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(C) Copyright 1994 Michael E. Enlow
This document was written by an expert, quite knowledgeable in
the methods and techniques of good, successful investigation.
The author has based this material solely upon his discoveries
and experiences in the trade but is not an attorney. Thus no legal
advice is offered herein.
Be cautioned therefore, that this document neither asserts the
legality of any of the methods described herein, nor does it
advocate any usage of techniques without first seeking competent
legal advice and adherence to the law.
The author, editor, and service providers, unequivocally disclaim
any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of any of the
techniques or the consequences of implementing anything contained
herein. This writing is provided strictly for informational purposes
Knowledge is Power. . .
From: Magnolia, (Backwoods) MS
Thursday, 6:45 p.m.
Dear Friend and Subscriber:
It was a nightmare. . .A few weeks ago - early
morning as I was sleeping. I heard a boom--it sounded like
a grenade was tossed under my bed. Naturally, I rolled out
of bed grabbing for "Betsy..." (instinctively)
What was it? Only lightning--but it hit so close and
so powerful that it literally split a tree in half near my
house. But that's nothing, that was just the beginning.
Over the next 24 hours it stormed heavier than anything I've
seen in my 35 years--over 9 inches of rain--tornadoes, and
the worst flooding I've ever seen.
At first, I wasn't concerned. But as I watched
throughout the day, the water rose higher and higher. Late
that afternoon my brother ( a local rescue worker) came with
a warning that I MUST EVACUATE. He warned that a "wall of
water" was on its way down the river.
As you might imagine, I didn't want to leave my work.
I was facing deadlines and needed to stay with it. . . I
explained how I couldn't possibly leave my cabin house, after
all it's my personal office--it's where I do all my writing
and computer work. . . "No way," I said. . .
Finally, despite my stubbornness, I did evacuate, but
not until I glanced back toward the river (still arguing) and
saw a tree (at least four feet in diameter) with roots
reaching into the sky about 6 feet, traveling with the
current of the to terential waters at what looked to be 40
miles per hour. I have never seen a river rise and become so
fierce, in such a short time.
A tornado touched down just north of me and cleared a
two mile track, literally flattening everything in its path.
The power of nature amazes me.
The end result? Flooding. And I mean flooding like
I've never seen. In a matter of hours--my home was several
feet underwater. . . I could only watch as much of my most
precious work--personal and business, went under. Many of my
work projects, furniture, computers, fax machines, BBS
System, were damaged--some were saved, but the most grieving
losses were the many priceless heirlooms--my deceased wife's
wedding rings, my deceased grandmother's bible (something the
family has fought over for years) but granny gave to her
Then I look at you, my subscribers, in L. A., who
were thrown out of bed unexpectedly at 4:30 in the morning by
the earthquake. Many of you, I am sure, can relate to my
I was speaking with Gary Halbert, who had just
returned from Los Angeles before the quake, he said that "30
second quake" seemed like an eternity--I can relate. I'll
never, as long as I live, forget the days of waiting to see
how much damage was done--what was lost--what we could save.
It's an awful gut wrenching feeling.
Finally, once we were allowed to enter, everything
was devastated. As I drove up I saw my barbecue grill up in
a tree. My lawn furniture was completely gone... the housing
to my free flowing artesian well--gone. But the worst
nightmare was
when I entered my home--what was left of it. Hell, friend
to be quite honest with you--I looked around--and then sat
down in a state of shock. . . fighting back the tears.
As many of you know I've been working 18 to 20 hours a
day on some projects for months and months. At this moment,
we aren't sure just exactly how much has been lost.
Fortunately we had computer backups of a lot of our work.
However, diskette s, paperwork, and computer hardware was
damaged. We'll know as we wade through the mucky mire over
the next couple of weeks just how bad it is and how much can
be saved.
Oh well... enough of the pity party--let me share
with you the greatest lesson I've learned from this, and
hopefully many of you who have or will suffer loss in the
future will adopt my philosophy in situations like this.
As you may expect, it's sort of radical--but that's my style
anyway, right?
The most important thing is: I'm alive. And if you
were a victim of the quake, be thankful if you're reading
this, because you too still have the most precious gift of
all--life. As I was swaying between anger, hurt and
puzzlement, I received a call from a friend who
had heard of the flood. He shared something with me that I
wish to pass on to you.
