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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
#% The Sirius Affairs #2 %#
#% by %#
#% Sylex Sirius %#
#% The Apple Axis - The FBA Feb. 3, 1986 %#
Rag - to tease or scold
Pirate Slang-
Rag - to destroy your enemy by showing he is a geek/loser/asswipe
All of us have enemies, Me, I have several. But HOW do you rag on someone
right? Well in this textfile we will show you the different ways of ragging on
enemies [my english teacher would be proud! this essay is just the way she taught it, maybe i should change, don't know!]
The 'L0ser' Way -
Now if your a loser like many of you are, the simplest way for you to rag on
someone would be too right your own 'Rag list' and upload it to your local AE's
BUT you guys are a lost cause so I'm not going to waste my time with you
Intermediates -
You guys know more, you should be able to make a graphic screen with fontrix,
but window in it with krackerjack autograph, and put it on the dos image with
Pirates signature or u/l it to ae's or in front of pages on a cracked war
[note: I do not recomend this because you will probably gain more enemies]
You can also right textfiles and casualy slip in 'YOUR ENEMIES NAME HERE' and
people will understand......or you can leave messages on bbs, but that won't
circulate much.
Well enough with your guys on to high class
Real Pirates/crackers -
These guys but class into there work, boot up your old Capt. Goonight see the
two guys hanging from the trees? I think there names are Six Pack and the
Torch? don't remember, but that is the best way, if you can do it, and can
crack the newest games and also be smart enough to put it in. Do any of you
remember Sammy Lightfoot Killer? Well one time i got a program like that but
the programmer made it eight different ways to kill his enemy. Also in certain
games, the crackers might have put in special cntrl char. so you will see a rag
Now remember there is a certain knack to ragging on people.
Geek: th|s l0zer is a gAy HoMoSeXuAl!, and 0nly kn0wz Bas|c and I'm |<00l!!!
As a expert would call his enemy:
Pirate: He is a feeble minded bafoon, and as inadequate programming skills.
See how smarter and civilized the second makes you look? be honest, which would
you rather be? and ignoramus? (for the people with I.Q's less then 100 it's
what you are! dumb!) or a guy that looks like he knows what he is doing?
And yes know what you are saying, one time this girl was TRYING to make fun of
me on a war board, she called me a HomoSapien, and i said thank you, she was
dumbfounded! she made a fool out of her self because she didn't know what she
was saying, I mean how DUMB can you BE?
#% The FBA (C)1986 in juction with the Apple Axis and Sylex Sirius %#