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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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++ How To make Smokeless Powder ++
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++ By: Meter Totin of the D.P.C. ++
++ ++
++ Call the Promblaster BBS/ae ++
++ HQ of the DPC 303-422-3759 ++
++ ++
Smokeless powder is the strongest of the so called low power explosives and is
also one of the most stable. It is much stonger black powder. It is also rela-
tively easy to make. Which makes it one of the most popular explosives today.
Instructions : Making Smokeless Powder
1. Boil cotton for 30 minutes, in a 2% solution of sodium hydroxide.
2. Wash the cotton in hot water and allow to dry.
3. Mix slowly and carefully at 25 de- grees centigrade, 250 cc. of concen-
trated sulfuric acid, 150 cc. of con- centrated nitric acid, and 20 cc. of
water. They must be kept at 25 degrees C.
4. Next place the dried cotton in the acid solution, and stir well with
either a glass or porcelain rod. DO NOT use a metal one! This should be done
for 35 minutes.
5. After nitration the acids are washed away, and the cotton is wahed in
boiling water 5 times, each time for 25 minutes. The cotton is given several
tests with litmus paper. If any of the acids are present, a 2% sloution of
sodium bycarb- onate shoud take care of what ever is left. This is important
since any acids left act as an impurity to the explo- sive making it more
Use : Of Smokeless Powder
Well that is up to you. I should mention that you need to be careful when
using this since it is extremely powerful and very dangerous. If you have not
had any experience in these matters do not attempt to make it.
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