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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
This is the PUP.DOC file from T. Jennings' *new* PUPPY program;
it has to be compiled with a C compiler; thought I'd let you all
know about it in case anyone wants to investigate the Fidonetwork's
new PUPPY!
T. Jennings
Fido Software
164 Shipley
San Francisco CA 94107
document updated: 10 Dec 87
Pup is a very modest project: it is a very small scale
bulletin board, targeted mainly for the current low-end type
machines; Z80, 64K, maybe 500K disk storage, primitive DOS.
It of course works fine on MSDOS; there is a pclone version
available. (Ask)
By Jan/Feb of 88, Pup will have a full featured FidoNet
compatible network interface. The design is complete, and
some code is done.
While the pclone version is where new things get tested, it
is NOT the point of Pup. There are already more than enough
pclone BBSs to choose from; Pup however would fit very
comfortably into the smallest possible pclone these days.
BBSs have escalated in complexity way out of proportion to
their usefulness; most BBSs are used by highly skilled
people with lots of resource$ to talk to people like
themselves. This is fine, but most of the world isn't in the
position to sit $1,000 (or more!) in a corner of the room
for one special purpose only.
Also, the trend is towards larger, more complex systems,
wide area networking, extremely high throughput data
transfers and other things that just push the likes of Fido,
Opus, TBBS an order of magnitude or two out of the range of
many (if not most) people who might benefit from them.
Seems we've forgotten that the original intent of BBSs was
to communicate with other people. It is not obvious to me
that talking to more people is better. The best BBSs I've
ever used, of any type, were all very small systems; RCP/Ms,
Apple][/GBBS, etc. Most used awful software, but were still
the best (meaning most useful or most amusing) systems I've
run across. There's a hint there, I think.
I would love to see Pup ported to CP/M (especially: that
awful Heath/Zenith H-89) and Apple ][ PRODOS or something.
.he Copyrights, trademarks, money, that sort of thing.
Puppy is shareware; if you like it or find it or parts of it
useful, then mail me what you think it's worth. $40 is
suggested. Less will not be considered an insult. In return,
I will mail you a diskette with the latest & greatest on it.
-*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*-
PUPPY PRE-RELEASE NOTE: The message base design really
annoys some people. Instead of the usual linear numbered
messages, I opted for a stack-like design (see the next page
or so for details.)
I may do another message base that is in the more usual
linear fashion; it will be fully compatible with the message
base data files that this Pup generates; only the program
will change. It's not all that big code-wise, but the Pile
really bugs some people. I do eventually take hints, so ...
-*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*-
Check out the pclone version, show it to people, see what
your reaction is. It should be portable as-is to small
OK, down to brass tacks. (What on earth does that mean?) I,
Tom Jennings, do business as Fido Software, at the address
below. My commercial products are copyrighted works, and my
sole source of income. Copyrighted works produced by me will
be marked as such:
Copyright Tom Jennings 1987, etc
This is very straightforward. These are commercial products;
you want, you pay. Or the guy in the big car over there will
make you pay double later, OK?
Now for years I have been writing programs and distributing
them, in binary and some in source form, but I've never made
it very clear what their status was. Partly this is because
the previous environment (less cutthroat) was more friendly
and less demanding, and partly because I just wasn't that
organized. This is to change starting now. (now?)
The following notice will be firmly affixed to all programs
produced by me that are not commercial copyrighted works.
Please don't utter the phrase "public domain" because that
means something awful:
(k) All Rights Reversed
(all hail Eris) This means: what you do with it is up to
you. I ask though, that if you distribute it, you provide
sources as part of the package, at no extra cost or penalty
or obligation to the person receiving it; and that you also
do not remove the (k) All Rights Reversed notice. I also ask
that you don't change the version number, if there is one;
you will only needlessly confuse people when I come out with
a new version. Hint: Add your own IDs after it, like "1-AB"
where "AB" is your version number.
"Fido" is a trademark of Tom Jennings. It you utter it send
me a dollar. "FidoNet" is a also registered trademark of Tom
Jennings. If you even think it send me two dollars. If you
use both, send me ten dollars and your first born child. All
rights reserved, and all wrongs righted. So there.
Fido Software
164 Shipley
San Francisco CA 94107
(415)-764-1629, FidoSW, using Fido v12 1:125/111
(415)-882-9835, ch@os, using Puppy v1
soon will be known as 1:125/164
If you have anything to contribute, please do.
