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From: "Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley" <cturley@grin.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2
Subject: Re: dsk images
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 10:19:19 -0800
Organization: I Try, US-A2WUG, 1WSW, GS WorldView, A2-2000
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <33873127.1532@grin.net>
References: <19970524170900.NAA05455@ladder01.news.aol.com>
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To: g7and7@aol.com
Here's the method and steps I use with my Mac to get a .dsk image file
ready to turn into a real disk for use on my IIgs;
(A) Get the flipper program for the Mac, drag and drop the .dsk image
file over the Flipper program icon, then change the New Type to: DSK5
(using all upper case), then change the New Creator to: pdos (using all
lower case). Press OK and Flipper program will save it as a REAL disk
image file (.dsk).
(B) Get the IC (image converter) program for the Mac, drag and drop the
..dsk image file over the IC program icon, select Copy ][+ and press OK.
(note: if the disk image is already a xxx.img file, then IC will do
nothing with it. If it's a xxx.dsk file, then it will save a copu with:
xxx.img). The xxx.img file is ready for Copu ][+ to take and convert
back to a REAL 5.25 disk on your IIgs.
Simply copy the xxx.img file to an 800k ProDOS disk, take it out of the
Mac disk drive and shuttle it over to your IIgs disk drive, boot up the
Copy ][+ program (Version 7.1 only works). Select copy disk from the
drive that have the 800K ProDOS disk - with the xxx.img file, to the
5.25 disk in that disk drive and Copy ][+ v7.1 will make a REAL disk
of the program for use on your IIgs or any other Apple II that the
program will run on.
Another alternative (which I've been told about - but have not tried
myself) that, if it works properly may be a bit more simple to try - is
to get the NinjaForce Apple II program 'Asimov', copy the disk image
file to your 800K ProDOS disk on the Mac, take that 800k ProDOS disk
over to your IIgs, run the NinjaForce Apple II program 'Asimov' and it
should do the same job for you, resulting in a REAL 5.25 disk of the
If this is all to complex to deal with and understand, then email me or
give me a telephonme call and I'll be happy to answer your questions and
assist you until you understand the process completely and get a working
Apple II disk from the process.
If you don't know where to get the programs mentioned above, I'll be
happy to tell you where to download them all from.
Voice: (415) 468-1609
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From: Rubywand <rubywand@swbell.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2
Subject: Re: dsk images
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 15:37:40 +0000
Organization: Southwestern Bell Internet Services
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Message-ID: <33870B44.526@swbell.net>
References: <19970524170900.NAA05455@ladder01.news.aol.com> <33873127.1532@grin.net>
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Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley writes ...
> Here's the method and steps I use with my Mac to get a .dsk image file
> ready to turn into a real disk for use on my IIgs;
> (A) Get the flipper program for the Mac, .... will save it as a REAL
> disk image file (.dsk). ....
> Simply copy the xxx.img file to an 800k ProDOS disk, take it out of the
> Mac disk drive and shuttle it over to your IIgs disk drive, ....
> Another alternative .... - is
> to get the NinjaForce Apple II program 'Asimov', copy the disk image
> file to your 800K ProDOS disk on the Mac, take that 800k ProDOS disk
> over to your IIgs, run the NinjaForce Apple II program 'Asimov' and it
> should do the same job for you, resulting in a REAL 5.25 disk of the
> program.
> ....
Lots of details ...; thanks! The mention of _"real"_ DSK files could
save some users considerable bother. (If I'd read something like this last
night it could have saved me an hour or so.)
It is easy to forget that files which show up with names like
"SUPERQST.DSK" on an ftp site are hardly ever in true DSK file form; they
are _packed_ DSK files.
Evidently, on the Asimov site, ".DSK" files are in a zip form and
could just as well be tagged as ".gz" type packed files. (Sometimes, in
fact, they are.) These ".DSK" files can be unpacked on PC using WinZip or
on a Mac using some similar utility.
It is pretty easy to tell whether a ".DSK" file is unpacked and ready
for use or still in packed form. A non-packed single 5.25" DSK file will
have a length of around 143k-144k.
A packed ".DSK" file can have a length which is much smaller than
143k (e.g. 49k). Or, a packed ".DSK" file can include several DSK's
along with TEXT info files and be fairly large in size (e.g. 179k).
Note: When a packed ".DSK" file is un-zipped, you may end up with an
unpacked file having the same name. That is, SUNDOG2.DSK may un-zip to an
unpacked DSK file named "SUNDOG2.DSK". (DSK unpacked disk image files
almost always end in ".DSK", as they should.)
Consequently, a user should always unzip a ".DSK" file to a different
directory than the directory in which the original, packed file is
located. Otherwise, WinZip will over-write your original, discover that it
is corrupted, and exit. You end up with neither the packed nor the
unpacked .DSK file!
If one downloads a ".DSK" file, unpacks it to get one or more DSK's
and moves the unpacked ".DSK" files to an Apple ][ (e.g. via a ProDOS
diskette from Mac or via NULL modem from PC), it is easy to convert each
DSK file to diskette via DSK2FILE or ASIMOV.
If one forgets to unpack a freshly downloaded ".DSK" file and moves
it to an Apple ][, it may, still, seem to make it through the
DSK-to-diskette conversion; _but_ you will end up with a diskette full of
garbage, like I did. Eventually, you may see the problem; things just go
much more smoothly when the screw-up is avoided in the first place.