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Most of these spells will work with Wizardry I, II, III, and IV.
Mage Spells
Level 1 Mage Spells
Spell Name HALITO HALITO causes a flame ball about the size of
Translation Little Fire a baseball to strike a monster, inflicting
Spell Type Combat from one to eight hit points of damage.
Area of Effect 1 Monster
Spell Name MOGREF MOGREF reduces the spell-caster's Armor
Translation Body Iron Class by two points. The effect lasts for
Spell Type Combat the entire encounter.
Area of Effect Caster
Spell Name KATINO KATINO causes all of the members in a
Translation Bad Air group to fall asleep. KATINO only affects
Spell Type Combat normal animal or humanoid monsters, and the
Area of Effect 1 Group duration of its effect is inversely
proportional to the power of the monster.
Sleeping monsters are easier to hit, and
successful strikes do double damage!
Spell Name DUMAPIC DUMAPIC grants you insight into your party's
Translation Clarity position in the Maze; the exact displacement
Spell Type Peacetime from the staris leading to th castle
Area of Effect Entire Party (vertically, North, and East), and the
direction you are facing.
Level 2 Mage Spells
Spell Name DILTO DILTO causes one group of monsters to be
Translation Darkness enveloped in darkness, which reduces their
Spell Type Combat ability to defend themselves against your
Area of Effect 1 Group attacks.
Spell Name SOPIC SOPIC causes the spell-caster to become
Translation Glass transparent. This makes him or her harder
Spell Type Combat to see; thus the caster's AC is reduced by
Area of Effect Caster four points during the encounter.
Level 3 Mage Spells
Spell Name MAHALITO MAHALITO causes a fiery explosion to erupt
Translation Big Fire amid a monster group, doing four to twenty
Spell Type Combat four hit points of damage.
Area of Effect 1 Group
Spell Name MOLITO MOLITO causes sparks to fly about and damage
Translation Spark Storm about half the monsters in a group, to the
Spell Type Combat tune of three to eighteen hit points. The
Area of Effect 1 Group monsters have no choice of avoiding the
Level 4 Mage Spells
Spell Name MORLIS MORLIS causes one group of monsters to fear
Translation Fear the party greatly. The effects are the same
Spell Type Combat as a double-strength DILTO spell.
Area of Effect 1 Group
Spell Name DALTO DALTO is similar to MAHALITO except that
Translation Blizzard Blast extreme cold replaces flames. In this case,
Spell Type Combat anywhere from six to 36 points of damage
Area of Effect 1 Group are inflicted.
Spell Name LAHALITO LAHALITO is an industrial-strength MAHALITO.
Translation Fire Storm Quite the flamethrower for those extra-
Spell Type Combat irksome monsters. LAHALITO will inflict
Area of Effect 1 Group from six to 36 points of damage.
Level 5 Mage Spells
Spell Name MAMORLIS MAMORLIS is similar to MORLIS, in that it
Translation Terror causes monsters to be gripped with by an
Spell Type Combat incapacitating fear of the party. The
Area of Effect All monsters difference is that all monster groups are
affected by it.
Spell Name MAKANITO Any air-breathing monsters less than eighth
Translation Deadly Air level are killed outright by this spell.
Spell Type Combat More potent creatures are not as impressed
Area of Effect All monsters by it.
Spell Name MADALTO MADALTO is a supercooled DALTO, causing eight
Translation Frost King to 64 hit points of damage. All monsters
Spell Type Combat suffer from it, to some degree.
Level 6 Mage Spells
Spell Name LAKANITO All monsters in the group subjected to this
Translation Suffocation spell die. But if they do not depend on air,
Spell Type Combat or if they're especially magic-resistant,
Area of Effect 1 Group you're in trouble.
Spell Name ZILWAN This spell will destroy any one monster of
Translation Dispell the Undead variety.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect 1 Monster
Spell Name MASOPIC This spell duplicates the "transparency"
Translation Big Glass effect of SOPIC for the whole party. Each
Spell Type Combat party member's AC is reduced by four points
Area of Effect Entire Party for the duration of the encounter.
Spell Name HAMAN This spell is indeed terrible, and may
Translation Beg & Grovel backfire on the caster. Thirteenth (or
Spell Type Combat higher) level characters may cast it, but
Area of Effect Unknown doing so will drain them of one level of
experience. The effects of HAMAN are strange
and wonderful.
