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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
February 28, 1989 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Topic: Developer Support Issues
Forum Leader: James Luther (AFL Jim)
JSchober Ugh... and why are they CONFERENCE rooms??
AFL Marty hi tim
AFA Parik Alink updated its software today...
THE GIBBER has to go up soon...
AFA Parik some new features. like a HELP in downloads, and also a "MORE..."
AFA Parik of that !#*$#* continue button.
AFA Parik Hi Dopper.
Dopper HI ALL
AFA Gary J Yeah, Parik. I like the "More..." instead of "Continue"
JSchober hehehehe... Yeah, I saw the changes, Parik. Anything else besides
AFL TimB Hey, I haven't seen the changes yet!!
JSchober You did?? When??
AFL TimB :)
JSchober ;)
AFL TimB Anyone able to help with a TML Pascal question??????
AFA Parik Hello Matt.
AFA Gary J Hi Matt.
AFA Parik Hi Tim & John.
Matt DTS hello (brb)
AFL TimB Last time to ask. Anyone here know TML Pascal Speech toolkit?
AFA John Evening everyone..
AFA Parik I've seen it Tim!
JSchober It's been a LONNNG time, Tim... :|
JSchober Hi, John.
AFA Parik It's a bunch of user tools that you use to make speech. Wait,
I've got it
AFA Parik laying around here SOMEWHERE...
BRCCMAIL Hi Everyone
JSchober Rehi John.
AFL Marty You should stick to BASIC, Tim :)
THE GIBBER Modem droped me again....
AFA Parik Hi BRCC & John.
JSchober Hi Jim! Hi Oli!
AFA Gary J Hi Jim.
AFA Parik Wow, the first disk I pick out of the box its TML Speech
AFL TimB Using the Say command, (from Speechintf) from a GS environemnt/
I'm having...
AFL TimB problems.
AFL Jim Howdy
AFA Parik Hi Jim.
JSchober Hi, Etmusta.
AFL Marty Yeah.... Tim's GS won't speak with a British accent :))
AFL TimB :)
JSchober LOL Marty...
AFA Parik Did you put TOOL050, TOOL051, and TOOL052 in the tools
AFA Parik of your boot disk?
AFA Gary J test
AFL Marty <can you say "bums"... I knew you could :)>
AFL TimB Yup, that's not the problem, it won't compile. It behaves as if
its not ...
AFL Marty sure
AFL TimB accessing the Speechintf module.
JSchober Did you remember including the proper USES Speechintf?
AFL TimB I cut and pasted the code from Plaintalk, a plain vanilla talking
AFA Parik There goes Jim...
AFA John Well, I guess your out-of-luck then! :)
Matt DTS talk about slow nodes, Parik!
JSchober Jim went off to get another node, I think...
AFA Gary J Jim went for a faster node.
THE GIBBER "And your little node, too :)
AFA Parik :)
AFA John your = you're
AFA Parik This is ridiculous...
AFL TimB rehi Jim
Matt DTS No, this is AppleLink. But that's not important right now.
JSchober rehi Jim!
AFA Gary J Any better? :)
AFL Jim This one may be even slower....
Matt DTS Jim: Try it ONE MORE TIME then go on with things. We're polite.
We'll wait.
AFL Jim OK, let's get started... if it looks like I'm not here, just
remember that
AFL Jim my signal is being bounced off Mars.
AFA Parik Mine's being bounced off Dom De Louis...
AFL Jim Welcome to the Apple II Development Forum. Tonight there is no
scheduled topic,
JSchober Hi Floyd!
AFL Jim so we're going to talk about developer support issues.
Matt DTS We are. Truly.
AFA Parik Will it cost us any extra money? :)
AFL TimB :)
AFL Floyd Hi all.
THE GIBBER Wait.... I have my visa and a bank loan :)
JSchober $600, Parik, that's all...
AFL Jim Floyd: we _were_ going to have an auditorium event, but it was
Whistles Hello there?
