for WWIV 4.XX
BBSCHK13.ZIP: 59k :Checkers Chain v.1.3 for WWIV 4.XX
BBSCHS12.ZIP: 62k :BBS Ches Chain v.1.2 - Works with PC Cache - for WWIV
BCHESS2 .ZIP: 117k :Chess game for many BBS programs - needs WWUTIL5 for WWIV
BINGO-1 .LZH: 52k :WWIV Bingo Parlor on-liner for WWIV 4.XX
BIO40 .ZIP: 23k :Biorhythm chain for WWIV 4.XX
BLAZE405.ZIP: 29k :StarBlazers v.4.5 - Game chain for WWIV version 4.XX
BRIBE115.ZIP: 37k :Bribe the sysop game - v.1.15
BRUN30 .ZIP: 52k :BRUN30.EXE - needed for some WWIV chains written in BASIC
BRUN40 .ZIP: 54k :BRUN40.EXE - needed for some Wildcat games
BRUN45 .ZIP: 57k :BRUN45.EXE. Needed for some games written in BASIC
This is required to run certain chains written
in BASIC for WWIV. In particular, it is needed
for FQUOTE80 by Filo.
BRZL310A.EXE: 67k :PKZIP self-extracting - Brazil v.3.10a for WWIV 4.XX
BSI100R2.ZIP: 40k :Blue Steel - an on-line game for WWIV 4.XX
BUGFIX .ZIP: 23k :This file fixes the bug in JET COMBAT game v.2.10
CASINO .ZIP: 84k :Casino On-line - works on many BBS packages including WWIV
CC12 .ZIP: 75k :Crown and Country v.1.2. Game for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
CHANGDOM.COM: 12k :Convert Dominions 1.2 to 1.3 w/o losing game data
CHATV6 .ZIP: 25k :LameName Chat Call Door v.6.0 for WWIV 4.XX
CHECK11 .ZIP: 41k :Checkers v.1.1 chain for WWIV BBS Systems
CHESS-4 .ZIP: 41k :Chess chain for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
CIA4 .ZIP: 44k :CIA RPG game chain v.4.0 - foe WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
CLFB12 .ZIP: 93k :Crunch League Football - v.1.2 (new version fixes bugs)
CONSPIRE.ZIP: 18k :Conspiracy Game, version 1.05 - for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
COPS101 .ZIP: 59k :COPS On-line game v.1.01 - for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
CRASH45 .ZIP: 109k :Latest update of BBS CRASH On-liner v.4.5 - for WWIV 4.XX
CUDACARD.ZIP: 182k :2 Excellent ANSI On-liners - batch file for WWIV included
D&D-11 .ZIP: 26k :D&D Adventure door for WWIV 4.XX
DATER2 .ZIP: 44k :Newest version of computer dating chain for WWIV 4.XX
DECT112 .ZIP: 33k :The Ahpah Detective Game v.1.12 for WWIV 4.XX
DELTA .ZIP: 50k :Delta Force v.1.0 - modified Arena game for WWIV 4.XX
DICKWARS.ZIP: 40k :ADULT version of LEECH! source code - for WWIV 4.XX
DIP-WWIV.ZIP: 185k :Diplomacy - Great on-line game for WWIV 4.XX systems
DLWWIV27.ZIP: 29k :Doug's Larn Adventure v.2.7 - VERY old WWIV game
DM400-16.ZIP: 71k :Doormaster 4.00 - 16 - Run all door programs with WWIV
DOM141M .ZIP: 102k :Dominions! v.1.41M with Radar stations
DOM200TC.ZIP: 71k :Dominions v.2.0 written in Turbo Pascal 5.5
DOM2TC-A.ZIP: 68k :New Dominions v.2.0 version modified at @3112. Nice...
DOMEDIT .ZIP: 16k :Dominions! editor - for DOM200TC v.1.1
DOOM .ZIP: 29k :Doom of Drenzilor game - like Hack or Rogue
DORSPD .ZIP: 6k :Puts locked baud rate into Q/RBBS DORINFO1.DEF file
DSTR100 .ZIP: 43k :Desert Race v.1.00 - Door Game for WWIV 4.XX
DUKEIV .LZH: 20k :DukeDom v.4 for WWIV 4.XX
DYNAS303.ZIP: 93k :Space Dynsasty Game v.3.03 - for WWIV 4.XX
Supports WWIVnet play!
