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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Submitted by: Aaron A.
I have enjoyed looking at the files in and around your homepage. They
have given me many ideas for pranking people in my dorm. I have a few cool
pranks that might be of
interest that I didn't see in your pages. I also didn't see a full copy
of Poor MAn's James Bond by Kurt Saxon. That is a great book which has a
lot of cool things in it which could add to your pages. Some excerpts
were from the book, but I couldn't locate many. There is a book on
acquiring useful chemicals made by the same company which is supposedly a
keeper. I am a lifelong prankster who enjoys reading files like yours.
Keep up the good work. Here are some pranks that are devious
but aren't common knowledge:(I am not responsible for actions done by people
who want to do these)
1.) " CATTING"
Take a piece of cardboard and cut it into the shape and size of a
lifesize cat. Paint it black. Take marbles and secure them on the
cardboard so they look like eyes. Make sure the marbles are reflective
(i.e. glass). At night prop it up in the middle of a dark road. The
glare from the headlights will make it look like there is a cat in the
road. The common reaction is too slam on the brakes. Warning:this can
sometimes cause a wreck. SIt in a bush nearby with a beer and watch.
2.) "Fun with a video"
Take a vcr tape and break it. Take the film out and wrap it around two
telephone poles on opposite sides of the street. Use alot of the film
making a large thick layer of film. Make sure that the wrapping covers a
large vertical area without any holes. A car may not see the tape until
they are right in front of it. The tape will reflect the headlights of a
car, making it look like a car is heading straight at them. It has
similar effects to catting.
Buy a few thousand plastic forks from the grocery store. THis takes a
lot of time, but the effects are well worth it. QUIETLY go into
someone's yard and go nuts! Stick forks all over their yard. It's a
bitch gettin all those forks out, and it looks hilarious! Make sure that
you put a few thousand in their yard at least. If you want to be real
mean, break the ends of the forks off so they cant get the ends out and
jab the handles in. It'll be fun mowing the yard after that-fork
shrapnel will go everywhere! This is good for annoying neighbors. It
takes a lot of time, but it's different. It's a good change up from
mailbox bashing and toilet papering.
4.) "Fun with bottle rockets"
Go to a road with woods nearby with a pack of bottle rockets and a large
metal pipe. Lean the pipe against a tree at an angle, aiming it at the road.
Drag a tree or something to obstrust the road. Put bottle rockets all
around the end of the pipes with the sticks on the inside and th wicks on
the outside. Have a lighter ready. Make sure that the car has to stop.
Wait till the driver gets out of the car to move the branch, then light
all the fuses so about 10 to twelve bottle rockets will shoot at the
car. It really freaks people out! Run like hell if they get real
pissed, and have an escape plan ready to make sure you can't be caught by
them or the authorities. 25 yards is a good distance to be from the road
and it gives you a helluva good start.
5.)"Roman Candles"
Find a random house where the people are home in the middle of the night.
Setup a roman candle so it will hit the door of the victim's house. Ring
the doorbell. When they come to the door, light the fuse. Flaming
colored balls will be sure to scare a weary person in the middle of the
night. They'll probably slam the door so it's hard to get caught. Bring
a camera to get the expression on their face. It is simple, fun, and
sure to get a good laugh.