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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
// \\
/// \\\
////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// \\
// The original \\
<< >>
\\ (C) Logix Innovations 1988 //
\\ 2590, 4th Ave, St-Georges,Canada G5Y 3S8 //
// \\
// Program written by: Louis Roy \\
<< Tutorial written by: The Broker >>
\\ and //
\\ Louis Roy //
\\ //
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////
\\\ ///
\\ //
Disk Disintegrater DeLuxe is a SHAREWARE copyrighted product of LOGIX
INNOVATIONS. It is legal to duplicate and distribute this program and its
documentation, however, both these products must be distributed AS IS, without
any alterations, and must not be sold, resold or be offered as part as a
package without the expressed written release from LOGIX INNOVATIONS. This
program is offered on a trial basis, at no charge. The trial period shall start
with the first utilization of the program and shall remain in effect for 20
days. After such date, the user shall have the option of registering his copy
by mailing $29.95 to LOGIX INNOVATIONS, or decide to erase all copies in his
possession if the product shall not meet the user's expectations. A third
option is also available for the user, which is to keep the copy and not
register it, but this would be viewed by LOGIX INNOVATIONS as a proof that
users cannot be trusted and no other version of this program will be made.
LOGIX INNOVATIONS declines all responsabilities in the event where this
program would be used for illegal duplication, transmission or alterations of
copyrighted software material. Use of this program will be void where
prohibited by state, provincial or federal laws. This program was designed to
facilitate and expedite data transmission between modem users. If such users
should decide to alter copyrighted material through the use of this program, he
shall do so under his entire responsability. This program should only be used
with the users's data disks, programs written by him, or public domain
Finally! No, you are not dreaming, here is the latest packer that Louis
Roy wrote especially for you:
The original !! (nothing less...)
D.D. DeLUXE is more than a packer, it is a totally new mean of
communication. Effectively, when you will have discovered the new ideas
included in this program as well as the power of the new features, you
will never acccept again to use other DDD imitations, and you will only swear
by D.D.DeLUXE, guaranteed!
Louis Roy, the author of this program, has completely redesigned his
packing algorythm. It packs more and faster! He also included a super fast and
reliable checksum mechanism to validate the integrity of the compressed data.
And Louis has designed this package thinking of the various types of users out
there, from the faithfull ][+ users, all the way to the PC transporter //GS
users of today, without forgetting Sysops, Hard disk and Ram disk users, etc..
Another significant built-in feature of the program is the capability
offered to the packing user to compose, and permanently store in the packed
file, an 11 line personnal message, and this, plus the built-in checksum and
all the new features that you will soon discover, has resulted in a faster
packer! As we said before, the world of modem telecommunication will never be
the same again!
o Can pack 5.25, 3.5 800K and 3.5 1600K disks.
o Compatible with all PRODOS devices in existance today, including Ram
disks, hard disks, etc..
o A new feature that permit you to communicate with hundreds of people
o have a copy commands that permit you to copy file from a directory to
o have a optimize option to pack even more (only prodos disk)
o have a clock on the main menu
o Support up to 14 storage units connect to your Apple.
o Will execute on Apple ][+, //e, //c and //GS.
o Recognize, and utilizes your 80 columns cards (except on a ][+)
o Packs more than ever.
o Packs and unpacks faster.
o PRODOS Hard disk compatible.
o Window driven.
o Keeps the name of the packer and the date of packing.
o User friendly, less typing involved thru intelligent user interface.
o Built-in checksum.
o Supports all PRODOS commands directly from the program.
o Built-in FORMAT command recognizing all PRODOS devices.
o Keeps your configuration and personnal message between sessions.
o Full error trapping mechanism.
o Recognizes, and utilizes, any clocks you may have.
o Built-in mini editor to edit your personal message.
o Packs and unpacks with one or more devices.
o Allows duplicate volumes on-line (contrary to COPY ][+).
o Easy to use!
o and more!!
Most of you have heard of the history of the famous DDD packer, but for
the benefit of those that may not, we will recap the acomplishments of Louis
1983: Louis Roy, under the alias of DALTON, writes his first packer.
Immediately this became a huge hit. It became THE de-facto standard in
the modem world. What made this packer so special? Basically, a faster
and more effecient packing algorythm and a few new ideas that were
destined to become some of the most copied features of the day: the
mean to compress a full disk of data into a single transferable file!