My friend is a veteran of the Vietnam War. He served
in battle--and the stories he's often shared with me are
shocking to say the least. He told of the emotional traumas
and the constant expectation of catching a bullet. Friends
were so commonly killed that everyone become psychologically
distant--tired of hurting--tired of wondering who would be
next to die. Finally, you accept it--the jungle--machine gun
fire--ration food--and death become your life. Home becomes
a distant memory--a haze or semi-reality. You develop a
completely different psyche. You learn to accept whatever
comes your way. Finally, my friend shares with me how he and
many others dealt with such emotional turmoil. . .
If you are a veteran you'll remember this--a
statement that became the chant of many a marching soldier--
the dying words of many. . .
It Don't Mean Nuthin'
What does this mean? What relevance does it have to
this month's issue of Inside Secrets? Well, there's a lot of
truth to this "country boy" statement. It became the frame
of mind and way of life to literally tens of thousands of
soldiers during a time of crisis--and now it rings true to
me. It's fact. What matters? So what? My house is all
screwed up. Many items I cherished are either washed away or
ruined. . . Hundreds of hours of hard work must be re-done.
But, finally, I feel like my friend. I could use my
energies to groan, moan, and bitch--or I can accept, that
catastrophe--pain--loss is inevitable. It's a part of life.
We must accept it and fight onward with the same triumphant
attitude--It don't mean nuthin'. There's up's--down's--
successes and losses. . . Then death.
As I write this, I am reminded of an old preacher I
once knew. He made a statement nearly 20 years ago, that I
have never forgotten. . . It's one of those things that you
either believe or you don't. I do. He said:
If it won't matter 10,000 years from now--It don't matter
now. . .
So, why do we place so much emphasis on the things of
this life? Perhaps we should just prepare for death--be
ready--and just glide through with the soldier's attitude.
It's hard for me to describe to you the comfort I
felt when Jimmy made me repeat this silly--almost ridiculous
statement over and over--but I can say--it worked. My
attitude changed. Now, I'm back up and running--but with a
slightly different attitude. I won't develop an ulcer over
all the day to day stresses now. . . Isn't it strange how
something as simple as "It Don't Mean Nuthin'" can help you
re-hash your position in life?
This month, we are going to tinker with electronic
technology--but in a different way than anything we've done
before. Many of you are having a "hay-day" with Electronic
Marketing, so, I'm about to give you a crash course in "on-
line" investigating.
Now, I'm sure there are those of you who just tucked
your head under your arm because you expect what I'm teaching
will be extremely "technical." But, you're in for a
surprise. I plan to share how most of you have everything it
takes to. . .
Be Your Own Digital Detective!
You're about to become one of the few people who
realize just how many ways you can use on-line resources.
You're about to see how the advancements in technology are
nice, convenient, and even profitable. And at the same time
could (and most probably will) be the very tool of hi-tech
modernized businessmen to undercut, out-wit, and excel in the
business world. Trust me, I'm talking about one of the most
dangerous transitions that has ever taken place in the
business world, with . . .
The Global Super-Highway!
a/k/a the
Information Infrastructure
Right now, and for the next couple to three years,
until someone figures out how--and who--will regulate and
control the electronic advancements that are taking place,
the less astute business man is in real danger. The dangers
are very broad. Space won't allow me to cover them in full,
but let's take a look at a few ways the "Global Information
Infrastructure" could very well be your worst nightmare--or
the best thing to ever come along--depending on whether
you're willing to make a few changes.
From a detective's point of view, what is happening
is. . .
Your Business and Private Information Is An Open Book
To Anyone Who Owns A Computer!!
As I've told you in prior letters, I've assisted
attorneys, insurance companies, and others, to find
information. Information about a wide variety of situations,
products, chemical formulas, product defects, demographic
information. . . and on and on.
I've worked almost every type case you can imagine.
But seldom have I worked any kind of case that I didn't
resort to on-line information. What is on-line? Well, since
I am sure many of you have little or no understanding of all
the "technical computer B.S." I'll try and make it simple. I
know you'll want to better understand, once you realize how
much of an edge I'm about to give you.
I'm going to address every aspect of using on-line
technology, down to the bare basics--and then on through the
roof. I have every intention of making this the very best
part is: this is just the beginning.
Friend, I've had it with some of the crap I see.
Chicanery is not a prerequisite to business success. Good
clean honest business works just fine. Anyone can enjoy
tremendous success if they're willing to follow instructions.
But, please, d o follow my instructions. This letter is the
first of many that will ultimately give you superiority over
even the best of the best. The way we do business is
changing--you have the chance to learn now--and be the first
Whoever Has The Best Information Ultimately Wins!
