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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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: Levels 17-32 :
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: Presented by: Bets C. :
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Another great T-Men file!
1] Use the two upper righthand corner bricks to trap and kill men
until they appear at the right side of the board. Then, move down and
draw the men onto the floor.
2] Try to trap the men in the bottom 2 holes of the board as you
collect the chests.
The main clue is printed on the screen. There are 14 trap doors to
look out for and they are all placed so that, if you do the obvious
thing, you'll wind up in the pit at the bottom of the screen.
As a general rule for this level, try to approach each gold chest from
directly above or from the right side. Don't get ANY of the chests by
digging over the ladders to the left.
All the men are indispensible. Collect the chests from the left side
1] Climb to the second ladder on the far right. Dig the first diggable
brick to the right of it. When a man falls into the hole, run over his
head to the ladder on the right. Climb it, then descend, digging away
the first and second bricks to the right of it. Jump through the open-
ing and pick up the chest. There's a diggable brick beneath it. If you
move quickly, you can dig it away and drop through before the man
catches up with you. He will be trapped.
2] Go back to the wall you dug earlier, dig down and run over the
trapped man's head. Dig down and collect the chest on the ledge to the
3] Collect the rest of the chests on the left side of the board.
4] To get the chest next to the top middle ladder, climb the ladder
and dig the top 2 bricks between the ladder and the gold chest. Don't
dig the bottom brick until the top brick starts to form. Then dig the
bottom brick, run up the ladder, dig the top brick again, run to the
right and drop down onto the chest. You can now dig down and escape
onto the bar. Drop through the diggable brick by the ladder onto the
next bar below.
5] Fall onto the guard beneath you and while standing on his head, dig
away the brick on his left and jump over onto the brick on his right
when he starts to move away. When he drops onto the other guard, jump
off the block you're standing on. Don't follow the guard, but dig out
the rightmost brick instead so you can drop to the bottom and get out
the ladder.
6] Climb up the bottom far right ladder and cross over to the left
side of the two guards. Dig the brick to the right of the middle
bottom ladder. Jump on the man's head, dig right then left, without
hesitation and immediately run right. Pick up the chest and exit
quickly to the right.
7] Pick up the remaining chests with the exception of the 2 chests in
the bottom righthand corner and then work your way down to the lower
righthand corner last.
Stack the men in the center. Get the men to retrieve the chests across
the second from the bottom floor.
1] Get all the chests in the far left section and end up on the ladder
at the middle of the board.
2] After collecting the row of five chests in the left section, dig
and use the man's head to step over to the ladder.
3] Dig the middle chunk of bricks to the left of the long middle row
(some by standing on the man's head) and release the man into the
lower level so that he ends up in the bottom middle hole.
4] Collect the rest of the chests from the right side of the board,
leaving the bottom right chest for last.
Keep the men together.
1] First, collect the chests at the top left as you get 3 men on the
left side of the board together.
2] When you have all the chests you can get, release one of the men
from the mid-right section by drawing him through the trap doors on
the 2nd and 3rd floors on the right and have him join the other 3
3] Release the last man the same way and collect the rest of the
1] After you collect the chests below you, dig the 3 bricks to the
right of the 2nd ladder down on the left, go up both ladders and
right, up the short ladder and dig to the next chest to the right and
go down and through the wall you dug by the ladder.
2] Collect all accessible chests while working your way to the lower
right corner.
3] Collect the chests in the upper right corner.
4] Dig the bricks over and right or the 1st short ladder on the left,
2nd floor (from the bottom) and jump down on the chest from the top of
the ladder.
5] To get the chest in the lower left corner, dig the brick at the
bottom left of the bottom right ladder, then the top 2 bricks on the
right of the bottom right ladder, then go back and redig the first
brick , then the bottom brick next to the left ladder then the brick
above the chest, drop on the chest and leave.
Dispose of the 2 guards first, until they reappear in the upper right
area. You can't win if either of the men falls down between the
rabbits paws.
1] Move halfway up the long ladder until both men fall between the
2] Dig away bricks in the left ear, trapping the men till they
reappear in the upper left corner.
3] First, get the chest from the left eye. Dig away enough bricks to
remove the 2 bricks to the left of the eye, which will allow you to
drop down to his whisker to escape.
4] To get the chest in the right eye, dig all the bricks across the
ear to the left of it and continue down to the nose to escape.
* LEVEL 25: BO *
1] Get the men in a position where they won't interfere.
2] To collect the chests, dig from the outside, using the ladders to
dig from when needed.
=#####Y=X#####= Diagram of center of
=#1 * Y=B * 2#= board.
=#* Z Y=B *:=
=## #A#=BBB ##=
= # #:::::B # =
= ### ### =
= 3 *** =
= ########### =
1] First, trap 2 men in area 1. Turn to the center ladder and dig
brick X, trapping the man. Then dig out the 3 bricks marked Y and move
left to position Z. As soon as the guard is released dig brick A, run
over the trapped man's head and climb to the top of the ladder. The
guard will fall in pit area 1.
2] Attract the 2nd man from the right side of the board and trap him
the same way. Now get all the gold in area 1.
3] Draw the last guard from the right side over to the left by pulling
him across the tops of area 1 & 2 and dig one brick so you can walk
over him. Go down the ladder on the right of area 2 until you find a
spot that makes the man move to the left.
4] Get the chests from the middle of area 2 one at a time. Use timed
digging to get the "floating" chest. Get the second chest after
digging all the bricks marked B, then jump down from the pit to area
1] Collect all the chests from the bottom 2 rows first, gaining access
by jumping on a falling man's head.
2] Use a man's head to get to the short left ladder. Using the same
method, gain access to the top level and collect the remaining
1] Destroy the 2 men at the lower left to get time to collect the
chests at lower left corner of the board. Release the first man while
hanging from the bars. Then dig holes until he is destroyed. Repeat
the process for the 2nd man.
2] Destroy the men, the run to ledge to the right of the long middle
bar. Fall on a man's head to collect the last chest.
Don't let men that have chests fall into the bottom traps. Ladders are
safer than bricks to walk on.
1] Start by getting the bricks in the top right section, getting the
chest to the left of the sections left ladder last.
2] Use the trap doors in the middle section to dispose of the men
while you get the chests.
3] In getting the rest of the chests, use the ladders and avoid the
traps. Don't let a man with a chest fall to any of the bottom traps.
Don't let any men with chests fall into the bottom middle holes. Get
the bottom
center chest last.
1] Get all the available chests except the center chest. Use the men
to get the chests at the tope of the left and right towers. Be sure to
keep track of chests being carried by men
2] When you're sure you have all the chests, fall onto the center
tower and a ladder will appear to give you a way out.
1] Go up the left ladder to the trap under the second bar.
2] Dig left after falling through and continue left down the trap
dorrs. You'll fall right onto the chest.
1] Get the top left chest first. Dig the brick to the right of the
short ladder and get the top man to rrun left into the brick as it
2] Dig down to the next section and get the far right chest. Dig to
the left of the ladder, run to the right ladder and force one man into
the reappearing brick.
3] Trap the last 2 men in the pit under the bar being careful that
they don't take any chests with them.
4] Dig down to the ladder below and get the chests.
5] Go down to the next level and get the remaining chests.