This became the start of a revolution in the world of packers... From
that day onwards, packers would never be the same again, thanks to DDD
1984: He writes a new version, DDD V2.0. This version supported new utilities,
but still was using the DDD V1.0 packing algorythm. The program became
visually more attractive, and user friendly routines as well as a more
intelligent user interface appeared, things such as a track status bar,
built in size appearing in the packed title, etc...
1985: DDD V2.1 correcting a bug in V2.0.
1986: DDD V3.0. Louis wrote this new version of his now legendary packer, but
decides not to release it. This version supported many of the features
that you will now find in DDD V4.0. The personnal message, hard disk
support, all appeared in that version. It was still using DOS 3.3.
Why wasn't it released? Because Louis decided to stop programming for
the Apple all together. Even with the new packer nearing completion,
he decided to take a sabatical to put his life in perspective. The life
of a hacker is an arduous one, sooner or later you must let go...
This seemed to be the signal other hackers, with little immagination of
their own, were looking for! From this moment on, we saw the appearance of new
packers while keeping compatibility with DDD V2.1. Even now, most packers in
use have blatently copied his algorythm. Sometimes one wonders if programming
ability is not equivalent to copying abilities!.
1988: After his sabatical, Louis takes charge again by introducing Disk
Disintegrater DeLuxe V4.0. The packing algorythm has been totally
revamped into a faster, more powerful packer. Mark my words, this packer
marks the dawn of a new era, and believe me, the shock waves will be
felt all over the modem world, and probably, the same unimaginative
people will copy it again.
Make yourself a favor, use the original! As in other domains, the
original has usually the upper hand on the copy!
A) D.D.DeLuxe is not compatible with the older algorythm of DDD V2.1 (and
other compatible packers). Why? Keep reading, the reasons will become
obvious... In any case, this packer will render all other obsolete!
B) D.D.DeLuxe will execute bug free under the following computers:
- Apple ][+ or compatible, with 64k
- Apple //e, enhanced or not, with or without extended
80 column cards.
- Apple //c, all models
- Apple //GS
C) Screen mode:
o Apple ][+: The display will be in 40 columns mode and in upper case
characters only, even if you have a compatible ][+ which supports lower
case characters. The main reason being that even those compatible cannot
display inverted lower case characters that DDD uses.
If you have an 80 column card, D.D.DeLUXE will not use it, this is
caused by the lack of standard in the ][+ 80 columns. Remember that you
will have to boot DDD in 40 columns, any attempt to boot in 80 columns
will result in garbage characters on your screen.
o Apple //e without 80 columns card: You will see lower case characters,
but obviously you will only get 40 columns of display.
o Apple //e with 80 columns, Apple //c and Apple //GS: You will see both
80 columns and lower case characters.
D) Disk format that D.D.DeLUXE can pack:
- 5.25" floppy diskettes
- 3.5" floppy diskettes with 800k capacity
- 3.5" floppy diskettes with 1600k capacity (yes, we know, they
don't exist....yet... but we can compact them!).
E) Disk drives compatible with D.D.DeLUXE:
- 5.25" disk drives
- 3.5" 800k dives (this include Apple 3.5, Unidisk 3.5, Universal
disk controller and all other 3.5 drives that are Apple compatible.)
- 3.5" 1600k drives (not yet available, but Apple is rumoured to
announce one for 1988).
- All hard disks working under PRODOS (CMS, Siders, Profile, etc..)
- All RAM cards that support a PRODOS RAM disk driver.
- All Rom disks (such as the //GS Memory Saver).
- PC transporter RAM disk.
- PC transporter 5.25" PRODOS disk.
F) PRODOS version:
D.D.DeLUXE is compatible with PRODOS version 1.3 or higher. Do not use with
older PRODOS revisions (it will not run). It's preferable to use V1.4
because V1.3 have minor bugs in it.
G) Clock cards:
D.D.DeLUXE will read your clock card as long as you have loaded its driver
in the PRODOS boot (clock patch). D.D.DeLUXE is compatible with all
standard PRODOS clock cards, with or without patch. D.D.DeLUXE will also
work without a clock card, in which case you will be prompted for date/time
input whenever required.