I want to broaden the scope of my newsletter to cover
a lot of interesting subjects. From carpentry to hydrator
operator, I've always excelled. I love what I'm doing--and
from here on, I going to open up and share with you a monthly
jolt of powerhouse, no bull, mind boggling, life changing,
business boosting, creative ideas that will give you "inside
secrets" to success overall.
Now, On-line information is nothing more than
information stored on another computer and made accessible to
you via either your telephone line, direct connection or via
satellite. If you don't know anything at all about
computers, that's fine. In fact, that's probably best,
because then you will have less to unlearn. I've never taken
a computer course of any kind whatsoever, but I can operate
and thousands of "on-line" services.
First, you MUST overcome your fear of computers.
It's much easier than you think. I can teach anyone how to
use a computer to find answers to almost anything they wish
to ask. . . ANYTHING! That's almost unbelievable, but until
you've been at it as long as I have, you just can't imagine
how much information is floating around out there. It's much
bigger than you think. In fact, once you dare to "take the
plunge" you will never look back. Let's take a look at how
on-line surpasses conventional research and footwork:
Let's use my friend Gary Halbert for example. When I
first shared with Gary the power of my concepts with
Electronic Marketing, he took off flying around the country
interviewing "techies." He flew from city to city--state to
state, in search of more information. He wanted to put his
own twist to what I was doing. He saw the excitement
and frenzy of the crowd as I shared my strategies at "his"
seminar. This meant big bucks--mucho fungolas--and he wanted
a bigger piece of the action! Anyway, I continued my
studies, while Gary traveled literally thousands of miles
interviewing "experts."
I told Gary to wait and I would find time one
evening, go on-line and answer any questions he wanted
answered. But you know Gary, he's impatient. Anyway to get
to the point, Gary spent thousands of dollars and weeks of
time seeking answers to his specific wants for electronic
marketing. Then one evening, I took a few minutes, went on-
line and found everything Gary wanted--and much, much, more.
How long? Well. . .
I Found Every Answer In 12 Minutes For A
Measly $7 Bucks!
Think about it. I was on-line for exactly 12 minutes
and 38 seconds. My cost was a whopping $7.18. I got every answer
(from much more reliable and experienced sources) and
it took over 2 hours to print all the data! This, my friend
is what I want to teach you. How to get more information--
more accurate--and faster--than everyone around you. You
will learn to take advantage of the abundance of hot-juicy
info in more ways than I have room to list. . .
* Tracing/Locating/Collections. On-line sources
will allow you to cost effectively find most "missing
persons" and do so in minutes. Even if your target is trying
to hide--the databases (on-line information sources that most
people don't even know exist) are available to you, too.
They are completely menu driven, meaning you simply select
the answer you're after, type in the name, etc., and get your
answers while you're still connected to the service. Then
generator. . . (Literally thousands of people are looking to
find lost relatives, missing debtors, etc., daily!) One such
source is: The National Publishers Address would have believed
that information is readily available to you!! It takes me an
average of 17 minutes to find almost anyone on earth with nothing
more than a name and an old address.
I want you to know how to do this for yourself--for
your friends! There's a virtual goldmine to be made with
parents of adopted children, etc., especially when you can do
it my way--the easy way. Want to know how? Ok. Here's one
of my finest resources. A one-stop shop for fast accurate
on-line information. The company is CDB-INFOTEC. Of all the
services I've used, they are one of the most accurate and
reasonable services I've found. The best feature is, you can
often get the records within seconds after you log in.
* Address Update: Provides most current address, social
security number and year of birth based on credit
birth and spouse name or initial are included.
* National Moving Index: Updates an address based on
information contained in consumer credit profiles. Often
reveals social security number and telephone number.
* Surname Scan: Matches names, addresses, and listed phone
numbers of up to 200 individuals who share a common
surname within a geographical region.
* Infoscan: Verifies occupant and telephone number for a
desired address while uncovering occupant estimated income
and length of residence. Also provides similar
information about neighbors and individuals with the same
last name.
* National Postal Address Change Index: Uncovers new
addresses based on a three year history of postal address
changes, coupled with publisher information and mailing
records from independent sources.
* National Publishers Change of Address: Provides new
address information for individuals based on changes of
address filed with various magazine and publishing
* Neighborhood Search Index: Matches occupant, phone number
and length of residence at a given address while providing
similar information on up to 50 neighbors. In addition, a
demographic profile of the neighborhood is included.