ELIZAON .ZIP: 17k :RookSoft Eliza On-line v.1.0. "Talk"with the computer
EPICAPP .ZIP: 108k :Epic! The ultimate PBM game via WWIVnet
EXWORD14.ZIP: 31k :On-line crossword puzzles for WWIV 4.XX
FF .ZIP: 61k :Food Fight! - On-liner for WWIV 4.XX (fun game)
FFEDIT .ZIP: 10k :Food Fight Text Editor - For sysops running the game
FFS182 .ZIP: 102k :v.182 of fishing simulator for WWIV 4.XX - Orig. PCB game
FILOTC31.ZIP: 108k :Filo's self-installing Turbo Chess v.3.1 for WWIV
FLORDS .ZIP: 56k :Feudal Lords - a WWIV On-liner for v.4.XX
FSE-331 .ZIP: 116k :Fictitious Stock Exchange v.3.31 - interrupts for WWIV
FSQ81 .ZIP: 163k :Firing Squad v.0.81 - by Filo (Hangman clone for WWIV)
GALARM .ZIP: 268k :Trade Wars V: Galactic Armageddon (v.1.0) - for hi-speed
GALDOC .ZIP: 7k :Trade Wars V: Galactic Armageddon Sysop Documentation
GALWAR11.ZIP: 200k :Galactic Warriors on-line game for WWIV 4.XX
GALWAR75.ZIP: 413k :Galactic Warzone v.7.5 - Tradewars clone game for WWIV 4.X
GAMMON40.ZIP: 27k :Backgammon chain for WWIV 4.XX BBS systems
GE099 .ZIP: 73k :Galactic Empires 0.99 multi-player online game-Andrew Mead
GEO50 .ZIP: 125k :Geopolitik v.5.0 - Great strategy game for WWIV 4.XX
GEOPEDIT.ZIP: 32k :Editor for Geopolitik v.5.0
GEOSTAT .ZIP: 27k :Player support file for Geopolitik v.5.0
GHOST .ZIP: 54k :Ghostbusters on-linerr for WWIV 4.XX (Delta Force Clone)
GROOM114.ZIP: 24k :The Game Room chain v.1.14 - for WWIV 4.XX
GW .ZIP: 51k :Gang Wars ANSI game for WWIV 4.XX
GWAR231 .ZIP: 111k :Global War! v.2.31 - A great WWIV 4.XX on-line Game
GWARNET .ZIP: 40k :Run Global War! on multiple BBSs (networked)
GWTERM25.ZIP: 35k :Global War Terminal Program v.2.5 - Play GWAR with this!
H2HNS202.ZIP: 55k :Head to Head Nuclear Strike for WWIV 4.XX
HACKIN3 .ZIP: 35k :Hack In v.1.3 - for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
HOARD20 .ZIP: 53k :Dragon's Hoard v.2.0 - remember the proving grounds?
IMP346 .LZH: 231k :Empire On-liner for PCBoard - convert w/Doormaster
ISW105 .ZIP: 70k :InterStellar War v.1.05 - bugs fixed, new WWIV chain
JC-211 .ZIP: 123k :JET COMBAT! v.2.11 chain for WWIV 4.XX
KENO40 .ZIP: 3k :Keno chain for WWIV 4.XX
KT13-0 .ZIP: 19k :King of the Hill Trivia v.13.0
KT14-2B .ZIP: 21k :King of the Hill Trivia v. 14.2. WWIV online game.
LANCE12 .ZIP: 56k :Dragonlance Onliner version 1.2 (Bugs Fixed)
LC303 .ZIP: 86k :Land Conquest On-Line Game for WWIV 4.XX
LCHED22 .ZIP: 56k :Leech! on-line user editor - for leech game
LEECH41C.ZIP: 38k :Leech! v.4.1C - on-line game for WWIV 4.XX
LINKGOLF.ZIP: 27k :On-line golf game for WWIV 4.XX systems
LONEW11 .ZIP: 130k :Lone Wolf v.1.1 w/source code - Great RPG for WWIV 4.XX
MAD105 .ZIP: 31k :Madness v.1.05 BBS online game door by Andrew Mead
MANYT40 .ZIP: 20k :A Trivia Alternative for WWIV 4.XX Systems
MAX51 .ZIP: 44k :Max Headroom v.5.1 - chain for WWIV 4.XX
MAYHEM13.EXE: 208k :Galactic Mayhem door & network game - needs WWUTIL5
MAZD .ZIP: 65k :Maz - a new maze like on-liner fpr WWIV 4.XX - ANSI music.
