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! A N A R C H Y !
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% F U N %
! AND !
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% By: The Deth Vegetable %
! !
% Volume 1 Issue 2 %
Welcome to the long awaited <or dreaded, as the case may be> issue #2 of
Anarchy for Fun and Profit. In this issue I'll mostly be talking about
offensive explosive devices, with a few regular type things too...
ahh, heres a little anthem type thingy written by another LUCIPHER member
to go with these files:
" Bombs are fun, Bombs are great, Bombs help you lose that excess weight;
Lose that finger, Lose that limb, Bombs help keep that body slim! "
- Iskra
! Note to Law-enforcement type people: !
! This file is intended to promote !
! general havoc and *ANARCHY*, and !
! since your going to be the first !
! assholes up against the wall.. there !
! isnt a damn thing you can do about !
! it, pigs! !
Well now that we have gotten that little tidbit over with, on to the main
Pipe Bomb
Metal pipe about 1 ft. long screw on ends.
Sometype of filler explosive (black powder does nicely)
Ok Drill a hole in the middle of the pipe something like this:
|/| o <-hole |\| <-PIPE
Then screw one of the end caps on one end TIGHTLY (use a wrench or something
you DONT want it blowing off) and add the Powder (or other filler), do NOT ram
or tamp it down, NEVER do that to explosives... in the case of Black Powder
it is harmless, but it can set many explosives off... anyway, after you have
poured in the powder, tap the pipe up against something so the powder will set
a bit, and then add any more if you can... repeat this process until the
powder no longer settles to a point where you can add more. Now add the cap to
the end of the pipe (once again make sure it is tight) and insert a Wick or
other igniter into the hole (preferably a rather long fuse, since Pipe bombs
throw off shrapnel. If you dont know what Shrapnel is its the metal parts of
the bomb shredded by the explosion and thrown off by the force of the blast.
(i.e. little metal strips that go through things <like trees and people>))
Quick Suicide Method #1
Hydrogen Peroxide (available at any drug store)
Platinum Filings
Basically as soon as the Platinum contacts the Hydrogen Peroxide they React
with each other, filling 700,000 times the original volume (of the Hydrogen
Peroxide) with expanding gasses. Immediately! this is 700 times as powerful
as Nitro-Glycerin... so like if you do it, your DEAD... but of course if you
could somehow rig it to mix under someone THEY would be dead.. more in the
next section... I have never preformed this particular experiment personally
(mostly because i dont exactly feel like exploding), but i know it works
because of the chemistry involved.... Unfortunately, Platinum is VERY Expensive
(moreso then gold) but the good news is, you can re-use it...if your still
around to recover it afterward....[Note: Platinum is sometimes called
'White Gold']
Grenade (using above chemicals)
Basically just get a rather large Test tube and pour some hydrogen
Peroxide into it until the test tube is about 1/3 full... Then pour in some
melted Parrafin Wax (candle Wax) . this will float on the surface of the
Hydrogen Peroxide.. wait about 5 minutes for the wax to dry.. then pour in
more until the layer of wax is about 1/2 inch thick.. and wait 10 minutes
for this to dry. Now add some Platinum filings on top of the wax and cork
the top of the test tube. You now have a grenade, and a fairly powerful
one at that... When thrown the test tube breaks and lets the platinum and the
hydrogen peroxide mix and...>B00M< ('nuff said)
This is VERY simple just make a pile of Aluminum Filings (you can get these
by filing down aluminum nails) and Iron Rust. Make sure that these are well
mixed together. You now have Thermite. The problem is.. how to det it off?
Basically you need to get your hands on some Magnesium... either buy some
or steal some. anyway, Magnesium burns very hot. You light the Magnesium
on fire with a lighter or something and then light the Thermite on fire
with the Magnesium [warning: Dont look diresctly at the Magnesium while it
burns, because it is so bright it can hurt your eyes] Also DONT put the
Thermite on anything you plan to keep as Thermite will burn most everything
(like steel) So i recomend doing it in a Clay flowerpot (these work well) or
possibly on Concrete or something.....
Nitrogen Tri-Iodide (method #3)
Make up a strong tincture of Iodine using 1/2 cup of Alcohol (wood alcohol
is preferable). Add Iodine crystals and shake vigorously until no more will
dissolve. Pour the liquid into a jar Then add
the Ammonium Hydroxide (household ammonia) and stir the mixture until the
mixture is chocolate brown (in color, obviously) and shows a little of the
original color of the Iodine. The ammount of ammonia necessary will depend
on its strength. The solution should be filitered immediately, and shouldnt
even wait 10 or 15 minutes, because it starts to dissolve again. The explosive
should be stored and applied while wet. This material is chemically the same
as the granular type, but it is much more finely divided.
Nitrogen Tri-Iodide (method #4)
Dissolve 1 gram of Potassium Iodide in about 90cc of 18% - 22% ammonium
hydroxide. Add 4 grams of pulverized Iodine. A deep black sediment should
start forming. Let stand, and stir frequently fo 5 minutes. Then, filter as
usual. (note: household ammonia is usually 10%)
Lead Azide
[Note: this is a contact explosive, therefore very dangerous]
Dissolve 1.3 grams of Sodium Azide in water, you shouldnt use more water
then neccessary. In a separate container dissolve 3.3 grams of lead nitrate,
again only using as much water as needed to get it to dissolve. When the two
clear liquids are mixed, a white precipitate of Lead Azide will settle out of
the mixture. Continue adding the lead Nitrate solution, while stirring, until
no more Lead Azide precipitates out. You may not need to use it all. The
precipitate is filtered out and rinsed several times with distilled water
(you can get this at your local supermarket for about $3 a gallon). Its a good
idea to store this explosive in its wet form, as it is LESS sensitive this way
[Note: it is still explosive in this form, unlike Nitrogen Tri-Iodide]. But it
is best not to store it at all. If you do store this, NEVER STORE MORE THEN
ONE (1) GRAM IN EACH CONTAINER !!! (remember 9 grams of explosive are 729
times as powerful as 1 gram). It is also a good idea to store this stuff in
a soft plastic container... to minimize the chance of injury from flying shards
of its container in case of accidental detonation. Also make sure that the
mouth of the container is wiped CLEAN before you put the lid on, just the shock
of the cap being removed is enough to set off any dried powder that could be
wedged in between the cap and bottle...
ALSO, dont forget that after youve removed the precipitate from the filter
paper, there will still be enough left to make the filter paper explode.
Auto exhaust Flame thrower
Install a sparkplug into the last four or five inches of the tailpipe of a car
by drilling a hole that the plug can screw into easily. Attach a regular
insulated wire to the spark plug, run the other end to a switch. The other side
of the switch is attached to the positive terminal on the battery. With the car
running just flip the switch and >F00SH<. Becareful the flames can shoot out as
far as 30 feet.
Well thats about it for this issue... in the next issue (due out in June
sometime) we will deal with some methods of 'phun'.
Thanks to:
The Purple Snorklewhacker
The Works BBS (home of L.U.C.I.P.H.E.R.)
and last and least
Lyndon LaRouche.
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(if you can make a better one, we'll use it)