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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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| S T A T I O N F I V E S O F T D O C S |
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| Written by The Compiler for "Oceania" (713) 778-9356 24hrs. |
| Use on other boards permitted as long as this notice is intact! |
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In 1995 an experimental program called "project moonbase" was
established to create five of the most powerful nuclear reactor stations ever
built on the lunar surface with the hopes of someday eliminating the need for
nuclear facilities on earth.
Now two years into the project four of the five stations have been
destroyed by meteor showers. The latest radar indicated another meteor shower
is fast approaching the generator site at Station 5.
OBJECT: To continue to generate as much power from station 5 as possible before
it's destroyed. Transmit the power to an orbiting relay station by building 7
transmission towers. Transport Hoofer, the robot, to the orbiting relay
station to oversee the transmission of power to Earth. Use Hoofer to repair
equipment that is damaged by the shower. There are four game screens: the
generator site, transmission site, transporter room and the orbiting relay
NOTE: On //e's and //c's the CAPS LOCK key must be down.
<- - move left
-> - move right
A - move up
Z - move down
<SB> - jump
JOYSTICK COMMANDS: up/down/left/right button - jump
[ SCENE ONE ]: The Generator Site:
Hoofer: Jump to open and close vents
Open vents: they make the reactor run cool and produce less power
Closed Vents: make reactor run hot and produce more power, however, 12 closed
vents cause the reactor to blow up.
Permanently closed vents: these are created when a meteor hits an already
closed vent.
Meteors: fall from the sky and hit vents or Hoofer. If a meteor hits a closed
vent it will remain there until Hoofer jumps on it. When Hoofer jumps on it it
transfers a Toss Tile to activate the particle shield
Particle Shields: Protect the roof from meteors
Tosstiles: They hold meteor until Hoofer jumps on it which tosses it into the
collector bin to start the particle shield
Temperature Gauge: shows current temp. as temp. rises warning sound will begin
and lights on either side of the guage will flash when ten vents have been
[ SCENE TWO ]: The Transmission Site
Hoofer:jump on hammer and part of a tower is built in the background. Build as
many towers as needed to transmit power (7 max)
Ion Neutralizers: Destroy the harmful ion formations in the atmosphere with
it's ion neutralizer beam (the beam can also destroy Hoofer)
Ion Formation:Materializes in the atmosphere and if not detroyed develops into
a homer (these can home in and destroy Hoofer)
[ SCENE THREE ]: Transporter Room
Hoofer: land on off switches to turn them on, all 32 switches must be on (down
position) in order to transport Hoofer to the orbiting relay station
Toggler: changes switches and can also destroy Hoofer
Plasma Balls: temporarily erase all switches
[ SCENE FOUR ]: The Orbiting Relay Station
Hoofer: land on the platform with the spare part. The part will automatically
be placed on the nearest damaged relay horn, which allow power to be relayed
back to earth. There are meteors that randomly float through the area and can
damage the horns and spare parts
Platforms: surfaces where spare parts are delivered, supply ships deliver the
spare parts
Have Fun!!!