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Credit Card Guide
How to card and not get caught
Cobra Commander
First of all you need to have a nice virgin CC. I think we all know that the
best cards are the virgin ones. Why? first of all they havent been used before,
2nd. they have no note on them. Meaning they they are not lost or stolen.
Now you have a number,great. Call up a company from computer shopper. The best
ones are the one who have a little piece of shit ads. That means like the
company doesn't have a lot of money. Next call up and say
You: "I would like some information about {Product you want to card}
Them: "What kind of information"
You: "Well,basicly the price,what is included in the package."
Them:"Well the price is {$XXX}, and etc..
Also if you know what is the price and what comes with the package, and you
don't have time to waste use this methood.
You: "I was talking to a salesman earlier about {The producut} and I wasen't
sure about ordering it. I have thought it over and I want to order it. Can
I order it right through you?"
Them:"Sure,lemme get a sales sheet"
NOTE:Act like a person who doesn't know that much about {the product}, so when
they tell you some thing you already know,act suprise etc..
Answer to questions they ask.
for example
Q:"What is the name on the card"
A:"My name [Give anyname unless you have the real name of the card]"
Q:"What is your billing addess?"
A:"Give any addrss you like,but remember the address,so like write it down"
Note:Ask if you can have it sent to your nephew for a birthday present.
So that way its not send the billing address.
Q:"What is your phone number"
A:"Give sierra's online number 209-683-4463 <-that number is always busy!"
Q:"Is this a day or night time number"
A:"All around my office is at my home"
Q:"How would you like this to be send out"
A:"I would like to sent U.P.S Red label,since tommorow is nephew's birthday"
Q:"This will cost extra"
A:"I am aware of that,He is the only nephew I have!. And he is importent to me"
Q:"What city do you live in?"
A:"Coarsgold Ca, <-Sierra's Town! I think. Zip=98164"
Q:"Where did you get our number?"
A:"Computer Shopper,or say A busniss associate of mine."
Q:"Ok,if there is any problems shell I call you?"
A:"Ok, I am on my out, I will give you a call back in an hour"
Q:"What bank issued the card?"
A: Some times they just ask it to look good,but most of the times they check.
So if it's like a big company,fuck it. But if it's a little company that has
a little computer shopper add,then say "Citibank"
Note:Act like you are not into computers,don't correct them if they say
something wrong about anything. Alwayes say thank you for anything they say.
Note:Ask for a catalog of their prices! (That makes it look like you are
inrested in more products!
Note:Never mumble! Never say hold on! Never swear!!!!!
Well,thats all I can think of now from past knowledge! For more info!
Stairway to Heaven 203-393-0451
Sysop : Cobra Commander