JSchober Hi, Whistles.
AFL Marty You're outta luck with $2.38 Joe :)
AFL Jim Matt and I would like to find out what you think about a few ideas
that are
Dave Lyons Is that aud event rescheduled, by the way?
JSchober I know, that's why I'm not a developer anymore... yo Vince!
AFL Jim being tossed around in Apple Developer Technical Support.
Whistles Jim how's the weather on the coast, You left KC just in time!
AFA Parik keep going...
AFL Jim I might be, Dave - it hasn't been yet.
AFL Jim Matt, would you like to start out?
Matt DTS No. Go ahead.
AFL Jim (I=It)
AFL Jim Hmmm.. you know more about what was said last night...
Matt DTS But I don't want to start, and you *did* ask.
Matt DTS (It's such fun to annoy Jim like this.)
AFL Jim Should I order him?
AFL Jim :)
AFA Gary J :)
AFL Vince now boys..........
AFA Parik It must be FUN working with Matt...:)
Coach101 Try tossing a coin fellas
AFA Gary J Go Matt!
JSchober LOL... :)
AFL Marty ----====$
AFL Jim Besides... you can type faster, Matt
Matt DTS Oh, all right <geez Louise>...
JSchober (hey, Marty, if you're going to throw money, throw it this
Matt DTS Realizing that Apple II AppleLink - Apple Edition (that's the one
we're not...
AFA Parik LOL...//roll for it....:)
Matt DTS ...using) is, in the words of David Szetela, "unconscionably
Matt DTS ...we in Developer Services (and Apple II DTS in particular) are
Matt DTS ...alternative ways of supporting the developer community
Matt DTS This would probably mean accepting AIIDTS E-mails on services
other than...
Matt DTS ...AppleLink Apple Edition and MCI Mail, and could go so far as
AFA Parik heh, the DTS BBS...
Matt DTS ...duplicate the entire Developer Services folder (a few megs of
Matt DTS ...from AppleLink Apple Edition to another service. The first
question is:
Matt DTS What do you all think of expanding to AppleLink Personal
HiddenLine !
AFA Parik !
JSchober ()()()()() <=== do it Carson style... :)
Dave Lyons Go for it!
Matt DTS (we fully well realize this may be a biased audience.)
AFL Floyd Yeah!
THE GIBBER Go Fer it, Dude
JSchober Biased? US?? Nahhhh...
AFL Vince Easier operation, and cheeper daytime access... :)
Matt DTS (The GEnie crowd last night didn't seem to like the idea at
HiddenLine I think it's a splendid idea!:)))))))))))))
Whistles tell us more?
Dave Lyons :) Nahhhh....
Matt DTS Jim - I suggest protocol so you can get everyone's comments.
(Sorry, but...
THE GIBBER I don't see why the Genie Crowd didn't like it.........:)
Matt DTS ...I don't want anyone lost.)
AFL Jim OK, WE'll use protocol.
AFA Gary J Q = (HiddenLine, Parik, Gibber)
AFL Jim HiddenLine, a comment? GA
HiddenLine I really like the idea, when I talked to Jim this afternoon, he
mentioned the
HiddenLine idea, and at first I was doubtful, but comparing this software to
the ALAE
AFL TimB ?
HiddenLine software will make this system a prime target for everyone who
develops on
AFA Gary J Q = (Hiddenline, Parik, Gibber), Tim
HiddenLine Apples! It will bring better support than ever before... IMHO...
AFL Jim Parik, you're up.. GA
AFA Parik I think its a great idea, maybe a little unfair to the other
services though.
AFA Parik but who said life's fair. Would it be easier to do that or to
rewrite the
AFA Parik interface/modem updates on the APAE software? ga
AFA Parik (you are after all the best programmers for the Apple :)
AFL Jim I don't think the APAE software will be rewritten...
