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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
How to make the Smelliest stink-Bomb of ALL!
By The HitMen, Vito and Vinnie
(Whose last names end in a vowel)
Iron-sulfide stink solution is sold for 98 cents for a 1/8 ounce bottle in
joke shops but for about $1.00 a quart you can make your own with little
problem. The active ingredient is ammonium sulfide which stinks to high
heaven like rotten eggs or a full outhouse in summertime especially if it is
spilled on the floor or vaporized by an explosion or sprayer.
To make some, you mix four ounces of sulfur with eight ounces of hydrated lime
in a stew pot (at least half-gallon capacity). A quart of water is added and
the mess is heated and stirred until the sulfur has completely blended. The
hydrated lime will sink to the bottom of the pan and yellow liquid is then
poured off into a bucket.
Take the bucket outside, if you have any sense, and add one pound of sulfate
of ammonia. Stir it a minute and hold your nose. Then cover the bucket with
plastic wrap and let it set for about a half hour. Then pour off the liquid
slowly through a cloth filter into a bottle. If you don't have an outside you
can use your bathroom. Just hope no one has to go for an hour or so. The
liquid is vile but it is not poison.
Sulfur may be obtained from rose dust (an insecticide) which is very high
grade and makes excellent gunpowder. Rose dust has 10% inert ingredients so
10% more should be added to any formula requiring sulfur. Rose dust and
sulfate of ammonia (a fertilizer) may be purchased in the garden department of
a home improvement/hardware store. Hydrated lime is obtained in the building
supply department where cement is sold. The total cost of the ingredients is
less than ten dollars.
Stinkum is either poured on the floor, shot from a water pistol, thrown in a
bottle (or light bulb) or vaporized by a firecracker in a plastic bottle. A
fun method in a crowded public restroom is to go into a toilet stall and shut
the door. Hold your breath and pour a large quantity on a loose wad of toilet
paper. Toss the wad on the floor behind the toilet and quickly exit the