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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
{*} ______________________________ {*}
{*} / \ {*}
{*} / Construction Site Fun \ {*}
{*} / \ {*}
{*} | Written By : | {*}
{*} | The Kracker & | {*}
{*} \ The Trash Can Man / {*}
{*} \ / {*}
{*} \________________________________/ {*}
Welcome to Construction Site Fun. Here you will learn how to vandalize
your most "FAVORITE" construction site. Any of these bastards ever wake you up
at 5:00 in the morning just to dig a hole or move dirt,well not anymore,becaus
e they won't have any equipment left to do their work.
# Truck Fun...... #
This is probably the funest part of the job.Bring all your bare
neccessities for this one :
Gloves (no fingerprints!)
Magic Markers
Krazy Glue
pasta or spaggetti
sharp knife
plenty of tape and spray paint
Ok now get to work......
First off glue every fucking lock shut on the truck with the krazy glue.The sa
me with any hinges on the door.You don't want these little pricks getting in
their trucks to disturb you at 5am. Also krazy glue the gas cap shut so they
can't get any gas in their trucks.Next bash the windows in on the truck.For
this you might wanna bring a brick or lead pipe.Once you have done this,crawl
inside and bring you knife and cut open the seats.Take all the stuffing out so
they will have to sit on metal seats with it nice little fuckin' springs.
Then destroy the dash and anything else left in the truck(again you might
wanna bring your brick or lead pipe to do the job).Then climb out and get your
markers and spray paint ready.Now what you will do is sign it.I suggest you
put something on it like ISLAMIC JAHAD or some nice little Arab flags all over
the place.The sign a name to it like ABU-NIDDAL or AHMAD-JOHOVA-HABAL or any
other catchy name (if you want sign it as : JESUS WAS HERE,scare the shit out
of 'em,eh?).When you sign the name use your opposite writting hand and make it
really sloppy,just like those fucking pig Arabs....
You can also glue the spaggetti all over the truck for an added effect.A liite
sauce might also flavor it up.
A liitle added note: take the sugar and put it in the gas tank before you glue
it shut......
# Trailer Fun...... #
Now on to the trailer where they do all of their work and shit.First,get
out your krazy glue again and glue down anything that moves.Then take out
your knife again and cut down any wires connecting to their trailer,you DON'T
wanna give 'em power to do work.Then take your brick or lead pipe and bust
just ONE window,and leave the implement that you did it with in the trailer,
i'm sure it'll shake 'em up a little.Then with the remaining windows write
nice little words on them,put 'em on backwards so they'll see it from inside.
Finally,take your marker once more and sign it just like the truck.But this
time,draw a giant Arab flag stretching across the whole trailer,and you might
also wanna draw a giant DICK on it to.....
# Various Fun......... #
This is the shit you do on your way out of the site.Take any loads of hay
you see and throw it all over.If there is any wire holding it together then
cut it and break up all the hay and throw it any place you see fit.If you
really wanna destroy them light they hey on fire.It will attract all of the
local loers and druggies from all around.If they start to come in by the dozen
s then krazy glue the markers and krazy glue container to their hands and call
the cops,this way they will be caught red handed.
On your way out you may also wanna glue rocks on grass to any trucks or
trailers sitting around.It would be pretty funny to see a rock glued to the
hood of one of their trucks,might look like a hood ornament 'eh?
You also fill up any holes they might have dug out too.....
Well that's it for now but soon :
Construction Site Fun II,
The Finished Housing Development!
Also : Implements Of Torchure Vol.1
Krazy Glue Kapers Vol.1
All implements of destruction here performed,tested and written by :
The Kracker
The Trash Can Man
Be back with MoRe DeStRuCtIoN................