MC40 .ZIP: 36k :Milliways Casino Chain v.4.0 - Pascal source for WWIV 4.XX
MIND103 .ZIP: 26k :Mind Reader v.1.03 for WWIV 4.XX
MINDBEND.ZIP: 16k :Mindbender - a thinking game for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
MTII .ZIP: 16k :Mousetrap II - The original WWIV Mousetrap game for 4.XX
MURDER14.ZIP: 51k :Murder Hotel v.1.4 - Assassins clone!
MW4WWIV .ZIP: 145k :Modern Warfare - Now for WWIV!
MYERS .ZIP: 21k :Myers/Briggs personality scale
NEX10 .ZIP: 80k :Murder Hotel clone door for WWIV 4.XX
NINJA .ZIP: 44k :Ninja RPG game chain for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
NIRV31 .ZIP: 140k :Nirvana Adventure Game for PCBoard v.3.1. Works with WWIV
OIL101 .ZIP: 37k :OilField v.1.01 BBS online game door by Andrew Mead
OOII991B.ZIP: 319k :Operation Overkill v.9.91B - Great WWIV 4.XX on-liner
OOIIWWIV.ZIP: 7k :Operation Overkill Configuration file for WWIV
OPLINK .ZIP: 33k :Artificial Intelligence chain for WWIV 4.XX
OPSOURCE.ZIP: 13k :Source code for OPLINK.ZIP
OVERKILL.ZIP: 3k :Operation Overkill Setup Information
PCB2WWIV.ARC: 3k :Use PCBoard doors with WWIV version 4.XX
PCTEXT31.ZIP: 14k :Story Maker chain for WWIV 4.XX - make stories on-line
PENTE40 .ZIP: 8k :Pente ANSI On-line game for WWIV 4.XX
PHANT600.ZIP: 176k :Phantasia v.6.0 - WWIV on-line game door
PISORAMA.ZIP: 30k :Piss-O-Rama game w/source by 1@4452 (Blue Adept) - funny!
PIT117B .ZIP: 232k :The Pit v.1.17B - MAJOR BUG FIX!!! ANSI Combat for WWIV
PITONL3A.ZIP: 264k :Pit Fiend's Adventure Vol. III - RPG for WWIV 4.XX
PITONL4C.ZIP: 48k :Pit Fiend's Adventure, Volume IV v.C - Siege of the Lands
PORNWARS.ZIP: 41k :PornoWars - modified Leech source - on-liner for WWIV 4.XX
PW130 .ZIP: 50k :Pimp Wars v.1.30 (10/90) - removes NO LOCAL screen
QUIZZE .ZIP: 58k :Quizzer chain for WWIV 4.XX systems
RAIDERS .ZIP: 76k :Corporate Raiders - a brutal game for WWIV
READER13.ZIP: 17k :Reader and Rate-A-Girl for WWIV 4.XX
REALM221.EXE: 235k :The Land of the Realm v.2.21 - download if you start new
REALMAPS.EXE: 17k :Self-extracting map files for the Land of the Realm
RECALL32.ZIP: 47k :Total Recall - an on-line game for WWIV 4.XX
RLMUG221.EXE: 111k :Land of the Realm upgrade to v.2.21 - get this for update
RR40 .ZIP: 21k :Russian Roulette on-line game for WWIV 4.XX
RSFREQ11.ZIP: 19k :RookSoft File Request v.1.11 - File Request door
RSWALL .ZIP: 19k :RookSoft Wall Writer v.1.0 - chain for WWIV 4.XX
SAFE .ARC: 6k :Crack the safe game for WWIV 4.XX systems
SAV40 .ZIP: 46k :Sex and Violence game for WWIV 4.XX systems
SCAS13 .ZIP: 39k :Stocks On-Line Casino v.1.3 - SOLU companion/feature
SCREEN2 .ASC: 2k :Opening screen for Excalibur II!