Level 7 Mage Spells
Spell Name MALOR This spell's effects depend on the
Translation Teleport situation in which the party finds itself
Spell Type Any Time when it is cast. MALOR will teleport from
Area of Effect Entire Party one location to another.
More about MALOR
When used in the heat of battle, MALOR's effects are random, although you
will not be teleported away from the current Maze level. Casting it at other
times, when there is more chance for concentration, affords you the opportunity
to move the party anywhere in the maze. BE WARNED, however, that if you teleport
yourself outside the Maze, or into an area that is solid rock, you will all be
LOST FOREVER, so this spell is to be used with great caution. Combat use of
MALOR will not "rock" you.
Spell Name MAHAMAN The same restrictions apply to this spell as
Translation Beseech do to HAMAN. However, the range of possible
Spell Type Combat effects is even greater. This spell is
Area of Effect Unknown generally used only when there is no other
hope for survival.
Spell Name TILTOWAIT The effect of this spell may be likened to
Translation KERR-BLAAMMM!!! that of a small, well-contained, nuclear
Spell Type Combat fusion explosion. Luckily, the party is
Area of Effect All monsters shielded from its effects. The monsters are
not so lucky. This spell will wreak from ten
to 100 hit points worth of havoc.
Priest Spells
Level 1 Priest Spells
Spell Name KALKI KALKI reduces the AC of all party members by
Translation Blessings one point, and thus makes them harder to hit.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name DIOS DIOS restores from one to eight lost hit
Translation Heal points to a party member. It will not bring
Spell Type Any Time the dead back to life.
Area of Effect 1 Person
Spell Name BADIOS BADIOS causes from one to eight points damage
Translation Harm to be inflicted on a monster, and may kill
Spell Type Combat it. It is the reverse of DIOS.
Area of Effect 1 Monster
Spell Name MILWA MILWA causes a softly glowing magic light to
Translation Light accompany the party, revealing all secret
Spell Type Any Time doors. This spell only lasts a short while.
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name PORFIC PORFIC lowers the AC of the caster
Translation Shield considerably. The effects last for the
Spell Type Combat duration of the encounter.
Area of Effect Caster
Level 2 Priest Spells
Spell Name MATU MATU has the same AC-reducing properties as
Translation Zeal KALKI, but at double the strength.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name CALFO CALFO permits the caster to determine the
Translation X-Ray Vision exact nature of a trap on a treasure chest
Spell Type Looting 95% of the time. This spell may only be used
Area of Effect Caster while looking at a chest.
Spell Name MANIFO MANIFO causes some of the monsters in a group
Translation Statue to become stiff as statues for one or two
Spell Type Combat melee rounds.
Area of Effect 1 Group
Spell Name MONTINO MONTINO causes the air around a group of
Translation Still Air monsters to stop transmitting sound.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect 1 Group
Level 3 Primst Spells
Spell Name LOMILWA LOMILWA is a MILWA spell that lasts until the
Translation More Light party returns to the castle.
Spell Type Any Time
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name DIALKO DIALKO cures monster-induces paralysis, and
Translation Softness removes the effects of MANIFO and KATINO from
Spell Type Any Time one member of the party.
Area of Effect 1 Person
Spell Name LATUMAPIC LATUMAPIC makes it readily apparent exactly
Translation Identification what the opposing monsters are. This spell
Spell Type Combat lasts until the party returns to the Castle.
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name BAMATU BAMATU reduces the AC of each party member
Translation Prayer by four points, for the duration of combat.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect Entire Party
Level 4 Priest Spells
Spell Name DIAL DIAL is similar to DIOS (only better), and
Translation Cure restores two to sixteen hit points to a party
Spell Type Any Time member.
Area of Effect 1 Person
Spell Name BADIAL BADIAL inflicts two to sixteen points of
Translation Wound damage to a monster.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effeft 1 Md<14><07>'<27><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>~~~~| <@FAs k)b
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>jz2J<EFBFBD>k [+<2B> <03>{K<>{s+!<03>+<2B><>{q3K<33> s hQ<02><> s<>c <0B>K{q<1B><>)<02>{K<>{q<03>C{c) ; KqphQ<02><>+ca<02>˃) s<><02>Kk(hQ <0B>+ {1+33+<1B><01><02>+<2B><>{phPhQ<02><>+cas k)j
<EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD>2JK<> qKk<4B><6B>{<7B>+!<02>z<EFBFBD>2Ja<03>K<EFBFBD>A+33+<1B><>hQ. However, the range of possible
Spell Type Combat effects is even greater. This spell is
Area of Effect Unknown generally used only when there is no other
hope for survival.