Historical Curiosities: An Editorial
A little history is in order here. I, like hundreds of
others, have been hanging out on BBSs and writing free
programs since Ward & Randy's CBBS. Nothing new or unique or
interesting here.
Fido, started in 1984, is by far the most popular and well
known program I have ever produced. To say it exceeded
anything I ever planned for it is an understatement.
Requests for diskettes got so heavy that I started charging
for diskettes; as demand for functions and reliability
increased, by many hundreds of people, it slowly turned into
a part-time business.
Now it eventually became obvious that this wasn't a typical
free BBS program, and that others wanted to write FidoNet-
compatible programs; Thom Henderson had sucessfully gotten
SeaDog running. An effort went into documenting the protocol
(Randy Bush did a wonderful job with the FSC001 doc a year
later) and making structures public, etc. Interface
information was released with each version, and work was
started towards the real technical specification,
culminating in FSC001.
Eventually, Fido/FidoNet became a full time job. I now
derive all of my income from it. (I license Fido/FidoNet to
mostly small to medium companies and non-military
governmental agencies.) Because of this, Fido is no longer
free, starting with version 12. (You can now use previous
versions for free; v11 manuals once again available for $35)
My roots and heart is still in the hobbiest end of things,
and Fido Software is hardly a traditional software company.
I am working on new software for hobbiests, both "free" and
"shareware". I now fund this development from licensing
Fido, and hopefully other sources in the future. I'm hardly
getting rich from this, and that's not the point.
My goal today is somewhat subversive I suppose; I want to
see more non-technical people use computers for
communicating in ways not traditionally though of, and on
small cheap machines; not by throwing money at high-end
Pclones or traditional services. (You're supposed to do
wierd things with computers, that's what they're for!)
Traditional media in the U. S. is getting more and more
restricted to lowest-common-denominator, safe, bland,
*profitable* mindless pap. (Did you know: only 26
corporations own 1/2 or more of all media in the US:
magazines, books, TV, radio, newspapers, etc? Source:
"Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting", June 87) Individuals and
small groups running BBSs and writing zines is one way to
promote free (as in open) communications.
Some have asserted that I'm a greedy programmer trying to
milk money from peoples hobby with Fido (how dare I charge
money) and that I don't care about much else.
I will merely say: I've been writing free software since
1979, and have had phenomenal, unexpected success with
Fido/FidoNet, which I have basically given to the world,
gratis. My attitudes haven't changed much, except to get a
bit more radical. Time will tell, as it always does.
OK, I'll shut up now.
Pup's FidoNet interface
Suffice to say at this point, it will be both high
performance, and will fit very nicely on a 64K Z80 with a
couple of decent sized floppies.
Keep in mind it's not meant to act as a gateway to all of
Western Europe. You would probably have a hard time even
making it a Net Host.
What it will do though is run up to 16 echo conferences at a
higher software-performance level available on any machine
today, period. No space- and time-consuming packeting and
unpacketing, no external conferencing packages.
Use of the nodelist will be optional; for echo conferences,
only the system information for the next-in-line system
(Pup, Fido, Opus, etc) is needed.
The method is: on-the-fly packeting and unpacketing. The Pup
FidoNet code uses XMODEM to send the packet, as per FSC001
specifications. However, instead of generating a packet file
ahead of time, then XMODEMing it out, when XMODEM goes to
"read" a block from the packet file, it uses a state machine
to generate the data as it goes. Because the message base is
one contiguous file, with a memory resident index,
performance is not a problem. This part is already coded.
The receiver does a similar thing. As XMODEM receives
blocks, it would normally write them to a packet file for
later unpacking into messages. In Pup, the blocks are not
written to a file, but decomposed byte by byte into the
message base directly. Again, because of the message base
design performance isn't an issue.
Pup the Bulletin Board
Pup has all the usual amenities, but it doesn't appear that
way when you first look at it. There's only ten commands or
so total.
The message base consists of two files, one that contains
the message body text, and the other is an index with the
usual TO:, FROM:, etc information, as well as the TOPIC
information. (More on Topics later.)
