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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Take a flat piece of plastic or metal
(brass or aluminum are easy to work
with and won't rust). Drill a 1/16th
inch hole through it. This is your die
for sizing the fuse. You can make fuses
as big as you want, but this is the
right size for the pipe bomb I will be
getting to later. To about 1/2 cup of
black powder add water to make a thin
paste. Add 1/2 teaspoon of corn starch.
Cut some one foot lengths of cotton
thread. Use cotton, not silk or thread
made from synthetic fibers. Put these
together until you have a thickness
that fills the hole in the die but can
be drawn through very easily. Tie your
bundle of threads together at one end.
Separate the threads and hold the
bundle over the black powder mixture.
Lower the threads with a circular
motion so they start curling onto the
mixture. Press them under with the back
of a teaspoon and continue lowering
them so they coil into the paste. Take
the end you are holding and thread it
through the die. Pull it through
smoothly in one long motion. To dry
your fuse, lay it on a piece of
aluminum foil and bake it in your 250
degree oven or tie it to a grill in the
oven and let it hang down. The fuse
must be baked to make it stiff enough
for the uses it will be put to later.
Air drying will not do the job. If you
used Sodium Nitrate, it will not even
dry completely at room temperatures.
Cut the dry fuse with sissors into 2
inch lengths and store in an air tight
container. Handle this fuse carefuly to
avoid breaking it. You can also use a
firecracker fuse if you have any
available. The fuses can usually be
pulled out without breaking. To give
yourself some running time, you will be
extending these fuses (blackmatch or
firecracker fuse) with sulfured wick.
cotton string about 1/8th inch in
diameter. You can find some at a garden
supply for tieing up your tomatoes. Be
sure it's cotton. You can test it by
lighting one end. It sould continue to
burn after the match is removed and
when blown out will have a smoldering
coal on the end. Put some sulfur in a
small container like a small pie pan
and melt it in the oven at 250 degrees.
It will melt into a transparent yellow
liquid. If it starts turning brown, it
is too hot. Coil about a one foot
length of string into it. The melted
sulfur will soak in quickly. When
saturated, pull it out and tie it up to
cool and harden. It can be cut to
desired lengths with sissors. 2 inches
is about right. These wicks will burn
slowly with a blue flame and do not
blow out easily in a moderate wind.
They will not burn through a hole in a
metal pipe, but are great for extending
your other fuse. They will not throw
off sparks. Blackmatch generates sparks
which can ignite it along its length
causing unpredictable burning times.
Now you have the basic ingredients to
shake the earth like thunder. In the
next installment or two, I will tell
you how to put it all together to do ju
st that. You will find that you have
baked a very deadly pie. I have twice
been accused of setting off dynamite in
the woods. The explosive power of your
little grey powder may exceed your
expectations, so choose your testing
ground with care.