SCR_V15 .ZIP: 25k :Word Scramble v.1.5 - for WWIV 4.XX
SDSYSOP .ZIP: 12k :Space Dynasty Sysop Utility
SEAMIN .ZIP: 45k :Sea Mining On-Line door for WWIV 4.XX
SHERLOCK.ZIP: 158k :Sherlock Holmes Game for PCBoard - runs under WWIV 4.XX
SHRINKER.ZIP: 14k :Personality Profiler chain for WWIV 4.XX - good
SKI40 .ZIP: 23k :Douche Mountain ski resort game for WWIV 4.XX
SLOTZTP3.ZIP: 35k :On-line slot machine game (w/TP3 source) for WWIV 4.XX
SOLU33 .ZIP: 66k :Stocks On-Line Unlimited V3.3-10/90 version-WWIV onliner
SORCEROR.ZIP: 20k :Sorceror game for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems - modified Leech c
SP101 .ZIP: 47k :Superpower v.1.01 on-line strategy chain for WWIV 4.XX
SPRCHT15.ZIP: 32k :Super User Chat chain for WWIV 4.XX systems
SPWAR-V1.ZIP: 14k :Space War v.1 - ANSI on-line arcade game
STAR425B.ZIP: 49k :Starclash v.4.25b - fixes building and bombers problems
STARS .ZIP: 5k :On-line puzzle for WWIV - pascal source only
STBBS354.ZIP: 58k :StarTraders v.3.54 BBS online game door by Andrew Mead
STELLAR .COM: 62k :Stellar Empire Game, v.3.4 - Compatible with WWIV
STORY11 .ZIP: 19k :StoryMaker utility v.1.11 for WIV 4.XX
STRATEGY.ZIP: 5k :Strategic hints for the Dominions! on-line chain
STREK .ZIP: 53k :Star Trek RPG game for WWIV 4.XX
SUB40 .ZIP: 9k :Sub Battle ANSI game v.4.0
SWITCHEM.ZIP: 20k :Switch Em! v.1.11 - WWIV4.X on-liner/number arranger
TANK40 .ZIP: 4k :Tank Battle ANSI game v.4.0
TAROT .ZIP: 25k :Tarot (7/90) written by Bitbanger. WWIV 4.XX on-liner
TCHSS301.ZIP: 55k :PCBoard Turbo Flipper Chess v.3.01 - Convert w/WWUTIL5
TETRIS .ZIP: 19k :Tetris On-liner for WWIV 4.XX
TFLIP300.ZIP: 61k :Turbo Flipper v.3.00 (Othello) - Convert w/ WWUTIL5
TGB500N .PAK: 85k :The Gang Busters v.5.0
TGUARD11.ZIP: 5k :Timeguard v.1.1 - Chain Utility! - A MUST!
TIMELORD.ZIP: 53k :Timelord's Dominion - modded Brazil with Major Bug Fixes
TOP15 .ZIP: 98k :TopGun v.1.5 - Latest Version - Game for WWIV 4.XX
TREK .ZIP: 48k :Star Trek ANSI chain for WWIV 4.XX BBS systems
TRIVIA .ARC: 3k :Additional trivia files for WWIV 4.XX
TSTALK17.ZIP: 64k :The Stalker's On-line Chain v.0.17b
TTTFH .ZIP: 7k :Tic-Tac-Toe-From-Hell. 3D game for WWIV. On-line/local
TW2K1SRC.ARC: 85k :TradeWars 2001 Turbo Pascal Source Code v.1.2 for WIV
TW40 .ZIP: 126k :Tradewars v.4.0 for WWIV4.XX
TZBAN153.ZIP: 93k :Twilight Zone Casino and Bank v.1.53; TP 5.0 source incl.
UNKNOWN4.ZIP: 5k :Unknown Stories Chain for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
WALL16 .ZIP: 8k :The Graffiti Wall chain v.1.6
WAR101 .ZIP: 29k :Warlords of Shiroba v.1.01 - by Elihu Feustal
WHEEL .ZIP: 28k :Wheel of Fortune chain that will work with PCBoard 14
WHEEL40 .ZIP: 12k :Wheel of Fortune chain compatible with WWIV 4.XX
WSTUMP20.ZIP: 32k :Word Stumper v.2.0 - Now for WWIV
WWNH .ZIP: 308k :Net Hack for WWIV 4.XX!!!