The D.D.DeLUXE original disk have 2 sides. Following is a description of
the various files on the disk:
SYS file. To be used if you wish to start D.D.DELUXE.V4.0 directly from
Applesoft Basic.
This is the main program of D.D.DeLUXE (application file). This file
should never be renamed, if you use D.D.DELUXE.LOAD or if you use the
Finder on a //gs.
This is the file where your personal configuration of D.D.DeLUXE (type
BIN) will be stored. This file should never be renamed !!
These files will only be useful for Apple //gs users. On the disk itself,
these files are useless. Copy these files to the directory called ICONS of
the Finder you are using. Your finder will then be able to load these files
and will display the appropriate ICONS relative to D.D.DeLUXE files. A small
surprise is waiting for you! (Note: you probably have FINDER.ICONS and
FINDER.DATA on your disk, replace them by these new files).
First text file to read when booting for the first time the D.D.DeLUXE
disk (side 1).
TXT file. First part of the D.D.DeLUXE documentation.
TXT file. Last part of the D.D.DeLUXE documentation.
TXT file. D.D.DeLUXE comparative benchmark, as done by Roger Richard (HA!
TXT file. List of error codes, and their significance, that you may
encounter during the use of D.D.DeLUXE.
TXT files. An extra from the author of D.D.DeLUXE, Louis Roy! Various
interesting text files for your pleasure.
D.D.DeLUXE works on any system with at least 64k (except on the original
Apple ][). Maybe you are disapointed that the program does not make use of the
full 128k, or more, memory of the //e, //c or //GS? There is a simple reason to
this: it's faster that way! Even if the DDD's buffer is smaller by only using
64k of the available memory, resulting in increased disk access, it's still
faster! This is caused by the peculiar architecture of the Apple bus. The Apple
can only access 64k of memory at the same time, all subsequent 64k of memory
are used as a switched memory bank. Basically, this demands a substantial
amount of memory moves. In his beta version, Louis was using bank switched
memory, but after a few bench marks, he noticed that the increased memory
handling capability resulted in decreased performance. So he removed it.
Statistically speaking, 98% of ther Apple systems in use have more than
one disk drive, so this will not cause a problem to the majority of the users.
Those that only have a disk drive are left with the alternative of using a ram
disk, acquiring a secondary disk drive, or swap disks! (check the copy command
for further instructions on how to use ram disks when packing and unpacking).
If you have a configured ram disk with 800k, D.D.DeLUXE will treat it as a
3.5" 800k drive. The same rule applies with ram disks of 1600k. It will so be
possible to you to unpack DDD files of 800k and 1600k onto ramdisks instead of
the usual 3.5" disks.
If your Apple has a clock card, D.D.DeLUXE will display the current date
and time in a little window at the bottom left of your screen of the main
As in other Apple programs, never press the RESET button while D.D. DeLUXE
accesses your disk. This may prove to be hazardous to the life of your disk!
However, as long as D.D.DeLUXE is not accessing the drives, it will be
safe to press reset, you will then be transported back to the main menu.
At any stage during the program, you can go back to the main menu by
pressing the ESC key. No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing,
you can always ESCape back to the main menu!
Anywhere and at any time, D.D.DeLUXE always utilizes the same error
trapping routine. This routine is activated automatically whenever you get an
error while D.D.DeLUXE is accessing the disk. In the eventuallity of such an
error occuring, D.D.DeLUXE will tell you the appropriate PRODOS error code, in
hexadecimal, in a little window at the top of your screen. Just refer to the
standard PRODOS error codes (or the PRODOS error charts in a file on your
D.D.DeLUXE disk) to find out the cause of the error and select an appropriate
course of action.
In an error situation, the program will suggest that you press a key if
you wish to retry the same operation again. It may give you the same error
again, but if you corrected the problem in the meantime, it will work. This
feature will prove useful whenever you leave your disk drive open for
The personnal message is a very powerful and useful feature, maybe the
impact of this feature escapes you right now, but as you will soon find out,
you will not want to pack without this option!
Every time you will pack a disk, D.D.DeLUXE will compress and insert in
the resulting DDD file your personnal message along with your name and the date
you packed the file. When another person will de-compress your DDD file,
D.D.DeLUXE will display automatically on the screen your personnal message,
your name and the date packed. Can't you already sense the obvious advantages
of such a feature?
