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22 lines
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KOBAYASHI NARU (Mastertronic 1987)
Please be aware of the fact that this game (like the closely related Shard of Inovar, by the same authors, I think) hardly makes _ANY_ sense at all; it does, however, have loads of silly spelling (klam, omask, scimitax?? Come on, guys, buy a dictionary!). Game on!
(You start at the three gates)
GET SCIMITAX, S, ASCEND TREE, ANALYSE TREE (you notice some pods), DESCEND TREE, THROW SCIMITAX AT STEMS, GET POD, ANALYSE PLANT (there is a leaf on it), GET LEAF, N, E, ACTIVATE POD, THROW POD AT MAW (the plant hurls you over the barrier), S, GET FLOWER, USE LEAF (against the gas), N, ASCEND OBELISK, JUMP BARRIER, W, W, W, N.
ACTIVATE SOLANCE, PULL SOLANCE (it slices through the metal), N, ANALYSE TUNNEL, ANALYSE CLIFF (you see the Omask), GET OMASK, USE OMASK (against the gass in the tunnel), ACTIVATE SOLANCE (it deactivates), E, E, E, ACTIVATE SOLANCE, CUT ANTENNAE (the creature disappears), E, E, E, SWIM WATER, SWIM KLAM, GET PEARL, USE SOLANCE (it keeps the klam open), SWIM WATER, ASCEND KLAM, PUSH BOULDERS (they create a path), DESCEND CLIFF, S, E.
ANALYSE MEGAUNIT (there is a Lasalite on one side), ACTIVATE MEGAUNIT (off!), GET LASALITE, S, E, JUMP PIT, E, ACTIVATE LASALITE, DROP LASALITE (it pulls the wheel to you), GET LASALITE, GET WHEEL, W, THROW WHEEL IN PIT (the droid fetches it), JUMP HOVERDROID (it flies you across the yellow area), ANALYSE PERCH (you find a secret passage), W, USE LASALITE (you smash the computer), E, ACTIVATE COMPUTER (off!), S, S, GET WHEEL, W, W, JUMP PIT, W, N, N (you have collected the three items and have completed the game! (Thank goodness!))
Jacob Gunness - d.25/7-1990.