XC2DEMO .ZIP: 133k :Excalibur II - The Demonstration Version (WWIV 4.XX)
XCALDEMO.ZIP: 93k :Excalibur! - demo version for WWIV 4.XX (v.2.7)
YAHTV1-5.ZIP: 32k :Yahtzee on-line game (v.1.5) for WWIV 4.XX
YT20 .ZIP: 167k :Yankee Trader v.2.0 - a new on-liner for WWIV 4.XX
ZOT .ZIP: 58k :ZOT - an on-line game for WWIV 4.XX and VBBS v.3.11
Number of Files: 186
BBS .PAS: 21k :Pinball Wizard's BBS.PAS file for 3.21d
COMMON .PAS: 37k :Common.PAS file for WWIV 3.21d
COOK1 .TXT: 10k :Cookie text file for 3.21d - Part 1
COOK2 .TXT: 10k :Cookie text file for 3.21d - Part 2
COOK3 .TXT: 10k :Cookie text file for 3.21d - Part 3
D-MOD-A .DAT: 1k :Data modification for WWIV 3.21d
DLMENU .MSG: 1k :Download menus for WWIV 3.21d
DLOADS .PAS: 21k :Downloads section code for WWIV 3.21d
DLP1 .PAS: 20k :Downloads section Part 1 - WWIV 3.21d
DLP2 .PAS: 12k :Downloads section Part 2 - WWIV 3.21d
DOS .PAS: 9k :Dos access shell for WWIV 3.21d
DOSMNU .MSG: 1k :DOS menu access for WWIV 3.21d
DOSP1 .PAS: 51k :DOS access shell (customized) Part 1 - WWIV 3.21d
FEEDBACK.MSG: 1k :Feedback to sysop message for WWIV 3.21d
HELP .MSG: 20k :Help message customized for WWIV 3.21d
INIT .PAS: 6k :INIT source for WWIV 3.21d
LISTSRT .ZIP: 18k :Sort the BBSLIST.MSG mod for 3.21d by A.I & Ed Bartles
MAINMENU.MSG: 1k :Main menus for WWIV 3.21d
MAX300 .ZIP: 20k :Max Headroom game chain for WWIV 3.21d
NEWELCOM.ZIP: 3k :Lists the recent users in G-Files - Hightailer's mod
PART1 .PAS: 13k :Various customization for 3.21d - Part 1
PART2 .PAS: 32k :various customization for 3.21d - Part 2
PART3 .PAS: 18k :various customization for 3.21d - Part 3
PARTX .PAS: 44k :Various customization for 3.21d - Overview
PORT .MSG: 1k :Com port explanations for WWIV 3.21d
POST .HLP: 1k :Text file for posting help for WWIV 3.21d
SECLEV .DAT: 2k :Security level data file for WWIV 3.21d
SPEED .MSG: 1k :Speed help text file for WWIV 3.21d
SYSOPMNU.MSG: 1k :Sysop menu for WWIV 3.21d
VERSION .MSG: 1k :Version text file about WWIV 3.21d
WFCMENU .MSG: 1k :Waiting for call menu for WWIV 3.21d
WWIVDM-B.ZIP: 112k :Mods for WWIV 3.21d by Pinball Wizard
WWIVEXT2.ZIP: 34k :External Protocols for WWIV 3.21d
WWIVLOG2.ZIP: 21k :WWIV Zlog Statistical Analyzer for 3.21d
Number of Files: 34
3DMENU .ZIP: 36k :3D Menus for WWIV v.4.12
AMIGORN .ZIP: 4k :Yet another set of ANSI menus for WWIV 4.XX BBS Systems
AWSMNU10.ZIP: 6k :AwesoMenus v.1.00 -- ANSI Menus for WWIV 4.xx
BESTMNUS.ZIP: 5k :Just some more great ANSI menus...
M08590 .ZIP: 5k :New menus for WWIV 4.11 as of 8/5/90
MEN8790 .ZIP: 10k :Uncorrupt main menu w/ nice copy of MENU0.ANS - many menus
MENU0 .ANS: 4k :A new main menu for WWIV 4.XX
MENU3 .ANS: 4k :A ner transfer menu for WWIV 4.XX
MENUS .ZIP: 3k :Another set of WWIV menus
MENUS11 .ZIP: 11k :v.1.1 of MENUS.ZIP - more WWIV menus
MENUS2 .ARC: 9k :Newest menus for WWIV 4.07. Replaces menus.arc
MENUS520.ZIP: 9k :The Blazing Bushes WWIV ANSI Menus
MENUSANS.ZIP: 4k :Some ANSI menus for WWIV 4.10
MYMNUS .ZIP: 6k :Jester's WWIV 4.XX menus - tired of menus yet?