What could you write in that message? In reality, just about anything that
you feel you would want other people to see, things such as documentation,
special hints, even a classified ad! Let's say you have a modem to sell, etc..
You may even be able to reach somebody that you ignore his telephone number,
even his address, the possibilities are endless!
The menu line is edited at the same time as your personnal message. As the
user unpacks the DDD file, at the very start of the unpack, your personal
message will be displayed. But the menu line will only be displayed at the end
of the unpack, providing that no errors were detected.
This menu line will appear in the user's main menu as long as he will work
with D.D.DeLUXE, or until the next unpack. What you will do with this menu line
is only bound to your imagination, for example, you could use it as publicity
for your favorite BBS, as this line will remain in permanennce on the screen of
the unpacking user as long as he uses D.D.DeLUXE (or until the next unpack), or
why not use it to pass on proverbs, I'm sure that already ideas are popping in
your head.
Take note that the menu line stay on the main menu screen even if the
user use the option "View DDD file informations" (in PRODODS COMMANDS).
When you are packing, D.D.DeLUXE uses the PRODOS type $DD (short for
Disintegraterr DeLuxe) to store your DDD file, no matter if you used 5.25, 3.5,
800k or 1600k. As of now, this file type has not been used by any other Apple
software programs.
When you will catalog such a directory with D.D.DeLUXE, these file types
will appear as "DDD", but if you use other software programs to catalog such
disks, they will appear as "$DD". This will facilitate the identification of
DDD files.
How will you know what type of medium is to be used during the unpacking
operation? This is made quite simple, just look at the file name! D.D.DeLUXE
utilizes suffixes to differentiate the various mediums:
<filename>.A ---> 5.25 floppy
<filename>.B ---> 3.5 800k disk
<filename>.C ---> 3.5 1600k disk
At certain occasions, D.D.DeLUXE will ask you to choose certain options
with the horizontal menu. In this case, just use the left and right arrows
( -> and <- ) to choose the option you desire, then press Return to accept it.
D.D.DeLUXE can catalog any PRODOS directory that contains a maximum of 600
files. Note that the limit applies to each directory, you may have thousands of
files on your disk, but in any given directory (or sub-directory), D.D.DeLUXE
cannot catalog more than 600 files. In the rare eventuallity of this happening,
you will get the message "DIRECTORY TOO LARGE", in which case you should
consider splitting that directory into smaller sub-directories. But in reality,
we all know that nobody would have this problem since we all know what problem
having such huge directories will bring.
One final note, if you use a RAM disk driver, this limit will perhaps be
lower, but then again, nobody should be affected.
Every time that D.D.DeLUXE will ask you to type anything, you will
automatically have access to the following editing keys:
-> : move cursor right in sentence
<- : move cursor left in sentence
DEL : delete character at left of cursor
CTRL-D : delete character at cursor
TAB or CTRL-I : toggle insert mode on/off
CTRL-F : put cursor at first character of the line
CTRL-L : put cursor at last character of the line
CLEAR or CTRL-X : Clear line
RETURN : Accept line
Every time that you use the following options: PACK, UNPACK, PRODOS
you will always have access to the following commands:
The first window that D.D.DeLUXE will display will be a list of the on
line PRODOS volumes as well as a list of all devices without a valid PRODOS
volume in it. At this time, you can use the arrow keys to browse through that
list and choose your preference by pressing the Return key. Just remember that
you will only be allowed to choose a device that contains a valid PRODOS
Then D.D.DeLUXE will show you a second window containing the directory of
the volume you chose previously. You will also indicate to you wether the
catalog you are viewing is a FULL or PARTIAL catalog. You will see such
information on the top line of the window. At the bottom of the window, you
will see the volume name, total free blocks of the disk as well as the total
block capacity of that disk. You then have, at least, the following options:
a) Arrows:
Right and down arrows: move down 1 line in directory
Left and up arrows: move up 1 line in directory
Open apple + down arrow: move down 7 lines in directory
Open apple + up arrow: move up 7 lines in directory
b) RETURN key:
If you wish to catalog a subdirectory, position your scroll bar to the
subdirectory and press Return, D.D.DeLUXE will give you a new catalog of
that subdirectory.
