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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Bagging on the Blue Adept / Source: The Deathstar
>Numb< 31 of 50
>Subj< You mean...
>From< The Pretzel
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 12:44 pm
Brian Fist=Blue Adept? Could it be that they are one and the same, or clones of
yet an undiscovered super pie-rate? Holy Batmobile this is too much for me to
take, so I'm going on vacation...a retreat if you will. Bob save me some rad
warez so I can leech when I get back.
>Numb< 32 of 50
>Subj< BA=BF?
>From< The F/x
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 1:22 pm
If you weren't joking, I can almost guarantee that BF<>BA.
Fist lives here in Milwaukee and is dispised by everyone. He got an Amiga about
5 months ago and is not seen on apple boards (in Mil) He does call Pandemonium
(Milwaukee's) under a different name (The board is all amiga) He also works a a
large electronics store claiming to make large amounts of money...
>Numb< 33 of 50
>Subj< Thats funny..
>From< The Vassal
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 3:52 pm
It turns out that Alan also has an Amiga now.. Pretty funny stuff. I wonder
if thewy are one in the same. Alan told me he can't figure out shit on the
Amiga but he is learning Amiga ML... Well thats what he said anyway...
The Vassal/Mark/CS
>Numb< 34 of 50
>Subj< Alan...
>From< King Lear
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 9:57 pm
supposedly got narked on for phreaking by Joe Hack and has now sold his
computer just in time because supposedly the feds came to his house recently
and were looking for all his shit but he sold it all and cleaned up all the
All this info. came straight from his mouth in one form or another. At the end
of his post (another board) he made a rather blaytant threat to Joe Hack that
was something to the effect of "Joe Hack is a dead man..."
Also, Alan has supposedly moved his phreaking operation to some friends house
where he will be conducting his business from there. I don't know if any of
this is true, it's just what he claims.
>Numb< 35 of 50
>Subj< w0w...
>From< The Necromancer
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 11:19 pm
Al Anns mega elite now....
>Numb< 36 of 50
>Subj< al ann
>From< The Baron
>Date< June 28, 1989 at 11:38 pm
Nice to see posts on board 3.
Al/Ann is so lamE that he can't get accts on local p0ze boards to him that
he was to call p0ze boards in Michigan to get access. Pretty funny.
>Numb< 37 of 50
>Subj< Ya...
>From< The Necromancer
>Date< June 29, 1989 at 4:17 am
ya, Alans on 2 local p0ze boards around here, they are so lame, i call under
another handle just to laugh at the lamer...
>Numb< 38 of 50
>Subj< How
>From< Peacefrog
>Date< June 29, 1989 at 11:25 am
Old is Allan anyways?
>Numb< 39 of 50
>Subj< Alan....
>From< The Vassal
>Date< June 29, 1989 at 12:49 pm
Well, here is what I know.. Alan was caught phreaking by the feds and went on
a rampage to get rid of his shit. He then moved out of his house to a friends
in New Orleans where he is currently working as a jazz musician (I'd love to
see that, heeheh!).. The latter half was from his mother when I called him
right after he moved, pretty funny. 4 days ago he called me and told me he got
an Amiga and was learning Amiga ML.. I don't even listen to him anymore, I
don't know what he will come up with next..The dude is living in a soap opera
or something..
On a different note, I want to buy a 9600 but should I buy the Dual Standard
or just the HST.. Like will I be left in the dust if I get the HST??
The Vassal/Mark/CS
>Numb< 42 of 50
>Subj< King Leer: Al Ann
>From< Joe Hack
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 12:30 am
Alan? Where was this post , about me narking on him? I don't know who
the guy is? I mean I don't know his last name, and I don't even know where the
fag lives? so Narking on him would be pretty hard....
He told some of my friends that he has my cRedit Card numbers... and is
charging up a storm on them, "Gee, Alan, could you give me my numbers so I
could buy some stuff too?"
Not much more that could be said on this sub... ick..
>Numb< 43 of 50
>Subj< Hmmm...
>From< Osirus
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 4:31 am
Whoever's house Alan is staying at, he must have a modem, just got off of US AE
and he called there about three times today, and seemed as normal as ever..
He's even starting to piss me off now, I give him a tiny piece of info about a
Dreamworld Society project and he calls The Mercenary or Joe Hack or whoever
and says "Osirus is my right hand man.." No wonder Joe and Mer. though I was a
spy, oh well...
>Numb< 44 of 50
>Subj< heheh..
>From< The Vassal
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 11:11 am
Oh well I guess Alan has his own unique way of doing things (yeah right!)
but thats enough on him. Like I said I am friends with him and all, I guess!
But he seems like a huge liar, so I pretty much discard everything he says and
half of what I see him do... Whatever! As for Joe Hack, hahha, its pretty
funny that Alan thinks he has his CC's.. I just got a kick out of reading
that.. Maybe Alan will get mine.. Oh boy!
The Vassal/Mark/CS
>Numb< 45 of 50
>Subj< Post
>From< Black Hawk
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 2:02 pm
There was also a post about JH and Alan on Magnetic Field, Alan said Joe Hack
called up Alan's local PD and turned him in or something, and Alan claims he
knows it's him because he has a friend that works there...
I wonder if this is true?hahaha
>Numb< 46 of 50
>Subj< ...
>From< The Necromancer
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 3:02 pm
this is to funny, alan is such a p0zer..
>Numb< 47 of 50
>Subj< Man...
>From< King Lear
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 3:49 pm
right now there is a lot of pozing going on about Alan / Joe Hack / Necromancer
on a few of the other boards I call. It seems that people just love to talk
behind other people's backs these days.
Ralph, the stuff about you is really just from a couple of loozers complaining
about your supposed re-release of Neuromancer //e. No biggie...
>Numb< 48 of 50
>Subj< Neuromancer IIe
>From< Mind Bender
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 5:16 pm
Ralph did that damn ware as a favor to me and he didn't put a page on it either
so i see no reason why any lam0 ass out there should be bagging about him
re-releasing the fucking thing....i left a post saying he was good enough to
crack the ware right and anyone still wanting a good working version could get
it.....It was probably one of Alan's lame ass friends bitching about
it....well, at least Rawlf knew which side of the game the protection was on.
Alan decided he could do a rad crack on the wrong side. Alan cracked side 1,
but side 4 was where the protection was.
>Numb< 49 of 50
>Subj< GeeZZZZ
>From< The Necromancer
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 9:37 pm
GeeeZZZZ i didn't even put a page on it and peepul are raggin on me, what has
the m0e dum world come 2..
>Numb< 50 of 50
>Subj< allan
>From< The Baron
>Date< June 30, 1989 at 9:59 pm
Perhaps Alain will play some of his Jazz onto a Diversi-Tune song disk like
all those NAthan Page disks. Wouldn't that be hip?
Alan Adept on his cheesy Hammond Organ - the GNU in diversi-tune song disks.