* Telephone Reverse Directory: Searches either a listed
telephone number or address to confirm occupancy and match
the telephone number with the address. Searches both
business and residential listings.
* Business Credit I - Market Identifier: Provides company-
reported sales and growth figures along with a company
profile which may identify principles, years in business,
and primary and secondary SIC classification.
* Business Credit II - Payment History: Details important
financial information about a company, including account
types, established payment terms, payment history and
average balances. In addition, public record information
such as UCC filings, judgments, tax liens and bankruptcies
are reported.
* Consumer Credit Employment Report: A complete consumer
credit report used for employment purposes as allowed
under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. This report
allows the employee/applicant to receive a free copy of
his/her credit report.
* And much more:
* Civil Docket Scan * Corporation/Limited Partnership
Records * UCC Searches * State Board of Equalization *
Department of Motor Vehicles * FAA Airmen Directory *
Real Property Records * Professional Licenses * Marriage
Index, etc., etc.
So, as you can see, the power of intelligence
gathering is right at the tip of your fingers and your
computer keypad. So. Now, let's take a look at what's
needed and how you too can almost immediately become your own
investigator. This is only one of literally thousands of
databases we use, but a great start.
Now, let's take a look at the "not so technical side"
of gaining access and what you will need to do this.
First, you will need a computer, almost any kind will
do, and a modem. A modem, for those of you who haven't read
a magazine or newspaper lately, is nothing more than a small
box that connects to your computer that makes it possible for
your computer to link to the telephone line and communicate
with other computers. They are priced according to the speed
at which they will transmit data (from 300 baud to 14.4 baud)
from $25 to $200 bucks.
Once you have the computer and modem, you will need
some kind of telecommunications software. (The brains that
make it all work in your computer). My favorite is one called
Telemate and is available as shareware on most computer
bulletin boards. If you have trouble finding it, you can
call any local computer store or local technician and get
them to "download" (that's when you get a file from another
computer) it for you.
If you are absolutely computer illiterate, and want
to get the program working to where you can use online
services, you should hire a local "techie" to come in and set
up what's called "batch" files that will enable you to type
single words to make the computer do what you want it to. I
often assist my customers and other investigators to write
batch files to make computer using less difficult... I do it
on the phone and they just write them using their word
processor. It's a lot easier than you think. Like I said
earlier, you have to "wade in" and make it happen. Once
you've done it a few times you'll be mad at yourself for
allowing such "information gathering power" to slide by you.
Other On-Line Services That Can Increase Your Productivity
and Protection by 1000% For Less Than $10 A Month!
So far I've shown you one of the services used
primarily by detectives. Next month we'll look at how many of
the general online services like, Compuserve, Prodigy, Genie,
Delphi, etc., can be of value to you in gaining the superior
hand! We' ll also get back on track with a few of "yours
truly" original designs. . .
You'll discover that on-line services are your
greatest resources. Usually in a matter of minutes you can
get more information that a team of average "gum-shoes".
Think about the many other applications and benefits of on-
line technology/almost anything you can imagine! From due
diligence to "spying. . ."
Attorneys/Litigants! On-line Service Is A Must!
Want to know 50 times what the opposing counsel's
attorneys know about any given subject? Want to make their
"expert" look like an absolute fool? Want to find the best
"expert"--with the greatest credentials and smash your
competition? Wan t to know more about the lawyer that's
suing you? Want to know his weak spots--his secrets--his
record? Want to know more about the judge? His preferences,
prejudices, weaknesses, strengths, possible reasons for
refusal? Want to develop a defense without spending
thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees?
Want to know if there's ever been another case scenario like
your own, and the ruling in that case? What helped win or
what caused loss? Need to find a witness? Need to find
information to discredit the jerk that is so damaging to your
Business Men and Women--Become Invincible!
Want to know the names, addresses, telephone numbers
of every competitor you have? Want to know how they are
selling their products and services? Want to see their ads,
their press releases, their advancements? Want to know
immediately of anything they do that may hurt your business,
before it can? Want to learn exactly what your customers
want? Want to know where to go to get the best advice
relevant to your business, product, or service to maximize
profits? Want to build a global business enterprise without
adding a lot of expense? Want to find associates around the
world who are top notch professionals begging to work with
American and European businessmen? Want to find the best
suppliers of products, manufacturing supplies, and do so
fast, with precise and immediate communication world wide?