c) Key "1":
Back 1 directory. If you are not at the volume directory and you are in
a subdirectory, you can backtrack to the previous directory by pressing the
number 1 key.
d) Key "2":
Full and Partial catalog toggle switch. By pressing the number 2 key,
you will activate a toggle between the full and partial catalog mode. In a
full catalog, D.D.DeLUXE will display all files present in the working
directory, in a partial directory, D.D.DeLUXE will only display the
sub-directories and the files of type $DD (or DDD). This option will allow
you to quickly zero in on such type of files.
e) Key "3":
Volume window. By pressing this key, D.D.DeLUXE will give you back the
volume window of all on-line volumes on your Apple. Of course, if you
inserted or removed volumes since the last time, D.D.DeLUXE will present you
with an up to date picture of these volumes.
Note that if your directory is empty, D.D.DeLUXE will display "No Entry".
If you are in mode "full" and D.D.DeLUXE will display that message, then you
have no files whatsoever in your directory, however, if you were in "partial"
mode, then this message will indicate that you have no sub-directory or DDD
files in the working volume. You may still have other types of file in this
directory, to verify, just go in "full" mode by pressing "2" key.
Before starting D.D.DeLUXE, if you have a clock card, you should evidently
load its driver to patch PRODOS, if it hasn't been done already. Furthermore,
if you also want to utilize your Ram card, you should also load its driver.
Note that no diver are neccessary for /RAM5 on the //GS or the standard /RAM on
the //c or //e. And don't forget either that you must use PRODOS 1.3 or higher.
Do not rename the following files, as they are used by D.D.DeLUXE and you
may create unneccessary problems:
You must have the configuration file "D.D.DELUXE.CONF" residing in the
same directory as "D.D.DELUXE.V4.0", so that D.D.DeLUXE can load this
configuration. If the configuration file is not found, then D.D.DeLUXE will
configure itself with default parameters.
If you are using a //GS, you can start D.D.DeLUXE directly from the Finder
by executing the main module: D.D.DELUXE.V4.0. You will not need to execute the
D.D.DELUXE.LOAD if you use the Finder or the PRODOS dispatcher (PRODOS BYE or
QUIT commands).
If you start D.D.DeLUXE from Applesoft basic, then you must start
D.D.DELUXE.LOAD first, this binary file will load the main program
D.D.DELUXE.V4.0 in resident memory. This procedure is neccessary due to the
size of the routine and this could cause a conflict with the BASIC.SYSTEM in
memory if you wished to start directly from basic.
If you have an Apple ][+, you must start D.D.DeLUXE from 40 columns, if
you have an 80 column card, you must refrain from using it.
Once loaded. D.D.DeLUXE will show you a banner page, at this stage, you
may elect to press the letter A to read the "About D.D.DeLuxe" for the program,
pressing any other key will go directly to the main menu. Voila! You are now
ready to utilize D.D.DeLUXE.
If this is the first time ever you used D.D.DeLUXE, you will probably
elect to go to option #8 and configure your personnal version of D.D.DeLUXE, if
you need help with this option, read the documentation on the CONFIGURE option.
First, let's review the list of commands that will be documented in the
following paragraphs and are available from the main menu:
[1] Pack disk
[2] Unpack disk
[3] Prodos commands
[4] Edit my message
[5] View last DDD info
[6] Optimize Prodos disk
[7] Format Prodos disk
[8] Checksum disk
[9] Configure
[0] Quit
You can choose one of the options directly by pressing its appropriate
number or browse through the choices with one of the "browse" keys:
Space bar, right and down arrow: down one line
left and up arrow: one line
Return: accept option selected
This option will allow you to compress a whole disk (5.25, 3.5 800k or 3.5
1600k) into a single file. Here is how to proceed:
1) D.D.DeLUXE will ask you to select the location of the disk you wish to
pack. D.D.DeLUXE will show you the inventory window of all the disk 5.25,
3.5 800k and 3.5 1600k allowable on your system. Using the arrow keys,
choose the location of your original medium and press return. It is not
neccessary that you insert your original disk at this time. You could do
but you could also wait unto until D.D.DeLUXE asks you for it. If you are
using an Apple //gs and you wished to pack a 3.5" disk, it would be
preferable to insert the source disk prior to press RETURN in step #2.
