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| BY |
| COBALT-60 |
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| WRITTEN ON A BORING 07/15/85 |
Awright, let's see - I and the Airborne Ranger quite often get very bored.
As I am shure is the case as with most of us when our favorite AE's, BBS's, and
Catsends are being leeched by the 300 baud plague. So, as I am sitting here
hoping my mom (We all have one, somewhere) won't come down and tell me to get
the hell to bed, so I don't sleep till 4:00 pm again..O.K., enough of this,
let's go with fun things to do:
1] Mr. Pizza man
Materials required:
(1) slingshot or pellet gun
(2) legs (prefferably ones that move forward and backward quickly)
(3) Ski masks (Or paper bags w/little holes for the eyes)
OK, let's see, in my apartment complex there are many interesting targets-
things such as cats, dogs, windows, joggers, cars playing break-dance music (or
any car for that matter), and buses. This is what we might do on a some dreamy
summer night (Or morning at 2:00): first, if there are'nt any good human
targets walking around for you to pick off from the bushes, what we do is call
up the good old Domino's pizza, and order a good sized pepperoni, and a couple
pepsi's (Ever tasted the new coke yet?? don't!). We hide a couple blocks from
where we told them to deliver it to, and wait beside the road. As Airborne
looks down the road for the little shitter, I have a road flare handy. As the
little butwipe cruises down the road, I light the flare, and toss it into the
road, and make shure my gun is pumped up. He stops at the flare. Then we jump
out with the guns, and Airborne starts yelling at him in russian, pointing the
gun at him, and moving the barrell in such a way as to suggest for him to get
the hell out. I reach inside, grab the pizza box, and the cooler with the
PEPSI'S (If he's got cokes in it, then Airborne starts yelling in russian, and
throws them everywhere) . Then, we both vamoose, not forgetting maybe to get
maybe a couple bucks off of him, and to shoot his car, or him in the leg or
something. Then use dem legs to run to your house, and eat the pizza, and read
the next idea for fun.
2] What's that in the road, george?
We did this the other night, and it was surprisingly fun. First, we went to
the 7-11 store, and got a bunch of bottles from near the dumpster. Then we
went to the garbage room of a nearby condominium, and got two plastic bags full
of catshit and stuff (I don't know, I would'nt open it), and went to a stretch
of road (Two lane) that was'nt very busy, and had trees, or bushes as cover.
First, I went out to the road, and put a bag in each lane, While Airborne put
all of the bottles about 20 feet ahead of the bags. Usually, the guy'll never
see the bottles, but this one was SMART. He slammed on the brakes, looked
around, got out, and threw all the bottles to the side of the road, got back in
his car, and slammd on the gas, content that he had outsmarted some teenager.
then, just as he got some speed, he hit the bags! the catshit and litter flew
for 10 feet behind him, he slid, did a 360, and stopped for about 5 minutes (We
thought he had died of a heart attack), and moved on again with a half
destroyed bag of litter on his hood, and shit everywhere. This time, though,
very slowly.
3] the overlook
materials required:
(1) good throwing arm
(2) eyes
okay, we have a big cliff overlooking a two lane road near my home, and it's
about 100 feet from the road (Downhill), and there's shitloads of dirt clods
laying around. It's pretty damn fun to lob these at passing motorists. You
can throw anything you want at em, shoot em, or whatever. (we prefer rockets
from a shoulder launcher - if you wanna learn how to make really hot rockets
and launchers, keep your eyes open on all fine participating AE's).
4] kill winos
materials required:
(1) a bottle of Zippo lighter fluid (or any inferior brand)
(2) matches
There is a big mall in my town (Santa cruz, ca) that all of the trolls and
winos sleep on at night, and it's great fun to do come up to em quietly, spray
a little fluid on em, and say really psychoitically "Wino-Wino-Oh WIno, Wake
up, wino, getting a little warm, wino?? A little warm???" If you want to, you
can throw the match on them, and watch them run around like richard pryor (This
is too cruel for me, I am just quoting this from my stepbrother a long time
ago). You oughta keep winos around, as they'll buy you anything for a little
bit of money (Hell, I got porno movies, guns, and beer that way) so support
your down and outers!! (This of course does- nt apply when the little scumball
runs off with your money!).
I'm sick of this, so I'll just conclude with a list of shit to do:
waterbalooning, jumping around on cars and roofs, pissing in convertibles,
egging houses, toilet papering houses (or both), shooting dogs that bark all
the time, shooting out windows, or throwing bricks through them, asking girls
how much they are for a half hour, getting a mouth full of ketchup & corn, and
walking into 7-11 or any allnight store, and "puking" on the floor, and walk
out again, flattening cars tires, putting a sheet on a fishing line, and tie it
to a pole, running it accross a street, hold the other ends in the bushes, and
pull it up when a car comes by, the old flaming shit in a bag trick, mugging
break dancers and punks for money, going through garbage bins for credit card
slips, shooting joggers, calling a cop, and tell him there's something going on
at a house that he would have to walk a while to get to, and while he's walking
toward the house, sneak up and steal everything out of his car you can
(shotguns, handcuffs, radios, etc, and paint "Die Honkey" on the hood, and run,
make a big sign with the print shop that says "gay nazi meeting here" and put
it on your "friends" house, have a good old cross burning in front of a blacck
person's house, caling a porno place in new york, recording it, and going
around with it going full blast from a ghetto blaster in a rich neighberhood
(at night for all of this, of course).
Well, I really oughta get some sleep, so have fun with this, and remember
that Willy peter will make you a believer.
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