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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
[FILE DATE - Late May (Too lazy to look at the calendar) '93]
The Association of Social Disorder
* The art of the semi-cheap thrill *
Foreward - This is the first edition of the TASD textfile series that will
focus mainly on the general anarchy and chaos that one can inflict
on other people and often for personal gain. This could include
articles on chemical explosives, stealing, scamming, hacking,
phreaking, virii, programming, carding, general information about
anything that could cause trouble or you could have fun with.
Contents in this amazing issue :
Disclaimer - Fuck the disclaimer, this is a free country.. or is it? We have
the 1st ammendment protecting our right to free speech, right? Anyhow, this
file should explain a few ways of making sure that every American can realize
what he or she could do if the need ever arised that you needed to cause chaos,
but not like any of us would do THAT, now would we?
PAINTBALL - Here is a fun, new object of pain and fun on the scene, paintball
guns. Easily availible with the new popularity of paintball fields across the
country. While not especially cheap (ok, maybe this isn't a TOTALLY cheap
thrill file) they are usually worth the money of seeing some poor, innocent
lamer screaming in pain after being hit by 10 semi-frozen .68 caliber
paintballs traveling many hundreds of feet per second into the side of their
head, bare skinned leg, arm, ect. These suckers welp, bruise, bleed, scar. I
have a pretty good mark on my left calf after a friend of mine shot me from
2 feet away thinking the gun was empty.
Anyhow, you can purchase, steal, card, whatever a paintgun fairly easily
and start having fun. Get a semi-automatic paintgun if you can, it is worth
it. Next get a CO2 container, at least a 20 oz., then get a case of 2500
paintballs. Ok, now you have your over priced pneumatic paint spewers,
required oily substance paintballs, and plenty o' presurized liquid CO2,
decide who you don't like. This part shouldn't be too hard. Now, after
you find out where mr x. lives, what kind of car he drives, and what his
favorite Saturday morning cartoon is go to his house and shoot the living
fuck out of the house, car, dog, sister, mr. x, dad ect. Paintballs may be
washable out of clothes, but they DON'T come out of stained wood houses,
and they do a damned good job of denting cars, smahing out plastic lights,
you get the idea. The type of paint gun I would recommend would be the
Auto-Mag, or an F-2 Illustrator, easy to clean if a ball breaks, and they
can fire balls REALLY quick.
One night when I was out paintballing, we were going down the street, and
popping cars off at a new car lot, always funny to come back the next day and
see the lot owner's shit their pants. Oh, by the way, did I mention that
it is a much better idea to do this type of stuff at night, and in a vehicle,
preferably 4 wheel drive. Also remember one time when we hit a pizza dude
in the head with a paintball, he dropped his pizzas and started chasing us,
but this is when we decided to 4 wheel drive our way up to the great
Anyhow point is, there are a lot of things that you can do with a paintball
gun, and you can find many fun items that need to be a different color, or
in a different shape. Have a blast....
EASY EASY EASY FIREBOMBS - Ok, this one we came across after reading the back
of a bag of chlorine shock treatment. Says that you are not to mix this
stuff with pretty much anything, but mainly emphasized the petroleum products
category. So what do we do? We mix Chlorine with some brake fluid and normal
unleaded gas. We mixed about 2-3 spoonfuls of Chlorine shock treatment (75%
availible chlorine) with about the same amount of brake fluid/gas mixture in
a coffee can with a lid sealed. So we waited a little bit, nothing was
happening. One of my friends decided he wanted to go and take a look inside
the can, it was right after he said that when it went BOOM!. So we
experimented a little more. We found out the more chlorine you put in, the
faster it blows. We found this out the hard way when we drove up to a pay
phone and decided to blow it up. The driver was filling a 1 liter pop
bottle when I noticed it was about 25% full of Cl, at this point I was
wondering if that was real smart. So he added the brake fluid, thinking he
had a good minute and half, put the lid on the bottle, and reached to put it
outside on the payphone and <BOOSH!>. A giant boom, and a fireball came back
inside the car, along with a lot of chlorine and burned brake fluid. We all
thought he had blown his hand off, but remarkably he didn't have a single
burn, although he had a lot of chlorine chunks on him, and his car. Everyone
in the car about threw up after inhaling all the wonder gases, so I don't
recommend breathing the resulting smoke. Point is, don't put too much chlorine
in, it will go. Find out how much you need for different timings. Once again,
have a blast.
FUN AT HOTELS - This is a fun little scam to pull on hotels. Go into a hotel
and sit in the lobby where you can hear people checking in. Listen for some
of the people's names, and sorta follow them to their rooms. Obviously don't
make it look like you are intentionally following them. And watch what room
number they go in. Leave, come back later when different people are at the
front desk, and go to one of the convieniently placed courtesy phones in most
hotels for inter-hotel communication, and ring up the rooms of the people
you followed, until you get a room with no answer. Decide if you want to
get into this room or another one on your list. Who you hit is up to you,
just don't do more than one room per front desk shift, they get kinda
suspicious after a while. Anyhow, after you picked your room where the
people are not there, go to the desk and say you need the key, because
someone else (probably the person who payed for the room) is your dad, brother
etc. has the key and you forgot to get it from them before they left. They will
more than likely ask for the name of the person paying for the room, and the
room number. Then if your lucky, they will give you the extra key and smile
real goofy like. Once you are in their room, have a blast. Take what you want,
hit the alcohol bar by the bed, or take their shit laying around that looks
valuable. Easy as that. Scams are fun.
THE ART OF RIPPING OFF BIG STORES - Ok, lets think for a minute ( I know, this
will be hard for some of you ). What type of place has a lot of expenisive,
technical shit, that no one that works there knows about? Right, large multi
item stores that also have computer sections. Sure, they have their computer
GW-Basic wizard Anthony working, but I don't think he will be much of a
problem. Most of the computer "sales staff" at stores like Service Merchandise,
Montgomery Wards ect, had their only computer training working the cash
registers at McDonalds. Next question is, How can I take advantage of this
Ok, here is one really good way. I have done this personally many times,
and have not been caught yet. Buy the item that you want at one of these type
of stores, make it something that you can replace with something else that
looks similar to your just bought item, like internal modems, hard drives,
video cards. Anyhow, you buy these, take them home and replace them with
something else that looks fairly close to the item you just bought, like
many 2400 bps modems look very similar 14.4k internals, 3.5x1 inch hard drives
all look very close when the stickers have been blow dried (heated) off one
40 meg drive and slapped on another 230 meg drive. Ok, so now you have the
cheaper item in the box, and the more expensive item in your computer, or
for sale, ect. Next take the item back for a refund, and watch the sales
people fumble with the modem/hard drive/ect, acting like they have a clue and
handing back your money. Sound easy? It is. Go have fun. Oh, by the way, hayse
external modems are also game, because the shells of all their modems look
identical. The 14.4k Ultra, and 1200 smartmodem look the exact same, just
switch faceplates, and there is virtually NO way to get nailed.
This concludes the first edition of the TASD magazine/newsletter/textfile
completed by TASD. I hoped you learned something. I will continue to make
this textfile series as long as I find enough information that EVERY other
t-file series doesn't already have, which shouldn't be too hard.
If you need to get in touch with me (Wilco) then you can leave me mail on
any of the following boards :
Realm of Warriors [201] 728-0941 NUP : Darkness
Ripco ][ [312] 528-5020
Countdownt to Extinction [212]
Phoenix Modernz Systems [908]
---- NOTE
Official distribution sites have not been designated at this time. If you
would like to become a TASD courier, please leave me mail. Until official
sites are designated, the latest TASD textfiles should be availible on the
above boards.