Matt DTS Let's start by listing the evils of the Apple Edition software:
AFA Gary J Neither will the ALAE software :)
HiddenLine (OH BOY!!!:))
AFA Parik sorry, not enough time today Matt. :)
Matt DTS 1. It's in Pascal. It can only access 3.5 and 5.25" drives, and
the first...
Matt DTS ...drive always has to contain the program disk.
Matt DTS 2. It doesn't use clocks or clock cards.
AFA Gary J Q = (Gibber), Tim
Matt DTS 3. It saves AppleWorks files that fall apart if you type in
Matt DTS 4. It can only handle 15K or less memos and messages.
Matt DTS 5. It only transfers AppleWorks disk files.
Matt DTS 6. It barely supports non-Apple equipment (modems, interfaces,
Matt DTS 7. It's just basically depressing to use.
Matt DTS (that's it.) Making something useful and good out of it could
Matt DTS ...20 years to some poor soul's life, where ALPE is already useful
and good.
AFA Parik sounds like a plan then to me...
Matt DTS And the time to rewrite it, test it and implement it could be over
a year.
AFL Jim John, you're back, so GA
Matt DTS I think letting it die is a noble thing.
AFA Gary J Q = (Gibber), Tim
THE GIBBER Geez....Got dumped again :( 5th time tonight
Matt DTS It's a Sign.
AFL Jim GA Gib
THE GIBBER I like the idea of more developer support on applelink Pe... if
DOES happen
THE GIBBER What sorts of support are we talking... The folders and all the
rest and
THE GIBBER Hopefully ONLINE ordering??????
Coach101 ?
Matt DTS Unknown. We're just soliciting opinions at this point.
Matt DTS On-line ordering of developer hardware is something I don't really
JSchober (sheesh, Matt, didn't you see the NO SOLICITING sign when you
walked in??)
Matt DTS ...ever to see. Online APDA ordering is certainly possible if not
AFA Gary J Q = Tim, Coach
AFA Parik :) Joe
AFL Jim GA Tim
AFL TimB What did the GEnie users dislike about the idea? :)
AFA Gary J :)
Matt DTS There's a fear (expressed by me) that if we can't pull it ALL
Matt DTS ...in other words, if we can't get the entire Developer Services
BB from...
Matt DTS ...AppleLink Apple Edition duplicated anywhere else, that the
Apple II Devs...
Matt DTS ...could get a feeling of "second-class citizenship".
AFA Parik you can do it...just think about the little train that could...
Matt DTS (Also, a key factor is some way for AppleLink Apple Edition and
AppleLink PE...
JSchober :)
Matt DTS ...to have a mail interface, so that Developers on here could
contact anyone...
AFA Gary J Q = Coach
Matt DTS ...at Apple through E-mail. That's a primary advantage of
AppleLink which...
AFL Vince Interlink for Quantum would solve that.
Matt DTS ...would need to happen for us to go through with this.) GA
AFL TimB I suspect that it is unlikely that AE and PE will be
interconnected if that's..
AFL TimB what you're thinking about.
Matt DTS I don't know about "interconnected" - I'd settle for a mail
Matt DTS If we can duplicate the board and transport the mail, we've got it
AFL Jim Coach, GA
Coach101 With everyone on ALPE, 1) would that be too much more traffic
Coach101 ALPE (it is not hte fastest now) and 2) how would you distinguish
AFL Vince !
Coach101 CDs (under their new name) and others (two citizenship classes on
Matt DTS Jim - you take this one.
AFA Gary J Q = Coach (Vince)
AFL Jim I think Quantum is prepared for a much heaver load than what we
have now.
AFL TimB :)
Matt DTS Heave...HO! Heaver...HOR!e
AFA Gary J :)
AFL Jim I'm not sure what can be done to identify paying from non-paying
AFA Parik !
AFL Jim but I'm sure something would be done.
AFL Jim Vince, a comment?