NEWANSI .ZIP: 5k :New ANSI menus for WWIV 4.10
NEWMENUS.ZIP: 12k :More color ANSI menus
PROMENUS.ZIP: 11k :3-D ANSI Menus for WWIV 4.10 systems
RNDMENUS.ZIP: 2k :ANSI/ASCII Random menus by Infernal Knight
TAGSMENU.ZIP: 3k :The Adventurer's Gallery WWIV menus
Number of Files: 19
4DEXE117.ZIP: 121k :FourDog Executables v.1.17 - Fidonet conversion for WWIV
4DSRC117.ZIP: 61k :FourDog source code v.1.17 - Fidonet conversion for WWIV
BEXE_240.LZH: 273k :Binkley Term v.2.40 - FidoNet Front End Mailer
BFIX_240.ZIP: 3k :BinkleyTerm v2.40 - patch #1
BFX2_240.ZIP: 3k :Binkley Term v2.40 - Patch #2
BNU170 .ZIP: 74k :BNU v.1.70 - a fossil driver for Fidonet
BONK117B.ZIP: 111k :Binkley Term Utility including Fido nodelist compiler
BSFX_240.ZIP: 41k :BinkleyTerm v2.40 - Patches #1-2 for source code
BSRC240 .ZIP: 368k :Binkley Term v2.40 source code
BSRC_240.ZIP: 30k :Binkley Term v.2.40 FidoNet Front End Mailer SOURCE CODE
CONF_400.ZIP: 66k :ConfMail v.4.00 - Newest Fidonet mail tosser - used here
CONVERT .ZIP: 67k :Go from UFGATE to WAFFLE (& vice versa) - Gate FIDO to WAF
EBRBATS .ZIP: 4k :East Bay Ray's Config files for NetSex and Binkley
ELIST009.ZIP: 76k :Complete Fidonet echo listing as of 10/29/1990
FD .ZIP: 268k :Front Door v.1.99 - Front-end mailer package for Fidonet
FD_DOC .ZIP: 99k :Documentation package for Front Door v.1.99
FD_OVR .ZIP: 155k :Overlays for Front Door v.1.99
FSUU11R5.ZIP: 371k :Unix network mail reader for the PC
FSUUCP1B.ZIP: 186k :Another version of UUCP for the IBM PC
IMAIL100.EXE: 214k :IMail for Front Door - Works like TossScan - v.1.00
MENU_1 .ZIP: 9k :Good program - Matrix logon for front end mailers
MUSH71 .ZIP: 124k :PC version of popular UNIX mail program (?)
NETS100 .ZIP: 40k :NetSex v.1.00 - WWIV/Usenet/Fidonet gateway sofftware
NETSEXC .ZIP: 4k :NetSex v.1.00 batch files - for use with NetSex 1.00
NODELIST.ZIP: 264k :Latest Nodelist as of 10/5/90
OMMM_140.LZH: 58k :Binkley/QuickBBS Mail Packer (mostly for Binkley)
POL405 .ZIP: 26k :Fidonet Policy Statement - The Basic Rules of Fidonet
QM_100 .LZH: 87k :Greg Dawson's Greatest Mail Processor (Fidonet)
SEADOG4 .ZIP: 295k :SeaDog v.4.00 for Fidonet systems
SMAILBIN.ZIP: 113k :A smart UUCP mailer for use on IBM systems
SMAILSRC.ZIP: 122k :Source code for SMAILBIN - a smart UUCP mailer
UFGATE1 .ZIP: 334k :FidoNet/UseNet gateway with HowTo for Usenet access (P1)
UFGATE2 .ZIP: 177k :Part 2 of Fidonet/Usenet gateway program
UFG_DOC .ZIP: 95k :Documentation for UFGATE
USERFLAG.ZIP: 5k :Fidonet User Flag Policy Statement
UUBIN .ZIP: 45k :UUCP software/code/doc file
UUCPROTO.DES: 14k :A description of the UUCP transfer protocol
UUPC09AU.ZIP: 5k :Transfer files between a Unix system and your PC
UUPC09CS.ZIP: 194k :UUPC UUCP/USENET for PCs v1.09c source code
UUPC09CU.ZIP: 179k :UUPC UUCP/USENET for PCs v1.09c
UUPCHINT.INF: 4k :Some hints for setting up UUCP
UUPCUSER.ZIP: 118k :Beta version of yet another UUCP program for the IBM
UUSLAVE .ZIP: 126k :The UUCP Protocol - makes everything work for Usenet
WARDOG4 .ZIP: 26k :Wardog v.4 for Fidonet systems
WWIVBITN.ZIP: 14k :Interface from WWIV to Bitnet
XLAX_235.ZIP: 134k :Shareware Nodelist compiler (Fido) - Compat. w/SeaDog 4.5
Number of Files: 46
Total Number of Files: 1656