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** Cap'n Crunch!....PRESENTS! **
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** PART 2 **
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Ok Boys and Girls! Here coming at ya is the second installment of my world famous FIREBOMBS made easy file...if you like it good!.. tell your SysOp and maybe he'll contact me and tell me to write more.. that would be nice... or write me some E-Mail if I'm actually on the system..(I'm dumping these into a bunch of different NETs so who knows what could happen?... maybe you and I can correspond personaly or something...anyway not to let on too much that ole' uncle Cap'n Crunch! is lonely (you don't make too many friends in my line of work) =) ... but anyway make to the nitty gritty...
Here is my first and most famous FIREBOMB adn where you can find the materials..
[][][] .--------------------:
____/__/_________ : explosive :
| |_____:________ :
| 12:00 |_____:________>0 :
| . . . . | pwr 2 alrm --------------:
---------------- 2 fuse
alrm clock w/batteries!
Clock= any battery alrm clock (digital) from K-mart..
Fuse= "electric matches" made 4 model rockets (any hobby shop)
Batteries= 2x's whatever the clock will take(soder on some more)
Explosive= I'll tell you a simple FIREBOMB recipe later.
Explosive's case= I reccommend a ButterTub or any container w/ lid
This recipe and design for Cap'n Crunch's FIREBOMB was originally developped in High School and field tested there too (to the dismay of the faculty, even though they got a new Faculty Lounge/Bathroom out of it) =)
I reccommend this simple recipe since it can be found close by at all times.. GAS (can be substituted with rubbing alcohol) + flour until you make a very watery paste..+ Magnesium (this causes it to burn very hot to catch fire things that might be naturaly fire retardant) and then the container wrapped with cotton (soaked in gas works best) ... the paste will by itself (even without Magnesium) burn well and stick to lots of stuff and continue burning (including people) so if someone stomps it out they will probably catch thier shoe on fire!! =)
The fire will be lit when the Alarm would usualy go off.. it will brun for a long while but it will only burn hot and high for a short period of time.. so put it close to something that will start an even bigger fire... remember if in a structure fire will follow doorways up and travel best down hallways.. and usualy trap people if that is thier means of escape.. this should be considered when setting a fire.. electrical systems and circuit breakers are excellent ways of causing havoc and cutting into people's security and time.. since the breakers are not just tripped but melted or the wires burnt (exposed wires burn very well) then power will be out for at least a day... =)
This recipe doesn't cause any big explosions or any cool blasts.. unless combined with gas from a home... but instead causes a beautiful fire.. that when strategicaly placed can do a great deal of damage..
I always chose a container with a lid.. because bomb experts are afraid you could have rigged the fuse to blow up by the removal of the lid like a box trap with a grenade..
| : |
| G |
| / |
The grenade in secured inside a box and the pin attached to the lid.. when the lid is removed the pin is pulled one less person in the world..
If you want to make the bomb squad shit thier pants make a set-up like this to start the fire when a string is pulled or just leave a Note explaining what will happen if they open it... that alone will cause them to leave it alone..you can aslo do the same set up with this to make it go off when moved ..picked up or bumped... this is done by this method..
closed box
| : |
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| : |============| |
| ----------- : | | |
| {power source}____ ; | explosive | |
| { } ?__|============| |
The "?" stands for a switch.. the switch can one of three kinds that can ALL be found in your local RADIO SHACK! "AMERIKA'S ANARCHY STORE"
These switches are usually used for things like a car alarm and the little light in your fridge or car to make it come on when opened..
Here are some of the switches and how they work...
1. A switch that w/ a spring in it when not pushed in completes a circuit (blows up the bomb) (refrigerator door).
2. A movement sensitive switch (car alarms) that when jiggled complets the circuit.
3. A gravity switch (similar to #1 but no spring) when turned so the switch is pointing down it opens and completes the circuit..
I'm sure you can find uses for these.. (similar uses are explained with grenades in the Anarchist's cookbook if you're not too bright)
That's it..I think you are all smart enough to take it from there..
I've used this design myself on guard dogs.. it killed one (dogs are tough to kill..they don't give up easily and don't know when they are dead) And wounded another. Anyway to make a long story short, I was doing a job up in Oregan and these dogs had me pinned behind this rock wall... I needed to get through them and sound wasn't an object (especially since they were barking up a storm) not out of neccesity but curiosity I used one of these explosives.. the dogs starting to lose interest in me started sniffing around.. I once again pooped up my covered head and started talking to them.. then yelling at them BAD DOG!! Although I'm sure they were trained in German or something (the only German I know is curse words) they started to get the hint and shut up a bit.. so I started acting nicer calling them... and pretending I had something for them secretly with my lighter lit one of these bombs and dropped it in front of them with about 2 seconds on the fuse.. the approaced it and while they were sniffing it it exploded right in two of thier face.. they all jumped.. one slumped over one howled... thy didn't bark after that..and I hid.. obviosly these dogs were gun shy.. I pooped up once more to shoot the two remaing dogs with my brand new Ram-Line Exactor.. its a .22 handgun that had been modified by a friend of mine to preform like the "Stealth" a similar sound suppressed version of the same gun by some guy in Virginia or something. It was perfect for close almost silent kills or wasting guard dogs.. USUALY BEFORE they warned others of your presence..thats all you need to know.. but this handy little ANTI-PERSONEL EXPLOSIVE.. I'm going to tell you how to make works great against up close people... but not so good if you have to be up close yourself to use it...better for homeade boobytraps..
Here's how to make this cool homeade improvised weapon/explosive..
Take ONE M-80 or similar firecracker.. cover in rubber cement or ELMER'S GLUE or wood glue or anything... roll in BB's ... now hand one to your best friend... light it.. stand back.. and watch the fun begin as he blows the fuck out of himself!!
'Happy Bombing!'