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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
+ DeskColor Control Panel History +
v3.1 Update Pattern selector, auto-update to new desktop when closing
- Changed pattern selection from a dialog to the active Control Panel to allow
for a more logical interface. Includes Delete and Insert pattern.
- Automatically updates desktop to current pattern/graphic when closing.
v3.0 Complete TuneUp to prepare for System 6.0
- Fixed some quirks, more user friendly and smaller.
- Changed interface to popup menus.
- Added save as a Binary PTRN file.
- Changed Pattern Editor to allow "Painting".
- Added a "None" desktop type command which updates the Finder.Def file.
- Available as a Temporary Init file that can be updated with the CDev to
save much space on your boot disk (2.5K vs 15.5K)
v2.5 Bug Fix
- Changed the handle size so that the resource and message will always
be the correct size. This used to work automatically. Aparently
something with the DMA SCSI card System Software and System 5.03
changed that.
v2.4E Bug Fix
-Changed some code in Desk Color and LoadPic to more effectively handle
errors. This should eliminate all problems that have been experienced,
especially with desktop pictures.
-Compiled with the release version of ORCA/C v1.1 instead of a beta.
v2.2E Bug Fix
- Changed one line of code to correct a bug "I" introduced that prevented
reloading of a picture during a boot.
v2.1M Pattern and Picture loader without Editor
- "M" version saves space and time, but must use patterns already created.
v2.1E Bug Fix and improvement
- "E" version includes built-in pattern editor
- Modified Interface (buttons) slightly
- Fixed a few minor bugs and improved effeciency
- Added more error trapping
- Added ability to load any pattern from a multiple pattern file
- Added ability to save multiple pattern filled files
v2.0 Major Revision
- Changed interface drastically
- Added pattern editor with load and save capability
- Added compression routine for saving pictures to save disk space
v1.1 First major release
- Added Standard File Dialog to find the picture to load to the desktop.
- Cleaned up some more "ORCA/C" bugs
- Polished 320 mode button sizes
- Still a beta test version, but I haven't heard any complaints
- Cleaned up buttons display in 320 mode
- Cleaned up save file routines so no errors will occur
- Cleaned update desktop routine to recognize last color used
- Added ability to load a picture to desktop
- This is a beta version and the first release, it can't be absolutly
guaranteed to work in ALL circumstances.