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The following is a walk through for Star Trek: 25th Anniversay.
It is possible that you can get extra points for following a certain dialogue (friendly, aggresive, eat this, etc.). So if you find that you didn't get 100%, but know that you got everything, goback and try saying different things to the people and creatures that you meet. You can also try taking, looking, and using your tricorder on different people and items. That will sometimes raise yor mission score.
After the fight, go to Navigation and select Pollux V as your destinaton. Upon arriving, orbit the planet. Beam down to the planet (tab, click on Kirk, select second opton or press (K)irk, select second option). Make sure your shields are down. TALK to the man. Go noth. USE your phaser (any one) to shoot the Klingons that pop up. They will only stun your players,so there's not a whole lot to worry about. GET the hand of the Klingon that falls off. Go north. ET the berries at the right of the cave entrance. Go back to the 'village' (south, south). Enter th bottom building. USE Bones on the injured man. USE the berries on the man standing at the far lef of the screen (not part of the OA party). Leave the building. Enter the top building. USE the beries on the same man as before. USE the berries on the Ardak-4 (machine at the upper-left). USE th hand on the man. USE the hand on the workbench (center of screen). USE the glass case (make sure ou aren't using something on the glass case). After you talk to the man, GET the twisted metal (farright) and the skull (far left). USE the computer. Leave the building. Enter the bottom building. USE the hypo- ditoxin on the injured man. Leave the building. Go north, north, north. (Best to sae here.) USE the phaser on the rocks. You MUST shoot the very top rock that is a little left of thecenter of the screen first. After that, the order doesn't matter. You just want to clear the doorwy. USE Bones on the man. USE the hand on the panel. USE the panel just beneath the three colored sheres. Set the dials so that they are just a little below center, and only ONE colored mark from eah column lights up. A booth should then pop up. USE key on creature.
Go to Navigation an select Beta Myamid. After the fight, Orbit the planet. Hail the ship (tab, click on Uhura, selectthe icon). Talk to Spock. Look up the entry for MASADA on the Computer. Make note of the input ovrride code 293391-197736-3829. Hail the Masada. Select to send the input override code though (dont hail the pirates). Beam over to the ship. Make sure your shields are down. USE Bones on man. GT item in locker (transmogrifier). Go east. GET items at bottom right hand corner of screen. USE haser on welder (click on USE icon, click on your inventory, click on phaser, click on inventory agan, click on welder). USE welder on scraps of metal. USE comb bit on transmogrifier. Go into brig (oor on the right wall). Get ready with your phasers though. USE stun Use Spock on the wires undernath the panel. Use panel. Get wires. GET the bomb. Go west. Use welder on door to the west of it DON'T go to bridge!. Go South. You should be back in the transporter room now. USE the modified ransmogrifier on the transporter controls. USE the long set of wires on the controls. USE the tranporter pad. Once you have beamed over, immediately TALK to the captain of the pirates (center of th screen) and tell him to surrender.
Go to Navigation and select Ark-7. Afer the fight, beam over to the Masada. Go West(Red door). Use freezer. Get culture. Close freeze. Go north (center doors). GET wrench. USE red panel (right). USE wrench on vent. USE vent on enineering access panel (left of screen). GET insulation. Go south. USE insulation on distiller (itwill make polyberylcarbonate). Go thru top WEST door. Use cabinet. Get antigrav unit. USE wrench o turn on gas feed (knob above tanks of gas). USE synthesizer. GET bottle of water. USE poly
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