AFL Jim ga
AFA Gary J Q = Coach (Vince, Parik)
AFL Vince One benifit is that the overall cost would be cheeper since access
time on ALPE's networks is
AFL Vince cheeper than GEISCO. Also, since most developers work during the
day, I dont think system load would
AFL Vince be a problem here. It's pretty fast during the day most of the
AFL Vince GA
AFA Parik You could give paying developers a free ALPE account and have a
AFA Parik prefix (ie, DEV) which only developers can use. [Quantum can
reserve letter
AFA Parik combos in a name] GA
AFL Vince Why identify the accounts at all. Most companies would benifit by
using a secondary name for
AFL Vince marketing purposes.
AFL Marty !
AFA Parik For official questions though...
AFL Vince They're not here to answer questions, Parik. They're here to ask
them.. :)
AFA Parik exactly :)
AFL Jim Marty, GA
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Marty)
AFL Marty You identify accounts for the purpose of maintaining an access
AFL Marty if message boards can be restricted to those appearing on an
access list...
AFL Marty (they can), so can an Email gateway. GA
AFL Vince valid point
AFA Parik very.
AFL Jim Anyone have any more comments?
AFL TimB That's why they pay Marty the big bucks!
AFL Vince it also solves any problems relating to keeping a message base
private... prices, etc..
AFL Marty ha!
AFA Parik :)
AFA Parik everyone's node die?
AFL Vince I think ALPE can handle it... the question is will it alienate the
other services?
AFL Jim OK, I'd like to get some other opinions. What would you like to
see Apple II
Coach101 !
AFL Marty !
THE GIBBER No....My node is just stuffed up ;)
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Coach, Marty)
AFL Jim DTS supply on ALPE and other information services that we aren't
supplying now
AFL Jim IF this WERE NOT to take place? (How can we help?)
AFA Parik free food, parties, & women for starters...
Dave Lyons !
JSchober LOL
AFL Vince Jim... how much support is DTS planning to give to non
Partner/Associate members?
HiddenLine !
AFL Marty (not necessarily in that order)
AFA Parik yup :)
Coach101 Who sets Parik's priorities?
AFA Gary J Q = Jim (Dave, HiddenLine), Vince (Coach, Marty)
Dave Lyons I want The Information Exchange in Apple II-readable format.
AFL Jim We plan on putting out lots of Tech Notes and Source Code
AFA Parik Whats wrong with the binder version Dave?
AFA Gary J Not MPW
AFL Jim We're also looking into a question and answer database.
AFL Jim Dave, GA
Dave Lyons The problem is the Binder has no "Find" command. :)
Dave Lyons And it takes up shelf space.
Dave Lyons (ga)
AFA Gary J Q = Jim (Dave, HiddenLine), Vince (Coach, Marty)
AFL Jim HiddenLine, GA
HiddenLine I think Dave has hit the nail right on the head with his
Information Exchange
AFL TimB {_}-------
HiddenLine comment.. to add mine... I think if AIIDTS doesn't come to
AppleLink Pe.. the
HiddenLine next best thing would be to allow certified developers that are on
AFA Gary J Q = Jim (HiddenLine), Vince (Coach)
HiddenLine the ability to save some money by answering techincal questions
here.. I...
HiddenLine realize that you guys have your hands full keeping up with all the
mail you
HiddenLine get now, but the name of the game is support-regardless of where
the question
HiddenLine comes from... GA
AFL Jim OK, Vince GA
AFL Vince I think this queue entry was in relation to an earlier comment
about this move possibly alienating
AFL Vince the other services... wondering your opinion more than anything
else. GA
AFL Marty !
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Coach, Marty)
AFL Jim My opinion: the more places we support, the better off the
developer community
AFL Jim will be, BUT we in DTS have to be able to keep up with the
resources we
AFL Jim currently have.
AFL Jim Coach, ga
Dave Lyons !
