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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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-- How to make --
-- Sugar Rockets --
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--Written & Typed by--
-- Cloaked Warrior --
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Combine these 3 substances in the following proportions by weight:
Potassium Nitrate.......63%
(you can by this stuff at the drug store)
Note: use a diet scale or a gun reloading scale to measure the ingredients
What to do with the chemicals
Put the 3 combined chemicals into a plastic refrigerator container with a very
tight lid (use a soft margarine container). Now be sure that the lid is on
TIGHT. Shake the container for about three minutes. You just made the rocket
propellant! This should be a yellowish powder...
Making the Casing(s)
Items needed:
2 inch wide gummed, brown paper packaging tape
Scotch tape
1 foot length of 1/4 inch diameter hardwood dowel
single edged razor blade
wet sponge
Cover the hardwood dowel with several strips of Scotch tape (layed lengthwise
onto the dowel). Now cut a strip of gummed paper packaging tape (8 in. long)
and lay it, gummed side DOWN, on a flat surface. Dampen all but the last inch
of the back of the tape with a wet sponge. Turn the tape over and start at the
dampened end, start rolling it up around the Scotch-tape-covered dowel. After
having one layer of tape around the dowel, moisten the GUMMED side of the rest
of the tape and roll it up around the dowel as tightly as possible.
Many times the paper tape will start to run off to one side or the other. You
can correct it like this (example-run off to the LEFT):
Use a single edged razor blade to the unrolled portion of the tape right next
to the roll. Start the slit at the LEFT edge of the tape and cut across the
tape to within 1/4/ of an inch of the RIGHT edge. Once the tape has been
partially cut, pull it to the RIGHT and correct the mistake. (Or vice-versa)
LAST STEP IN MAKING THE CASING: when done rolling a casing, hold the last edge
of the tape against a flat surface for a few moments; then slide the casing off
the dowel and ALLOW IT TO DRY...you can also bake the casing(s) in your kitchen
oven at 160 degrees (F) for about 30 minutes...
Making the Nozzles
Items needed:
Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty
Epoxy Glue (part A and part B)
'Six Penny' (3/32") Ungalvanized finishing nails
(quantity: amount of casings made)
one length of 1/4 inch diameter hardwood dowel
a 7/64 inch diameter drill bit
a 1/8 inch diameter drill bit
'Six Penny' finishing nails are about 3/32 inch in diameter. You will now make
the core of your rocket(s). Instead of using finishing nails you may use piano
wire that have the same diameter. You must pack the propellant down around the
finishing nails or piano wire., then removing it when you're finished.
The finishing nails have a little row of grooves right near the head. This
will cause problems as you pull the finished rockets of the nail, so piano
wire is prefered.
The nozzle is made of the putty. To one you are first going to form a little
1/4 inch long plug of putty in one end of each casing. You MUST only form a
1/4 inch long plug of putty otherwise...
We are now going to tell you how to make a gauge (in case you use too much
putty or too little than required). Cut off a six inch length of the 1/4 inch
hardwood dowel that you bought to use the casing with. Wrap about a dozen
layers of masking tape around it so that one edge of the masking tape is
EXACTLY 1-3/4 inches from one end of the dowel. Slide a casing over the dowel
and run the end of it up against this edge of the tape. If you look in the
open end of the casing, you will see