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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
- How to make a dry ice bomb -
This is one of the most simple bombs to make. It is used for many
different things. If your just out having fun take a two liter soda
bottle and fill it three quarters with water. Then take a piece of dry
ice and crush it. Put just enough to make a layer at the bottom of the
jug. Now cap it and run! You wil have about 10 to 15 sec before it
detonates. It will make quite a boom! I set of a car alarm 30 - 40
feet away with one of these! Now if you are in a war or need one for
self defense you can do the same procedure exept use a glass bottle.
this will throw glass shrapnel, so it can do some damage on a human.
Do not in any way use this on a person unless you are AT WAR!!!!
So be careful!! **CAUTION** There is no set time for detonation so it
is NOT wise to hold in your hand!!!! Here are a few other things you can
do with dry ice:
1. Mix 1 part egg, 1 part paint, 1 part, wipped cream, and fill a two
litter bottle with it. Put about two inches of dry ice in the bottom.
Cap it and get creative.