Coach101 As for alienating the other networks, if Apple has to pick
Coach101 a primary network to provide support via, it would seem
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Coach, Marty, Dave)
Coach101 that it be AL? . The fewer "services" that DTS has to scan to
Coach101 wquestions the less time will be spent getting in and out of
Coach101 networks and data bases! In general, the whole idea sounds like
Coach101 would benefit all concerned (except those with other network
Coach101 that have not yet gotten to ALPE). A positive move in my
opinion.. GA
AFL Jim Marty, GA
AFL Marty My first reaction was "who cares?"... I am not being completely
AFL Marty in saying this however...
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Marty, Dave)
AFL Vince (Agree, Coach)
AFL Marty where else would anyone expect to find developer support if not on
AFL Marty system which bears Apple's name and the AppleLink logo?... also
AFL Marty there is some precedent for doing something like this... witness
the ...
AFL Marty embracing of ByteWorks (via APW) as an example...
AFL Marty Of course, the best of all possible alternatives would be to
AFL Marty DTS available on all the major services. GA
AFL Jim Dave, GA
AFA Gary J Q = Vince (Dave)
Dave Lyons I think it'd be nice for DTS to accept official questions _from
the same
Dave Lyons people that ask them now_. That wouldn't increate the load on DTS
Dave Lyons (ga)
Dave Lyons (I mean CDs...the people that can ask official questions now.)
Matt DTS We know what that meant, but what the heck is "increate"?
AFL Jim That's what I thought you meant, Dave.
AFL Vince increased typed in dracoease
Dave Lyons Oh, "increate" has something to do with Greece, I think.
Matt DTS ugh>
Guy Rice :)
Matt DTS Is that trailer right?
AFL Jim Pay no attention to the BANNER on your screen....
AFA Parik :)
Guy Rice I thought those were worms... :)
AFL Jim Wyme
Matt DTS Nearly out of time, gang.
JSchober Wrym... ;)
Dave Lyons Seems like the organizers of events should have the ability to
send out
Dave Lyons correct wyrms real-time, instead of whatever the procedure is now.
AFL Vince What more do you need to know, Matt?
Matt DTS I don't need any more; I was just pointing out that we're almost
JSchober I think Cust Rep can change 'em on the fly if a person with
sufficient ...
JSchober authority requests it... I =think=...
AFL Vince ah ha.. :)
HeckOfAGuy The wyrms are programed in advance and are difficult to change
AFA Gary J Oh Heck!
AFA Parik :)
JSchober (well, so much for my genius... %)
HeckOfAGuy Hi Gary
AFL Jim OK, thanks for the comments.
AFL Marty (guess you should find someone difficult to change it then :)
HeckOfAGuy :)
AFA Parik I think the best thing would be for DTS to fly people to Cupertino
and let
AFL Jim Does anyone have any pressing programming questions tonight that
they'd like
AFA Parik them ask questions themselves face to face...
AFL Jim to discuss?
Dave Lyons That shouldn't be too hard around here....
Guy Rice :)
JSchober LOL Parik
AFA Gary J Yes, Parik. Right :)
HeckOfAGuy programming questions in a Dev forum?
AFL Vince Why wont my GS go fast?
AFL Vince :)
AFL Marty I'd rather have the free women, Parik :)
Dave Lyons (Finding difficult people shouldn't be too had, I mean.)
Matt DTS Slow operator. Next question?
AFL Jim Right, HeckOf...
AFL Vince :)
AFA Parik WHat Marty? You'd rather party with women than with matt & Jim?
AFA Gary J Vince, that IS a programming question. Switch to assembly.
HeckOfAGuy What about you Parik, would you?
AFA Parik any day...
AFL Marty Tough decision... but yes (and the dumber she is the better :)
AFA Parik No offense. :)
HiddenLine LOL!
Matt DTS Well, barring any pressing needs, I'm gonna bid y'all good
Dave Lyons Print manager! Anybody figured out why my little procedure isn't
JSchober 'Night, Matt. :)
AFL Jim Which little procedure?
AFA Parik Night Matt.
