112 lines
3.0 KiB
112 lines
3.0 KiB
To install the chip, Unplug your Cat
from your Apple and the phone line.
There should be a large, empty 24 pin
socket near the upper-right corner of
the card, directly below the four
switches. This is where you'll plug in
the chip. One end of the chip should
have a small notch or identification
on top of it. Turn the chip so the
notched end is to the left. Very
carefully insert the chip into the
socket being sure that all the pins
are going in their corresponding holes.
1. Optional 212 board installed (up)
or not installed (down)
2. Rotary (up) or Touch Tone (down)
3. Phone mode (up) or Modem mode (down)
Modem mode = half duplex, 300 baud
and on-hook.
4. Printer speed 300 baud (up) or
1200 baud (down).
Ctrl-A Ctrl-Q - Begin dialing
Ctrl-A Ctrl-Z - Hang up
Ctrl-A Ctrl-F - Enter full duplex
terminal mode
Ctrl-A Ctrl-H - Enter half duplex
terminal mode
Ctrl-A Ctrl-X - Exit terminal mode
Ctrl-A Ctrl-1 - 110 baud
Ctrl-A Ctrl-2 - 1200 baud
Ctrl-A Ctrl-3 - 300 baud
Ctrl-A Ctrl-P - Enter phone mode
Ctrl-A Ctrl-O - Enter modem mode
Ctrl-O Chr$(15) - Enter phone mode
Ctrl-P Chr$(16) - Enter modem mode
Ctrl-Z Chr$(26) - Hang up the phone
Ctrl-Q Chr$(17) - Dial the phone
Only from phone mode:
Ctrl-C Chr$( 3) - Cassette motor on
Ctrl-E Chr$( 5) - Cassette motor off
Ctrl-I Chr$( 9) - Ignore ctrl charrs
The first time you use your Apple Cat
after turning the machine on, the
firmware goes through several initial-
ization routines, including reading the
status of the switches, placing the
card out of terminal mode, and setting
the speed of your modem to 300 baud.
This information is then stored in
memory, and is remembered even after
you press reset. From time to time you
may want to force the Apple Cat firm-
ware to go through the initializing
again (e.g. if you change a switch on
the card or press 'reset' while you
are in terminal mode). This can be done
by the BASIC command (either from
program or directly) of POKE 2040+ (the
Apple Cat slot #),0. For example, if
your card is plugged into slot two, you
must do a POKE 2042,0. If this is done
before a PR#2 or an IN#2, the card will
think that it's the first time you've
talked to it today.
If you have a 212 card, it must be
configured for solitaire mode, which
means the chip labeled "Z9" must be
removed from its socket. Also, you
must set the option switches on the
212 board as follows:
#1 - off
#2 - on
#3 - on
#4 - on
#5 - on
This will tell the 212 card that you
are using the standard ten bits per
character format (one start bit, one
stop bit, and eight data bits). You
may configure the 212 card for nine
bits per character by turning switch
one on and switch two off.
Connect the eleven pin ribbon between
the 212 card and the Apple Cat and
insert the 212 card into any open slot
in your Apple.