Entrepreneurs. . . Can On-Line Service Help You?
Want to find out immediately what company, product,
or service is in greatest demand, and subsequently the
greatest profit potential, within your comfort zone, your
experiences, desires, etc., in your area? Want to become an
author, but can' t write? Want to become a newsletter
publisher on a certain topic that interests you, but lack the
knowledge or confidence--want to know where to go to get the
best information on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and become
"the expert?" Want to know if anyone else h as
"beat you to the punch. . ." already patented your invention
or idea? Want to know who's trustworthy to help you in
development and distribution of your invention? How about
becoming a full time information broker--at $100 or $200 an
hour? Want to use this same service to find out who needs
your services--communicate with them--and get their business
at no advertising costs? Want to find books that are out of
print--that you can get for change and turn into huge
profits? Want to reach a celebrity or other famous person,
but can't find them--want to know how to find them and send
them a certified letter, telegram or fax all in one shot?
Want to find investors for your business venture--but you
want to be secure and deal with honest and straight forward
Are you getting the point? This is all coming off
the top of my head. I could go on for hours. The amount of
information available on-line is so vast, it is like having a
"genie in a bottle." This evolution is finally becoming more
and more recognized by professional people. . . But overall,
you are about to become the "majority". . . Few have the
creativity or know how to use this for profit or gain. I
want to make you more secure, knowing that nothing will come
your way that you c an't answer. . . Trust me friend, I can
make even the most technical very simple--that was always one
of my strengths in litigation. We'll start with A and
perhaps someday--we may reach Z. In the meantime, I'll keep
you up to date with the developments of investigative
advancements as they occur.
Before I close, I want to address the question many
of you have asked regarding tracing and collections. Yes,
on-line technology is one of the easiest ways on earth to
find missing persons for those of you who want to use
computer interaction for a "quick fix." But for those of you
who don't? Well there's. . .
Mike Enlow's Secret to Tracing Skips and
Collecting Cash From Deadbeats!
You could always use this secret service (no pun
intended) known mostly by "super spies". . . It's quite a
crafty system. It uses caller I.D.. to locate and get
service or collection action on your target. However, it is
not to be confused with standard caller I.D.. which can
easily be defeated by pressing *67 before dialing. It is
much better and is used primarily by "insiders." It's Tel-
Scan and I'll tell you all about it.
Tel-Scan works because you give debtors, skips or
anyone you're trying to locate for that matter, an 800 toll
free number to call. What kind of message you send them to
prompt the call is your business. . . Anyway, when the
target gets your message via mail, associate, relative, or
whatever, they call your 800 number and key in the extension
number you've provided (this will allow you to track down any
number of targets--each assigned an extension number to allow
you to identify the caller) and PRESTO--they're busted.
The Tel-Scan system is designed to immediately capture
the number from where they are calling and save it in a voice
mailbox. The system will also fax the target's phone number
to you if you wish. You, then, have the opportunity to cross
reference the number in a criss-cross directory to get the
address. I bet some of you will make a buck or two off this
one... The number to Tel-Scan is: 303-663-1703. To check out
the system, go ahead, try to block it. . . Call 800-276-2054.
If you decide to use this system, tell Jim you read about
him in the Inside Secrets.
Until next time, I remain,
Bodaciously yours,
Michael E. Enlow
Private Investigator
P. S. I am planning on hosting a seminar in the near future.
The topics will be: Information Brokering, Investigative
Sciences, Legal Investigations, and just plain ole
"Investigative Salesmanship". . . If you're interested call
Jennie or Sissye and tell them you're interested in rubbing
elbows with yours truly for an event that will change your
perspective on life. The number is: 601-783-6037. Or send
e-mail to michael@enlow.com.
P. P. S. Oh yeah, I've received a number of letters from you
wanting to know how to determine if a certain person has a
federal rap sheet. . . Call the Bureau of Prisons at 202-307-
3126 and you can rapidly find out if he or she has ever been
an inmate at "Camp Fed."
To retrieve a copy of our complete "insider" catalog of books,
newsletters, special reports, and the famous John Wilson catalog
of high-tech, electronic surveillance and countermeasure gadgetry,
along with schematics and very simple construction plans, send
e-mail to catalog@enlow.com. The catalog will be automatically
e-mailed back to you.
INTEC Investigative Technology
voice: (601) 783-6037
fax: (601) 783-2111
Internet: info@enlow.com
Anonymous FTP: enlow.com (