HiddenLine Night, Matt.
AFL Jim Later, Matt
Coach101 If "she" has system talent, who cares if she programs?
Matt DTS I didn't read it. It looked suspiciously high-level to me.
HeckOfAGuy Seeya Matt
AFA Gary J Goodnight, Matt.
AFL Vince prestigous?
Dave Lyons In the Print Manager folder of Apple IIGS Toolbox in Let's
Discuss. (I haven't
Dave Lyons checked it today.)
JSchober No, Vince, prestigious.
AFL Jim I haven't either.
AFL Vince :)
Dave Lyons I can tell I'm gonna have to add Print Manager data structures to
the list of
Dave Lyons things that Nifty List can dump (with ";").
AFL Marty Think I'll go get some prestige :)
AFA Gary J There weren't any new answers, Dave.
AFL Vince Me too, Marty...
AFA Parik Bye Marty & Vince...
HiddenLine Dave, I have another strange idea for Nifty List..
JSchober Night Vince, Marty...
Dave Lyons Shoot, HL!
HiddenLine This one is kinda useful..How about the ability to interactively
define define
JSchober Hi, Mike.
Dave Lyons Howdy, Mike L.
HiddenLine got me shaken.. your own data structures... like format the
output? Is that
AFA Parik Hi Mike!
HiddenLine possible?
Dave Lyons Something like that would be nice...are you thinking about data
structures that
Dave Lyons you would dump like the ";" does, for ";W" or ";P" (windows and
ports)? Or
Dave Lyons do you mean something more complicated (recognizing inline
parameters for
Dave Lyons certain subroutine calls, or something I haven't thought of)?
HiddenLine Well, something like outputformat=8,4,8.. Where the numbers
indicate the
Mike Lutz Hi Brccmail, HiddenLine, Floyd, Jim, HeckOfAGuy, Guy Rice, Parik,
HeckOfAGuy Hi Mike
Mike Lutz Dave L., and Gary J!
HiddenLine width of a field and all a use does is supply a range of addresses
to dump..
Guy Rice Hi Mike. :)
HiddenLine simple, but I think it would be a good thing to have when I'm
looking at my
HiddenLine own data. GA
AFA Gary J Hi Mike
Dave Lyons Hmmm...that's a start, but it'd be much more useful if you could
specify that
Dave Lyons some of those 4-byte things were pointers to C-strings or
P-strings, or class-1
Dave Lyons GS/OS strings, or class-1 GS/OS result buffers, or rectangles, or
Dave Lyons in other words, something powerful enough that the existing ";P"
and ";W"
Dave Lyons dumps would just be built-in templates.
HiddenLine Ok.. that's taking it one step further than I thought you would
care to go,
HiddenLine but if it's possible, I'd like to see it. It really makes looking
at dumps
HiddenLine easier! Thanks!
Dave Lyons Probably I'll get something like that implemented in the next
month or two--I'm
Dave Lyons making the data file format much more general, and I'm allowing
there to be
Dave Lyons more than one data file. Coming up with a template for data
structures is
Dave Lyons definitely a good idea. I'll also be adding "modules" (people
will be able to
Dave Lyons write their own Nifty List commands, and they'll be able to pick
and choose
Dave Lyons which modules they want to keep in their machine, so they don't
waste memory
AFA Gary J Great!
Dave Lyons with new things I write for it that they don't need). Like Big
Brother, which
JSchober Neat! Making a terrific program BETTER?? I wanna SEE this...
Dave Lyons will slow things down a LOT and be used only when you're debugging
HiddenLine That is FANTASTIC!!!
Dave Lyons You'll see it! Don't know exactly WHEN, yet!
JSchober :))))
JSchober That's fine... it sounds terrific!!
HiddenLine <-----been dumping a lot, in the past week...
Dave Lyons By the way, writing things like DIcEd is about 3 times more
profitable for me
Dave Lyons than things like Nifty List. :( On the other hand, I _used_
Nifty List to
AFL Floyd You should make Nifty List a commercial product once you add all
that stuff.