Spell Name TILTOWAIT The effect of this spell may be likened to
Translation KERR-BLAAMMM!!! that of a small, well-contained, nuclear
Spell Type Combat fusion explosion. Luckily, the party is
Area of Effect All monsters shielded from its effects. The monsters are
not so lucky. This spell will wreak from ten
to 100 hit points worth of havoc.
Priest Spells
Level 1 Priest Spells
Spell Name KALKI KALKI reduces the AC of all party members by
Translation Blessings one point, and thus makes them harder to hit.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name DIOS DIOS restores from one to eight lost hit
Translation Heal points to a party member. It will not bring
Spell Type Any Time the dead back to life.
Area of Effect 1 Person
Spell Name BADIOS BADIOS causes from one to eight points damage
Translation Harm to be inflicted on a monster, and may kill
Spell Type Combat it. It is the reverse of DIOS.
Area of Effect 1 Monster
Spell Name MILWA MILWA causes a softly glowing magic light to
Translation Light accompany the party, revealing all secret
Spell Type Any Time doors. This spell only lasts a short while.
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name PORFIC PORFIC lowers the AC of the caster
Translation Shield considerably. The effects last for the
Spell Type Combat duration of the encounter.
Area of Effect Caster
Level 2 Priest Spells
Spell Name MATU MATU has the same AC-reducing properties as
Translation Zeal KALKI, but at double the strength.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name CALFO CALFO permits the caster to determine the
Translation X-Ray Vision exact nature of a trap on a treasure chest
Spell Type Looting 95% of the time. This spell may only be used
Area of Effect Caster while looking at a chest.
Spell Name MANIFO MANIFO causes some of the monsters in a group
Translation Statue to become stiff as statues for one or two
Spell Type Combat melee rounds.
Area of Effect 1 Group
Spell Name MONTINO MONTINO causes the air around a group of
Translation Still Air monsters to stop transmitting sound.
Spell Type Combat
Area of Effect 1 Group
Level 3 Primst Spells
Spell Name LOMILWA LOMILWA is a MILWA spell that lasts until the
Translation More Light party returns to the castle.
Spell Type Any Time
Area of Effect Entire Party
Spell Name DIALKO DIALKO cures monster-induces paralysis, and
Translation Softness removes the effects of MANIFO and KATINO from
Spell Type Any Time one member of the party.
Area of Effect 1 Person
Spell Name LATUMAPIC LATUMAPIC makes it readily apparent exactly
Translation Identification what the opposing monsters are. This spell
Spell The impression that he was either totaly confused or
lying. Then I found out his father is a SCC switchman. So I ended up with
several feet of manuals, 100's of dialups for things in nyc, and gave him
some cosmos manuals which he wanted. It ws very profitable from my end of
it anyway.
ME: I always wondered were all that came from.
AN: ha, yeah, well you can trash from now until 1990, or you can just order the
fucking things from AT&T, I'm on their mailing lists with a maildrop as a
TIRM director. They just keep sending more and more junk.
ME: What did the SCC guy teach you about?
AN: Various things, and cleared up a lot of misconceptions about ANI and how
it actually works, auto-verify, things like that, which I really didn't
know the answers to. He had it as sort of a hobby as well, he was on some
cosmos kick, and I helped him out, so he was grateful. He also had an apple
and to most normal people, you mention free software, and they get this
happy expression. Future 40 yr. old new wares kids being born.
ME: Speaking of that, what do you think of the pirate world? To my knowledge
you are one of the only phreaks to ever be in any large pirate group.
{Apple Mafia}
AN: Well that wasn't through any real involement. I just happened to be friends
with a lot of the people and at the time it was a new idea. (A group), so I
said why not.
ME: What do you think of pirates? did you crack software?
AN: Hahahahaha, yeah dude, I crack the lates36 dam
MADI Regeneration: All hp rs MABADI Maiming: all but 1-8 hp
LOKTOFEIT Recall: Tele castle MALIKTO Wrath: 12-72 dam
KADORTO Resurrection: all hp rs
Have phun..
OKTOFEIT Recall: Tele castle