Pup's message base is created once when SET-PUP is run, and
never changes in size. (You can set the size of each message
and the number of messages.) (And later there will be a way
to change the size, but not right away.) The advantages: it
never grows to fill your disk; performance is extremely good
(if you format the disk first, you will be guarenteed that
all sectors in the file are contiguous); there is no need
for message base maintenance.
(NOTE: See the PRE-RELEASE NOTE mentioned earlier about
message base paradigm.)
Messages are arranged to match my desk: a Pile. I work by
writing things on these tiny 3 x 5 pads of paper; one note,
phone number, bug, etc per sheet. I stack 'em up, move them
around, etc. The one on the top is the newest.
Pups messages are in a Pile. When you enter a message, it
goes on the Top; ones entered before are still there, under
the top. Eventually, they reach the bottom, then they fall
off. If you set Pup to have 100 messages, then when you
enter the 101st message, the first one ever entered falls
off the bottom.
Yeah, its a ring buffer.
When you read messages you start, by default, at the Top of
the Pile. From there you can read messages, one after
another, until you hit the Bottom. You can of course hop
around as you wish.
Now a huge monolithic messag base isn't much fun to poke
around in. This is where Topics come in.
Pup can have up to 16 topics; you must have at least one.
Topics are the usual grouping, areas, subjects, that sort of
thing. In Pup though, instead of rigid barricades that
messages must be forced within, in Pup you can hop Topics at
When reading messages, you can choose which which topics you
wish to see, including "all". If you choose one topic, then
those are the only messages you will see. If you choose
"all", then you see all messages in all topics; this is nice
for browsing a board for the first time or two. If you're
only interested in two or three topics, you can select only
those and you will see no others.
When entering messages, you choose which topic the message
resides in; one message can also reside in any number of
topics. Obviously to be use with caution, but great for
notices and such.
One of the reasons I chose this was because of a common
problem when using Fido-type message areas; neophyte users
tend to not change areas, and never become aware of the
different catagories that may exist. Even sophisticated
users say "A 5" and therefore won't see if the list of
message areas has changed.
By default, in Pup you see all messages in all topics,
starting at the newest. If this annoys you, you can use
choose which topics to see and not see, including "ALL".
This is the exact opposite of the Fido (and RBBS, Opus, etc)
Puppy and human callers
One of the first things to go in the trash when designing
Pup was anything relating to "callers". As I see it, caller
records have the following main purposes:
terminal settings (lines, columns, etc)
where they left off last time
access controls
let users see their name in lights
I consider all the other junk like help levels, last-
accessed message area or file areas and times called to be
design deficiencies (help levels?) or froo-froo (last
message area).
If you need access controls you don't want Puppy. Access
controls always escalate into huge monstrosities. The
purpose of Pup is so that people can communicate, in an easy
to use and effecient manner. It's not an operating system,
like some BBS installations are approaching.
Its a little wierd at first ... but you get used to it. One
objection that pops to mind is: how do I know that that
person is who he says he is? Well, you don't. Actually ...
if you are conversing with someone (not what you call what
happens when there are 500+ people using a system!) it's
pretty obvious. Also, it's not much of a challenge and not
worth the bother of entering stupid messages. Remember also,
this isn't targeted at the mainstream BBS crowd.
How do you run a system then, with upwards of 500 different
people per month? Get a Fido or other large scale (large
resource) type program, which fits those sort of
installations perfectly.
OK, enough: what's on the disk
The end result of all the crap in the Pup package is two
programs and a few support files:
PUP.EXE the Pup program
SET-PUP.EXE the Pup installer
PUP.SET Pup configuration text file
FIDO2PUP.EXE Fido to Pup message converter
WELCOME.PUP the initial welcome message
FILES.PUP list of download files
MAIN.HLP various help files ...
PUPPY.SYS main system file
MESSAGE.DAT the message base itself
MESSAGE.IDX the message bsae index
SET-PUP reads the text file PUP.SET and compiles it into the
PUPPY.SYS file that contains the installation type goodies
(modem type, node number, limits and controls) and creates
an empty message base, if one doesn't already exist.
PUP is the BBS program, and reads all the other junk.
FIDO2PUP puts any Fido .MSG messages into the Pup message
base, and leaves the highest numbered one as the Top
message. Gives you something to start with.