2) The next step will be to type the name of the file you wish to assign to
your PACKED DDD file, you are allowed a maximum of 13 characters, either in
upper or lower case. Note that D.D.DeLUXE will always append a suffix to
your selected name, this suffix will identify the medium to be used to
.A ---> 5.25" floppy
.B ---> 3.5" 800k disk
.C ---> 3.5" 1600k disk
Apple //gs user: Please note that if you chose to pack a 3.5 disk and that
you have inserted the disk to be packed prior to start step #2, D.D.DeLUXE
will default the file name to be used to the volume of the disk to be
packed, if it is a PRODOS disk of course. You will then have the option of
accepting it as is, to modify it, or to enter a different name, by pressing
first the CTRL-X or CLEAR (clear line).
Note: it's now time to insert your destination prodos disk where you want
to save the DDD file.
3) If you are using an installed clock in your PRODOS, the D.D.DeLUXE will not
ask your for the date, it will read it directly from the clock, however, if
no clock was recognized, then D.D.DeLUXE will ask you to register the date,
that date will be defaulted to the date you stored in the configure option,
but you can always override it with today's date, or another, with the help
of the following keys:
right or up arrow: add 1 to current field (day, month or year)
left or down arrow: subtract 1 from current field
space bar: switch between fields (day, month or year)
Return: accept the date
4) Now D.D.DeLUXE will show you the volume window. You can use the "STANDARD
DIRECTORY COMMANDS" as mentionned previously to select the volume and
directory where you wish to store your packed file. By default, D.D.DeLUXE
will suggest you the first directory (the volume directory) in "partial
Note that if you haven't already inserted your target disk (the one
where you want to store the DDD file) and that you are already at the
volume window, you can still insert it right away and choose, with the
scrollbar, the device where the disk resides (i.e. the slot and drive
number), then press RETURN.
Also note that if your target disk is not a PRODOS disk, or that it has
never been formatted, D.D.DeLUXE will ask you wether or not you wish to
format it (PRODOS format). If you decline, then D.D.DeLUXE will go back to
the volume window (as you must absolutely choose a PRODOS directory to
store your packed file).
You must also make sure that there is sufficient space on the directory
where you wish to store your packed file, otherwise you will end up having
to redo the entire packing process. With experience, you should be able to
estimate roughly the number of PRODOS blocks required to pack a disk.
5) Finally, D.D.DeLUXE can start packing! Check this:
a) 1 drive operation:
If the device you chose to pack your disk is the same as the device
where your packed file will be stored, then D.D.DeLUXE will only use 1 drive
to pack your disk. Get ready to do a lot of disk swapping!
D.D.DeLUXE will ask you to alternatively insert your original disk and
your destination disk. Don't make a mistake, because D.D.DeLUXE will not
verify that this is indeed the original disk or the target disk (it would
slow down the packing process). It would be a prudent decision to put a
"write protect tab" on your original disk, just in case... The consequences
could be that you damage your original disk.
b) 2 devices operation:
If your source and destination disks do not reside on the same
device, then D.D.DeLUXE will assume that you are packing using 2 different
devices, will ask you to insert both the disks to be used at their
respective selected locations and start packing by pressing a key!
c) Information displayed:
D.D.DeLUXE will display the following five parameters:
-> "DDD status" : Will tell you what DDD is doing
-> "Block #" : the block number that DDD is currently
loading in memory to compress it.
-> "Total block": The total number of blocks to be compressed
-> "Checksum8" : Since DDD loads 8 blocks of data at the same
time to compress them, the checksum8 is the
cumulative checksum of these 8 loaded blocks.
-> "Total file block": This is the cumulative size, in block, of
the packed file.
d) When D.D.DeLUXE has finished, just press any key to return to the main menu.
Voila! You have successfully packed your disk!
o D.D.DeLUXE will use PRODOS file type $DD for all files packed
with D.D.DeLUXE.
o D.D.DeLUXE will save in your packed file, your name, the date packed, your
pesonnal message and your menu line and all checksums of the disk.
o If you packed a 3.5" disk on a Apple //gs and if you use a APPLE 3.5 drive,
and you do a 2 devices operations, D.D.DeLUXE will automatically eject your
original disk from the drive.
<<see next file D.D.DELUXE.DOX2>>