Dave Lyons help me develop DIcEd.
AFL Jim I agree with Floyd.
Dave Lyons Maybe I should...there are other options I'm considering, too,
which I suppose
AFA Gary J Me too.
HiddenLine Floyd, I agree. And thanks for the stuff you sent me! I
appreciate it!
AFL Floyd What stuff?
Dave Lyons I shouldn't bring up until it looks like they could happen.
HiddenLine <---Scott... the gimme stuff, and the contacting companies stuff!
Really will
HiddenLine come in handy!
AFL Floyd Oh. I didn't know it was you. ;)
JSchober "stuff"... technical terms are wonderful....
AFL Floyd Your welcome.
AFL Floyd Did ya ever hear the "stuff" skit by George Carlin? Hilarious!
JSchober Nope. :(
HiddenLine One more little suggestion, Dave... Any thought about making Nifty
HiddenLine programmable from the command line (ie not through files?)
Dave Lyons Programmable in what way? Do you mean being able to accomplish
the same things
Dave Lyons you can by editing the data files in a text editor, or something
more, like
Dave Lyons a script language?
Dave Lyons (I _do_ intend to add the ability to evaluate "expression" from
the command
HiddenLine Kinda like a script language.. would that make it too big and
Dave Lyons line--this would include arithmetic operators and toolbox
Dave Lyons A script language would not necessarily make it bulky...what sorts
of things
Dave Lyons do you want to be able to do?
HiddenLine What I mean.. is something like this.. Dumpmemory
AFL Jim Dave, I'd just like you to add disk support, so I can save what I
HiddenLine Dumpmemory(range)|Format(special=xxxxxx), etc... things like that
HiddenLine GA
JSchober I agree with Jim...
HiddenLine Same here..
AFL Jim (and fix the screen dump :)
Dave Lyons Jim, you want to be able to redirect output to a text file, or
Dave Lyons more complicated than that?
AFL Jim What you just said
Dave Lyons Oh! Actually, I forgot to say I've just released Nifty List 2.60;
not terribly
JSchober Nope, Dave, that would be great... :))
AFA Gary J Where, Dave?
Dave Lyons exciting, but it _does_ fix the screen dump of inverse/mousetext
AFA Gary J Anything new in it?
Dave Lyons I said "released," not "uploaded." :-) Some recent DIcEd
customers have
Dave Lyons their disks in the mail w/ NL2.60 on there, and I'll upload it
Dave Lyons New features:
Dave Lyons The ";" command remembers the last option you used, and subsequent
";"s (with
Dave Lyons blanks, end-of-line, or other ";"s after them) default to that
option. So
AFL Jim (I can finally rid myself of Diversi-Hack)
Dave Lyons you can go ;;;;; to continue your last hex or ascii dump, or
whatever, and
Dave Lyons you can do things like 5/1000;a;;;; instead of 5/1000;a;a;a;a;a
Dave Lyons I already said the Apple-H was fixed; the only other additions are
to the
Dave Lyons Status command (S): it displays the GET_LEVEL setting under P16
or GS/OS;
AFL Floyd <Great. I hated doing ;h;h;h;h> ;)
AFA Gary J Me too!
Dave Lyons it displays GET_SYS_PREFS and SESSION_STATUS under GS/OS; it
displays your
Dave Lyons ROM version (not too exciting, at least for most of us); and it
displays the
Dave Lyons values of all NON-NULL prefixes from 0 to 31.
Dave Lyons That's all for 2.60. My to-do list is impressively long, though.
JSchober Hmmm... sounds good. We gonna get monthly updates or something??
AFA Gary J I like it, Dave. :)
Dave Lyons Monthly? We'll see....
AFA Gary J heheh
HiddenLine Dave, I hope you didn't take my "suggestions" the wrong way..I
love Nifty List!