The complete list of files is:
Include files:
Various tools for compilation:
PUP.LNK PLINK command file
IBM.LIB pclone serial driver library
DRIVER.DOC Pup/Fido driver specification
PUPMAIN.C Pup main() and main loop
PUP.C Pup commands
MSGBASE.C the message base system
FILES.C Pup file commands
QUOTE.C signon quotations
SCHED.C the scheduler
EDIT.C message editor
XMODEM.C XMODEM/TELINK protocol handler
MODEMIO.C (not so) low level I/O
MDMFUNC.C modem drivers
SUPPORT.C misc. support routines
PRINTF.C a real printf()
MS-C.C DOS dependent C routines
MS-ASM.ASM DOS dependent ASM routines
FIDO2PUP.C Fido msg converter
SET-PUP.C config program
PUP.SET sample config file
FILES.PUP sample files list
WELCOME.PUP sample welcome file
QUOTES.PUP sample quotations
MAIN.HLP sample help files
.he Implementation Notes
Data structures and other definitions of global importance
to Pup are in PUPPY.H, which is included by all .C files in
Pup. When you change this file, recompile all modules; the
make file provided will do this with RMAKE.EXE from Phoenix
Global static data is defined in PUPMAIN.C, and references
to it via #extern's are in PUPMEM.H. All sources except
PUPMAIN.H include PUPMEM.H. It's the easiest way I've found
to manage external data; the one time it's a pain is if you
add or delete a global variable (in PUPMAIN.C); you have to
recompile everything. Oh well.
The serial I/O driver provided, IBM.LIB, is for pclones
only; you will need to write equivelant routines for
whatever your machine is, even on CP/M. Most are pretty
simple, and even polled is OK; Pup will even allow typeahead
on polled machines, due to the lookeahead done in MODEMIO.C.
Note that the drivers as defined in DRIVER.DOC are rather
complex; you don't need anything but the low level serial
parts. (Poke through MODEMIO) Why not prune DRIVER.DOC and
pass out a proper version?
Pup uses a three or four wire modem installation. It needs:
Tx Data obviously
Rx Data obviously
Ground obviously
CD Carrier Detect (pin 6 or 8)
DTR Data Terminal Ready (pin 20)
DTR is optional; see below.
Pup has a parameter "cd-bit" in PUP.SET; this is the bit
mask pup uses to check for CD on the serial port. Pup ANDs
the contents of the status register with the cd-bit, and if
the result is not zero, then the modem is assumed to be
Basically, the I/O system is the same as Fido and has all of
it's features: full typeahead, output pause (^S, ^Q),
background abort-detect (^C, ^K), typeahead flush (^F),
"command-ahead" (ie. "D N FILENAME.EXT X" executes a whole
download command skipping all the prompts), formatted I/O,
complete carrier loss detection with no programmatic
overhead, dead-user timer, full time limit enforcement.
In theory, you should never have to mess with anything in
MODEMIO. And be careful if you do, it's filled with
recursive and effecient stuff, and I think it's pretty well
documented. It does a lot just as it stands; it is four
years accumulated work and experience.
As implemented, Pup will support just about any Hayes type
modem. The modem must have a CD (Carrier Detect) line. DTR
is reccomended, but not required.
The initialization specified in PUP.SET should set the modem
to numeric result codes and autoanswer OFF. Pup answers the
phone by waiting for a RING result code, then issuing an ATA
command, and waiting for the CONNECT 1200 (or 2400, etc)
message, and then assumes it's online and connected. No
hocus pocus or complicated autobaud.
This is the endless "Intel" vs. "Motorola" argument. I
really don't care either way; neither does Pup. The only
part that cares about byte order is the FidoNet interface,
and there you have no choice.
The only time this might matter is if you were to generate a
message base on a Z80 and physically copy it to a 6502
machine; you'd have to convert byte order. For locally-
generated data, it's not an issue.
I tried to keep things down to two kinds of portability
problems: C language data typing and O/S functionality.
On C data types, most things don't care; general purpose
counters etc are just "int"s, etc. For ones that matter,
almost all want to be either 8 or 16 bit data. For these, I
defined two types: BYTE and WORD. In the Lattice 2.12/MSDOS
version, BYTE is defined as char, and WORD as int. Change
accordingly to fit your system. These are defined in
Any/all of you can reach Tom Jennings by dialing his
BBS number: 415-764-1629
Please *do not* send email to me; I haven't compiled the program
and don't yet know how it works.